The Weekend Away

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A long-time trio enjoy a long weekend with newbies.
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The Labor Day weekend turned out to be more noteworthy that I every imagined. Beginning in spring and continuing through the summer, my wife Anne had been talking with a friend of ours (Lisa) about the sexual relationship Anne has with her lover, Mason, and the cuckold relationship she has with me. To make a long story short, Lisa finally cuckolded her husband, my friend Jack, near the end of August, when she spent the night with her new lover, Justin, in the guest room of Anne's and my house.

Anne and I had talked a lot about that weekend during the following days, and Anne was aroused enough by the events to call Mason for a rare weekday rendezvous on Wednesday. What I didn't know was somewhere in those days, Anne, Lisa, Mason and Justin cooked up a Labor Day weekend plan.

On Thursday night Anne told me that the six of us would rendezvous Friday evening at a suites motel in a town about an hour and a half drive from us. (Anne and I were kid-free for the weekend: Two were off with friends on the other families' trips; the third got indulged by grandparents.) Mason and Justin drove down with us, and a holiday mood prevailed in the car. I had a sense it would be a memorable weekend.

Cell phone calls enroute revealed Jack and Lisa were already at the motel, and we found them sitting in the bar. Justin greeted Lisa with a lingering kiss; Jack flushed a bit as he watched them, then looked at me with a sheepish look. I noticed he already had one empty highball glass in front of him. "You OK?" I whispered, as I sat down next to him. He nodded, and lifted his second drink toward me as if in a toast. "I expect that's just the beginning," he said.

The six of us ate dinner together. The couples--and by that I mean Anne & Mason and Lisa & Justin--did a lot of hand holding and casual touching, the type of lover's play that seeing my wife indulge in with another man never fails to excite me while also making my stomach flip-flop. After dinner we carried our bags to the room, which turned out to be a small suite with two queen size beds in the bedroom, and a living area spacious enough for the sofa to fold out into a double bed. I understood now why Anne had insisted we pack separate bags.

But the more surprisingly to me were the bedroom sleeping arrangements. To my knowledge, my wife had never shared a bedroom with another couple--whether sleeping with me or with Mason. There was no question that there was to be sex this weekend, which meant both Lisa and Anne were planning to pleasure their respective lovers in full view of each other. It took another minute or two for me to realize that it these sleeping arrangements also meant that whatever services I would render to Lisa and Mason would be in full view of the other occupants of the bedroom.

I don't know if any of this had sunk in on Jack yet before we Anne directed us all to our respective areas to change into swim suits. The ladies and their men emerged from the bedroom in bikinis--the women in skimpy suits that barely contained their curves, the men in racing suits that were more conservative in comparison to the women but which still flattered their muscular bodies and highlighted their bulges. Jack and I looked positively frumpy in our boxer trunks.

The lighthearted sensual mood of dinner continued in the pool, with lots of splashing and playfulness. Jack and I weren't excluded from the fun, but we were definitely not the focus of the women's attention. Since it was later in the evening, only a few other people shared the pool with us. What vibes they picked up, I can't say. But I don't think it was glaringly evident that Jack and I were the husbands of the women who were hanging on the two well-built black men. Lisa, fully in the grasp of new lust, was a bit less discreet than Anne; several times I saw her find a reason to run her hand over Justin's impressive bulge. I observed that Jack also noticed--and while his trunks didn't advertise his reactions as well as Justin's did, I'm nonetheless certain that there was a reaction.

I was anxious walking back to our room from the pool, wondering how the night would proceed from here. Back "home," Anne asked me to pour everyone a drink. We all stood around a bit, sipping the bourbon I'd brought along and complimenting the choice of hotels. Finally, there was a pregnant pause and I turned anxiously to Anne. "Well, boys," she said. "we'll see you in the morning," and grabbed Mason by the hand and led him to the bedroom. Justin and Lisa followed, the bedroom door shut and Jack and I were left standing in the living area by ourselves.

