The Unique Mouse Ch. 02


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Darien glanced at him, amazed that the boy could actually hold his nerves while listening to Donell's blatant lies.

"Thank you for your input, Byrne." The principal winced, as not exactly happy at what he heard. "But is it the truth that you kicked Adam Donell in his stomach?"

"Well, after he charged at me, yes. I was simply defending myself."

"So you admit to using your martial art skills against a person who has no such advantage?"

"Well, I could let him beat Darien and myself, it was also a valid scenario." Keegan's voice was now quite bitter.

"Don't get smart on me, Byrne, I'm warning you. And you? Anderson? In what manner were you attacked?"

"Donell held my neck, trying to push my head into the cream on the top of the cupcake... but Keegan stopped him before he succeeded with this... action."

"So no cupcake destroyed? No noses dirtied with cream? No necks broken? Seems to me that Donell had the worst fate as he is the only one really being attacked?"

Darien looked at Keegan. Keegan looked back, and slightly shrugged. The principal evidently had his favorite person in this room, and it wasn't any of them.

Roland smirked. "My decision is: one day of suspension for Byrne for inadequate use of force to his advantage. You used martial art skills in situations that there was no need for. Be happy if Byrne's parents will not press the matter further..."

Keegan snorted, and looked back, pursing his lips. But Darien was in no way ready to accept this decision. "How can you do that principle Roland? He has been bullying me for an entire year, and the only time one single person stood up in my defense, you are punishing him? That's cruel and unjust!"

Roland continued with the same tone of voice: "...and Byrne will be joined in his one-day suspension by Anderson, as his big mouth is really a big issue in this situation." He highlighted the word "big" with a bit of mocking grimace.

"You call it justice? He is a bully! He has been tormenting me this entire year, I'm telling you now, what are you planning on doing with that, principal?" Darien raised his voice a bit, and Roland's face became cold and tense.

"You are in high school not in preschool, Anderson! You have to learn how to deal with relationships within a group of males and build your position up. We are not here to pamper you because you are... what? Small? Boys will be boys. Learn to stand up for yourself, not only accusing others for your misfortunes!"

Darien clenched his jaws. There was no point in discussing it here. He only wished somebody knew what a horrible viewpoint on bullying is held by the school principal. He shook his head, and said nothing more. But he glanced at Keegan and noticed that the boy had a kind of smirk on his face.

As they went out, Adam Donell quickly evacuated himself from their vicinity. They were left alone in the corridor.

Darien grabbed Keegan's arms. "I can't express how sorry I am, Keegan. It's my fault. If you would not protect me, nothing would happen."

He was surprised how soft and warm Keegan's face was now.

"Exactly. Nothing... would have happened, Darien. And the bullying would continue. You know how bad I felt all this year? When I saw their stupid jokes and pranks pull on you? I felt like shit, that I didn't put it to an end. And I should have. You know what they say, when you see people burning at the stake and you do nothing, it's almost the same as if you would yourself add wood to that fire. It's how guilty I felt. I'm actually relieved that I did that. I don't care about the suspension. I have all his bullshit on the phone!" He raised his hand and showed Darien his mobile. "And... look." He smiled, looking at the display. "Your friends and other people have already uploaded your discussion with Donell in the cafeteria, and our fight is now on the internet."

Darien was gawking at the screen in disbelief. He could see the whole situation as recorded by a couple of other kids. He blinked in amazement.

"Wow, that's... wow." It was all he could say. Then he raised his head and looked at Keegan. "That means a lot that you actually said that. And I want to thank you for kicking that jerk. I feel like a bad person, but when you kicked him, I was... delighted!" He winked. "I know I probably shouldn't but after this awful year and enduring his shit, I had enough. I couldn't feel sorry for him."

"Well, I promised you I will deal with that, Darien." Keegan lowered his voice. "And you gave me something I really wanted in return. So, it's a fair deal."

The silence that came after that was very... intense. Darien could feel his cheeks blushing.

"Well, I... It's safe to say, I'm on the receiving end of this deal as for now, all the pros and none of the cons..."

A short pause. "Darien..." Keegan said hoarsely. Darien could hear his raspy breath, his pupils were slightly dilated.


"Will you... let me drive you home today?" Keegan's voice was husky.

"With a stop in the middle of the way?" Darien asked, licking his lips.

