The Vassal Academy Ch. 19


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Ann blinked at him and burst out laughing. "Oh God. I can see it now, right in the middle of testifying, Geneva begs to be allowed to Masturbate."

Devon shrugged. "It's possible." He raised his voice. "Geneva, could you come in here please, I know you heard all that."

Geneva entered sheepishly and kept her head down. "Yes Master?"

"Would you object to testifying about the attack, if Matt forced a trial?"

"No Master."

Ann couldn't help but smile. Devon nodded. "Geneva, have I ever told you how pleased I was with you as a slave?"

"Yes Master, several times."

"Geneva, I would be just as pleased with you, if you felt that testifying was too difficult, too embarrassing. In this, I want to support and assist you, not command you." Devon said with obvious sincerity.

Geneva nodded. "I understand Master."

Devon nodded. "That's all, and don't listen too closely to the Masters, we sometimes just joke around."

"Yes Master." Geneva said and turned to go out to the outer office.

Ann shook her head. "I wonder about you sometimes, I really do."

Devon shrugged. "How is Suzanne coming?"

"Fine last time I checked, about an hour ago. She was waxed, buffed, and they were doing make up." Ann explained. "I think Rebecca was leaning towards a torture chastity belt, but I could be mistaken."

"You must have been, those aren't patented yet." Devon said mock serious. "I should go and check on that, while you keep Geneva company."

Devon left the office and went upstairs where he found Suzanne ready for her Master, whenever he would arrive. Before lunch was all anyone really knew. Suzanne understood her duty was to be ready, and she was prepared to wait as long as he wished her to.

Rebecca was chatting with the girls fairly familiarly. "Devon, we were just having some girl talk." Rebecca said with a grin.

Devon understood instantly. Rebecca was sucking the girls in. Jeannette and Diane especially were the subject of the misdirection, the misinformation campaign. Making them think that after Suzanne left, they would again have a day of relaxed attitudes and behavior. They would be in for a hell of a surprise. "That's fine Rebecca, I was just walking around, and decided to pop in. Ready to go Suzanne?"

"Yes Master." Suzanne said smiling. "I've really enjoyed it here, well most of it. That thing with Matt was screwy."

"Yeah, well apparently Matt is screwy." Devon said sourly. "It's over now, and we're picking up the pieces, putting things together, and moving along."

"Yes Master." Suzanne agreed. "Mistress Rebecca said I might get a blanket or perhaps even a bed when I return."

"I see Rebecca is getting generous these days." Devon said slightly mockingly. "We'll look at it Suzanne, I don't think it will spoil you, you've been doing this far too long for that."

Suzanne smiled in appreciation of the compliment. "Thank you Master."

Geneva's voice broke in. "Master, the gate just called, Master Brandon is here."

Devon answered into his watch. "Good Geneva, thank you. We'll be down in a minute."

"It's time Suzanne, and Jeannette I think you have some chores to see about." Rebecca said standing up.

"Yes Mistress, come on Diane, we've got a dayroom to clean." Jeannette said and departed for the staff wing.

Devon almost smiled in anticipation of the reaction of the girls. They would not be expecting this afternoon's activity. Devon actually felt himself start to stiffen as he imagined the reactions of the participants.

Andre was reading "A World Undone" and shaking his head. "Thomas, have you read this?"

Thomas looked at the cover and shook his head frowning. "I'm not getting into a book that thick."

"It's fascinating. The amount of stupidity that was institutionalized in the armies of World War One boggles the imagination. Year after year, battle after battle, they threw lives and then more lives into the grinder." Andre remarked astounded.

"Yeah, I know there were something like a million killed in that war." Thomas said.

"Try something like ten million Thomas." Andre corrected.

"What? That's the population of New York isn't it?"

"Yeah, and Thomas, they lost that many people in four years." Andre said tapping the book. "I can't believe the institutional stupidity. It's like an original thought and a cold drink of water would have killed them."