For a moment, I just stood there, then I laughed, saluted Jack with my glass, and said, "Well, that was unexpected." That got Jack to laughing too, and I could see some of the tension fall away from him. We turned on the TV, folded out the bed and prepared to tuck ourselves in. Apologetically, I explained to Jack that I usually slept nude and hadn't anticipated sharing a bed with anyone--particularly him. He assured me it was fine, and we both ditched our wet trunks and slipped under the sheets, feigning interest on whatever movie was on TV. In truth, our attentions were drawn to the other side of the bedroom door, from where sounds of lovemaking were beginning to emerge. Nothing specific, but clearly neither couple was feeling restrained by the other's presence.

It's not like I haven't heard Anne and Mason making love--I hear it a half dozen nights a month, after all. But usually I'm alone in the guest room, waved away by my wife and her lover, free to listen and stroke until sleep overtakes me. This night was different, of course. Not only were Lisa's and Justin's voices part of the soundtrack--a crescendoing chorus of "oh yes, oh yes, oh yes" from Lisa was particularly thrilling--but I was restrained from gaining release by my friend lying next to me. There was no question any more of Jack being immune to the excitement of the moment--the sheet was definitely raised over Jack's body even before I killed the lights and the TV. In desperation, I rolled onto my stomach and willed myself to sleep.

I woke first, though it was already after 9 when I slipped out of my bed and awkwardly pulled on my still-slightly-damp swim trunks. I fired up the coffeemaker that sat on the living area bar, and found a coffee cake in the bag of munchies Anne had packed. "I could use a cup of that, too, if you please my love." Anne's voice sang out from the bedroom, followed by a trio of "Me, too!" I filled four of the hotel's mugs, balanced them on a tray and carried them into the lovers' room.

There's something intensely erotic about a room where lovemaking has happened, especially when the participants are still occupying the beds. Anne was sitting up, her breasts exposed, her hair mussed, and her eyes bright from good sleep and good sex. Mason lay beside her, with the sheet pushed away enough to expose all the physical assets that made him an outstanding lover for my wife. His hand was lightly tracing circles on her back, in the way men do when they can't stop touching their partner. This, too, is not an unfamiliar scene to me. But it's also one of those powerful cuckold moments when there's not forgetting that your wife's favorite sex partner is not you.

"Hey, they aren't the only thirsty ones in here." Lisa's voice, still a bit husky with sleep and sex, pulled my eyes from Anne and Mason. Although I'd seen Lisa topless the weekend before, and she was now covered by a sheet, the sight of her nestled against Justin's muscular frame was the most erotic view I'd had of a women other than Anne. When they reached for their mugs, the sheet fell away from them. At that moment, I was thankful to be the only dressed person in the room.

Getting everyone ready took considerable time, since both couples grabbed a quickie in the shower. Anne and Mason were in the bedroom at the time, maybe dressing, maybe not, so I retreated to the balcony to give Jack a measure of privacy as his wife's moans and pleas filled our room again. Several minutes later he joined me there, his face flushed. Well, at least one of us had gotten some release, I thought.

"I didn't expect it would be like this," he said, as we stared out over the pool. Two young kids were busily splashing each other as their parents lolled in chaise lounges, holding hands as they nursed hotel mugs of coffee.

I wasn't entirely sure of his meaning, but it seemed like as good an opening for the talk I'd wanted to have with Jack. "If this doesn't work for you Jack, you have to tell Lisa. If you can't handle her being with someone else, you have to be honest with her."

He was quiet for a long time. I wasn't sure if he was thinking, or watching the husband and wife below us, or pondering how much force he'd have to use to throw me into the pool. "I just meant I thought it would be like last know, watching her with him."

"Oh." I felt pretty stupid at that moment. "I thought...I mean, I was worried--"

Luckily, Anne opened the door to the balcony and said the bathroom was empty and I was the only one not ready yet. Once I was dressed, we all climbed into Jack and Lisa's van. I wasn't surprised when we pulled into a mall parking lot. Both Anne and Lisa are die-hard shoppers.

This was to be an unusually erotic shopping trip. As the two couples walked arm in arm, Jack and I walked just behind them. A casual observer wouldn't notice that we were with them, but we watched plenty of shoppers give the two black-white couples a second, even third glance. I guess for all the talk of equality, interracial couples are still rare and some people find it necessary to stare. Or maybe they simply wanted to take another look at two couples so clearly enjoying each other's company.

As they walked through the stores, both the girls and the guys would comment on who would look good in what. We passed through one lingerie department, and my stomach flipped again as Mason pointed to red tap pant and camisole set. "That's your color," he said to my wife, "but that's too much material." They all laughed, and Anne turned around just enough to wink at me.

