The Tutor


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Chad nodded his head, although it wasn't clear that he believed Ava.

"Don't just nod your head; say it, and write it down," she snickered.

"My face is good looking enough to have a relationship with any girl worth having one with," he repeated, as he simultaneously wrote it down.

"OK, there are two aspects that we can work on to help in that regard. The first is that you need to follow basic grooming standards, such as showering, wearing deodorant, and wearing clean and stylish clothes. In your case you also need a haircut and your eyebrows trimmed; your unibrow isn't a good look."

"But other popular guys at school aren't clean cut," Chad protested.

"Then from 90% of eighteen year old girls they're not getting the action that they could get if they were well groomed. You're going to be; got it?"

Again Ava made him say it and write it down.

"The second thing having to do with appearance is that your body is going to be in good shape. Right now you're soft; we're going to make you hard."

"What does that mean?" Chad whined.

"Feel my ass and thighs," Ava said walking over to Chad. "Go ahead, I'm not going to punch you like I would if you did it without an invitation. Feel my ass and thighs."

Again with frog eyes Chad did, taking his time when he saw that Ava really wasn't going to punch him. "That's what you're going to become, no more shuffling around. You're going to get hard and strong and your posture is always going to be perfect. Got it?"

Again Ava made Chad say it and write it down. This time he did both with much more enthusiasm than previously, having been inspired by the feel of Ava's ass and thighs, even if through her clothing.

"Next girls like conversation. You don't have to talk as much as a girl you're with but you do HAVE to listen. If you don't listen you have no hope of a relationship; neither teenage girls nor older women will be ignored. Got it?"

By now Chad was with the program, repeated it, and wrote it down.

"Next never be sexist. Don't ever say that a girl can't do something. About the only thing that girls can't do that guys can is pee into a urinal or play defensive tackle. If you are not only not sexist, but compliment women who are leaders in their field whether it be sports, engineering, running a business, or teaching, you'll get maximum brownie points. As a corollary to this, be polite and respectful at all times. Don't swear unless you're one-on-one and the girl swears first. Showing respect for her friends and views and even seemingly stupid stuff like opening the door -- as long as you don't make a big deal about it -- can go a long way."

Chad did his thing.

"Most women like a sense of humor and hearing a good story. Even if you're not naturally funny you can improve in this area, and anyone can learn to tell a good story. You get material for good stories from life experiences -- not playing video games -- and from reading or otherwise following the news."

Chad actually smiled at this one while again doing his thing.

"Finally the last thing -- which is the hardest to pull off but that we will be working on every single time that we meet -- is confidence. For me personally -- and according to most of the women I know -- confidence, along with respect, is the biggest single thing that a girl is looking for in a guy. A guy who is self-confident has high self-esteem and believes in himself. This quality makes a guy more attractive because he genuinely feels good and likes himself-and girls are seeking these qualities in themselves. Girls especially value confidence because being around a confident guy makes them feel like he can be counted on."

"I'm not confident because I have no reason to be," Chad whined.

"That's why we'll be gradually working on it for the next nine months to a year. It won't come overnight but once we address all of the other things I talked about it will come along with them. Now say 'At some point I'll be confident around not just women but everyone,' and write it down."

Chad complied, although with less resolve than his other repeated statements.

"OK, now that you know the things girls want I need to clue you in on what girls are right for you. No bitches, haughty, or pompous girls; no needy or weepy ones either. You want someone with principles, kindness, and empathy; if they're good looking besides, bonus points."

Chad only needed to nod.

"Now for our schedule; tomorrow we'll meet in the early afternoon, go to the mall and other public places and I'll give you your first lessons on how to size up a girl merely by observation -- accurate 90% of the time. Then we'll meet every Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon shortly after you get home from school, and Thursday evening, about two hours each session. We'll meet for about four hours every Saturday morning going into the afternoon, and the same amount of time every Sunday afternoon. You mom says that the exercise equipment will be installed Tuesday afternoon so our first workout will be Wednesday. You need compression shorts, a T-shirt and cross training shoes. We'll buy them at the mall this afternoon. Any questions?"