"Jesus what were they doing?" Thomas asked shocked.

"They charged into machine guns across open fields, time and time again. Over and over they did it. In one battle, over three days, the French lost three hundred thousand dead and wounded. The General said that they could have won that and broken through if they had another fifty thousand troops." Andre said shaking his head.

Thomas shook his head in astonishment. "You have got to be kidding me."

"About what?" Devon asked from the doorway.

"Andre was reading that book, and telling me about it." Thomas explained.

"World War One, the dedication to the alter of stupidity." Andre explained.

Devon looked at the cover. He shook his head. "Thomas, start with the Guns of August, it's in its fortieth year, and still a truly inspired book."

"Devon, did they really charge into machine guns like that?" Thomas asked.

Devon nodded. "The French called it Nerve, or guts. They wanted spirited men. They insisted on going to war wearing red pants. It was absolute madness." He shook his head sadly. "If I ever get like that, so fixated on a single idea, that I am that closed minded, somebody put me out of my misery."

Andre chuckled. "What can I do for you boss?"

Devon shrugged. "Suzanne is on her way home with her owner. The girls are upstairs or otherwise employed. Is everything ready for after lunch?"

Andre and Thomas indicated it was.

"Then lunch is our final meet gents." He glanced to make sure Geneva wasn't listening. Lowering his voice he continued. "Surprise them, shock them, and possess them. They need it. They need it desperately."

Andre quietly asked. "Geneva?"

"She's too battered for a good time. Instead, I'm going to have her put a show on at dinner." Devon said smiling wickedly.

"I bet she really enjoys that Devon." Thomas said with his own smile.

"I wouldn't doubt it one bit." Andre agreed.

Jeannette and Diane were cleaning the staff wing when Diane asked the question burning in her mind. "Jeannette, what's going on today?"

"Master said to clean the dayroom, if it was good enough, he might have something for us after lunch." Jeannette replied.

"What do you think that means?" Diane asked.

Jeannette shrugged. "I don't know, perhaps an afternoon off, or something. They're being very familiar to let us know that what happened to Geneva was a fluke, something they didn't expect to happen, and they're sorry about letting one of us get hurt."

"It's just kind of strange I guess. So you think they're going to do something for us this afternoon?"

Jeannette shrugged. "Master will do what he wishes."

Diane thought about that for a moment while she wiped down one of the coffee tables. "That's true, after all we belong to them."

"Exactly Diane, and that's all there is to know." Jeannette agreed.

Geneva hadn't spent enough time in admin before to know if the whispering between Master's was normal, or not. She assumed it was, they were like Officers in the Army, and the Officers often had discussions they didn't want the enlisted people to know about. This was probably the same thing, and when Master decided to let them know, he would.

Devon returned to his office and closed the door. He picked up the phone and called Dominique. After filling her in on his morning. He began to outline the afternoon and evening plans.

"Devon, do you think that's what they really need?" Dominique asked after Devon outlined the plan.

"Dominique, they're tired, that's a given. There's two ways to go with this. Soft, give them an afternoon off, let discipline go right out the window, and then before the next clients arrive, we clamp down on them and get them back in line." Devon said. "Then there's the hard way, we take them tie them up, give them a half dozen orgasms each, and put them to bed sore as hell, but with a grin on their faces that would take a team of doctors a week to remove."

Dominique considered. "You're closer to them than I am, and the hard plan does sound more in keeping with the image of the slaves from the books."

"I think it's just what they need." Devon concluded.

"OK, it's your show Devon, just try not to break them."

"I have Jeannette going downstairs with Andre, extreme bondage, flogging, and extreme sexual activity. I have Thomas and Rebecca taking Diane. Moderate Bondage, some pain tolerance testing, and for her extreme sexual activity."

"Geneva's on light duty, so Crystal?" Dominique asked.

