The Threesome Trap

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Jeff's wife will only have a threesome if his sister joins.
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All characters are over 18. This story takes place in a fictional future where laws could change. The writer of this story is not a lawyer. Do not rely on this story for legal advice.


Marriage was going to be so great. Jeff and Jane would be together forever. Just the two of them. Well, if Jeff had his way it would be the two of them and maybe the occasional threesome. That would be the best way to do it. He'd been around the block a few times with women but he'd never done that. If his wife ever worried that he would cheat he could always point to their threesome together and say he'd only ever had one of those with her. She was special. No other woman held his heart the way she did.

His vision of having a threesome with his wife ended very quickly when his wife to be heard of his idea. She shut it down. He made her promise to speak of it again after the wedding so she did. Then they were married and he brought it up. She very vehemently shut it down again.

Jeff was disappointed but he'd taken vows and he took those vows seriously. He wasn't going to cheat on his wife. But that didn't stop his mind from seeing threesomes everywhere. He saw a man talking to two women and he could imagine him taking them home and having a threesome. He saw a man talking to just one woman, well, he must have another at home waiting for them. When he was driving he might spot another car with one man and two women in it and round and round the imagination went.

November 2017

"No." Jeff said.

"Why not?" Jane asked.

On this particular day Jane was trying to convince her husband to hire her brother in his office. She wasn't having much luck but she wasn't going to give up.

"He's a dumbass. I can't ..."

"Don't call him that."

"He isn't qualified."

"You can train him and then ..."

"They have a word for this, you know. Nepotism."

"You aren't the pope."

"Obviously since as everyone knows; if the pope wanted a threesome he'd get one."

Jane was not happy. She looked at her husband with bubbling anger for bringing that back up. She'd told him no so many times. She knew well about all the women he'd fucked before they were married. She knew about all the perverted things he'd done. But she loved him and she was willing to marry him so long as he left those things out of their marriage.

For the most part he had. There was this one thing however that he'd never yet gotten a chance to do and he said it was the last thing. He wanted a threesome. He had always been with just one woman at a time. He wanted a threesome and he promised it would only be one time.

But Jane refused him. She put her foot down and that caused them to go without sex for some time. First her husband retreated to pornography so she put a stop to that. Then it was books so she got rid of those. Then he would work late or go jogging and was always too tired to have sex with her.

At first Jane felt that it was beneath her to ask her husband for sex. That wasn't her role. It was his job to beg for sex. But as one month became two and two became four she found herself trying to find subtle ways of getting her husband into bed.

One night she hit on an idea. She told her husband that a woman named Virginia was waiting for him. He got really excited then. Of course in the bedroom there was no other woman waiting, just Jane pretending to be another woman during sex. Afterwards they both had a good laugh about it and it was a good moment.

But Jeff had to ruin it by beginning to ask again for a real threesome. Just once, he kept saying. He wanted it so bad. Jane of course refused. He was just going to have to be satisfied imagining another woman there.

"There has to be some way I can convince you?" she said.

"That's funny. I recall using those exact same words." her husband rebuffed.

"Don't get side tracked."

"Jane, your brother can't use a terminal. He can't use writer. He can't even connect to the wifi without messing it up."

"He'll learn."

"If he comes to work for me all I'd be able to have him do is clean the toilets and make coffee. And even then I'd be worried that he didn't wash his hands."

"Fine, let him do that and let him learn on the way."

"No. Final answer."

"Jeff, it would mean so much to him ... and me. I'd really appreciate it."

"No. Now stop asking me about it."

"Do this for me and I'll owe you big."

"How big?"

"BIG big."


"OK!" she repeated.

"Calm down. I have terms."


"You have to give me a name."


"Not his name. I know his name. You have to give me the name of a woman."

"For what?"

"What do you think?"

Jane was perturbed to hear him bring this up again. "A threesome."


"I've already said no a thousand times."

"Fine, then get your brother a job somewhere else."

"Jeff, that's not fair. Those two things aren't even in the same league with each other."

"You're right. I get one night to cross something off of my list and for that one night I have to put up with Roger all day, everyday."

