The Trouble with Twins


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The more she thought about it the more she was prepared to accept it, at least it wouldn't be one of the other women. Thanks to her stupid idea and Megan the maneater, she knew word would be spreading and whilst his last two dates hadn't broadcast exactly what had taken place, the rumour mill would be in full flow.

There were enough single women in the large town, attractive women, wealthy women, women who would like nothing better than to flaunt a toy-boy on their arm, she supposed that this Jodie was the lesser of all evils and even though it wasn't ideal, she could cope with it as she nodded her agreement and Simon moved forward and kissed her. She would have done so much more to him except they both heard the sound of the car pulling into the driveway.

And so here he was in his normal haunt, waiting at the bar for Jodie to appear, his mates seemed to be out in force tonight with some of their girlfriends and all sat patiently waiting to see who he was meeting next. Any of them would have swapped places with him in an instant, the lads wondering what it was like being in bed with a MILF and the girls wondering what he had that attracted these women who they were in awe of.

Helen was within the group and looked like she wanted to come over and speak to him, but pride presently kept her in her seat.

When Jodie walked in, a hush seemed to descend across the bar for a moment. Tonight her hair flowed freely down her back and the cream jersey dress she wore clung to every one of her delicious curves, seeming to caress her as she made her way towards him. The dress was long enough that she didn't look indecent but short enough that you couldn't miss the fact that she had a fantastic pair of legs.

'Bloody hell,' he thought to himself, 'She looks stunning.'

Along with his mates, all he could presently do was stare at her as she arrived by his side. It took him a moment to find his voice, 'Wow, just bloody wow,' he said, making her laugh.

As he bought her a drink he glanced around, noticing the looks of jealousy on his mate's faces and the girls making mental notes that to attract men you needed a touch of sophistication.

As they talked it appeared that Jodie was ten years older than he was but to anyone looking they would have said they were of a similar age. She had been married but did not know enough about Simon yet to divulge why it had ended.

At one point Helen had come to the bar, standing very close to Simon as she ordered some drinks and Jodie had asked him quietly, 'The girl stood next to you, is she your ex-girlfriend, it's just that she keeps looking at you.'

Simon already knew that she was there and just nodded at Jodie. She was pretty, Jodie thought and more Simons age as she wondered what had gone wrong.

She excused herself, having noticed Helen heading for the loo's, 'I'm just going to powder my nose,' she told him as she followed the young girl.

Inside the toilets, she could hear crying coming from one of the cubicles and knocked on the door. Slowly it opened and Helen stood there puffy-eyed, Jodie extracting some tissues from her bag and handed them to the young woman.

'I'm sorry, I'm sure he's not doing it on purpose,' she said softly.

'Well, it feels like it,' Helen responded, 'You know you're the fourth one this week,' she sniffed, wiping her eyes.

Jodie chuckled, 'I wouldn't worry too much about that, it was his mother and aunts idea of a joke, setting him up with those women.

'I don't know what went wrong, but from what I'm hearing, any one of them is ready to replace you, and you have only seen a small portion of them yet, I believe there are more.'

Helen looked miserable, 'I was being stupid, I'm going off to university and wanted my freedom.'

Jodie chuckled, 'And perhaps now it wasn't the best of idea's?' She said, watching as Helen nodded.

'And what about you?' The young girl asked,

Jodie, shrugging her shoulders, 'I've no idea, I have only just met him but he did tell me in passing that you had hurt him.

'I've no idea if this is a one-off or something else, we've all done stupid things in the past if he's meant to get back with you, I'm sure it will happen.'

It felt strange that even as adversaries the two women seemed to get on, 'Give me five minutes to finish up and I'll take him somewhere else..... and good luck at university,' Jodie said as she left the toilets.

Simon had wondered where she had got to when she returned. 'I've just been having a chat with Helen,' she said, 'And its time for us to move.'

They had decided to get a meal and sitting in the restaurant he was interested in what had taken place. 'She realises that she has made a silly mistake and is regretting it now, she's hurting and you turning up with different women isn't helping,' Jodie said, 'Do you still have feelings for her?' She asked him.

