The Village - The Wilson family


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He felt weak and moved back to support himself against the lounge wall. His eyes opened. A slight movement at the edge of his vision caught his attention and he glanced over to see his wife in the doorway staring, mouth wide open, at the sight of her mother swallowing her husband's cum. She caught his eye and after a moments' pause gave a little girl grin, licked her lips, blew him a very sexy kiss, and quietly moved back, out of sight. Alan immediately started to get hard again.

He reached down and help Rik to her feet. She opened her mouth to speak but he pulled her towards him and began kissing her again. She briefly struggled in a half-hearted way and then responded passionately. Both of them began to explore the others body accompanied by much groaning and low grunts. Alan put his arms around her and holding her buttocks lifted her up onto the table. He let her fall backwards and leaned over so that his head was on her belly. Gradually he worked his way across her twitching belly. He began to kiss and suck at her pliant flesh, eliciting many deep moans and sharp little cries. These increased noticeably as he moved down until he was in a position to get to her pussy. He paused for a couple of seconds. Rik's hands grabbed his hair and firmly pulled him towards her. Rik made a long, loud moan as Alan's tongue eventually found the entrance to her warm wet pussy and started to lick along her crack, moving the soft downy fur of her pubic hair to one side.

His lips soon found and then closed over her clitoris. Cries increased as he began to suck the hot, hard flesh into his mouth. His tongue played with the hard little button of her clitoris and lapped at the sensitive hole of her urethral opening. Rik began writhing and moaning as Alan worked his fingers inside her vagina and searched for the g-spot. Her legs wrapped round his neck and shoulders, pulling him harder into her as she gained more grip by locking her ankles. Her hands firmly grasped the side of the table as her heels drummed against her son-in-law's back.

Alan could feel the pressure building inside her. She began to buck violently as the first orgasmic spasm flowed through her. Rik screamed and gasped for air before the next wave fully engulfed her. Alan kept working his fingers and sucking, forcing yet more spasms through the body of his wife's mother. He felt a sharp stabbing as Rik's nails dug into his shoulder blades and were dragged down over his upper arms. He called out and swore at the pain but continued playing his tune on her pussy. Eventually he felt her belly begin to contract as she approached one final crashing orgasm. Her back arched and her legs tightened around his neck. Alan half expected to be suffocated as she writhed and wriggled. Her back curved as her spine went rigid. She pulled at his arms to support herself. Rik's feet began pounding harder on his back and then stopped as one last orgasm overwhelmed her. She fell back exhausted. Alan collapsed on top of her.

They lay there for several minutes, Rik gently stroking Alan's hair and whispering quiet thanks and then concerns about Anne into his ears. Alan reassured her that Anne would be alright and there was nothing to worry about. His strength returned and he lifted her into his arms and carried her to her bedroom. They collapsed onto the bed and began kissing and caressing once more. Alan was determined to take full advantage of the opportunity just in case it all evaporated in the morning.

His fingers found her pussy once more and continued where they had left off. Rik found his cock and started stroking and running her fingers along the shaft and around the contours of the head. His strength returned and the shaft was soon rigid under her expert ministrations. Alan began to roll her onto her back and opened her legs. She told him to stop and giggled girlishly at his obvious disappointment. She reached over to the bedside drawer and extracted a condom which was soon out of its packet and being worked deftly down his cock. She explained that she would sooner be a grandmother than a mother again. Alan laughed and watched captivated as her expert fingers pulled the gossamer down until his cock was safely encased.

He felt himself being pushed back onto the mattress and soon found Rik poised above him, slowly lowering herself onto his rigid prick. She gasped as the hard shaft penetrated her soft flesh. Her hips bucked as she took the whole length into her. She paused briefly before leaning forward to kiss him and then began pitching back and forth, grinding her pussy into Alans's crotch. He began to groan as her fingers ran over his chest; the nails leaving ever deeper marks that soon reddened. He felt the sharp points gripping and pulling his nipples.

There would be no way this could be hidden from his wife.