"No. I won't do it. You're my husband and that means I shouldn't have to share. You've slept with enough women."

"But only you since the wedding."


"I'm not asking for a threesome tomorrow. I'm asking for a name."

"Of a woman to have a threesome with? Ok. How about the queen of England."

"I have rules for the name."

"No monarchs?"

"She has to be a real woman."

"I'm pretty sure ..."

"You know what I mean. She can't be some far distant celebrity who might as well not be real. Ok. She has to be a woman I know. And she has to be someone I can get in contact with. So you can't pick some girl I went to kindergarten with that would be impossible to track down."

"You met Madonna that one time."

"She doesn't count. Too old. You have to pick someone near my age."

"Any other rules?"

Jeff thought for a moment. "Yeah, not too ugly. I mean, no woman could compare to you but I'd be happier if she were not too far away from as good as you look."

"Anything else?"

"No. That's it."

"Come on. Think. Any other rules?"

"And she has to be clean of course. No, like aids or anything."


"So, you give me a name and I'll give Roger a job even if we never have a threesome."

"Fine, I have the name."

"Tell me."

"No. Hire my brother and then I'll tell you."

"I don't believe you. You're going to pull some..."

"I already have the name."

"Yeah but look if I hire Rog and you back out on me I will fire him. I don't care how it looks."

"Not to worry. I have the name."

"I mean it. And you know I'll have cause."

"Don't worry. And I'll even sweeten the pot for you. You sign him for an extra year and I'll give you an extra name."

"Really? That'll double my chances."

"Exactly. So do we have a deal."

"You already have the name? Really?"

"Yes. And they fit all your rules. Unless you want to make some more now. Take a moment to think about it."

"I guess I would say she can't be married but that would sort of make me sound like a hypocrite. No, that's it."

"Are you sure. Because once we kiss on it, that's it. Deal done. No go backs and no adding rules later."

"Same to you. I hire Roger and you had better be ready to ..."

"I will. Don't worry."

They kissed to seal their deal, as was their custom. It took two days for Jeff to give Roger an interview and then officially hire him. Once it was done he felt very entitled when he came home. His wife had dinner prepared for him but he wasn't going to eat a bite until he heard the name, or names as she had promised.

"You're right." she said. "I really should live up to my end."

"Yes. Now tell me."

"You're going to go and try to have sex with this person."

"I'm going to mention that a threesome is a possibility, yeah. I mean, I won't be stupid about it. But I'll try."

"Try all you want."

"Really. You're giving me permission."

"Sure. Why not? In fact, if you're going to have sex with her in a threesome, you might as well have sex with her without me even being there."

"That wasn't the deal."

"But I'm giving you two names. Surely you can make a threesome happen with these two."

"I promised I'd never cheat."

"Oh, but it won't be cheating because I gave you permission. Yes, by all means go and have as much sex with these women as you want."

"And you won't mind. You won't mind me having sex with them and then coming home to have sex with you. Because I would not give you up for this. You know that."

"I know. In fact, I'm glad. Let them get you all worked up and then you come home to me and let me finish you off. Would you like that?"

"I think that sounds pretty nice. Yeah."

"You're ready to hear the names?"


"Beth and Liz."

Jeff froze for a moment. It took a while before his brain was able to process the information and what it would mean. "My ... my sisters."

"Indeed. They conform to all your rules."

"But ... you weren't supposed to pick them."

"You didn't make a rule about that."

"It should have been obvious."

"Those are the names."

"No, pick someone else. If you're going to say my sisters you might as well add Ginger and Sarah."

"No. Not your step sister and not your half sister. Beth and Liz. Those are the names."

"Then I'll fire Roger first thing tomorrow."

"No you won't. You know I'm right. I've kept my end of the deal."

"You cheated."

"I asked you if there were any other rules."

"Sneaky, sneaky."

"Not my fault you suffer from a lack of imagination. You have to have everything happen in real life. Fine, then make that happen."

"Alright. Checkmate. You win."

Jane let out a victory laugh. "I love you."

