The Triad


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Kabbie asked to see our book and explained some of the art as we sipped our tea. But time was getting away from us and it was time to go to work. Rene and I removed our clothing without waiting for Kabbie to leave the room this time. After all, she'd seen and photographed us capturing my erection in all it's pulsing glory, so her leaving the room seemed silly. The room temperature was a little warmer than last session. We stepped onto the platform and took our places. Kabbie, with the aid of the photo's made some final adjustments to our position.

An addition to the room was another smaller, more square platform on caster rollers on top of which was a large hunk of clay. Kabbie wheeled it into position and looked up at us to explain, "I began work on our project two days ago by preparing the base shapes which you see here, and with the photo's as a guide removed more clay. Today I will remove some more clay, add a little to different areas and in about four hours or so you should be able to make out rough shaped human forms. Over the next two or three sessions the figures will begin to look like you two. Then in a final session, and probably the longest they will become you in every detail."

"Fascinating," I said.

"Are you warm enough?", Kabbie asked as she picked up a tool from the table. "If not I can turn the heat up some more."

"I'm fine" said Rene. I felt it a little warm but if Rene was comfortable, I wouldn't say anything. Rene and I remained motionless except for our eyes which watched Kabbie's deft hands. Kabbie remained standing all this time so no sneak peeks were offered. However, from the way she swayed back and forth and with arms almost in constant motion, her breasts swayed about causing her nipples to harden, revealing themselves beneath the smoothness of her robe. I was pleasantly relieved that I remained flaccid despite the observation and my wife's warm skin against me.

As time wore on, Kabbie was beginning to form small beads of perspiration on her forehead. She laid her sculpting tool down and reached for a nearby towel. Wiping her forehead, she looked up at us.

"Listen, this work coupled with the room heat makes me a little warm and uncomfortable. Would you guys mind if I took my robe off and joined you in being naked?"

"Not at all" chimed Rene, "You don't mind do you Dean?" I was not at all opposed, but a little surprised at Renes impromptu answer.

"No, please do Kabbie," I said.

"Thank you." Kabbie did not turn around or in any way attempt modesty, but simply untied her robe, letting it fall open. It slipped neatly off her shoulders into an accordion pile at her feet. She hooked it with one foot and expertly flipped it into a wooden chair perhaps 8 feet away.

"There, that's better", she said, standing totally naked before us. "Would you like a break for a light snack?"

Rene indicated yes "A break and something to eat would be nice" As for myself, as you might have guessed, I was becoming stiff and began to poke Rene in the back. She reached back and touched me in acknowledgment and very boldly said "It's Ok dear, a normal male response. Besides, Kabbie and I agree that it's beautiful and wouldn't mind you walking around with a hard-on. Would you Kabbie?"

"No, not at all, if you don't mind my straying eyes Rene. She's right Dean, it's beautiful." Rene simply smiled at Kabbie's teasing remark and stood up to reveal my swollen cock which bounced proudly as she stood. What could I say except thanks to their admiring comments and try not to turn red.

I would by no means put Kabbie above my wife who is a tremendous woman with a remarkably sexy body. Breasts of a woman much younger even after having breast fed two children and an ass that I still love to watch walk away. Also after two vaginal deliveries she knows the value of Kegal's. Our lovemaking only gets more passionate. Kabbie, being a different build was a little thinner than Rene. Her breasts were high on her chest with nipples of perfection. A tattoo of a rose adorned her right breast with it's stem and leaves with a few thorns twined around the aureole. Yoga kept her torso tight and as revealed previously, was shaved with the exception of a lovely little triangle of public hair just at the top. Another tattoo of a hummingbird, it's beak reaching into the small patch of hair.

"Come on Rene, let's go to the kitchen, I have some finger sandwiches and juice ready. "Make yourself at home Dean, we'll be right back."

They weren't exactly right back, but gone almost 15 minutes. I was beginning to wonder what was taking them. They returned laughing and talking, Rene carrying a tray of sandwiches and Kabbie a tray of the same juice she served before. I knew not to question the length of their absence and took a sandwich quarter from the tray Rene offered. Kabbie placed a drink in my hand. I could feel a drop of pre-come beginning to dangle from my now soft but thickened penis and hoped she wouldn't notice.

