The Time at the Beach


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"This doesn't come easy from me but I think I'm falling in love with you. Since we found you, you've shown me nothing but respect, care and you are so kind. You haven't tried to fuck me even when I get drunk at home and the way you look at me sometimes, I just know you feel the same," she said.

"I look at you that way because you're the most beautiful woman I've ever met. You have such a warm heart and just seeing you smile makes everyone around you smile too. I feel like I've known you my whole life," I replied then kissed her again.

"Well, it's about time, you two!" said Steven as he came back with more drinks.

"She finally jumped him? The way you two look at each other, whether you notice or not, I knew this was coming," said Maya.

Lorraine got off my lap but cuddled into me, it was almost like she was purring. We got a cab home and stood holding each other in her kitchen, we'd been kissing for almost five minutes straight.

"I think I'd like you to make love to me, Marcus," she said.

"You've had quite a few drinks, I want you to be sure," I replied.

"I'm far from drunk, I'm very sure."

I responded by kissing her again then she pulled me by the hand to her room and locked the door behind us. Despite the passion in her eyes, we took our time and slowly undressed then got into her bed together. Seeing her naked for the first time was incredible, she was a goddess to me and my cock was already hard by the time she had me climb on top of her.

"We can explore each other later, I need to feel you inside me," she said softly when I went to go down on her.

"Okay," I replied.

She reached between us and guided me to the entrance of her pussy, I pushed into her slowly, gasping in pleasure with her as her warmth enveloped my cock. I thrust deeper into her until she had all of me inside and her face was contorted in pure lust as we looked into each other's eyes.

"Y... you feel so good," she gasped.

"You do too, Lorraine," I replied then continued.

I tried to hold back, to savor the moment forever but her soft moans, the look on her face and how our bodies just seemed to belong together, I couldn't and when she climaxed, I did too and pushed deep inside her as my cock erupted, filling her with my seed. I stayed inside her when we were spent, gazing into her beautiful eyes and I'd never felt so happy. I rolled off her and watched as she got up to use the bathroom then smiled as she got back into bed with me.

"That was just wonderful," she said, pressing her body into me.

"I would have to agree," I replied.

We didn't get much sleep that night, we spent hours exploring each other's bodies and made love a few more times before we both fell asleep. When her alarm went off for work, we kissed then got up to get ready.

"You go shower, I'll get the coffee started then join you," she said, kissing me on the cheek.

"I like that plan," I replied.

She went to the kitchen naked, I got the water nice and warm and was rinsing my face when she stepped in behind me. Washing her back and then her breasts from behind had me getting hard again, she finished off getting washed then got down on her knees and took me into her mouth.

"My pussy is aching from last night, you'll have to settle for this until tonight," she said, pausing briefly, then began to suck me.

Her mouth and tongue felt amazing, despite the dull ache in my cock from our night of fun, I didn't last long. My legs almost buckled beneath me when I climaxed, she swallowed everything I gave her and then stood up, smiling.

"You said settle like it was going to be horrible, I've never cum so fast from head before," I said, still catching my breath.

"Because I wanted you to. Tonight, you return the favor," she said then turned the water off.

"Well, now my day is going to drag."

We had a pretty busy morning but once the rush was over, we sat chatting with John, he brought us a copy of the pictures he'd taken at the club.

"I got some amazing pictures of you two so I wanted to share them. The others can have any they're in from mine but that one of you both when she finally made her move, is just beautiful," he said.

I looked at the picture he was talking about, it was a nice shot of Lorraine and I, her so close to me and smiles on both of our faces. I felt like I'd seen the picture before.

"Are you okay?" said Lorraine, looking at my face.

"I... I feel like I've seen this picture before but I can still smell the processing chemicals and know you just took it last night," I replied.

"Shit, I almost forgot about the beach, the way you've just become part of our group, man, I feel you've been with us as long as Lorraine," said John.

"It's fine, I'm here and this lady is my world so that's that," I said and kissed Lorraine on the cheek.

The rest of the day was our usual busy, Lorraine and I would wink at each other when she came to pick up an order and smiles never left our faces. Even Karen, usually pretty stressed and grumpy, smiled when I went to collect my pay and was still holding Lorraine's hand.