"If you agree to that, then yes..."

"Okay." Darien felt stupid because the answer come so quickly - suspiciously and eagerly quickly! Fuck, he really was into this weird thing they had! "We probably should go, we are already late for math class."

"Yes, let's go!"

The rest of the classes went by in a haze for Darien. He had troubles with focusing on the teacher's words, his thoughts drifting toward the moment of that intense pleasure... He could hear his own screams and moans and the powerful force arching his back, making him come in his pants. He wanted to feel that again and again...

It was bad, really bad.

He really could not grasp how it was possible that if he tried to touch himself, it was nice, but far from that crazy delight that he felt under Keegan touch. He even tried to analyze the reason for that. Was it that he had an unhealthy relationship with his body? And Keegan... wanted him, praised his body, was aroused when he looked at his nipples. They were not ugly to him, but sexy. And his admiration did the healing, empowering magic? One thing was sure. Darien wanted to feel more of that.

Even more, he praised his dick! Darien always thought he had rather small or at least below medium size. But Keegan didn't mind, even though he had a much bigger dick himself, did not ridicule Darien or make him feel bad about himself. It was... nice. It made Darien's heart weirdly warm.

Darien glanced at the classmate and caught him doing the same. Keegan smiled. Small, soft smile. Darien could feel his heart pounding, and he responded with a shy smile.

For some reason, this small exchange of smiles made him even more happy than this epic orgasm Keegan gave him in the morning. It lasted much longer.

Fifteen minutes before classes ended he received a message on his Messenger. It was from Keegan: "Hi, you still want to go with me?"

Darien quickly responded: "Yes, but I prefer not to get to your car in front of everyone."

"Ok. I can stay a bit longer in the classroom or bathroom, you'll go first, start walking home, as normal, and I will pick you up in about 5 minutes down the road. Be prepared to get inside quickly."


Marching out of school Darien could feel nervous excitement. He walked with Donna and Maria, but they were going in the opposite direction, so they left him at the crossroads. Unluckily two of the other students went the same way, so Darien had to pretend he had some important call and ostentatiously stood on the curb of the sidewalk, acting very engaged in some talk, until the students left him and went their way.

Darien continued walking towards home.

Suddenly, he saw Adam Donell and Nathan Glenn, standing three hundred feet in front of him, in the middle of the sidewalk.

He froze.

What were they doing here? They both had cars! Well, they've been looking for him, for sure. He bit his lip, uncertain what to do, but then he heard the tires screeching.

Keegan pulled his car up beside him. "Come inside."

Darien didn't hesitate. He jumped inside the car and they drove off.

"Fuck, Adam Donell and one of his minions saw us!"

Keegan shrugged. "Don't worry about them. They probably think we want to talk about the videos from the cafeteria and our... strategy and whether we will press charges or not."

"It's sick that we are the ones who are being punished. That jerk started it. I didn't accost him."

"Well, the principal's football past surely makes him more sympathetic toward Donell, as he plays football too. But what can we do? We have a month until the end of the school year. And then we are out here for good."

Darien nodded, and sighed. "So, what are your plans afterward? What college did you choose?"

"UCLA, and I chose psychology as my major." Keegan responded.

"You really can't be serious!?"

"What? Do I not look like a shrink prospect?" The bigger boy winked.

"No, not that!... I also chose UCLA. And also psychology major..."

There was an utter silence in the car.

The sudden realization came to Darien.

They would study together! Their friendship would not be cut short with the end of the high school year! They will meet again... Darien swallowed hard, feeling overwhelmed by the prospects of a possible future.

Keegan made quite a sharp turn left, and the car stopped between some metal storage buildings. There was nobody around.

Their eyes met.

"I'm overjoyed to hear that, Darien." Keegan's voice was almost a whisper. "I hope we will continue our... friendship..." he hesitated. "If I may call that as such."

Darien blinked and swallowed even harder.

"Make me come, Keegan. I really want it."

Keegan froze for a second, surprised by the sudden change of topic, but it wasn't really a change of topic. Darien realized that he felt so aroused, by the fact of future possibilities, that he just had to act on it. Keegan seemed to understand that. His face flushed pink in two seconds.

"Your wish is my command!" He almost jumped to the back of the car.