Maybe two or three weeks ago he would have said yes, but a lot had happened in such a short time.

'I still like her,' he replied, 'But not like that anymore, she had been my long-term girlfriend and I suppose it all felt comfy, the split has made me realise that she wasn't what I wanted.'

Jodie nodded her head, 'And what's that?' She asked, laughing as she got his answer.

'I'll tell you when I know you better.'

He was home before midnight, his mother had just gone up and Pam was still sat watching tv as he flopped onto the couch next to her.

'Hiya you,' she said, still feeling a little deflated, 'How did it go?' she asked.

Simon looked at her compassionately, 'If you mean did I sleep with her, the answer is 'no'.

'You can't dwell on that Pam, it will drive you mad if you do, you were married for what, ten, twelve years, imagine if I'd let it get to me that you and Jack were sleeping together every night.

'You have just got to accept that somethings you can't control and enjoy what you can.'

And with that, he kissed her.

They chatted long enough that hopefully, Carole was asleep as he moved her to the rug in front of the fire and they made love, willing to accept the risk of being caught.

Over the next two weeks, he met up with Jodie constantly and when he wasn't seeing her, He and Pam had suddenly developed an urge when the weather was nice to go for a walk after tea which Carole thought strange but did not question until one evening, out in the garden bringing some washing in, she spied two people in the distance coming towards her house.

Living on the edge of town her house backed onto the countryside and it was not uncommon to see folks out for a walk on nice evenings. What troubled her was that it looked suspiciously like her son and her sister..... and they were holding hands.

Back inside, she felt apprehensive, surely her sister wouldn't be stupid enough to do something like that. For a while now she'd had her suspicions that Simon and Pam were becoming very close and it wasn't helped by the totally inappropriate thoughts she kept having.

When they entered shortly afterwards, laughing and joking, she said nothing to them.

Both she and Pam were back at work while Simon still had several weeks before he would start at the university where he had been accepted. She left it a few days before one Thursday morning she ensured her sister had a heavy workload and making the excuse that her car had played up that morning, she had borrowed Pam's car to go and see a fictitious client and driving nervously towards her house. She knew what she needed to do, which was why that morning she had worn the same business suit as her sister.

Simon was up and about when she arrived home and entered the house, greeting her as she'd hoped.

'Hello Pam, managed to get away?' he said as he advanced on her, wrapped his arms around her waist and pulling her into him, he kissed her.

It took her by surprise but she kept up the pretence as she kissed him back, finding that he was quite nice to kiss and then suddenly embarrassed as she felt his erection being pressed against her. She hadn't meant it to go this far, she had just wanted her suspicions confirmed, but as he started to unfasten the buttons of her blouse she had allowed him to continue.

She could feel her heart thudding in her chest and her breathing was coming swiftly as she came close to panting. What disturbed her the most as he reached the halfway point was the burning desire between her legs, she could feel the dampness in her knickers and knew she was leaking. As he kissed her once more and his hand slid inside her blouse she was shaking, when he pushed her bra up and cupped her breast she thought her legs would no longer support her and when he teased her nipple erect and squeezed it, she climaxed.

He held her until she stopped shaking, 'Are you ok Pam?' He asked.

'Yeeeah, yes, I'm fine, you just took me by surprise,' she said as he picked her up in his arms and headed for the stairs.

She had to say something, she had to stop this, this couldn't happen she kept telling herself, but by now they had reached his bedroom as he removed her jacket and blouse and moved behind her as he removed her bra.

She felt the zip on her skirt slide down and fall to the floor, conscious that she was stood there now in nothing but her panties and hold-up stockings. Simons's hands came around her chest as he cupped and fondled her tit's, all the while kissing her earlobes and neck as she found herself tilting her head back and enjoying the sensation. And then his hands were on the move, over her ribcage to her belly and then he reached the top of her panties.

'Oh god, 'no', he mustn't,' she thought but before she could say anything his hand had slipped inside, across her mound and between her legs as a single finger stroked her slit.

