The Untold Sequel to Heracles Ch. 12


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"Hebe," Heracles said, doing all he could to keep his eyes on his wife.

"Husband," she replied, serious.

Heracles felt hurt by the tone. "Hebe, how have I wronged you?"

"This..." she replied, motioning around her to Persephone and Hera. "This is not how I imagined my wedding night."

"Do you think I care so little for you?" he wondered. His hands reached out, touching her cheeks softly.

Hebe responded by surrendering to his touch. "No...but I..."

Heracles leaned down to softly touch his lips against her. The kiss was soft and tender for someone so strong and rough. Hebe had never expected such a sweet and loving token from her husband.

"Don't--" she tried to say before she could not help but kiss her husband in return. Even as her husband kissed her, she could feel the hands of the other. She gasped, feeling the breeze against her nippled. The erotic nature of his touch was new to her. Somehow, even the touches of the queens was not unwanted. It made it easier for her to kiss her husband back.

When his tongue entered her mouth, Hera whispered to her daughter. "He is your husband, daughter. Enjoy his touch."

"Shouldn't a king enjoy his wife's body?" Persephone wondered with a sensual edge to her words. "Don't you want to freely give your body to him?"

Hera's hands rubbed against Hebe's nipples. The pink nipples were hardening at her mother's touch. Never before had Hera, or anyone ever touched her like that.

Hebe gasped. What on Olympus were they doing to her? It felt so good. Even as Hera touched Hebe, the wedding gown fell to the floor. Her whole body was exposed to her husband and the queens.

She tried to shield herself from that nakedness, but Heracles pushed himself against her and the head of his cock pushed against her pussy. The invasion of his manhood was welcome but her body had never welcomed a man into her before. And so, she stiffened, crying out.

"Heracles!" Persephone cried out. "She has never lain with a man before. Do not be forceful like your father."

"No...No," Hebe breathed. "I am just not used to..."

"We know, darling," Hera whispered into her daughter's ear.

Heracles kissed his wife from her lips to her neck. He lifted her up and carried Hebe to the bed. It was so easy for the three older immortals to silence Hebe.

She was not ready when Persephone's tongue lashed over Hebe's virginal pussy. The young brunette writhed in pleasure. Persephone was not skilled at pleasuring women, but she loved Heracles, and she knew what she liked when he touched her.

It paid off well. Hebe was clay in the hands of her lovers. Persephone had the summer goddess moaning and pulling on the sheets.

Heracles smiled at his wife's pleasure and kissed her breasts, suckling on her breasts. Hebe grabbed her husband's hair. She moaned out his name. How could she not? He was the only god she had known.

Behind them all, Hera watched and smiled. She was careful not to let her daughter feel too guided. That did not stop Hera from wrapping her lips around Heracles' cock. Her lover groaned in pleasure.

Persephone smirked, her hands reaching over to Hera's body. Seeing the Queen of Olympus naked was an interesting prospect. Persephone had no intention of letting the rare moment go to waste.

Whether by Heracles being her husband, or even Zeus not thinking Hera would allow a woman to touch her, Persephone's fingers found the mouth of Hera's pussy. The warm wetness greeted Persephone to both of the queens' delighted surprise. Hera gave in immediately to the Queen of the Underworld. Of course she would. This was not for their pleasure but Heracles and Hebe.

Every penetrating inch of Persephone's exploring fingers only made Hera moan louder and suck more fervently on their king's cock.

"Oh! Heracles! I'm cumming!" Hebe called out. Her words might have shook all of Olympus. There was a hopeless longing in her words. Never before had she experienced such passions, and Persephone was only wanting more.

The gush of Hebe's juices gave Persephone something to drink. How stupid had Hades been to try and gamble his way into bed with Persephone and other women. Only her Heracles deserved to have Persephone in such a manner. He was the Hero of Olympus. He had deserved it from the moment he had met her. They just had not known it.

Hera was crying out from her own new orgasm, which made Persephone smile with possessive pride. Her skills had ensured she was not the one to cum until Heracles had. She motioned to her fellow queen to move away. Both of them moved up, laying next to Hebe.

The girl was as nervous as Persephone once was. Persephone caressed Hebe's cheek. "Shhhh. Don't worry. Heracles is not like other men."

Hera rubbed her daughter's pussy with one hand, and with her other hand, she grabbed her lover's cock. She thought of the incestuous implication for a moment as Hebe and Heracles were half siblings. In a way, Hebe was a perfect mirror and Heracles the reflection of Zeus. Even as she slid the first inch into her daughter, Hera was jealous in her adoration of the two.

Hebe screamed in pleasure and pain as inch by inch was easing into her. Heracles pulled back and pushed a little more in with each pump of his cock.

Hebe called out his name. She even looked at Hera and screamed, "Mother! It's too much."

"No it's not, baby. You're made for him!"

"Mo-ther!" Hebe screamed. Tears were seeping from her eyes as three fourths of Heracles' cock was in her. Both Hera and Persephone looked at each other with concern and intense jealousy. Both took to sucking on Hebe's nipples. Hera was stroking Heracles' cock as Persephone rubbed Hebe's pussy. The additional foreplay lubricated the virgin.