"So, don't let me catch you two going at it on your breaks okay," she said with a laugh.

"Oh no way, this one isn't quiet," replied Lorraine.

"Oh, hey, too much info. It's just nice to see you so happy, I remember my husband looking at me the same way, even when the cancer had him in pain and it warms my heart. You still just giving her your pay?" she said to me.


"Well, I need to put you on paper before the IRS starts sniffing around. Can you get me something so I can make you official? Last thing I need is some Department of Labor asshole asking questions."

"I'll do my best, thank you, Karen," I replied.

We left and walked to Lorraine's car. She held me and kissed me on the lips.

"Papers can wait, I know a guy but I've not been wearing panties all day and I'm taking you home so you can lick me," she said with a grin.

"You'd better drive then, I'd only get us a speeding ticket," I replied.

We got home pretty quickly, we took a quick shower to wash the workday from us and then fell onto her bed in a tangle of kisses and groping. I got her onto her back and began to kiss my way down her body. Despite her soft pleading, I took my time and explored both of her nipples then kissed a slow trail to her stomach then finally between her legs. I kissed her inner thighs then led a trail to kiss her labia. She was already soaking wet, I licked the full length up her lips then slowly parted them with my tongue. I took my time exploring her, she tasted amazing and I was spurred on by her moans and gasps as I found her spots. By the time I even got to her clit, she was already writhing on the bed, trying to fight the grip I had around her open legs. When I did start to rasp her clit with my hardened tongue, she cried out in pleasure and climaxed pretty hard. It took her frantically tapping my head and breathless gasps of 'please, no more' before I let her go.

"Fuck me hard," she said as I climbed on top of her.

She guided my cock inside her and I gave her what she wanted, I began deep, hard thrusts as she wrapped her legs around my waist. She began to climax pretty quickly, I lasted through a couple of them then I groaned loudly as I came too, pushing in deep as my cock exploded inside her. We gazed at each other as we came down from our orgasms, smiling as we caught our breath.

"I got so wrapped up in you that I didn't think to ask, are you on some kind of birth control?" I said when I could finally talk.

"No but I watch my cycle, I know when you'll have to wear something," she replied.

I was too infatuated with her to even question. A couple of weeks or so later, she came to me as I was relaxing on the couch. Lisa was still asleep in her room but we had a day off together with plans to go swimming later that morning. She straddled me and kissed me softly.

"Well hello yourself, I thought I satisfied your every desire last night as you so eloquently put it," I said, smiling.

"You did, I meant what I said post-orgasmic bliss. Do you love me?" she said.

"I do, with all my heart."

"And you're not just saying that to offset me saying it every five minutes?"

"I love you, Lorraine. You are everything to me."

"I think I'm pregnant."

"What? Wow, I mean, that's wonderful but how do you know?"

"I'm late, I know they're not 100% reliable but I took 3 tests, all positive. I go and see the Doctor this afternoon."

"This is good news, right? I can't tell by your face."

"I'm terrified, Marcus. We've known each other only five weeks and we still don't know if some wife and six kids are still out there looking for you."

"Then we'll find out and no matter what, I am yours now, this is a blessing for both of us."

Her Doctor's appointment confirmed what she already knew, we went to meet the group at John's house.

"Um, why are you just taking soda? Isn't that your 3rd?" said Maya as Lorraine went to the cooler.

"Well, thank you for noticing but I decided to stop drinking," replied Lorraine.

"Oh, fuck off, I've seen that smirk before, means you're hiding something. Tell me, are you.....?"

Lorraine nodded.

"She's what, what girl secrets am I missing here?" said Steve.

"I'm going to be a mom!" said Lorraine.

"No way! That's wonderful!" said Maya, she grabbed Lorraine in a tight hug.

The weeks soon turned into months and watching Lorraine's belly grow with our child only made my love for her stronger. Being around her and our friends filled my life with so much joy and we were never afraid to share our affection. John was always there with his camera, we didn't care. Sometimes we'd pose, other times we'd carry on with our passionate kisses, oblivious to the party going on around us. When we were at a beach party, we posed for a picture, we were both touching her round belly and gazing at each other.

"I know what I want to call her, I want to name her Clara, after my great-grandmother," Lorraine said to me.

I already knew that. I froze.