Alan began to fuck back at her, his cock sliding in and out ever more rapidly. He writhed so that his cock head worked the sides of her tunnel, stretching the firm walls. Rik start groaning more deeply in response. The groans changed to soft mewing and then sharp cries as Alan pummelled away at her breasts and reamed in and out of her pussy. The cries increased in length and intensity. Suddenly her eyes and mouth flew wide open, and she froze. Her nails dug in even deeper into Alan's chest as a scream began to work its way up from deep within her body, increasing in strength as it went. It finally exploded out of her, and her body began to spasm violently. Alan's cock was gripped firmly by firm muscles for a second before being milked of his seed. Alan had never felt anything like it. Anne could cum but this was something else altogether. Rik fell forward and lay gasping on top of his Chest, spasms still rippling through her body.

Eventually the twitches reduced and disappeared. Rik rolled off of her new lover and lay on the bed looking at him. Slowly her eyes closed, and she fell into a deep, contented sleep.

Alan got off the bed, covered the sleeping woman and returned to his marital bed where Anne was waiting for him. He walked in a little bit sheepishly but was greeted by a quizzical grin and a slightly waggling finger. Anne grimaced slightly when she noticed the scratch marks but went over to her dresser for some antiseptic cream. Alan stood in front of her as she applied the soothing cream none too gently. Alan made a sharp intake of breath which made his wife giggle. She told him not to be a baby and that it served him right for playing with the big girls.

Alan confirmed her assumption that he would not be wanting to fuck her that night as they snuggled up together under the soft covers. Anne rested her hand on her husbands overworked cock and they both soon drifted off to sleep.

Anne was a little unsure the morning after Alan's conquest. They had discussed it prior to the event, and she had been quite happy, even excited at the prospect of her husband screwing her mother. Now that it had happened, she wondered how their relationships might alter.

A family together

Alan was still sleeping like a contented babe when Anne dressed and went downstairs for a bit of breakfast. Rik was in the kitchen when she arrived and turned round as if startled by Anne's approach. The look on her face was one of deep concern and worry. Anne was heartbroken and rushed across to give her mother a hug that lasted for several minutes. She assured her that everything was fine and that she and Alan had agreed beforehand that it would be fine if he was to fuck her. Rik began to sob but Anne stroked her hair to sooth her. A sound behind her made her turn to see Alan standing in the doorway. He smiled and walked across to put his arms around the pair of now sobbing women. He pulled them close to him and gently kissed their foreheads in turn while stroking their hair. They both agreed that he was a heartless bastard for making them cry, and that they would make him pay.

They all rocked together for several minutes before Rik pulled back from the huddle holding each of their hands. She looked at them both and then give them a broad smile. Anne and Alan reciprocated and the three of them came together again hugging and kissing for several minutes before Anne announced that she was hungry and would like some breakfast now please mummy.

They prepared a hearty breakfast adjourned to the dining room where they, over an early morning bottle of wine, proceeded to discuss the new situation. It was agreed that Anne and Alan were firmly married and would remain so. The women agreed that Anne would have the first call on Alan's services, but he would be available to provide Rik with whatever she needed, when she needed it.

Rik made it quite clear that a full fuck threesome was not going to happen. Anne insisted that she expected to see Alan's head on the pillow next to her every morning, regardless of what he had been doing when she went to sleep. They did discuss setting up the third bedroom but both women were quite at ease with being fucked in their own beds, if nowhere else was available at the time. Nowhere and nothing was to be considered out of bounds as far as fucking was concerned. Alan suggested that underwear be banned within the confines of the house, and this was agreed. He did want it extended to everywhere but both women were resistant to the idea as they didn't want to be constantly warding off lecherous old bastards and chancers. Alan saw the point and, knowing when he was on a loser, dropped it. He held out his hand and waited patiently while the two giggling women removed their bras and panties and handed them over to him.