But I knew she did, her glance down as she offered me a napkin. Calmly, but not sure of her intention I used it to wipe my mouth. Kabbie turned to observe the progress of the clay and Rene stepped to my side and taking her finger, caught the drip of pre-cum, placing it to her lips just as Kabbie turned back around. The smile on Renes lips and the missing droplet no doubt caught Kabbie's interest. She looked at Rene with a wonderful wanting smile. I couldn't help but notice that these two women were very comfortable with each other, this being just our third visit and Rene didn't appear the least bit jealous of my response to Kabbie's nudity or comments. I thought it wise to just go with the flow, then Rene asked me a most surprising question.

"Dean, you know the display of penises on the shelf behind that divider? Well, Kabbie asked me if I would mind yours being added to the collection. Do you. I don't. It would be kind of immortalized and deservedly so. What do you say?"

Kabbie was looking at me waiting for my response. "Dean, not only as a female but also as an artist I am fascinated by the different characteristics of penis's. Small, large, soft, hard, semi-hard, each has it's own uniqueness. As I have seen, and your wife so openly volunteered, ours has a quality of strength to match your body. I would love to add yours to the "Hall of Fame" if you will."

"Well, yea, I suppose if Rene doesn't care, it's ok with me." Man, what were they talking about in the kitchen and just how was she planning to do a sculpture of my penis. Of course the hall of fame idea sounded good to me.

After nearly finishing the snack and drink Kabbie suggested we return for a short session so she could take care of some items on her mind. Returning to the platform, again she made some minor corrections. This time she came around to my back and bent down. As I looked up I found her breasts fully in my face. I was in heaven and quickly hardening again. She reached down and positioned me saying "Just a little while longer and you'll be able to take this beauty home and put it to good use."

Rene giggled and said "We'll have to go home again before picking up the kids."

"Must be nice Rene," Kabbie said. "I haven't been laid in weeks. The vibrator can only substitute for so long."

"That's a shame Kabbie," Rene replied.

"It'll happen soon enough. Sex after a long drought with the right man is always worth waiting for." Kabbie's hand was caressing my hair as she said it.

Perhaps I could be of some assistance," I interjected. Renes elbow found my ribs but she smiled as she jabbed me.

"Yes, perhaps," Kabbie said as she stood to return to her clay. As she walked away from us my eyes fell immediately to her ass. Just like Renes, apple shaped, muscles firm and smoothly exciting. She had a tattoo of a Siamese cat with it's back arched, hair standing on it's back and mouth open in the midst of a warning hiss. To me this said treat me right or incur my wrath, or simply, don't touch. I think more the former.

Kabbie went back to her clay only this time her breasts bobbed and weaved freely with her shoulders and arms. Her triangle was tremendous, boldly and artfully augmented with clean shaven smoothness and the erotic tattoo. My erection thought so too.

About 45 minutes later her work stopped again. Wiping her hands on a towel she looked at the days work, nodded approvingly and said "Let's call it a day guys. Must not rush, better to take our time and make it perfect."

"Well said Kabbie," Rene added. "Not only that, I'm stiff and so is Dean." All of us laughed out loud.

"Well listen, can we go again this Saturday night, say eight in the evening? I have to be out of town to visit friends during the day."

Rene had anticipated this weekend and arranged for Grandma to take the kids for the entire weekend. I bet Grandma was wondering why she got the grand kids so often lately. "That'll be great," Rene exclaimed. "A little night work."

"Yes, so to speak," Kabbie agreed, smiling at us.

We gave hugs all around . We didn't even stop to think about our nudity, Rene and Kabbie hugging an extra few seconds. I found that embrace both tender and erotic, their breasts crushed together and hands nearly down to each others ass. Kabbie came over to me. We hugged and she very deliberately stood on her tip toes to get as close to me as possible, knowing I was still hard, evidenced by an obvious tent. Rene only smiled with her head cocked slightly to one side. Kabbie's breasts felt good against my chest.

"Well love, we'd better get dressed and go. I hope this hard-on gets put away before we get to the bottom of the stairs.

"Just don't forget where it gets put away because I wanna go home first." Rene's comment was said to me but in Kabbie's direction.

"Now you two stop it, that's not fair. See you Saturday night."