"You'd just better be happy I love you so much that I put up with this kind of ..." he was going to say more but his wife stopped him with a kiss and she took him to bed.


August 2018

Moving hell as it was called had descended upon Beth. At first she hired a moving company to do most of the work but then as the date got closer there was a scheduling conflict and the company had to give her a refund. Beth was pissed and swore she'd never use them again.

With not a whole lot of other options on the table and no time to make many other arrangements she called in family to help her out. Everyone helped a bit but Jeff really put in a lot of extra effort.

The sun had finally disappeared behind the trees and Jeff carried the last box into Beth's new home. Everyone else had left by this time and it was only Beth and Jeff left. Her tired brother went to the sofa, moved a box over and found a sliver of cushion to sit on. Beth took a gulp of her drink and felt a cool, refreshing feeling expand from the center of her chest out to the rest of it.

She scanned the area that would eventually become her living room. She had two choices, sit on the floor or be an ingrate and force her brother to give her the seat he'd made for himself. Both of those sucked so she was about to put in the extra energy needed to move a box so that she too could sit but then for whatever reason she just decided to sit on her brother.

Jeff hadn't seen that coming but he didn't protest. For some reason his sister sitting on him made him think of Roger. The dummy had graduated from making the coffee to entering meta data. The other day he tried to prove himself to Jeff by showing Jeff a website he allegedly put together himself. Roger went and got a domain name for it and got it all linked up, or so he thought. The computer he was using said everything was ok but once he came to Jeff to show him what he'd done, it turned out that he couldn't actually connect through the real internet, just the private network at the company.

Jeff asked himself again why he'd ever hired Roger. Oh, that's right, because his wife scammed him. Jeff wanted a threesome and she had no intention of ever letting him have one. She'd told him his sisters' names as a way of telling him no name. Jeff couldn't very well fuck his sister. Could he?

He would have liked to forget about the whole thing but his wife kept bringing it back up to lord her victory over him. Jeff had had months to think about this over and over again. His wife and really cheated. It wasn't fair what she did. So then why shouldn't Jeff just cheat to get his threesome? But he'd made a promise to be faithful. Jeff was a lot of very bad things but a liar wasn't one of them. That brought him to actually thinking seriously about really fucking his sister.

His wife had known just where to hit him. There was no way Jeff was going to commit incest. If she had said Ginger it would have been difficult enough and she was only his step sister. Jeff went round and round with various rational arguments about the situation.

He really wanted that threesome. He really did. He really thought the best way to have one would be with his wife. Why had he thought that? That was so stupid. Now he knew he should have gotten one of those before getting married.

As it was now, the only way to get one was to cheat and he wasn't going to do that. Even if he could convince himself to fuck his true born sister, there was no way she'd let him. Jeff doubted Beth was also on the lookout for an incestuous threesome.

Jeff was starting to get a hard on but it wasn't due to his sister. The thought of a threesome excited him so much, he was getting an erection despite the fact that his sister's ass was on top of his dick. Jeff was only wearing a tshirt and shorts. He hoped his sister wouldn't notice and get the wrong idea.

Beth relaxed a bit and just let her weight sink into Jeff. She let her head fall over his shoulder. She could almost close her eyes and go to sleep.

Jeff felt her body start to slide a bit so he put his arms around her to keep her in place. If she moved too much then she was sure to notice the hard on. He had to stop thinking about it. The more he thought about it, the bigger his hard on got. He had to remember that this was his sister.

And yet, this was also a very attractive, nearly naked, female body that was on top of him. She was so comfortable with him touching her. Of course she would be but the more and more his thoughts went to his conversations with his wife about a threesome the more he felt guilty about touching her.

Then Jeff noticed something. Beth wasn't wearing panties. At least, he couldn't feel any panties under her cut off sweat pants. He supposed that did not guarantee that she absolutely didn't have any on but ... shit he was thinking about her panties and by extension her pussy, the pussy his wife had explicitly given him permission to fuck.

Ok, something was going to have to happen. Jeff couldn't' stay like this. He was going to have to get his sister off of him. He was about to lift her body up when a very stupid idea got in his head. He'd kiss her. Not a romantic kiss. Her neck was right there. He could just kiss her and if she thought it was weird he could just say her forehead was too far.

