The Whole Nine Yards Ch. 02


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I said "May-be. First of all, Bettina said that Ava Hinds is threatening to open an investigation of the TCPD if we pursue the charges against the 'Jacquez 200' and also the 'Juneteenth 22'. You guys see any 'strangenesses' in that?"

Teresa said "I thought they'd already opened an investigation of us."

"Exactly!" I replied, pointing at her in acknowledgement. "They already have. So either Bettina erroneously said they were (air quotes) 'going to' open one, orrrrrr Hinds did say that, and as a threat to pressure us. Either way, they, meaning the national-level Democrats as well as the Swamp Frogs, must be very scared of our prosecution of Breonna Bryant to get the USDOJ to threaten us again... with an investigation they've already started. It also shows support for the criminals, keeps the racism narrative going, and puts pressure on our elected Officials like Wellman and the Mayor-------"

I didn't realize it, but I had gone into a reverie. When I came out of it, Teresa had poured all three of us fresh cups of coffee.

"What is it, Don?" Tanya asked.

"The Mayor." I replied. "Teachable moment: if either of you were the DOJ Civil Rights Division and wanted to hurt the Mayor and the TCPD as much as possible, what would you be doing?"

Teresa replied; "I'd be doing that investigation they keep threatening but never seem to get around to."

"Oh, I get it!" said Tanya. "You're thinking they would open the investigation right before the early voting begins in the Elections, for maximum effect to hurt Daniel's re-election chances!"

"Give that Detective a blue crowbar!" I said. "That's exactly what hit me. I agree, they were waiting until late September to announce the opening of the investigations, especially against Daniel Allgood. And they still can. But they threaten the TCPD with it now. Now why do you suppose..." I did not need to finish the sentence.

"By the way," said Teresa, "you nailed it on Hunter Stenson going to the ice cream shop------ what?" I had gasped out loud and gone into another reverie. It was a brief one, and I came out of it quickly.

"You two, hold here." I said as i reached for my landline phone. I unscrewed the caps on both ends, looking for bugs, but there were none. Putting the phone back together, I called Lt. Myron Milton.

"Myron," I said, "I need your very best team of bug sweepers to come sweep my office, Commander Croyle's office, and Captain Muscone's all-too-large office. Hell, sweep the Chief's and Deputy Chief's offices as well." Myron said he was on it, and I hung up the phone.

"What is it, Don?" Tanya asked, peering at me.

"What Teresa said." I replied. "Yesterday I did say that about the Media covering Hunter Stenson if he went to an ice cream shop. And what happened? Exactly that. And it didn't hit me until Teresa mentioned it, but think about it: Hunter Stenson went to an ice cream shop! And yes, the Media covered it... but remember where Bettina was, this morning: in front of an ice cream shop!"

"They could generate electricity from Dame Agatha Christie's grave, the way she must be spinning over these 'coincidences'." Teresa said.

"Exactly." I said...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

At 9:30am, Helena buzzed a call through to me. I picked up the receiver and said "Troy."

"Commander, this is State Senator Corey Coons." said Corey Coons. "What time are you putting aside for our meeting?"

I was in sheer disbelief. It took a second, but I decided upon the wisest course of action, which was to simply hang up without saying a word. And that is what I did.

"Helena," I said after calling my assistant into my office. "Why did you put that call from that corrupt bastard Coons through?"

"I'm sorry, sir." Helena said, blushing furiously. "He told me he was returning your call."

I was now the one red-faced, with furious anger. I kept my voice level as I said "No, I never called him. He lied to you. So if he or anyone associated with him calls again, tell them that I will not speak to them nor return their calls. And if you're unsure at all, buzz me and ask."

"I will, sir." said Helena. "And I'm sorry I let that one through."

"Don't stress on it." I replied. "Like I said, the corrupt bastard lied to you. That's par for the course for Democrats..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Ten minutes later, Captain Muscone drove into my office, looking worried. Following her on foot was the TCPD's CIO, Lieutenant Myron Milton, and following him was TCPD Deputy Chief, Cindy Ross.

"We found two bugs, sir." said Myron. "One was secreted in Captain Muscone's wheelchair. It was connected to the battery of her wheelchair, and has a relatively powerful transmitter, enough to overcome any interference her wheelchair's motor might cause."

Myron: "The other bug was in the Main Conference Room, attached to the back of the videocamera in the corner that shows the room. That bug was not only a listening device, but its transmitter was designed to eff-up the camera, as if The Slender Man was in the room. As far as I can tell, it was never activated."