While driving home Rene asked if she and Kabbie's goodbye embrace bothered me.

"No, not at all, in fact it was touching and if I were to admit, more than a little erotic. Does that bother you?"

"Not really. There's something about Kabbie. She's warm and open, easy to talk to and I find her exciting." Rene turned her head back front and in a lower voice admitted that she wanted to kiss her.

"Don't be ashamed Sweetheart." I told her. "Just as my erections are normal, your attraction to her is also natural. Again, to be more exact, I found it a real turn on. And while on the subject, Kabbie's hug with me was a pure invitation to a fuck, did you catch that?"

"Yes and as with you, I found it exciting. Baby, you had a hard-on most of the time, but believe me, I was just short of dripping. I'm so comfortable with her, in a trusting way, so what she did to you, touching your dick and the hug didn't bother me. So what'cha say we step on it. I wanna get you home"

"You got it."

When better than a half block from our house Rene was reaching for the garage door opener. She was acting more like a woman who had to pee real bad than extremely horny. We pulled into the garage and before the overhead had closed she had me out of my pants and was beginning to kiss and stroke it to fullness. Once hard, she was teasing me with kisses to the shaft. I reached for the lever beside the seat and slowly let the seat back recline as I moaned my approval.

I could feel an urgency to Renes oral but did not want to come this way, I wanted to feel her next to me. "What do you say we take this upstairs?" She seemed oblivious to my question and continued to suck and stroke me. "I'm about to come,' I told her.

"Your choice Baby, here or upstairs, all I know is I want your orgasm."

"Umm, nice, Let's go upstairs because I want you're orgasm too."

We both scrambled out of the car and stopped at the door leading to the house, kissing and touching passionately before heading upstairs. Leaving a trail of clothes along the steps we reached the bedroom and fell in an embrace onto the large bed. Rene reached down and squeezed me hard as I turned my attention to her breasts, teasing and licking her erect nipples. I began to make my way down her abdomen when she let go.

"Where you going Baby?"

"It's your turn, I'm going to steal an orgasm."

"How about I just give it to you," as she pushed lightly on the top of my head until my view was filled with her, full of hair and thick with her juices. She smelled wonderful and I took a deep breath of her. I just looked at her swollen lips before licking the outer most edge with the very tip of my tongue. Up and down, my tongue made it's way teasing her clitoral hood with each pass. She indicated her eagerness by quietly sighing and raising her hips, wanting stronger contact.

Using my fingers I gently separated her lips. Starting at the bottom, in the tiny space between vagina and anus I traced small circles, ascending until I reached her entrance where I paused to dart and swirl. She reached down and pulled my head in closer. From there with her clit now mostly exposed, I flattened my tongue and drew it up and completely across her clit. She shuddered and nearly cried out. I now took to her clit, proceeding to get her off.

Her clit was indeed swollen. I circled it clock and counter-clock wise several times as my hands began to slide up her torso to her breasts. As my technique turned to light but fast flicking, my fingers found and teased her hard nipples. She arched her hips closer when I took her clit into my mouth and began to suck it, my tongue flicks getting stronger and fingers now pulling on her nipples. Suddenly her knees came up and her thighs tightened as several waves of orgasm overtook her. I tightened my lips on her clit and worked my tongue stronger, coaxing every deserved impact of her orgasm. Her laughter signaled it's ending.

She pulled my head up and motioned me forward wanting me to enter her. I snaked upward in the same manner as I went down poised at her entrance. I lowered my outstretched arms and began to kiss her. She responded by inviting my tongue to join hers as simultaneously I easily entered her. She used her well toned muscles to caress me with squeezes then raised her hips as her hands grabbed my ass, pulling me deep into her. Our kiss became increasingly passionate as our hips began to sort of slow dance.

I knew that our built up passion would render me helpless in delaying my orgasm. Her squeezing muscles had me on the fire's edge and she knew it. Rolling me off of her, she swiftly took the top and finished me, rocking me into orgasm. Sensing I was drained she slid off and down, letting my semi-hard cock trace a damp path along her torso, between her breasts to her open mouth when she made certain she had drained me thoroughly. Looking up she smiled, then suggested we shower before going to get the kids. A wonderful idea.

