The Thin End of the Wedge Pt. 05

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Sally tries to turn the tables on Tom but becomes a whore.
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Part 5 of the 12 part series

Updated 05/26/2024
Created 03/03/2024
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Previously in The Thin End of the Wedge: Sally, whose sexuality has been awakened by her husband suggesting she fuck his friend George, has now become part of the sex party scene at The Manor. Her last outing was a twenty man gangbang, and she stayed behind for an evening sex show in which Beauty and the Beast took on a completely different complexion from the cartoon and movie. Her husband Tom is due back from his business trip today. Now read on...

Sally woke late from a deep sleep, the best she'd had for a long time. She rolled around languidly in the sheets and planned her day ahead. Tom will be back some time mid afternoon, she thought, so a trip to the convenience store for some food and drink is needed. She also had a wicked idea, perhaps she could turn the tables on her husband by making him fuck one of her friends and filming him as he puffed and panted. Perhaps sticking the resulting film on the internet!

A leisurely shower, a relaxed breakfast, and Sally was ready for some shopping. As part of her plan to get fitter, so she could be better at sex, she decided not to use the car. A brisk walk, returning with bags of shopping, would be good exercise, and much cheaper than a gym subscription.

When she arrived at the store a familiar figure was sat on a small piece of cardboard by the side of the entrance. It was Vanessa, or Van as she preferred to be called. Her hat, containing a scatter of coins, was by her feet. The last time Sally had seen her, just yesterday, she'd been play acting the reluctant victim at one of Harold and Diane's sex parties. It was a very convincing performance and made Sally look at the homeless girl in a completely new light.

"Hello Van.", said Sally, dropping change into the young girl's hat. "How are you today?"

"Hello Mrs... Doin' fine. You surprised me yesterday. I'd never have put you down as someone who went to the Manor parties."

"It's only happened very recently. I've sort of developed an itch for it. It was Tom that started it off."

"Your cheapskate husband?"

"Van! Really! Though you're right, Tom never wants to give you anything."

"I'm used to it."

"Well he wanted to watch me being...",she looked around to check if other customers were listening, "... fucked by his friend George."

"Yeah, really? And I guess you did it."

"Yes. And it was fun. I told Diana about it, and the rest you know.", she paused, should she mention something about yesterday afternoon? "I have to say I was convinced by your performance, you're quite the actress."

"Thank you kind Ma'am."

"I've got to get some shopping but did you fancy lunch at the cafe, on me?"

"Are you sure you want to be seen with me?"

"I can think of nobody better."

"Okay. You do know...", she indicated the convenience store as she collected her hat and cardboard, "... that Mrs Gupta does an Indian Goddess routine for Diana and Harold?"

"No I didn't. You must tell me more."

Lunch at the Tea Pot cafe was very enjoyable. There was, of course, no Mindy doing her waitress job because she and John had gone on their honeymoon - courtesy of Diana and Harold. Sally wondered what Mindy would think about the Caribbean men and if the couple would be tempted to indulge in a black cock cuckold fantasy.

Carmel was in the cafe kitchen as usual. It looked to Sally as if Carmel was having trouble walking. That was to be expected, she supposed, given the violent pounding the Beast had given her for nearly an hour the previous evening. At least she wasn't still comatose!

"Do yah think she's regretting yesterday?", asked Van. "Diana told me that she was going to face The Beast."

"She won the Tens competition, and asked for The Beast as her prize. But I got the feeling last night she'd never actually met him, only heard he was well endowed. I'd swear the expression on her face when he lumbered onto the stage was not acting, she really was shocked."

"Yes, well there's well endowed and then there's fucking monstrous.", replied Van, with her usual bluntness. "Harold has a special room for The Beast so the other performers don't get to see him in advance. Then the surprise is real, no acting required."

"Would you like to come home with me and meet my husband?" Sally blurted out. She was aware she was abruptly changing the subject, but she needed to ask before she lost courage.


"I wondered if you would let him fuck you. He asked me to fuck his friend, George, and I thought I'd like to turn the tables on him. Put him under the spotlight, watch and film him trying to look like a porn star."

"So he's not a stud?"

"Far from it. He's a bread and butter man. Or perhaps you could say a vanilla ice cream man."

"Did you say you wanted some vanilla ice cream?" It was Carmel, who had wandered close to their table.