Ava could tell that Chad was turning crimson and moving his mouth but no words were coming out. She smiled, walked up to him and whispered into his ear "After you have three successful dates we'll fuck, not until."

While his face remained flushed a sly smile appeared on his face.


The next seven weeks proceeded about as well as could be expected in the real world. Of course initially Chad hated working out four times a week for an hour each time, but the skimpy workout outfits that Ava wore and the fact that she always worked out with him made sure that he didn't quit. Also, when after seven weeks for the first time he benched, squatted, and pulled down more weight than Ava did it demonstrated to him that he was making progress -- and the big hug that Ava gave him when he accomplished that made him feel about as good as he could remember.

Chad also was feeling good that Ava always told him the truth, and after those seven weeks he was sure that he could trust her since nothing he had ever said to her ever made it to his parents or anyone else. He started telling her things about school and the students who went there. Ava even went to his school at dismissal three times and made sure to have a public discussion with him that was very complimentary toward him. When after Ava's visits classmates -- he didn't actually have any real friends -- both male and female (who had never lowered themselves to talk to him before) asked who Ava was he replied "My aeronautical engineering tutor since I'm going for some college credits before graduating High School -- and she's also my personal trainer," the guys were impressed and their respect for him went up, and the girls were seemingly pissed off that someone as trim as Ava was also an aeronautical engineer (ha. ha).

Betsy and Greg -- especially Betsy -- were very impressed with Chad's changes. He was infinitely more engaging, was obviously developing physically, was well-groomed, and even started telling jokes and stories (unbeknownst to them to test his developing skills in that regard as encouraged by Ava).

At about eleven weeks after starting her tutoring Ava came to Betsy and Greg with an observation and request, before she talked about it with Chad. "I think that Chad needs to get out of that private school he goes to and either go to the public High School in this area or another private school for his last semester," she told them.

"But why, we think that Aldridge Academy is a very good school," Betsy replied with Greg nodding his head in agreement.

"It is, but Chad's already got the grades and board scores to get into the colleges he's interested in and he can't develop socially any more at that school. The kids there have a history with him as a loser, and even though to any objective person he now clearly is not a loser it's unlikely that minds will be changed. Plus there are too many pompous, egotistical, bitchy girls there in both the junior and senior classes. He's extremely unlikely to have a good dating experience with any of them even if some would go out with him."

For the next half hour they talked it over in detail including Ava pulling out Chad's yearbook from his junior year and going over most the girls with them -- as she had already done with Chad -- including her personal observations. Also she presented information about the public school and another more economically and socially diverse private school in the area, including what she witnessed first-hand. "In those schools Chad will have no history and by the time the new semester starts he'll be well-received."

After a week of thinking about it and visiting the schools themselves Betsy and Greg agreed, leaving it up to Chad to pick which school -- assuming that he did want to change.

The next time that Ava met Chad for one of their sessions after working out, while still both sweaty, Ava brought up the subject with Chad. He didn't seem to be as excited about it as Ava was expecting. While he certainly didn't say "No," he seemed reluctant to commit. Ava thought it was time to bring out the big guns.

"OK, Chad, here's some more information about them. I've got to get ready to leave, so why don't we kill two birds with one stone and you come with me while I shower and we talk about it further.

Chad's eyes did the frog imitation again as he wordlessly followed Ava into the women's locker room in the pool house.

Ava nonchalantly stripped in front of Chad while talking to him and showered with the curtain open as Chad stood there in awe of both Ava's body and the situation. After showering as Ava dried off she cupped one of her teardrop C-cup boobs and while staring at him -- his attention was mostly on her nipples -- said "If you ever want any hope of sucking on this you better make a decision. I recommend the public High School."

"Uh...OK...sure...uh...the," he stammered still staring at her tits.