We soaped each other and washed each others hair in silence. Rene finally broke the silence with a question.

"Would you like to make love to Kabbie?"

We had talked about a threesome before. We were only talking though and I suggested, at that time, that it would be a real turn on for me to have a threesome that included another woman. I didn't think it would ever pass the talking stage but I had to admit that Kabbie would be an excellent choice for the third.

"I would enjoy that, but only if you were equally involved."

"That's what I meant. The threesome we talked about some time ago. Do you think she would, I do."

"She might, who knows, she seems to be an open spirit and has made no attempts to suppress it", I added. "Who would ask her though?"

"Oh, I would. We talked pretty openly about your erection in the kitchen so I know she's comfortable with me about sex talk."

"I suspected you two were talking about me," I said.

"All good baby, all good. She said you had a gorgeous cock."

We left the warm water of the shower and without further discussion headed out to Grandma's to retrieve our children. I believe a silent agreement had been reached.

Nothing more was said about the threesome for the remainder of the week. Saturday morning arrived and we took the kids and Grandma out to breakfast. Later Grandma took the kids for an extended spoiling trip to Kids R Us leaving Rene and I to ourselves. We had no particular plans to follow and in anticipation of the evenings posing session went back home and took a lengthy nap. We awoke around 3 and went to a restaurant near Kabbie's loft for a late lunch then to an early afternoon movie. During the movie I asked Rene if she was going to approach Kabbie about the threesome.

"Yea, I thought I would wait until you found an excuse to leave the room, then I would bring it up."

"Sounds good, I'll be sure and have to pee. How do you plan to approach it?"

"I thought I'd let her know we had talked about a threesome recently and let it develop from there. Chances are she'll extend the invitation once she's aware of our interest."

The movie was a French sub-titled one having to do with three university students. To be honest, I don't think either of us had our thoughts on the plot. We finally left the theater about a half hour prior to our appointment with Kabbie and decided to browse the bookstore again.

We began to climb the staircase and again Kabbie beat our knock by opening the loft door, only this time she was fully and beautifully naked. She was also very wet, dripping from head to toe.

"Hey, your all wet", I exclaimed.

"I just got out of the shower. I never dry off, you know, it's best for your skin to air dry."

"Really," Rene questioned. "I have to try that."

"Can I watch you dry?" I asked.

"So, how long can you guys stay tonight?" Kabbie asked. "I really feel good and could work all night."

"Well, the kids are with Grandma for the weekend and we took a great nap today so we're probably good for the night," Rene volunteered. What a great opportunity for us. If Kabbie was up for an all-nighter, then this would be a perfect night for more than posing.

"Good deal, why don't you guys get naked and I'll get things ready." Kabbie waltzed away, her gorgeous ass teasing me to follow. I noticed Rene was getting undressed and watching Kabbie walk away also. I began to undress, eager to begin and wondering at what opportunity Rene might broach the subject with Kabbie. I was excited and knew Rene was just as hungry to experience a threesome. But what if Kabbie declined and was offended? Somehow I didn't think she would be, at least I hoped not.

Hand in hand we made our way to the platform and put ourselves right into position. Kabbie remarked that we both looked great tonight, she was obviously in a great mood. I couldn't help but notice more had been done on the project than was completed last time. Details were beginning to show in torso's and butts, Renes figure was nearly complete. I wanted to look closer to see if I had a hard-on in my figure. Kabbie went right to work with bare hands and sculpting tools. I loved watching her work and her being nude made it all that much nicer. Her skin was vibrant and her musculature resembled a sculpture come to life. Most outstanding tonight was the long cone between her thighs. I imagined a scoop of freshness and a scoop of clean, both with a hint of vanilla bean sitting on top of that cone. We had sat for about 45 minutes when Kabbie suggested a break. Wiping her hands clean she asked "Since you guys have the night, how about we work late and you just stay over tonight? I have plenty of room and we can have breakfast. A final session after breakfast and we should be able to wrap up the sitting."

Rene and I look at each other in surprise and Rene answered "That sound like a great idea. My mom has the kids through tomorrow evening." "I'm game," I said.

"Tell ya' what, you guys take the bed, I'll sleep on the couch."

"I think we'd rather you take the bed with us Kabbie," Rene confessed.