"Hey, earth to Marcus, are you okay?" she said, looking at me with a worried look.

"I, knew you were going to name her that. How?" I replied.

"I don't know, baby, I've never spoken about it before. I was talking to my Mom and she mentioned her grandma would have been proud."

"She's just as beautiful as you are. She's so warm and kind, has the same beautiful smile."

I must have blacked out, I woke up with a damp cloth on my head and Lorraine was holding me.

"Hey, there he is, are you okay?" she said, smiling at me.

"Yes. I remember where I came from," I replied.

One of the others, Maya I think, brought me a glass of water and I sat talking to Lorraine. I told her about Clara, how we'd met, how much love we shared. I felt tears running down my face as I told her, my heart was in pieces, I loved Lorraine with the same intensity.

"How can this be, I thought maybe you'd survived a plane crash or shipwreck and just had some delusions," she said to me.

"The pictures John takes, you kept an album full of them hidden from Clara. She found it when we went to clean out your apartment."

"Clean my.... Wait, I shouldn't know this. You think you know about the future, are you just afraid about becoming a father?"

"When I'm with you, Lorraine, nothing in this life scares me more than not being with you but when I close my eyes, I see myself telling Clara the same thing. She has your eyes, your loving heart, this amazing smile that lights up the room. I couldn't remember any of this until I touched your stomach earlier."

"Tomorrow we are going to take a drive, to where we found you and we are going to get some answers. If you left behind a love this strong, a love that I have taken from someone who had you first, I want to see if we can give you back to her."

"The beach, she was right, I bring pain."

"You have given me a child, I will pour the love you gave me into her life and make her happy. I love you, Marcus."

"I love you too, Lorraine."

Lorraine and I held each other for hours, Maya and the others came to see us and when we told them I had to leave, they all hugged me.

"Marcus, you've given us so many wonderful memories and seeing Lorraine as happy as she is, makes all of us happy too. I hope we get to see you again," said Maya.

"I do too, Maya. I wish I didn't have to go but I don't belong here. If there's a chance I can get back to my time, I'll only hope to remember you all. You accepted me, a stranger on the beach and gave me friendship, shelter and so much love. Steven, these are the ones I can remember, tell the others and put enough on them to not be noticed. May want to invest in those companies too."

I handed Steven a piece of paper with the next 5 years' Superbowl winners. My Dad was a huge football fan growing up and had a poster in his office with the list of wins from the year I was born.

We drove home from the beach party in silence. We showered together then quietly made love then fell asleep in each other's arms. The next morning we drove four hours over the border to where they found me and looked for the woman. A man came out to greet us.

"She is resting, Senor, but she knows why you are here. She said you must walk into the water and you can go home," he said.

"Please tell her thank you," I said.

Lorraine had tears streaming down her face and mine started to flow too.

"What if I can't do this, Lorraine, what if I just stay here with you?" I said.

"I can't, Marcus. If you've taken this love from my daughter, it's not fair to her. I can't let her live with the pain of losing you, not if I can give you back to her."

She held me close then gently pushed us apart, I felt like I had a stone in my chest and I couldn't move. My legs felt like jelly but I walked until the warm water was splashing my knees then it all went dark.

I woke up face down in the sand and was coughing my lungs up.

"Easy, take it easy, I got you." said the woman.

My head was spinning and I couldn't see too well but the woman looked like Lorraine only older.


"Yes, my love. Come on, sit up, we have a lot to talk about."

"We thought you were dead. Clara got a call from a man in tears saying you were gone. They sent an investigator and they thought the same."

"Ah, my wonderful little friend, Allejandro. He has a heart of gold but his English is not so great. He was trying to tell you I was missing, he was so upset he couldn't think of the right word. He found me though."

"I can't believe it's really you, I just walked away from you into the water."

"Well, that was just part of it. The little trinket that brought you here? I had to find another to bring you back. I couldn't leave Clara so when she turned 18, I came back here then travelled so many places to find what I needed. This place is special, powers that I don't care to understand but you got caught in its web and you became one of the stories. Do you remember the old lady who was here when you first arrived?"

"Yes, she said I would bring pain."

"She was right, that day I lost you, so many years ago, was the darkest day of my life and I couldn't bear to let my daughter feel the same pain. We're going home to her."

