The Virtue Auction Ch. 01

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Rich lesbian buys a young, straight virgin at an auction.
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Part 1 of the 24 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/23/2021
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"Welcome to the 66th Annual Virtue Auction, Miss Prescott," the host greeted me as I entered the auction house foyer. "Here is your paddle and name tag. The staging room is to the right, where you can browse the lots before the bidding starts. The auction will be held in the main room straight behind me, and you may sit anywhere you like. Bidding will begin in half an hour. Enjoy!"

I thanked the kind man as I accepted my bidder's paddle with the number 105 on it and clipped the laminated name tag that said "Rose Prescott" onto the lapel of my navy blue business suit as I made my way over to the staging room to see if there was anything I might want this time. This particular auction was different than all the others I'd been to in that the lots being sold were actually people, young women to be more precise. The Virtue Auction was a yearly tradition in my city that started way back in the 1950's. It started off as a local event but quickly grew to international levels with the rich and famous from around the world coming to bid on the virginities of exceptionally beautiful young women. These women were all volunteers, of course, with various reasons for being here. Some had debt they wanted to pay off, some did it as a way to rebel against their parents, and some even saved themselves specifically for this auction in hopes that they might draw in the biggest bid and set the auction record for the most expensive virginity. They were always very desirable women no matter what their reason for being there was, so every girl walked away with an ample sum of money, some even being bought for over a million dollars.

I was one of the few women that came to this event as a buyer. Most of the attendees were wealthy men over the age of 50, which always made me cringe a bit, considering the girls were always under 25, but older than 18 of course. There were a handful of younger, handsome men, but most were still older than even me considering there weren't many millionaires younger than 35 and those who were younger didn't have much interest in this auction. The only other women, besides those being sold, were either the wives of some of the older men looking for a pretty young thing to fill out their threesome, or divorcées in their fifties trying to reinvent themselves after their husbands left them for younger, prettier specimens.

So as an unmarried, successful businesswoman of 34, I certainly stood apart from everyone else. I looked young for my age, but was still too old to look like one of the lots up for auction, yet a little too young to look like a buyer. I remember the first time I came five years ago, I'd worn a beautiful gown and confused quite a few of the older men when they realized I was bidding and not being bid on. It was quite a compliment though that they considered me pretty enough to be grouped among those women despite my age. From then on I decided it best to have a more professional look so as to make it very clear I was not for sale. So today I wore a slim fitting, navy blue suit with a pencil skirt, and a pearl white, silk blouse. My copper red hair was tied tightly in a bun.

I took my time strolling through the staging room where the girls were all on display, looking for ones I might want to bring home with me. Hundreds of women from around the country applied, but only the thirty most beautiful women were chosen. They stood around the outside of the room behind signs displaying pertinent info about them: their name, age, height, weight, bust and waist measurements, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and starting bid. I never understood why they included orientations though. It's not like it mattered to any of the auction goers. If anything, it seemed like the men were more likely to bid higher on the lesbians, whereas I had to admit that I was more drawn to, and willing to pay more for a straight girl. Kind of that forbidden fruit notion I guessed, maybe a power and control thing too.

I paused at a few of the women on display, looking them up and down and reading their signs. They were all clothed in form fitting sexy dresses this year, instead of being naked like they'd been in the past, which was kind of a shame, but at least the dresses still showed their figures quite well. Too many of the sleazy old men couldn't keep their hands to themselves last year, so they ruined it for the rest of us. No matter, sometimes it's better if the best parts are left to the imagination, to be revealed at the perfect moment. As I browsed, I saw a handful of girls that I liked, but a petite, raven haired beauty caught my eye. I read her placard as she posed with a smile for me:

Lot 8: Name - Sophia, Age - 18, Height - 5ft, Weight - 95lbs, Measurements - 32B-25-33, Ethnicity - Caucasian, Sexual Orientation - Straight, Starting bid - $100,000

She was short, fit, small chested but not flat, and her porcelain white skin was the perfect contrast to her long, jet black hair and the sapphire blue satin dress she wore. She was one of the youngest at eighteen, and the icing on the cake was that she was straight too. She would be perfect, so long as I could bid high enough to win her. I figured there was a pretty good possibility that she'd be one of the few that sells for over a million today given her age and petite frame, a price I was more than willing to pay for a beauty such as her.

"Attention ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats. The bidding will commence in five minutes," the auctioneer announced from the main room

I took one last glance at Sophia before making my way over to the main auction room, taking a chair alone in the back row behind all the hungry, drooling men. As I got comfortable a brunette woman in a green dress was escorted up onto the stage next to the auctioneer's podium.