Carole was panting now, her legs refused to stop shaking and the sounds escaping her lips were not protests about what he was doing to her. She felt her labia being parted and then his finger slid inside her and she climaxed again.

Simon was slightly puzzled but also amused, Pam must have been dying for it because it had been easy so far to make her cum and they hadn't even reached the bed yet.

Moving around to stand in front of her, he removed his t-shirt and unfastened his pants, he hadn't bothered with briefs that morning, so as his trousers fell to the floor, his cock sprang upwards. Carole was certain she was going to faint as he stepped out of his clothes, picked her up and carried her across to the bed before removing her panties and joining her.

Her mind was no longer protesting as he parted her legs and knelt between her thighs, Carole gazing at his shaft and knowing that she wanted him to fuck her. She couldn't get over how gentle he was with her as his mouth came down and kissed her once more and then he was working his way down to her breasts, cupping each one and licking and sucking at her sensitive nipples before moving across her belly until finally, she could feel his breath on her vagina.

Simon could smell her sex, he had never seen Pam this wet, it was as though she hadn't had sex for years, he thought, as he parted her lips and licked her slowly, savouring her taste before his tongue penetrated her and she cried out loudly, her hands balling into fists curled into the covers.

His constant attention to her fanny quickly brought her to a state of high arousal especially as he pushed the hood back from her clitoris and sucked on it as he teased it with his tongue. She knew she couldn't hold out any longer and was about to beg him to fuck her when she felt his thumb penetrate her anus and his tongue dart into her cunt as she climaxed once more, flooding his face with her juices as she cried his name and thrashed about the bed, every nerve in her body alive with sensations as her orgasm took control of her body.

When she returned to earth, he once again was knelt between her thighs, only now she could feel the head of his shaft pushing against her fanny, the look on her face told him everything he needed to know as she consented to what he was about to do and then the air was forced from her lungs as his manhood slid into her.

Carole was past fighting her internal demons, what she wanted more than anything else now was to be fucked and that was what she told him as he built up a rhythm, his cock slamming into her as he built her arousal once more until she surrendered herself to him and felt his ejaculation coincide with her climax as her body soared, missing the fact that it was her name he called as he filled her twat with his seed and not her sister's name.

Afterwards, she had managed to dress, kiss him and return to work, but her demons were back with a vengeance. For the rest of the day she was a useless wreck until at last, they shut the office. Pam was the last to leave and on the drive home noticed Carole's car on the side of the road, presuming she had broken down again.

She backed up and went to the driver's door to offer Carole a lift but was astounded when she opened it to find her sister sat inside, sobbing uncontrollably.

She bent down, 'Carole, what's wrong, what's happened, has someone hurt you?' she asked protectively.

Between the sobs, she managed to make out what her sister was saying, 'I've done something terrible, so wrong, even worse than you have done.' Pam wondering what she was going on about.

'The other day.... I saw you and Simon coming back across the fields..... you were holding hands.'

Pam went white, 'Oh fuck, Carole knows,' she started to think but her sister continued.

'When I borrowed your car.....I went home..... Simon thought it was you,' Pam couldn't stop shaking, she just knew what was coming next. Carole must have hit the roof, no wonder she was so quiet all afternoon and withdrawn.

'I slept with him Pam, I let him fuck me..... and I enjoyed every second of it.' There was complete silence in the car for the next five minutes as both women contemplated the implications.

Pam ever the one to find solutions broke the silence, 'He's never going to know it was you, he thinks it was me, let him carry on thinking that.

'I'm sorry Sis, I just couldn't resist him; when he was dating our friends, I just thought, why not me?'

At least the sobbing had subsided until Carole turned to her sister, a look of horror on her face, 'Oh my god,' she screamed, 'I missed it, it didn't register at the time..... when he came in me..... it was my name he called, my name, not yours.'

Both women were shaking and weeping as they clung to each other until eventually, Carole made the decision that they had to go home, two cars finally pulling up the driveway. They supported each other as they entered, the lounge was empty and they heard Simon call from the dining room. When they went in they found him sat with a beer in front of him and opposite, two glasses of brandy.