"I have nothing, we can't just drive across the border like back then."

"We won't have to, Steven is sending a plane, it'll be here soon."

"A plane?"

"You made us all very wealthy, we had to hide it from Clara but your piece of paper was right."

Lorraine had a bag with some clean clothes for me. I looked at her and the love I'd felt when I walked into the water was still there. She saw me looking into her eyes and just kissed me on the cheek after holding me.

"I know what you are thinking, to you we just made love last night but it's been 30 years for me, Marcus. I had to move on," she said to me.

"I understand, I'm sorry you had to go through the pain because of me," I replied.

"You gave me a beautiful daughter and I gave that love to her."

A few hours later, we pulled into my driveway and got out of the car. Clara opened the door and looked between Lorraine and I with her eyes wide open.

"M.... Mom? Marcus? Is it really you?" she said, tears running down her face.

We both held her, both of us wiping the tears from her face.

"They said you were gone, Mom, they sent an investigator and everything!" said Clara.

"Missing, my love, missing. My friend found me again but he was so upset he used the wrong words. Let's go inside and talk, there is so much to catch up on," said Lorraine.

Clara had a vice grip on my hand as her mom spoke. She told us about her travels, her quest to find a way to bring me back to Clara.

"So, he really is my father?" she asked when Lorraine had finished talking.


"I don't care. 3 weeks you've been gone and I need you," Clara said to me.

"It's been longer than that for me and I've been with another woman."

"I know, you fucked my mom and knocked her up after fucking me and knocking me up. I swear, if I told anyone they'd lock me in the nuthouse anyway so you're mine again, I'm so not calling you Daddy even if you're into that and you better not fuck my mom again," said Clara. We all laughed.

"Wait, you're pregnant?" I said, finally realizing what she said.

"Yes, I just found out last week, I've been crying a lot."

"I'll be around my loves, I'm going to give you both some space for a few days okay?" said Lorraine.

Clara and I made love for hours then just held each other.

"Let's stay the hell away from beaches and the little trinkets in Mom's boxes. She can pick them up herself," Clara said to me.

"I agree, I don't think I could cope with losing you again," I replied.

"Just glad my mom's vagina could keep you company while you were away," she said with a grin.

"In fairness, I couldn't remember you at all until I touched her baby bump."

"I am teasing. The letter I burned, it told me she'd found you, no memory of who I was to you until she was almost 6 months pregnant with me. She told me she'd been searching for a way to bring you home since then but wanted to make sure she raised me with all the love you gave her, why she waited until I was 18 to start looking more. I know we've spoken about how wonderful my childhood was but now you know it was because of you."

"None of this answers the question of how I was sent back the first time. The stone, sure but was that my first time or am I in some endless loop? She placed the stone there, knowing it would send me to the beach. It's all messing with my head."

"The stone vanished when you did. I don't fully understand it all either, I'm just happy you are back."

Our daughter was born happy and healthy 8 months later. We scoured both of our family trees to make sure the name we chose wasn't an ancestor sent back or something. Maybe someday I'll find out how the old lady at the beach knew what I was. Until then, I have my beautiful Clara to hold me every night.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Interesting premise.

But almost all "story" and very little sex, at least sex that was described on detail.

Three stars

CILMAraeCILMArae3 months ago

I got so into this one that I cried! Sooo creative & excellently written. Thank you! Loved it.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

No anal -- Thank you!!!!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

What in the world would we do, without a writer like you?

So many dreams, longing and tears washed away by the hands of time captured in this one... you checked all the boxes.

Thank You. If only...

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I loved the story. it did make me sad that Lorraine had "Moved on" I would have been a happier ending for me if she and Clara had ended up sharing Marcus. After all they both had claim to him.

KJ1958KJ19585 months ago

I loved it. I couldn't put it down

shadrachtshadracht5 months ago

Great plot line, Great characters. It felt a little rushed, though. I think you had the story there for a bit kore fleshing out. Still, I enjoyed it a lot. 5*

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Strange, but well done. There's many strange things in our world. Perhaps when the daughter is 18, something similar could happen. 5/5 stars.

Dewey Cheatham

redlion75redlion755 months ago

Damn no mom daughter 3way

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