Rik was not, at that time, taking any contraceptive precautions, so Anne offered some of hers until Rik could get her prescription sorted by the family doctor. Rik agreed and Anne rushed off to her bedroom to return a few seconds later with a week supply of tablets. Rik meantime phoned the surgery and made an appointment for the following morning.

The women agreed that Alan would refrain from fucking his mother-in-law without condoms until they were convinced that she was fully protected. Alan looked a little down hearted at the decision as he was hoping to fuck her bareback that day. Mother and daughter laughed at his disappointment and Rik made the point that there were other ways of relieving him. She slowly licked her lips and Anne almost fell off her chair when she saw the look on her husband's face at the news. She did promise that she would provide any missing service should the need arise.

Alan increasingly got the impression that his input to the family was to be solely what hung between his legs. He had no real problem with that.

Alan would be somewhat distracted the next couple of days by the sight of two pairs of well-formed firm breasts bobbing up and down in front of him every time he saw one or both of the women. Alan concentrated on fucking Rik for the next few days partially because it was a new experience but also to increase the sexual bonding between them. Anne did not object too much to temporarily being her mother's second fiddle.

Alan was a very happy, not to say contented man. He was living in a very luxurious house fully equipped with all modern conveniences and facilities. Those facilities included two stunningly beautiful women that were his for the taking as and when he wanted; and he wanted often. Very few days passed where he was not buried up to the hilt in one or both of them.

Alan was fond of leaving hickies and both women soon sported fine examples on their necks and breasts most of the time. He was told by Rik, in no uncertain terms that there were to be no marks on her anywhere that was visible. Anne was not so prescriptive, but Alan kept his marking out of site, just in case he forgot whose flesh he was chewing on.

Rik had a pussy covered in soft white pubic hair and Alan thought that all that would have to go. Anne was clean shaven and waxed regularly by Alan personally. He looked forward to doing the same with his mother-in-law, although he did think that as he had two pussies available to him, he could alternate them. Not many days passed before Rik found herself under Alan's meticulous care for the first time as he worked the warm soapy lather into her pubic hair. That was nice but she became a little nervous when he picked up the safety razor. Anne held her hand and assured her mother that Alan knew what he was doing. The shaving finished, Alan dried his mother-in-law with a warm fluffy towel and applied the first of the wax strips. Rik had used these on her legs but the feel of the wax pulling the hairs from her pussy was a totally new experience. She felt a little tender afterwards but was rewarded by Alan making a very close inspection with his tongue.

Alan had never actually had both women at the same time and considered that to be most unlikely, despite his dreams. Very early on in the whole house relationship both mother and daughter had made it perfectly clear during one of their discussions over tea and biscuits that there was no way that was going to happen. Both women were perfectly adamant on that score. He could have them both as many times a day as he could manage but it would be one on one at all times. He regretfully agreed. The nearest he ever got was by sitting on the large sofa between the pair of them, sliding his hands along their legs to the hot wet hole at the top. They agreed that was OK but nothing more.

This rule became far less rigid over time. Alan gradually managed to engineer things so that he could have both women working on him at the same time. Full girl on girl was still a major no. His favourite position was leaning back against the breakfast bar and looking down to see two blonde heads bobbing up and down on his cock and balls. The girls enjoyed it as well and made little whispered comments, interspersed with giggles, as they worked away and when they changed who was doing what to what. Rik was particularly hot on taking Alans's cock deep into her throat; another trick she had learned recently, whereas Anne enjoyed sucking his balls fully into her mouth and massaging them with her tongue.

Alan had no objections.

They were also very cooperative while giving Alan a hand job.

Mother and daughter soon adapted to the new situation. Rik was enjoying being fucked regularly again and was learning all kinds of new techniques and positions. Her husband had very been catholic in his sexual habits as well as his worshiping. Anne found that she was growing closer to her mother; sometimes literally as when they cooperated in giving Alan's cock and balls a good work out. Her relationship with her husband was stronger than ever. She loved watching him as her mother worked on him and would often lick and suck his ears while whispering obscenities about what she was seeing. She would sometimes make suggestions to her mother who was more than willing to implement them.