"We will go in descending order by age, starting with the oldest, lot twelve, Eliza," the auctioneer said. "She's twenty-four years of age, stands five feet, six inches tall, weighs one hundred twenty-five pounds. Her measurements are 34C-29-36. She is of Caucasian descent with natural brown hair, and bisexual. Eliza is a nurse at St. Matthew's Hospital, and plans to use the money she earns here to help pay off her student loans. Bidding will start at $25,000. Do I hear 25?"

Immediately a dozen paddles shot up in the air. The auctioneer quickly raised the price as the men continued to bid on her. $50,000. $100,000. $200,000. At $250,000 only a few bidders remained until she was sold at $310,000 to a gray haired man in the front. Eliza's smile was obviously fake and I could see the nervousness in her composure as she was escorted off the other side of the stage to complete the transaction and sign her contract that would legally bind her as the man's property for the night. It was pretty clear that she was not happy about something, likely the age or appearance of her buyer, or the relatively low price she attracted.

The next girl was brought on stage and the process repeated. It was interesting to see who bid on each girl as everyone had their own tastes and desires. I even bid on a few that I had no serious intention of buying, just to help raise their prices, knowing that these girls deserved every penny for what they were doing. But I bided my time, waiting until Sophia was brought to the podium. I was determined to take her home with me.

After 25 girls had been sold, finally Sophia was escorted on stage. She looked timid, and already quite nervous. Maybe second guessing her decision to volunteer for this. I decided to wait until her price got higher and there were fewer bidders raising their paddles, not wanting to cue her in to the fact that a woman was interested in buying her.

"Do I hear $800,000?" Asked the auctioneer.

At last I raised my paddle along with three other men. For a moment I caught her eye as she noticed me in the back with my paddle raised. Her forced smile vanished and was replaced by a look of panic. Her price continued to go up and I kept raising my paddle until it was just me and one other man. He looked back towards me in surprise as we went back and forth raising her price above a million dollars. His final, hesitant bid was at $1.2 million and I knew I had him beat with my next bid of $1.25 million. Sophia looked like she didn't know whether to be excited at becoming a millionaire, or afraid that she was about to have her virginity bought buy a woman.

"Do I hear $1.3 million?" The auctioneer asked.

No one challenged my bid.

"Going once! Going twice!"


"Sold to bidder number 105 in the back!" he announced excitedly as he rapped his gavel on the podium.

"Please follow me, ma'am," a tuxedoed auction worker said to me as Sophia was led off stage. I rose from my seat and straightened my suit coat and skirt before following the man towards the side room to claim my prize.

Sophia stood timidly beside a table with paperwork laid out and another suited man sitting across from her. I smiled warmly at her, an attempt to put her at ease, but I could tell she was shaking from nerves.

"Please have a seat," the man at the table said, gesturing to the chairs across from him. "Congratulations Miss Prescott, Miss LeFleur, and we appreciate your participation in this honored tradition. As I'm sure you're both aware, this contract is legally binding, so once it is signed, it must be carried out to its full extent. Miss LeFleur, this is your last opportunity to back out if you so desire with no repercussions, no questions asked, but you will not receive any of the money Miss Prescott has bid on you. Do you wish to move forward?"

I glanced over at the young woman beside me who looked lost in contemplation, her hands folded in her lap, staring at the paperwork on the table. After a brief moment, and a deep breath, she nodded, "yes sir."

"Excellent!" He continued, pushing the small stack of papers towards us. "I will be brief as you've both had a chance to look over the contract prior to the auction, so I will just remind you of the most important points. The terms of the contract will be considered fulfilled, and all funds will be transferred, when Miss Rose Prescott takes Miss Sophia LeFleur's virginity by means of penetration with a phallic toy, or oral sex, since you are both women, AND subsequently brings her to climax."

I held back a devilish grin knowing that these terms were very open ended and that I had the power to keep Sophia as my plaything as long as I wanted provided I only make her cum with my fingers or a wand. It was devious, I knew, but I had no intentions of making it a short experience like most of the make buyers no doubt would. Many contracts would be complete before midnight as the men would all want to fuck their prizes right away, but I wanted to savor this and get my money's worth.

"Miss LeFleur will be considered Miss Prescott's legal property and must obey all lawful requests and commands until such time as the terms have been met," the man explained. "Miss Prescott may not intentionally cause bodily harm to Miss LeFleur, however minor pain for the purpose of sexual enjoyment is allowed so long as no bruises or permanent scarring or marking is left on Miss LeFleur. The safe word "hibiscus" may be used to stop any activity that becomes too painful."

"If at any point Miss Prescott feels unsatisfied with Miss LeFleur's performance or behavior, or if she deems Miss LeFleur is being disobedient, she may terminate the contract and the transaction will be voided. Do you understand and agree to the terms and conditions of this contract? If so, please sign and date here."

The man flipped to the last page and handed each of us a pen. Without hesitation, I signed the top line and slid the page over to Sophia, who paused for a moment before signing below my name. The man at the table then took the papers back, signed his own name at the bottom and stamped his notary seal to finalize the contract.