The girls set a lazy pace, and we'd already been shopping for nearly an hour when we wandered into a Victoria's Secret store. One of the scenarios Anne had pondered months ago, when Lisa first started talking to her about taking a lover and making a cuck of Jack, was a cuckold shopping trip. For whatever reason, I hadn't seen this coming.

Inside the store, Anne was as open about our relationship as she's ever been in a public place. Three times she called my attention from across the store to say that Mason liked a certain article of lingerie and did I agree. Now the store wasn't all that big, so it wasn't like she was yelling. But it was a very public demonstration of who was who in our particular threesome.

Jack fared a bit better. Lisa made no announcements, but she I did see her brushing a particularly lacy chemise over Jack's arm and asking him if he thought Justin would like the feel. Jack mumbled yes, he was sure of it.

Eventually, the girls narrowed their choices to three and called us over. Anne stood behind me, pressing her body against my back and whispering in my ear. She knows her hot breath in my ear revs my engine. "Pick one," she purred. "Pick the outfit I'll wear for Mason tonight." Then her hand slid down my chest and over the lump in my pants. We were in a corner of the store and no one could see her hand, but it was still a very forward act for Anne. She chuckled and breathed into my ear again, "Someone is very turned on, isn't he?"

"Yessss," I hissed. "And so are you."

"I certainly am. I certainly am."

I took her hand and placed it on a lace bra/panty/garter set. The color was almost the same red that caught Mason's eye in the other store. "But forget the panty," I said. "It'll just get in his way."

Anne kissed the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. "Someone is very turned on," she whispered. But she wasn't finished. Since I'd been "such a good little shopper," she wanted me to go back to the department store and find another something "special"--this time for Mason to wear. When I started to protest, she hushed me. "Don't argue," she said. "Just do it." Even at a whisper I recognized her dominant voice. There was nothing to do but agree. Anne told me Mason's size and told me to meet them at the restaurant on the other end of the mall in 45 minutes.

Leaving the store, I had only to look at Jack's face to know that he'd gotten the same instructions. "Have you ever..." he started to ask, but I cut him off. "No. This is a first."

We quickly found the men's furnishing department. Since we obviously weren't going
to be buying plain white Jockeys, we didn't have a huge selection to choose from. At first, Jack and I drifted apart, intent on fulfilling our assignment. I had just about decided on a pair of patterned silk boxer briefs, when Jack came up behind me. He held two plastic hangers; clipped to each was a white thong.

Quietly, Jack explained his logic. Lisa had spent the past week raving about the size of Justin's cock. It wasn't porno star size, Jack said, but in comparison... He let the sentence trail off, and I assured him that I knew exactly what he meant. The thongs were made of that new microfiber that combines the softness of silk and the stretch of
lycra and were sure to show off every millimeter.

But why two, I asked.

"Cause I bet the girls would like to see 'em wearing the same thing."

I felt that familiar lurch in my gut again. Jack had great cuckold instincts.

We met our wives and their lovers at the restaurant. Anne slid our bag into the shopping bag she now carried without looking, saying surprises were always fun.
We ate and returned to the hotel, where Anne again suggested a trip to the pool. Luckily, it was close to family dinner times, so the area was deserted. The mounting sexual tension of the day led to much more physical pool play. Anne's tiny bra twice slipped off her right breast during the horseplay, and the girls insisted on playing tag by reaching for Mason and Justin's crotches. By the time we left the pool, Mason and Justin's Speedos were showing larger bulges than before, and confirmed the wisdom of Jack's choice.

Once back in the room, Anne stage-managed the preparation for what I knew would be an evening of unparalleled sexual dynamics. Her first instruction to Jack and I: "Strip." This was, of course; one more way of separating Jack and I from the lovers, who tonight would be arrayed in their new finery. Slowly, we both shed our trunks. Jack's cock was, like mine, filling and lengthening. And though I envied his size, it was still not going to be anything to the tool that would be filling his wife again this evening.

Justin and Mason exchanged wry smiles as Jack and I self-consciously stood before the quartet. Anne busied herself with the bags for longer than I thought necessary before she motioned Jack and I to follow her and Lisa into the bedroom. "Don't go anywhere, lovers," she said, before closing the door.