'I figure that presently you both need one of those,' he said, inviting them to sit down.

They took a sip but continued to just stare at him until he spoke, he wasn't being nasty or a smart-arse, he kept his voice smooth and soft but there was still a concern for them etched across his features.

'Well, ladies, I take it that you have figured things out, what has taken place was not done because I wanted to hurt either of you, the opposite is true.

'When I told you, Pam, that I loved you, I was being truthful, how could I not love you, you're the spitting image of my mother whom I love unconditionally.

'When Helen and I split up and you had me dating your friends, it just confirmed to me what I had perhaps known all along, that the person I wanted to be with was someone older than me, the trouble was that I so far haven't found anyone yet that even comes close to either of you.'

'And now the other point I wanted to make, for years you have played on the fact that you are identical and you have had your fun, I wonder how many times blokes said the wrong thing to the wrong sister and then suffered for it.

'Over the years, you have even had your fun out of me, how does it feel when someone uses it against you.

'Before the recriminations start, let me just add, I engineered what happened for the simple reason that despite you being my mother and my aunt, you are both stunningly beautiful and sexy women and as women, I wanted to sleep with you both.'

So, here I am at university and the first year of my psychology course is nearly over, that summer actually gave me a great insight into the human mind. I'm still seeing Jodie and surprisingly, the more I get to know her, the more like my mother and aunt she becomes, I reckon she is the one that I have been looking for but for the moment, I have another three years of hard work in front of me. Pam is still living with us but is hoping to get a place of her own very soon, it makes more sense, it can't be ideal when one sister can hear what the other is doing each night. That's the other thing I have learnt about them, they are both identically vocal when they are getting fucked, even if they do like different things.

Perhaps that's what my dissertation should eventually be about.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

This was a great story but SCREAMS for a second and maybe third chapter. Pretty please?

NadiePreguntameNadiePreguntameabout 1 year ago

As a husband of a twin sister, after a couple of days after knowing both of them, for the last 48 years they never ever could trick me ... unless I wanted to ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great story and a great plot, but, you need to learn the difference between "your," and "you're!"

Now, of course, we all want to know, how it all ended up? Surely a 3some with mum and Pam, or a 4some with mum, Pam, and Jodie! And did Pam or Jodie end up being his partner?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story! Interesting premise. Psych student son of manipulative twins giving them a taste of their own medicine. Well thought out and written.

5⭐ Rafe.

On a separate note, I don't understand why people will criticize an author for their writing style. I'm American and understand the world doesn't revolve around me. There are others in this world with different ideas, mannerisms, phrases for different dialects. If the reader is unhappy or dislikes an authors style, the merely need to stop reading. Don't bash someone because you don't like, or don't care for what they have written. All this does is show whoever reads your comment how narrow-minded and petty you are. Rant over.

TheOldStudTheOldStudabout 2 years ago

Nice story...thanks!!

grindsmygearsgrindsmygearsabout 2 years ago

Really good story, decent buildup, but the end falls flat.

BassNutt51BassNutt51over 2 years ago

I thuroughly loved this story, well written, very hot, and left you wondering what the future will hold. Please add more to this, thanks for writing.

lwiltonlwiltonabout 3 years ago

A wonderful story, and despite what all the other commentors are saying about an abrupt ending, the final line is absolutely classic. Definitely worth the price of admission just for that one sentence.

But then, I always did like shaggy dog stories. :-)

Fuzzy_KbearFuzzy_Kbearover 3 years ago

I loved it AND I got it.

I don't know what UltimateHomeBody and Anonymous were talking about with the ending. It made perfect sense to me. He knew from his mothers reactions that it was her and not is Aunt. He also had seen and even been on the receiving end of the way they manipulated people by switching places. If he was attracted to his Aunt it makes sense he would be attracted to her twin his mother. He being a bright young man saw an opportunity for not only a little pay-back for all the times they switched on him, but also a chance to 'give them a taste of their own medicine' in hopes that they 'see the errors of their own ways'. Given he was in school for psychology gives the whole scenario even more credibility. Great work and thanks for sharing.

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