With her hymen broken, the blood and moist juices overflowed. All of Heracles' cock was sliding in and out of Hebes. She gasped and cried his name, grabbing his arms.


"Yes, he is," Persephone cooed.

"He's our husband, isn't he, daughter?"

"Yes! Yes! Yeeeessssss!" Hebe screamed.

Heracles started grunting.

"So soon?" Hera wondered.

Heracles simply suckled on the breasts that had once filled him with milk. His cock was twitching in Hera's daughter. Persephone watched with keen interest.

"Do it! Cum, lover!" she demanded.

Hera moaned her ascent.

And Hebe, surrendering to the ideas of her mother, screamed, "Give me a child husband!"

Heracles' cock unleashed a tidal wave of cum into Hera's daughter. All of the women were overjoyed by his deposit of his seed into the fertile soil of Hebe's womb. His release was so powerful that Hebe slowly fell unconscious.

Heracles was gasping for air as if his release was more than just a creation of another son.

Before he fell, he looked to Persephone.

"Heracles?" she asked, worried.

"I do believe you haven't cum yet, Queen Persephone."

The smirk on his face told Persephone she would be just as pleased as the others.


Later that week, while Heracles and Hebe were still in bed everyday, Hera had to return to the duties of being Queen of Olympus.

Her duty was strange. She had given notice that the titan Prometheus should be granted an audience, but in private. And so, in her private temple with Anicetus hidden behind her throne.

When the tall, burly titan came into her throne room with a smile on his lips.

"Good day, Majesty. To what do I owe this honor?"

"Good day, Prometheus," Hera said, inclining her head to the titan. "It is good to see you off of your mountain. If you would not mind a question: How did you escape the adamant?"

"It was Heracles who freed me during one of the labors you sent him on," Prometheus said. "Though, if you ask Zeus, he would say it was because I told him which woman he would impregnate."

Hera smiled in pride at her lover's impressive feat. The chains had been made by her forge god of a son. Of course Zeus would practice deception. But it was no wonder Hephaestus gave Heracles the adamant chains that were still binding Zeus.

"I wondered how long it would be before you and I would speak after your machinations."

"What do you mean, Majesty?" Prometheus wondered from his side of the throne room.

"The Fates manipulated Zeus into his curse, Gaia tricked me into bedding Heracles, and Atlas gave the sky back to Heracles multiple times. We both know that all of those people would not have worked so well in concert if it was not for someone orchestrating the whole affair."

"So much seems to have given me away."

"The fact that you have been absent from so much of what has been happening gave you away, Prometheus," Hera said back with a smirk.

"Yes," Prometheus said simply. "That can be known to happen. But since it was my last time interfering in the affairs of Olympus, I thought it was only right."

"The last? Ever since Zeus' fear of another child, I assume you would keep interfering until the end of time."

"Only until the time of man," Prometheus declared.

"Ah. Your favored creation."

"And the being Heracles has done much to help and protect. Do you not want your lover's work to bear fruit?"

"It already has," Hera said smugly.

"How is Anicetus?" Prometheus wondered.

"My son is fine. And if you have come to threaten him, you will sorely regret it."

"Not threaten," Prometheus promised with raised hands. "Only advise."

Hera looked at him with skepticism. "Explain."

"It is coming. Not in decades. In years. Months. The final battle between the Olympians and the titans and their allies. Mankind will survive. Your family will survive. Of the titans, only Gaia, Rhea, and myself will survive."

"And so? What of it?"

"Do not rebuild Olympus. Not how it was," Prometheus warned. "Allow humankind to rule itself."

"And what will Heracles' children have? What of their progeny?"

"Give them none," Prometheus said sternly.

"Excuse me?"

"Did you think I had aligned things so perfectly for another generation of cruel gods? Heracles' seed is as much a poison to you goddesses as it was a boon to his sons. Each of his sons will be powerful, but Hebe, Persephone, and yourself are now infertile. You have carried the most powerful god's seed."

Hera stared in shocked horror.

"And his children?"

"If they mate with mortals, their children will be better, but not gods. Only if they conceive with a goddess will Olympus return."

"Then, Rhea? Gaia?" Hera asked, grasping for straws.

"They could," Prometheus acknowledged. "But is it truly wise, Highness? Can the world survive another generation of petty and cruel gods who placate their children with favorites?"

Hera listened to the wisdom from the titan of fire. His foreknowledge had proved pivotal in the past. It would be foolishness itself to ignore his counsel.

"And the children would be satisfied. There would be three infertile fertility goddesses to satisfy their lusts. Two fertile titan exist for the sake of their conquering if they find, in the millenia, that they must have divine children."

"I see, Prometheus. Then, you are allowing us to choose?"

"I am giving you more than Zeus gave mankind at first, and more than he gave me."

"And why would you give this to us?" Hera wondered, suspicious.

"Heracles was the one to free me from the rock," Prometheus said with a smirk.



All that Gaia and Prometheus had said did come to pass.