Anne surprised me by pushing me back against the door and planting a long, wet kiss on my lips. "I know this is hard on you, on both of you," she said when she came up for air. "And it's going to get harder. But we love you for allowing us to experience this weekend." Her hand slid down my chest and fondled my full-blown erection. "Plus I have to think you're not entirely unhappy with the course of events."

Jack had been receiving the same treatment from his wife, and we groaned in unison. "My new little cuck would seem to agree," giggled Lisa. The ladies gave our cocks one more caress and then stepped away. "Back to business," Lisa laughed.

Our instructions were to undress the ladies and then outfit them in our selections from Victoria's Secret. Anne had indeed skipped the panty, substituting black stockings to give the garter belt something to do. She has sometime recently trimmed her pubic hairs to a thin, tiny triangle, which the garter framed exquisitely. As I fastened the second stocking, I couldn't resist leaning into her and sliding my tongue over her already damp slit. She allowed my advance for a minute, purring a bit even, before gently pushing my head away. "Not yet, hubby," she cooed. "Mason has to leave you a present there first."

She helped me to my feet, at which point I got my first look at Lisa's new lingerie. She wore a nearly transparent bustier, black, with a lace thong and stockings. Jack stood in front of her, transfixed, while she toyed again with his erection. "Are you ready for tonight," she asked him. "Ready to do whatever I ask."

Jack nodded quickly. "Yes," he murmured. "Yes."

"Good," she said, suddenly all business. "Go get our men ready. Their bag is on the table."

I have many times undressed and dressed Mason for Anne's amusement--and his too, I believe--but this was clearly not among Jack's expectations. "You want me to dress Justin?" he asked, amazed.

"And undress," chimed in Anne. She opened the door and motioned us out of the room. "Shoo!"

Mason and Justin stood as we walked back into the main room. I felt more naked than ever, as I retrieved the bag and removed the barely there thongs. I laid it on the end table closest to where Mason was standing. "Nice choice," he said quietly. "Anne will love it."

"It was Jack's idea," I confessed.

"He makes quite the little cuck, doesn't he?" chuckled Mason.

Quickly, I unbuttoned and removed his shirt, unbuttoned his pants and guided them to the floor, and coaxed his boxers over his thickened cock. I held out the thong for him to step into and drew the material up his legs. Although not fully engorged, Mason's cock was still a work of art. Cautiously I adjusted it, knowing that it, too, would feel my tongue before the night was over. Then I drew up the thong, covering the immense shaft. Or, rather, barely covering it. Mason's rich black coloring shone through the thin white material, emphasizing rather than hiding his endowment.

I looked over to see Jack not yet complete with his dressing of Justin. He had lowered Justin's briefs, but seemed mesmerized by being so close to the manhood his wife craved. Finally, Justin prodded him with his toe. "C'mon, man," he said. "Your wife's eager."

I turned around, and Anne and Lisa were indeed standing in the bedroom doorway, watching our progress. Jack blushed violently and scrambled to finish his task. He dragged the thong up Justin's muscled legs, then stopped. "Go ahead, dude," Justin whispered, "you can do it." I saw Jack take a deep breath, and gingerly slide his fingers around Justin's manhood. He tucked it into place, and smoothed the waistband around his wife's lover.

As we stood, the girls walked into the room and inspected their bed mates. There was much oohing and aahing about the thongs and the way they flattered Mason's and Justin's builds. When I mentioned, again, that they were Jack's idea, Lisa expressed surprise. "You never bought anything this sexy for yourself. Or was that because you didn't have anything to show off?"

While such a remark from Anne would have sent me flying, I was concerned that Lisa might have gone too far for my newbie cuck friend. I looked fearfully at Jack, whose face was now fire red. But I couldn't help noticing that his penis was standing straight up and he returned my look with a reassuring smile. "You're probably right, dear" he said, but by then Lisa was deep into a kiss with Justin.

The two couples stood in front of Jack and I, kissing and caressing as if they'd been apart for months. Their hands roamed over each other, and the girls even dropped to their knees to mouth their lovers' cocks through the strained thongs. I was desperate to play with my own cock, but the first time I made a move to touch myself, my wife immediately told me to stop.