"Geneva's going to put on a show for us at dinner, and Crystal will spend the evening with Mistress Ann and I." Devon said simply.

"Makes me want to come for dinner." Dominique said thoughtfully.

"Then come along, I don't think Andre is up to working Jeannette after dinner, so they can do a quick clean up, and then Jeannette can take your edge off." Devon said simply.

"It's been a while since she's had that kind of a day." Dominique said thoughtfully. "I'll do it, I'll be there for Dinner Devon. Formal dinner I presume?"

"Not unless I want to buy new dishes. Two of them will be fucked silly already, with more fucking to come." Devon said.

Dominique laughed. "You are working them over today aren't you. Fine, I'll be there later."

"See you then Boss." Devon said hanging up.

Dominique checked her schedule to insure she didn't have a planned meeting to disrupt the idea of an evening at the Academy. Nothing planned for tonight. She returned a call to Houston to speak with another potential client. Dominique explained the type of training at the Academy, and explained that for novice slaves, which a vast majority of so called experienced slaves really were by our standards, the training was rather extreme.

"The question I have Dominique, is can it be even more extreme? The slave in question, I believe she can endure more than you've described." Sarah explained.

Dominique considered for a moment. "We're able to tailor the training to any level of ability of the slave. We push them as fast as they can go. We back off only when we want to make sure they don't waste the training. In other words, an exhausted trainee will learn very little, and will retain only a fraction of the training. That means additional training the next day is lost, while we retrain the individual at tasks from yesterday."

Sarah hesitated for a moment. "What I'm trying to learn is if you are able to really make it extreme. I want to know if you can humiliate, and I mean degrade the individual, to make the ideal, the fantasy of submission a reality while there?"

Dominique hesitated herself. "Perhaps we should lay our cards on the table Ms. Miller, I don't know what we're discussing. We're not a torture shop, there are people who do that type of activity, we're more of a training facility."

"I understand that, but the word is that you're also the most advanced practitioners of Bondage and Domination in the world." Sarah explained.

"What exactly do you want to happen to your slave?" Dominique asked.

Sarah hesitated and looked around her to insure her office was empty. "I want the slave to experience literally everything possible during twenty days at your academy. I want to know that my slave has had every degrading, humiliating, and submissive experience known to man, and any that you may know about but have never spoken about."

Dominique considered. This was a very strange request. "I think you'll find our curriculum is about as much as most people can endure."

Sarah took a deep breath. "I want more for my slave. I want three weeks in hell, and I want her to know what it was like to live like that when she returns to me. I want her to get fucked by as many people as you can line up. I want her to be humiliated beyond description, and I want her to be tortured to the limit of human endurance. I want her punished so badly that she never misbehaves again."

Dominique hesitated. "That's a lot. We're not really in the punishment business. The type of experience you're asking for is a bit outside of our procedures, and would in fact, exceed our charter."

"You don't understand, I really need this to happen." Sarah said.

Dominique suddenly saw something. She had caught the inference in the conversation now. "Ms. Miller, perhaps if you told me your slaves name?"

Sarah hesitated. "Is that really important?"

"Ms. Miller. When I called, I got you directly. I'm assuming this is your personal cell phone right?" Dominique said as she tapped the name Sarah Miller into her computer search window.

"Yes. I didn't want this going through the business lines. What does that matter?"

Dominique glanced at the screen and clicked on two of the links opening two new windows. "It doesn't really, I was just curious about it is all. You speak like you're used to getting your own way, that would suggest that you're an executive." Dominique said casually as she rapidly digested the information on the screen.

"Again, that is not pertinent to the conversation. Can you do this or not." Sarah asked.

"Ms. Miller, it must be difficult rising to the level of Vice President of the World Oil Corporation at such a young age." Dominique began. "It would imply that you clawed your way over the bodies of your enemies, either that or you slept your way to the top, which seems unlikely given that according to this profile of women in power for Tick Tock magazine, which suggests that you were the bitch witch of the company."