Darien followed, flipping on his back and quickly taking off his T-shirt and undershirt.

"Fuck, every time I see them, It's like a blast!" Keegan's voice was a little strangled, as he had troubles with breathing. "How is it possible that a small guy has such big areolas and large nubs sticking out like that! Over half an inch. It's a miracle of nature!"

Darien chuckled slightly, blushing like crazy. "Swear to me, you really like them!"

"I could fucking take a photo of them and place it as a wallpaper all over my room walls and... jerk off to it all day!"

Darien giggled. "I still can't believe you like them so much."

"Well, my dick doesn't lie." Keegan answered with his eyes crazy-fixed on Darien nipples, which were now erect and hard as small cylinders made of dark pink rock. "It's the most honest part of me."

"So kiss them, suck on them, torture them, made me come..." Darien pleaded.

And so, with that invitation Keegan attacked them with all kinds of intense stimulus, moaning and grunting himself, and Darien accompanied him with whimpers, and squealing and weird squeaking. His body again arched, his head jerking from side to side.

After a couple of minutes, when his nipples were a bit swollen and red, wet from Keegan intense oral stimulation.

"Please, please, Keegan, please suck me off..." he mumbled finally, clenching his fingers in Keegan's hair. The bigger boy lifted his head, his cheeks were also red. He raised one of his eyebrows in a Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's style.

"Please, I'll give you a handy after that..." Darien was pleading incoherently.

"Okay, sounds good, at least no blue balls, that's a gain!" Keegan agreed.

He quickly pulled down Darien's pants, letting his small crazy hard dick spring free. "Fuck you are hard as a steel rod..." he muttered almost in amazement. "Bigger cocks are never that hard, as smaller ones."

"Please, I need to... Please!" Darien was almost gibbering as in an amok.

"Okay, I'm on it..." And Keegan swallowed Darien's stiff cock in one smooth move, deep into his throat, gagging a bit, but soon finding the right depth to work with.

The sounds Darien was making seemed almost animalistic, crazed. He thrust his hips up, trying to lodge himself deeper in Keegan's throat. Even in this position Keegan reached up for his nipples with both his hands, his fingers squeezed the rock-hard nubs. He started rolling them mercilessly, stretching them and just at thirty seconds of sucking, it happened.

Darien squeezed his eyes shut, and made a strange, strangled sort of cry. The pleasure was so intense, so perfect. He was panting, and his eyes rolled back. Finally, a warm stream of jizz hit the back of Keegan's throat, and he choked a bit, but endured it as he sucked Darien dry.

Darien was gasping so violently, trembling, that Keegan even murmured some sweet nothings into his ears, as "shhh" or "it's ok", gently stroking his shoulder. I took at least two minutes for Darien to come to his normal self, as he was dazing and breathing hard.

Finally, Darien blurted out: "How do you do it?" He let out a huff of exhausted amusement. "The orgasms are so great, so intense..."

Keegan chuckled. "I'm thrilled to hear that, but I don't know, it's only the second blowjob of my life. But I'm really enjoying it. You taste so good. Not bitter at all, almost sweet."

"Really? Doesn't it... disgust you even a little bit?"

Keegan snorted in impatience. "C'mon. Would I do that then? I'm not that unselfish. I find your dick gorgeous, well proportioned, much prettier than the veiny, meaty, angry red porn dicks."

Darien looked at him doubtfully, swallowing hard. "Wow, you really know how to sweet-talk a guy."

Keegan gave him a crooked smile. "Well if I can sweet-talk you into letting me fondle with your nipples from time to time, that's my win. But it's all true!"

Keegan gave the nipples in question a very appreciative look. Darien giggled.

"It's not a hardship for me, exactly, you surely know that? I never knew my ugly nipples could give me such a powerful blast..."

Keegan scowled. "Stop it! I mean it! No calling them the u-word in my presence! Okay? They are my beauties."

Darien blushed even more, feeling a weird warm wave inside him. But this time it wasn't arousal. This time... it was something different. He looked at Keegan's handsome face, with slightly pouted lips and understood that he took a liking to this boy. It wasn't smart. It had a catastrophe written all over it. He sighed, but then remembered something.

"I would like to keep my promise," he said with a grin, pointing in the direction of Keegan's crotch.