"Yes please.", said Van.

"I'll send the new lad with it. My hips are giving me hell today.", said Carmel.

"I'm surprised you're working at all.", whispered Sally, "I saw your 'performance' yesterday. It was amazing watching you take such a cock. How you managed it I don't know but it was impressive."

"Why thank you Sally.", replied Carmel, quietly, "Part two of the show was a bit of a shock, a lot more than I was expecting. I did really enjoy it, I like to feel really full with a man's cock, but it'll be a while before I'm up for more fun." She then hobbled away back to the kitchen. A few minutes later a vanilla ice cream was brought to the table by the young lad who was standing in for Mindy. Van tucked in.

"It looks like you like vanilla.", smiled Sally.

"Yes. And I'll happily meet your husband. It sounds like a fun way to turn the tables on him."

Van sat outside as Sally did her shopping. When she arrived at the checkout Mrs Gupta was nearby, which gave Sally a chance to check out the woman. She'd seen Mrs Gupta many times hut realised she didn't know the woman's first name. But, with Van's information, she saw her now with new eyes. She was dressed in the traditional sari and Sally could see that under the folds of the garment she had amazing breasts. They were hemispherical, true halfglobes, and astonishingly firm for her age, which must be similar to Sally's at around forty.

Mrs Gupta was also blessed with a very narrow waist, the sort of thing a Victorian lady would have given her eye teeth for. Below that her hips were immediately wide and generous and her thighs promised luscious curves. When Sally was at school she went on a trip to London. Part of the trip included the British Museum and she remembered that, while most of her friends disappeared off to look at the Egyptian exhibits, she was more Oriental in her tastes. She became fascinated by a bronze statue of an Indian Goddess. It was the name that made her remember the goddess, because it was the same as her best friend at the time, Tara. The pair of them had looked at the half naked statue of the goddess Tara with her wide hips and voluminous breasts and giggled, a lot. Now Sally was looking at the living resemblance of that goddess, and wondering just what Mrs Gupta did at the Manor on one of her evenings.

Van helped carry the shopping home and, as Sally put it away, got to know the layout of the house. Sally suggested she put her things in the spare bedroom, just in case she wanted to stay longer. Then they both settled down to await Tom's return. After an hour, and a couple of gin and tonics, Van asked, as if it were a terrible imposition...

"Do yah think I could have a bath?"

"Yes, of course."

"It's been ages since I had a good long warm soapy soak."

"I'll pour it for you straight away."

Very soon a warm soapy bath was ready, and a fresh gin and tonic, and Sally was watching as Van undressed.

"I'll leave you to it then.", she smiled as the teenager dipped her fingers in the water, then lowered herself in, luxuriating in the feel of best 'generic' bath bubbles. One of life's simple pleasures but presumably one not easy to access when homeless.

Downstairs there was the rattle of a key in the lock and Tom's voice.

"I'm back! Put the kettle on, will yah, luv."

Sally ran down the stairs and gave him a hug. He looked at her surprised, she'd not done that for years.

"It were a knackering event.", he said. Sally wondered if he meant the conference, or the two escorts he and George had hired.

"I'll make you a pot of tea and you can tell me all about it.", Sally replied, hoping he would talk about the girls, and not 'The Future of Roofing.'

Back quickly with Tom's favourite mug and a teapot big enough to fill it three times over, she set the tea aside to brew and put on her best 'I'm listening' face.

"They were skinny tarts...", he started, "... George didn't say what we wanted when he rang the agency, just said two willing lasses, for two men."

Sally wondered if Tom had done this every time he'd been away, or if it took George to give him the courage. Two conferences a year, for ten years, would mean he'd fucked about twenty girls. There was a certain satisfaction, in Sally's mind, that in just one weekend she'd probably caught up with him.

"So when they turned up we was a bit disappointed. They were rather thin, and you know I like you 'cos you've got a nice bit of curve on you."

Sally smiled, but inside she was wondering if he did prefer skinny young things. She'd put weight on over the years and although Tom's appetite for sex hadn't dimmed she couldn't help wonder. Then she remembered Van upstairs in the bath. She, being plump, would be a good test.