The titan and their allies had been released from Tartarus. Amphitrite revealed her betrayal when she told the titans that Zagreus was a true heir of Olympus. Persephone, with the help of Hera, had struck her down. But not before Zagreus had been torn limb from limb.

Strangely, the little god of blood had only been left as a heart. When they escaped to the safety of Olympus, something wonderful happened. Hebe's son, Alexiares, had done two things. Olympus had been encircled by a dome of protections. Gods who stayed within were safe from the titans and their war. And when Zagreus' heart lay within, it pooled into a body of blood before restoring itself as a boy.

It was there that the three brothers came together.

Heracles had not known about the restoration of his son, and the Hero-god did exactly what he always did and entered battle. He was destroyed in all of the warfare just as Gaia had said. But eventually, the titans got their revenge on Zeus.

With the last of the titans standing in near victory, with no resistance as all of the gods had fallen, it was Aniceto, the unconquerable one, who killed the last of the titans.

Prometheus brought the young man back to Olympus. All that was left was Prometheus, Hebe, Hera, Persephone, Gaia, and Rhea with the three sons.

Upon seeing all that Prometheus had said was true and had come to pass, Hera agreed that he was correct. It was better that the sons not have fully divine children. The world would be better for the lack of gods interfering.

That did not mean that they would not help, harm, or even interfere from time to time.

The greater truth was that the sons of Heracles had inherited their father's benevolence, and they shared that with mankind in secret. That did not stop them from making love to the goddesses.

Much to Hera's surprise, upon both Zeus and Heracles' deaths, she was no longer bound by the fruit of her garden. Though, she had a bushel of apples in her second husband's temple, which had been decorated to the brim with his exploits.

To further her husband's legacy, Hera made sure that mankind was fascinated and obsessed with her husband, regardless if they called him Heracles or Hercules.

When they called their amazing feats Herculean strength, when they did good things without asking credit and seeing it as heroic, when they conquered the unconquerable, Heracles was remembered, and that was all Hera truly cared for.

Thus ended the Grecian Pantheon, and the founding of another, more secret Olympus.

The End


Author's Notes:

Thank you to everyone who read this story. While the story only garnered a few thousand readers per chapter, I am glad for all of the positive feedback. I did not fully expect this story to do so well.

For those wondering where this tale came from, it was not all from my imagination. While discussing mythology with an old college professor of mine, I had basically found that there were obscure, less canonized Greek mythology. One where Aphrodite is a wargod, one where Ares conquered Olympus after the war with the giants and titans, and one where Hera slept with Heracles, given his name both meant the bane of Hera and glory to Hera.

I decided to write an outline based on what I was told.

The bare bones of it was in order to earn Hera's forgiveness and get a wife, Heracles fucked Hera. It sounded ridiculous, and the more I dug into it, there was little to nothing to find. It was an obscure myth, much like the Aphrodite one. That does not mean it was not real. After all, most myths were just the popular ones that were retold. Anything from the bad cartoon versions of Hercules were just as valid as anything live action.

But the more I thought about it, the more I realized there was something there. Unfortunately, the story kind of grew a life of its own. I had to factor in other gods. Otherwise, the cast would have been limited to Heracles, Zeus, Hebe, and Hera.

So I brushed off more widely accepted myths and worked my way through them. The more I read through them, the more I could see why this obscure myth could work and it still led to the end of Olympus, albeit in my own strange way.

I, obviously, changed the conception of the children. After all, Alexiares and Anicetus were originally twins and didn't really do anything of note. The same can be said of Zagreus, who became Dionysus in the Orphic myths, I believe, but Zeus had intended to make his successor. Amphitrite did little to nothing in the Greek stories other than be kidnapped, and Persephone usually seems to just become submissive in the stories, so I decided why not change it up.

By doing so, I kind of sidetracked the story, but I think twelve chapters is a good end for a sequelization of the myths.

If there is enough interest, I am thinking of doing a sequel of this where the sons each go do their own things both with the gods and titans around them, and with humanity. I will wait on that since I know I have other stories I am thinking of cranking out.

Like I said in Chapter 7, I believe(?), please give your thoughts on this chapter and the series as a whole. I would love to know what you think. I look forward to the feedback. I also hope that those that follow me continue to do so with the stories I write going forward. Not all of them will be in this particular genre or vein of thought, but I will try to be as descriptive and as realistic as possible.

Until then, thanks for the support. I look forward to reading the feedback and learning from it in the future.

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James_DuncanJames_Duncanabout 1 year ago

An excellent piece of work, one with a purpose and a moral. I commend you.

octabrainoctabrainover 1 year ago

I thought I lost any hope to read any decent at Literotica, and I found this masterpiece!

Very imaginative! I hope you'll continue writing.

pk2curiouspk2curiousover 1 year ago

I did really like it . Very creative . I will look for other woirks from you .

JJMD0612JJMD0612over 1 year ago
So good

A favourite story of mine and a fantastic end to the Greek pantheon. Can’t wait to see what you do next

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

amazing, hope to see a sequel with the three sons and the three goddesses having sex

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Love mythology would love another book

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