No, he wasn't going to do that. That was stupid. He felt his hard on get even bigger. She was going to notice. He had to move her. He tried to move her but she resisted. She didn't want to get up.

Then he did it. He kissed her on the neck. At first there was no reaction. He did it again and found that he actually sort of liked it himself. The mental understanding that his sister was sitting on him was melting away and her sexy form was materializing in his mind. Beth made a sound that Jeff could almost describe as a coo when he kissed her for a third time. Then he felt her hips rotate just slightly and then ...

Beth jumped up off her brother. She looked startled and frantic as she got to her feet and spun around to face Jeff.

"What the fuck was that?"


"Holy shit." she said.

"What?" Jeff asked.

"You were fucking coming on to me."

"No. I'd ..."

"You've got an erection. What the fuck is that?"

Jeff could not deny the hard on that was making his shorts pop like a tent now that it wasn't being weighed down. He looked up at his sister and noticed that for just a brief moment, he could make out her nipple under her shirt.

"You're checking me out? I don't fucking believe this."

"You're the one looking at my erection."

She put her hands to her head and just walked away from him to one of her other rooms.

After a few moments Jeff got up and started to move boxes again, this time to the various rooms of the house that they were labeled to go to. However, after the first one, Beth tried to stop him.

"Out." she said.


"I just want you out."

"I promised to ..."

"I don't care. Get out."

"It's your house." Jeff put the box down where he was and headed for the door.

Beth watched him as he began to leave but then she grabbed at his arm.

"Explain it to me." She demanded.

"There's nothing to explain."

"Yes there is. Start talking."

"I don't know what you want me to say."

"Why ... why ..." it was almost as if the thought of incest was so repulsive to her that she couldn't give words to it. "Why would you cheat on your wife? After all your talk about ... about promising never to cheat, why would you cheat on her?"

"I've never cheated on her."

"Then what the fuck do you call what you just did? Jane would be pissed. You know she'd be pissed."

"Jane already knows."

Beth cocked her head to the side and tried to understand what he'd just said. "How?"

"We already talked about if this ever happened. She knows and according to her she's ok with it."

"That doesn't sound like the Jane I know. She'd slice your fucking throat if she even thought you were cheating on her. There is no way she's cool with you fucking other women."

"You're right. Just you."


"Well, I guess, technically, you and ... Liz."

"What the fuck am I hearing?" she asked with disgust as she looked at him like he was a sex offender.

"Jane already knows. We talked about it months ago."

"So then ... this is real."

"I don't know what you mean but ..."

"This explains so many things about you."

It didn't really and Jeff knew that but he wasn't going to argue in the moment.

"Don't tell anyone. Ok?" he asked.

Beth seemed to calm down and they stood there looking at each other.

"Right." she said. "Ok. It's a secret. Of course you'd want this to be a secret. Nobody would understand."


"Next time, talk to me before you just try something." she suggested.

Jeff laughed. "Ok. Hey sis, how'd you like to give me a blow job?"

"Yeah, that sounds pretty bad." she admitted.

"There's just no way to make that sound like a serious question." Then Jeff saw his opening for a potential threesome in the future. He'd have to lay the ground work and let it settle first but there was an opening and he was going to try. "But now that we both know what's going on, what do you say? I would actually like a blow job."

Beth grit her teeth at the thought. "On that I'm going to have to say no. But thank you for asking, I guess."


October 2018

The costume party at the office was becoming a resounding success. The 40 or so people there were all having a very good time. Roger was having an extra good time since he was able to tell his sister that he'd gotten a raise and a promotion. After talking with his sister he went to talk to Jeff.

"Which one of your sisters is Liz?"

"The one with the glasses."

"Cool. Could you introduce me?"

"You've already met her."

"Oh, right. Of course. Um, say, is she seeing anyone?"

Jeff looked at the young man and instantly knew that his wife had put this idea in his head.

"I don't actually know." Jeff answered.

"Ok. Suppose she wasn't; what kind of guys does she like?"