"They stripped to their flimsy underthings and we were soon kissin'. God they were young, but they didn't seem to know much English, certainly not enough to say how old they were, but I'm sure they were legal. It were a reputable escort agency, according to George. Then they were sucking our cocks and we was in paradise, and it didn't matter that they were young and skinny."

"Good were they?", despite her concerns Sally was beginning to get excited. She could feel her body responding but didn't want to get too involved or she'd drag Van off Tony and mount him herself. She was surprised at the depth of her desire. Perhaps that Red liquor she'd had at the gangbang had changed her forever.

"They were good. Bloody good. Then they stripped naked and gave us a lezzy show. George sat and watched and wanked but I dare'nt touch me dick or I'd have cum straight away, it were that hard!"

Sally could hear the desire in his voice as he recalled the scene. She decided not to interrupt with her own experiences, but to let him carry on.

"Then they lay one on top of the other, head to toe, and spread their legs. They told us to fuck 'em. George went for the blonde lass underneath, and I took the brunette on top. As soon as we started to fuck them we had fingers and tongues around our cocks. It were wild."

Sally agreed with his assessment. It was clear to her that these girls were used to working together.

"Then we pulled them apart. We'd only got them for an hour and wanted to do a fuck and swap, so we got on with each girl in our own way. I put mine on her back and covered her..."

'Why am I not surprised?', thought Sally. Even when he'd got a chance to do something adventurous, he went back to habit.

"... and George he fucked his every which way. She loved it, the little tart, I could tell she were a slut. Mine lay under me and moaned her little heart out, I reckon she came three times before I did. Then we swapped."

Sally tried to imagine it, the two girls trying to satisfy two men and give them their money's worth. And how much had it cost?

"George took my brunette up against the wall while I tried his blonde flat on her belly. Then he bent the brunette over and I put blondie on her back with her head over the edge of the bed. Brunette licked her blonde chum's clit while George took her hard from behind, and I fucked Blondie's mouth. "

'Back to his youth.', thought Sally.

"George called them natural bean flicker's, I suppose it were a compliment. Her friend's tongue made Blondie moan and wriggle, it were great fun fucking her, and I've never cum in a girl's mouth while she were actually cumming from licking."

"Was that it?"

"George carried on for a bit longer, with the girls both trying to get him to cum, then our time were up."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"Yes. Well. It would have been nicer with you."

"Perhaps I should come on the next business trip."

"Oh no lass. You'd find it boring. What happened with Sven?"

"It was very interesting. You'll have to watch next time. Come upstairs, I want to show you something."

She could tell Tom was intrigued. She led him to the bedroom and opened the drawer. She took the roll of notes out and placed them in his hand.

"What's this?"

"My earnings, from one night with Sven."

He counted the notes.

"Bloody Hell Sally. All this for one night with you?"


"And he didn't ask for any back afterwards?"

"You cheeky bastard. No he didn't."

"Strange amount. Why five hundred and fifty?"

"The five hundred was for overnight, with all the trimmings, and the fifty was to do it without condoms. I had to make up a number on the spot. Sven said that was cheap and must be because I enjoy flesh to flesh."

"My God!...", he said, Sally hoping he'd be shocked she'd acted so sluttishly, but he continued, "... You could be quite the earner." The cash seemed to interest him more than just how slutty she had become.

At that point Van walked in. She was glowing a healthy pink from the bath, smelled of camomile, and was holding a towel in one hand under her chin. The thing draped between her breasts and covered her cunt, just. Sally thought Val must have gone all the way through the pile of towels to find one so small.

"Hello Mr Tom...", the teenager said, in a low voice that spoke of lust, "... Sally wants me to let you fuck me."

Sally thought that was clever, the teen was saying that he was going to be the dominant one. He was going to fuck her, not she him.

"Please Mr Tom... please fuck me... please fuck me hard... and make Sally watch us."

Sally had never seen Tom get his clothes off so quickly, at least not since the heady days when they were first married. Shirt and trousers went flying, followed by everything else but his socks. Strangely when he got to these he couldn't restrain himself any further and left them on as he crossed the room, pulled away the towel, stuck his fingers between Van's thighs, and bent to suck on one of her small tits.

As Tom introduced himself to her private parts Van used hand signals to indicate Sally should get her mobile out and take some photos. Then, without Tom realising, she posed for shots, bending her body, twisting around, positioning her and her new lover so that Sally had the opportunity for some fine porn. Then she knelt submissively in front of Tom.