"Great, now get out of the women's locker room before someone sees you in here," she chuckled, being sure to press a tit against one of his arms as she ushered him out.


The strangest things happened to Ava while she was working with Chad.

The first thing was that Ava was more industrious, clinical, and excited about this job than any other job she had in her life. She had never thought of herself as an intellectual but the way that she approached this job was both practical and intellectual -- in fact Betsy complimented her on her approach.

The second thing was that her relationship with Norm was improving almost weekly. It seemed that her teaching about what a woman looked for in a guy had inspired her to view her relationship more closely and that Norm had most of the things that she was teaching Chad were desirable. She intellectually evaluated her previous situation and noted that much of her marital dissatisfaction and malaise were the product of her economic and professional situation. Now that she was contributing substantially to her marriage's finance -- weekly Norm only made about $50 more than she did and he had no potential bonanza waiting in the wings like she did -- it seemed that the stress melted away. With her present job she had lots of free time but still was earning her keep.

The third thing was that she felt a great deal of satisfaction with Chad's progress. His changes were real and dramatic. She had no doubt that she would earn her bonus, and enjoy herself doing it.

Another measure of her success with Chad's development was that even when her sessions with Chad fell on a holiday or during a potential vacation he would rather have his sessions with Ava. She was flattered by this but insisted that he go on vacations or outings with his parents and that they would make up the time.

The fourth thing was that while she was always in good shape her normal four exercise sessions per week with Chad using the most up-to-date equipment that she had ever had access to made her already great body almost a perfect athletic one. In studying to make sure that she was doing the best for Chad she sought out information about diet and modified her and Norm's diets so that they were optimal, and both felt better than at any other time in their lives.


A true test of Chad's progress occurred when his hot 16 ad 17 year old female cousins visited during the Christmas season and for the first time Chad truly interacted with them. The interaction was so satisfying for all concerned that both cousins gave him big hugs and brief kisses on the lips when they said goodbye with small tears in their eyes.

Having Chad attend the local public High School starting near the end of January turned out to be a stroke of genius. By then Ava and Chad had been working together for four solid months and his progress was almost mind boggling -- at least according to Betsy and Greg. Chad asked that Ava come with him to orientation so that he would be sure to be noticed and she was able to develop an excellent ruse for doing that -- and it had the desired effect.

After the first two weeks of school Chad had developed several friendships. It was no surprise when a couple of his new male friends talked him into letting them come for a workout session with his "personal trainer," but a milestone was reached when a female "friend," not yet a romance, came with him for a session.

While Chad's "personal trainer" got him status he built on it almost perfectly by doing exactly what Ava had taught him. Almost all of the senior girls he had classes with, or came into contact with, clearly had a high opinion of him.

Chad had already been accepted to the two colleges he was most interested in only about two months into his tenure at the public High School and even though the curriculum there was challenging it was not nearly as rigorous or time consuming as it was at his private school, so Chad had more time to devote to self-improvement.

By the beginning of April Chad had gone on two successful dates, one with a group, one with only a girl, and had his third date planned for Saturday. Ava got Chad to invite his perspective date Carolyn to work out on Wednesday afternoon with her and Chad so that she could meet Carolyn. After the workout Ava sent Chad on an errand and talked with Carolyn for the better part of an hour. She was pleased with her as a date for Chad. While she wasn't beautiful she was as good-looking as Chad, and had the type of warm and inclusive personality that Ava told Chad he had to look for. Ava's meeting with Carolyn allowed her to give Chad all sorts of good advice.

When Ava met with Chad Sunday afternoon after his date with Carolyn he had stars in his eyes and was definitive that it was his best interaction with a woman ever (of course not counting with Ava).

Sunday Ava and Chad did a realistic assessment. Chad had achieved high marks in appearance (especially his clean cut look and by now lean muscular body), conversation, and respect, and was doing well in humor and story-telling, although they needed more work. He was as close to confident as was reasonably possible after seven plus months of working with Ava given where he had started out.