"Congratulations again," he said, putting the contract in a file folder. "Miss Prescott, you may now take custody of Miss LeFleur to do with as you please. I hope you two have a wonderful evening."

"Thank you, sir," I replied, smiling wide as I stood from my chair. "Come Sophia."

The beautiful young woman stood as well, and followed close behind me as we were escorted back to the lobby. Our heels clicked on the marble floor as we made our way through the back of the main auction room, catching a few glances from the jealous men whom I outbid. The doorman held the front door open for us and bid us farewell as we stepped out into the brisk autumn night. My chauffeur was already waiting for us with the back door open to my luxurious black town car.

"Please, after you," I said to Sophia, gesturing for her to get in first.

She nervously slid into the back seat and I climbed in after her. The chauffeur gently shut the door and made his way around to the drivers seat. Before long we were out on the road, making our way through the busy city streets towards my penthouse. I glanced over at my prize who was looking out the window at the lights passing by, no doubt wondering just what she had gotten herself into. She looked scared, and nervous, which was understandable.

"It's ok to be nervous, Sophia," I said, trying to reassure her. "I don't bite... hard. I know you probably hadn't expected this outcome, but believe me when I say you will have a far better experience with me than you would have gotten from one of those flaccid old men back there."

A soft chuckle escaped Sophia's lips and I knew the ice was broken. She turned to look at me, but she still didn't say anything.

"Those men just want to take, and they only care about the end goal," I explained. "They are all selfish lovers who will leave you feeling unsatisfied and used by the end of the night. But not me. I want you to enjoy this just as much as I will. I know you are straight, but that's what entices me most about you. I don't expect you to turn gay or bisexual after this, that's not my goal to turn you. I just want to give you an unforgettable experience. So just do as I ask and everything will be ok. Can you do that, Sophia?"

"Yes ma'am," Sophia answered with a nod.

"Oh, please call me Miss Rose," I said. "Ma'am makes me sound old. In fact, that will be the first of a few rules you will need to follow, but I'll explain those in detail once we get to my place. Just know that there will be punishment for breaking my rules, so as long as you're a good girl and you follow them, I won't have to punish you. But then again, where's the fun in that?"

I smirked as Sophia's face went pale. What assurance I had given her was now gone and she was back to contemplating what exactly she was in for.

"Y-yes Miss Rose," she corrected herself, suddenly sitting up straighter as if good posture was one of my rules.

"You and I are going to have an amazing weekend, I can just tell already," I said, grinning as the car came to a stop at our destination.

"W-wait, weekend?" Sophia asked, wide eyed.

"Oh yes, my little kitten. The weekend is just the start. The terms of the contract were very clear. It ends when I take your virginity, and there's so much I can do with you without taking it. I'm paying over a million dollars for you, so I intend to get what I paid for. Come now, we're here."

To be continued...

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GayKatGayKat29 days ago

Brilliant,,, Yes❣️


Hallo LK!


It isn't a totally new concept, and I can't wait to see where your going with this... however, my Black Queen, has a slightly more guarded opinion.


I never felt that I was guilty of buying and selling other human beings... but in a way, operating a brothel and being a lesbian escort, that's exactly what I was doing. ... With one major difference, everyone of my girls had the right to refuse and leave!


Thank You, 5-⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, from two kinky dykes.


The Black Queen 👩🏿 and Gay kat 👩🏼‍!

💋 💋 💋

Nicole2023Nicole2023over 1 year ago

Great cliffhanger

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Fantastic really hot

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Lovely premise.

All build up. And nicely done.

Seems to have real potential.

Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Good premise.

But barely a beginning.

Four stars for future porential.

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyover 2 years ago

There are definitely different goals for having an extraordinary weekend or just a short fling ...... So in the end may an experience the young girl never thought about

northirishdivernorthirishdiverover 2 years ago

Oh do love a slow burner of a story

yourkinkylibrarianyourkinkylibrarianover 2 years ago

This looks sooo promising. Especially being such a short first part feels like a good creative choice. Was taken aback a bit about the high auction prices. Hard to relate/fantasize, but characters feel solid in their roles. Miss Rose has a deliciously mischievous vibe to her and Sophia is nervous enough to be properly intimidated. LOVE the setup. Please do continue! (:

WestfjordianWestfjordianover 2 years ago

Interesting! Looking forward to see where this goes.

VeronicaPlakhueaVeronicaPlakhueaover 2 years ago

I can't wait to read more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This has all the making of a very erotic story line. I hope there is more development of the charactors in next chapters. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Love love love this story! It’s very refreshing to see it in a Lesbians POV then a man’s pov like other stories. I can’t wait to see the next chapters in this series.

AliceGeeAliceGeeover 2 years ago

A very interesting beginning. Well written and left this reader wanting more. Five stars from me for the storyline and the concept.

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