Sarah sucked in air, and then almost hung up before returning the phone to her ear. "How did you find that out about me so fast?"

"I did a search of news articles while we talked Ms. Miller. It's useful to know something about clients, their likes, dislikes, other subtle information that may be enlightening." Dominique's voice had lost the sales edge, and now carried a more dangerous edge. Something along the lines of her domination voice was carried through the phone.

Sarah swallowed. She had been profiled, the same was she profiled someone who she had an important meeting with. "It is useful, at times."

"I don't see any articles indicating that you spend time with another woman, so I see only two possibilities." Dominique began on the path of her dangerous gamble. "Either you have an affair going on with someone in your office, which seems unlikely given how you must have started rumors about competition in the office to bypass the senior people whom you worked for or with."

"I'm not involved with anyone in this office." Sarah said defiantly. "And I resent the hell out of your suggestion that I am."

"That leaves possibility two." Dominique said without any sign of apology. "That is that you are submissive deep down inside, you fantasize about it. You dream about it at night. It is completely at odds with your professional persona, so you've tried to ignore it, and tried to walk away from it. Now, you want to be so humiliated, degraded, and demeaned that you are able to once and for all lay it behind you and concentrate on your career."

Sarah sat with her mouth open in shock. Her mind was blank. Her face burned red, and only one question kept repeating itself in her mind, and she gave it voice. "How?"

"I've been doing this a very long time my dear. Your request won't work by the way. Nothing you do will quiet the desire deep within you. You want to be possessed, not humiliated. The experience will make it impossible for you to just walk away." Dominique said simply.

Sarah swallowed hard and said. "It has to work. I can't do that, be submissive to anyone, not around here. They would find out, and I'd be out the door before the initial burst of laughter died down."

Dominique considered. "I can speak to Devon, I'm having dinner with him tonight. I'll leave early, and speak to him about this, and I'll be in touch in a few days with our decision."

"If it's money, I can pay the normal rate perhaps even a premium rate." Sarah said.

"Oh, you'll pay for our time. We're the best, and like Royals Royce, we charge a lot for our efforts." Dominique said with the same dominant edge. "I'll get you at this number, and let you know in a few days Sarah."

"Thank you." Sarah said and hung up. She felt tight in her stomach, fear had her heart pounding in her chest. She forced a swallow down, and then reached for her coffee cup, and found her hand shaking. If Dominique was that good, good enough to see through her in a few minutes of phone conversation, how good were the rest of them?

The answer was obvious, and it was all over the web now. They were the best, some were claiming to be as good, even better. They were universally denounced as braggarts, and eventually dropped their claims. No one from the Academy ever posted. The closest was a statement by Sub Crystal. They had no web page, and they had no listing in the Yellow Pages.

Sarah had gone the extreme length of calling the club where Devon was rumored to hang out from time to time. She had asked them to take a message for Devon, and ask him to call her at this number. The Club de Sade wasn't thrilled with taking messages for members, but the Academy bunch were VIP members, and could afford the fees that membership entailed.

Sarah had contacted the Academy, and now the question was would they help get this demon out of her? What if Dominique was right, and going only made the Demon stronger? Sarah wanted to believe that this was her answer, to allow her to focus all her energy again on what really mattered, on unseating the Executive Vice President, and getting within striking distance of the Board of Directors.

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SylithSylithalmost 8 years ago
Board of Directors at fault as well for Matt

Just recalled that Devon requested one more trained person and a psychiatrist but was denied. Overworked employees don't make good decisions and stress and sleep deprivation studies show it affects people just like being drunk would

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Another great update!

I'm excited to read about the slaves torment for the afternoon. And I wish I can read them soon. Thanks for the update. More, please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
worth the wait

Looking forward to what's next.

SarraslilslutboySarraslilslutboyover 15 years ago

Another good chapter :D

Can't wait for the next

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