In fact, Chad was confident enough that at the end of their Sunday session he asked "So, Ava; now that I've been on three successful dates don't you owe me something?" after which he moved his eyebrows up and down.

"Pushy little bastard, aren't you?" she laughed. "Next Saturday we're going on a field trip; eat your Wheaties," she continued then gave him a kiss on the cheek.


Saturday April 22nd is a day that Chad will remember for the rest of his life. Ava picked Chad up at 10 a. m., a normal time for a Saturday field trip. The difference was that they pulled into the back lot of a middle-class motel. When Chad saw that he couldn't help but smile widely. Without any words exchanged he and Ava got out of her car, she walked up to room 129 and opened it with her key card, and they went inside.

When they got inside Ava had a "ground rules" talk.

"As clinically as possible I'm going to teach you how to make love to a woman so that if you get the chance in the next couple of months -- hopefully with Carolyn since she's eighteen and a half and is the right type of girl for you -- you'll have a great time. However, we will NOT be making love. We will be fucking. This is not a long term thing and is only happening because you held up your end of the bargain when we first talked and you have every right to no longer be involuntarily celibate. Remember no matter how hot things get this is not love; it's biological. Got it?"

"Got it," Chad smiled, "it's only biological.

"First gently take off my clothes -- be very respectful," Ava smiled.

Chad complied, although it seemed like he was all thumbs. He had real trouble with the bra. Ava had him practice it eight times before he smoothly removed it. Ava was a little surprised by the extent of the tent in his pants; it didn't seem right. Anyway she had him kneel as he removed her panties exposing her freshly shaved and douched pussy which had a slight glow.

After Chad nervously stood up when Ava stepped out of her panties she said "Now my turn." She pulled his polo shirt over his head and then lightly bit both of his nipples, resulting in a groan from him. Then she knelt and removed his shoes, socks, and pants. Now she was really surprised by the tent in his boxers. As she pulled down his boxers she got a surprise.

Chad had the longest and thickest cock in her experience; and it was uncut, her first view of a live one. For a minute, until she regained her composure, she played with the foreskin with one hand and wrapped her other hand around his shaft -- it barely encircled it. Chad was now groaning loudly.

Ava released his cock, stood up and looked him in the eye. "You're going to be very sensitive so I'm going to give you a blowjob first otherwise you'll pull the trigger way too fast when we fuck. Understand?"

Chad could only nod his head while he tried to keep from drooling while he gazed at Ava's tear drop mammaries. When she continued with "You should play with my tits while I'm sucking your cock; OK?" he almost started hyperventilating.

Ava got on her knees, held his shaft with one hand, and engulfed his head and foreskin with her mouth. She had never sucked a cock with foreskin before but found it fun to play with it with her tongue. Chad quickly started mauling her tits. She had to interrupt her sucking to caution him "Gentle with my tits, dude; fondle don't maul."

"O...Kay..." he grunted and then lightly twisted both nipples.

Ava knew that Chad wouldn't last long but was surprised when she had sucked him for only about thirty or forty seconds when he grunted and exploded into her mouth. The volume was the most in her experience but she was a trooper and swallowed it all even though with some difficulty. The ejaculation made Chad weak in the knees and he collapsed into a sitting position on the bed.

Ava sat next to him with her arm around him as he spaced out while mumbling "Holy shit" dozens of times in a row. "One thing I forgot to tell you," she chuckled, "is that you have to warn your date when you're about to blow. While it didn't make any difference to me for most women it would since they might not even want cum in their mouth, let alone want to swallow it."

Chad looked at her with a blank expression, obviously still in a euphoric state and not yet back to reality. She smiled, shook him, and then repeated her warning and, as was their custom, had him repeat it back to her.

After a little more conversation Ava said "OK, dude, snap out of it; I'm going to teach you how to eat pussy."