"Teach me Mr Tom... Teach me to worship you.", and she positioned her slightly open mouth close to his, now fully erect, cock. Tom grabbed her head and Sally could see very little education going on, just her husband losing all control and ramming his cock down Van's throat. Van was holding onto his buttocks and then she stuck a finger into his anus. He squeaked with pleasure, grabbed her, and threw her onto the bed. He covered her, pushed in without preamble, and started to pound away.

Sally took a few more shots, then a five minute video, but soon realised that Tom.was going to be his usual rather boring self. Van, if the sounds she was making were any indication, was enjoying herself. Sally watched as her husband ground down on Van's super sized clitoris, perhaps this position was going to give her a lot of pleasure, so why worry. Then Sally's phone pinged...

'Sven gave us number. How much for hour with two young men? And what for condom no? We are five minute away. Goran and Aco x x x'

Sally's head was spinning. How had Sven got her number? How many people had he told that she was a whore? And should she say yes to these men? She looked down at Tom and decided he'd be happily fucking for at least an hour, so why not?

'£100 each for hour. £20 each for no condoms. You can come now.' She paused for a moment on the stairs, then added 'No holes barred.' and sent it. Once it was away she realised she'd misspelt 'holds' as 'holes' but it was too late now, and Sven had been very good at anal, so perhaps these lads would be too.

Upstairs the couple were making quite loud sex noises, and then Van came and the noises got louder! It was only a minute or two before the doorbell rang, the men must have been standing at the end of the street. She rushed to open the door and get them out of Mary's view.

Goran and Aco turned out to be fresh-faced twenty year old boys. They were still in their construction gear, and smelled of beer. Perhaps they had been plucking up courage in the pub before ringing her. Goran, who seemed to be the spokesman handed over the money, two hundred and fourty pounds.

"Is right. We count twice. Upstairs?"

Aco looked very shy and hung back slightly as Sally showed them up to the spare room. She was grateful that, several years ago, she'd persuaded Tom that the guest room needed a double bed in case friends who were now part of a couple wanted to visit. The sounds of Tom and Van enjoying each other accompanied the climb up the stairs, with Van making vocal attempts to spur Tom on to more vigorous fucking.

"We not know that two girl work here...", said Goran, who seemed completely unembarrassed by the noises, "... next time we have both of you...", and when he saw the size of the guest room, "... in the big room."

Sally quickly pushed Van's few possessions under the bed and started to take her clothes off. She found herself in a race with Goran, but Aco was fumbling at his shirt, as if he was shy. Sally decided he was unfamiliar with making love to a woman and decided to help. She unbuttoned his shirt, only slightly distracted by Goran's hands reaching round from behind her to fondle her tits. As she bent to undo Aco's trousers Goran felt between her legs, put one hand on her back to keep her bent over, rubbed her cunt lips a few times with his cock to spread her juices around, and then stuck it into her.

He wasn't gentle, he pounded away hanging onto her hips, and swearing in his native language. Aco's eyes went wide and he looked a little upset by what Goran was saying. Then Sally managed to finally get Aco's belt undone and the jeans slid to the floor. She dragged his pants down and fondled his cock, which responded in a pleasing manner, then she tickled his balls. His sharp intakes of breath showed his appreciation, then she was dragged away from him and thrown onto the bed. Goran rolled her on her back, pushed her thighs apart, then plunged in again.

Aco was left watching. He moved around the side of the bed and tentatively touched Sally's left breast. Sally, jerking around from Goran's aggressive fucking, felt sorry for the lad and put her hand over his, crushing him to her tit. At this rate the lad wasn't going to get a look in despite, presumably, having stumped up half the cash. She smiled up at him, hoping he would bring his cock closer to her mouth, then she could really give him some pleasure.

Goran's cock was, she assessed, about the same length as Tom's but with slightly slimmer girth. Her vagina had done its duty, swelling to ensure a snug fit, so she was getting a reasonable amount of pleasure. She couldn't help thinking that Goran would please the ladies more if he concentrated on smooth, long, strokes rather than the cunt impact style he favoured. Everything was aimed at the point of full penetration, a slamming blow that shook her whole body. If she didn't know that he'd never met her before she would believe that she'd done something terribly wrong in their relationship and was being punished for it.