"Well, by my guest" Keegan smiled and sat back. Darien climbed up on his lap, straddling him and unzipped his jeans.

His classmate's cock was... intimidating, to say at least. Exactly like the "porn" dicks, red, massive and veiny, with a nice mushroom head. It was leaking pre-cum and already throbbing in Darien's grasp.

Darien bit his lips, the alien feeling of some other guy's dick in his hand was something entirely new to him. Testing the waters a bit, he slowly moved his hand up and down. Keegan's cut cock felt so warm in his hand, Darien leaned closer to spit on his hand and used the saliva to ease the friction.

Keegan put his both hands on Darien's nipples again, caressing them gently, pulling a bit, pinching softly.

Weirdly, Darien felt even more bold now, having that contact with Keegan, he had this peculiar feeling that whenever the other boy touched his nipples, he gained immense power over Keegan. It was like suddenly the bigger boy become the slave of the smaller boy's nipples, completely taken aback, eager to do whatever Darien asked him to do. Darien felt a sudden rush of power and satisfaction. In that short moment, Keegan belonged entirely to him, fixated on the smaller boy's erected nipples with such an intense fascination, that seemed almost mesmerized by the view. It gave Darien strange gratification, healing his insecurities.

"God, I love your nipples..." Keegan muttered.

Darien sighed in weird delight. He surely 'loved' to hear that, it was so addicting.

So, he started moving his hand faster, as Keegan groaned even louder, and his hips arched a bit.

"Faster..." He grated out, sounding breathless.

Darien granted him this wish, focusing on strong, and fast strokes with full hand grip, and he could feel tension building up in Keegan's body, so he reached to the side, grabbing a hoodie lying on the back seat and threw it on Keegan's chest. Thirty seconds later, the bigger boy became a human jizz volcano, shooting over the hoodie, and loudly gasping for air as his orgasm seemed endless.

"God!" he moaned.

Darien smirked, glad about the result of his action.

Keegan blinked and cleared his throat.

"Thank you, Darien, you're the best."

And then, suddenly, totally unexpected... The bigger boy leaned forward and kissed Darien in his mouth.

It was nothing more than just a warm peck, but it was, nonetheless, a real kiss in the mouth.

Darien froze and his eyes widened. Keegan also froze and looked shocked. He quickly averted his gaze and again cleared his throat.

"Sorry... " he muttered, removing his hand from Darien's nipples. "I wasn't thinking."

Darien swallowed hard and suddenly realized that the way he chooses to respond could change their relationship forever.

Again, he was granted the power over Keegan, beyond that of what the boy's fixation on Darien's nipples was giving him.

The Mouse had the power over The Bull? But should he use it? He hesitated.......

The end of Chapter 02

Chapter 3 is almost finished! Wait for it :)

Please -- leave me a comment on what you think about that part! It means so much to me, knowing if you liked that!

Thank you for your assistance with editing: dj19_78!

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EdeyEdey8 months agoAuthor

@MRJT79 I appreciate that despite not being into the nipple topic, you still found something enjoyable in the story 🌹

MRJT79MRJT798 months ago

Nipples, not something I’m into but the way you write your characters is a thing of beauty and a joy forever.

EdeyEdey9 months agoAuthor

@anon, I'm happy I managed to keep your interest even through the chapter 2 :)

The third part is more of a drama... but there is a HEA :D

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Damn, this is so fucking hot! Again my quarter inch nipples are as hard as my cock as I pinch them and make them harder. Damn, I'm gonna :)

EdeyEdey10 months agoAuthor


Thank you guys for kind words!

@Michaelfantasies that sounds like a sexy premise of the story! Maybe you'll write something about it if a form of a short story?


There is one more chapter :)


It is now finished, I hope yoy liked it!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

It just gets better and better!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I love this story.

MichaelfantasiesMichaelfantasiesover 1 year ago

I had a similar friend back then. His name was Mark. He stood up for me at times. Not because he wanted my breasts ( I didn't have girly breasts back then ). He wanted my mouth. I didn't want to do that. He told me this is how guys learn about what they like. I didn't believe him, but he made me suck him off. It continued. I found out that he really was a good guy! As far as I knew, he never told anyone.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

it's great. love reading your dirty mind

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I have big nipples, and this story really turned me on. I couldnlt stop touching them, Amazing story. Could there be a chapter 3?

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