The household was usually very harmonious not to say contented. Alan was having his prick serviced at least once a day and both women were having the full benefit of an energetic cock slipping into one or more of their well-used holes and all was well. Alan did try to ensure that each hole was serviced at least once a week. Anne seemed to have no preference and enjoyed all of her holes being spread. Rik became equally fond of anal and deep throatpie but never said no to having a prick ream out her pussy.

All agreed that fucking over the table-tops or against the walls, stairs and doors was totally acceptable provided the copulating couple moved out of the way if the other wanted to go through. Alan could often be found leaning back against the breakfast bar with his wife or mother-in-law on their knees sucking eagerly on his cock. Many times, they would have an audience. Rik, in particular, liked to sit on one of the bar stools, glass in hand, watching her daughter sliding along her husband's throbbing cock. Her other hand would invariably be inside her skirt as her fingers slid in and out of a very moist hole.

Occasionally Alan put his foot in it so to speak. One afternoon he was giving Rik's pussy a particularly rigorous fucking from behind when he inadvertently called her Anne. Rik paused in her reverse thrust and closed her muscles firmly over his prick.

Her sharp retort of "No darling, I'm her mother" almost made him cum immediately. He leaned forward and apologised softly into her ear before resuming his fucking with considerably increased enthusiasm. Anne roared with laughter when he told her that night as he started to insert his cock into her pussy.

Rik would often tease him by asking 'Do you remember who you're fucking?' as he slipped his cock into her. To be fair, she only ever did it when she was on her belly with him on top of her getting ready to shaft her pussy from behind.

A large all weather hot tub was installed in the early summer of the first year and that became a firm favourite during the long evenings. All three by that time were totally at easy without wearing any clothing when together. The rim of the tub was fitted with all round chrome support bars which were used frequently to support an energetic couple.

Rik, in particular was fond of holding on to them while Alan pounded away at her arse from behind, Anne watching, sipping at her cocktail. Rik was a late convert to anal sex and after a little initial reluctance was soon a total convert. Alan would ask her where she wanted his cock, Rik would lean forward, put her hands on her butt and pull the cheeks apart. Her thumbs played with her anal ring and Alan had his answer. Anne loved to watch her husband's cock sliding in and out, stretching the ring. She had always been happy to take his cock in her arse but preferred having other orifices penetrated.

Things had progressed so that both women were happy to work together to bring Alan's cock to full hardness and then provide him with relief from that state.

The main bedroom, Rik's old one, had been redecorated and fitted with polished wood and full-length mirrors. A large mirror was fitted to the ceiling above the custom built super king-sized bed. Rik and the married couple had rooms of their own but increasingly they all used the large bed.

Many times, Alan would find himself laying on his back with a lovely blonde on each side of him. He had an arm around each of them pulling them over onto his chest. Two mouths kissed his neck and suckled his nipples while hands from each of them played with his cock and balls. Later the two heads would work their way down his body to suck and nibble him.

It had taken a fair bit of time and careful coaxing by Alan to get that level of cooperation as it got dangerously close to the forbidden girl-on-girl action. He had started by fucking one or the other while they were in the same room. This was usually over the back of the large sofa or face down across the heavy dining table. As time progressed, he became more adventurous and would often hold a form of conversation with both while fucking the one or the other. The hot tub provided a natural extension by bringing them into closer proximity to each other.

Alan enjoyed having his wife and mother-in-law standing, one on each side, leaning over the edge of the tub while he played with them. While not totally ambidextrous Alan was by midsummer more than capable of working his fingers around and into both pussies at the same time. He found that it was best not to concentrate on one or the other but to move both hands together. This usually was enough to get both women to an excited state though the level of excitement did vary. Alan waited until one or other arse started wriggling the moved over behind and inserted his cock into the appropriate pussy. He always continued playing with the other, just to keep her on the boil. After a few strokes he would withdraw and move across to the other and repeat the performance.