I swore unprintable curses. Then I said "That's good work, finding those. Cindy, you'll need to report this to the Chief and the Sheriff, but please don't speak of it to anyone else. Myron, say nothing of this to anyone who doesn't already know, including your wife. And your team now has a lot of work to do... sweeping Headquarters, both Precincts's Headquarters and all of County Jail, the Sheriff's office and those of his people at City Hall and the Courthouse. Go ahead and get to it."

Cindy and Myron left, and only Tanya and Teresa were in the room. "I'm sorry, sir." said Tanya. "I've caused untold damage------"

'Stop right there." I said, getting up out of my chair. I came around and pulled the near-side hot chair back so that I was sitting in a triangle with Teresa and Tanya. "Don't blame yourself. It's a teachable moment for you... and all of us... to be much more careful and observant, in every situation. But don't blame yourself for this."

"And what bothers me," I continued, "is who could've put that bug in your wheelchair, which would've taken some time as well as knowledge of how to do it. And that means it's very likely someone close to you. And I'll add to it: remember the final confrontation with Red Brooke, when your gun didn't fire because someone had unloaded it?" (Author's note: 'Agents and Angels', Ch. 03.)

Tanya and Teresa both gasped. "Yes!" Tanya said. "We never found out who unloaded it."

"That's right." I said. "But it had to have been someone close to you. So now I have to say something i don't want to say, and do something I don't want to do." Seeing Tanya's look of worry, as if I was going to fire her, I said "No, I'm not going to fire you, just put you back in that Lieutenant's Office."

"Can you fire me instead?" Tanya asked. We all laughed.

I said "Seriously, it's obvious that someone close to you was able to get to your gun before and your wheelchair now. And we're going to have to investigate you... not you personally, but those in your life. I doubt Jack Muscone has any knowledge of this, but don't even say anything to him or your kids. And I'm going to have to have someone who outranks you lead the investigation."

I turned to Teresa and said "Commander, you are personally in charge of the investigation, and I want solid answers, quickly. And say nothing of this to anyone else, not even your husband... Tanya's wheelchairs were made by BOW Enterprises, and it's possible an employee is involved in some way..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

11:00am, Friday, July 24th. I got a phone call on my personal iPhone from my wife Laura.

"I've got great news." Laura said. "Inga Gunddottar just woke up. She's really groggy and not really responsive verbally yet, but Dr. Morgan checked her eyes and says they're responding to light very well. That's a good sign."

Relief coursed through me like a wave. "Thank God." I said. "Is Jerome there?"

"Yes." Laura said. "I told him that he could speak to her, let her know he was there, and then I'd shoo him out of there so we doctors could do doctor things, as you and Carole like to say. She recognized his voice and he said she squeezed his hand when he spoke to her."

"That is wonderful news." I said. We said our 'I love you's and disconnected, and I got up and went to Cindy's office.

"Hey, I just heard from the Hospital." I said. "Inga is awake, and her eyes were responsive to light.

"Aw, that's great!" Cindy said.

I said "My info came from that most confidential of sources, my wife. So have Captain Thompson confirm Inga's condition with the Hospital people, then y'all can put out word to the Force, and also a public statement. I'll go tell the Chief now, and call the Sheriff."

"Wilco." Cindy said. Twenty minutes later, the 'loddy-doddy-everybody' text went out...

Part 13 - The Burt West Podcast

6:00am, Saturday, July 25th. I was on the deck of The Cabin, looking out over my Town in the growing light of the dawn on the other side of the mountain finger. The dogs were doing their business. I heard the back door open, and a moment later Carole appeared in front of me. She climbed onto the metal mesh chair with me.

"Good morning, Daddy." Carole said sweetly... a little too sweetly.

"Good morning, Fussbudget." I said. "And don't ask. You'll find out what you're getting on your birthday... on your birthday."

"O-kayyy." Carole said in resignation. Then she changed tack, shocking me: "Daddy, is Tasha in danger?"

"Uhhh, I hope not." I said. "Why do you ask?"

Carole said "People are calling her bad things, and they want to hurt her."

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"I can just tell." my firstborn child replied. Power of the Vibe, she had. "But don't worry, Daddy, I'll help watch out for my sis-ter."

"I appreciate that, very much." I said. "And like always, be very aware of everything around you." As two outstanding dogs came back onto the deck, I said "Okay, let's go make breakfast for everyone."

"Can I make the pancake batter?" Carole asked. I laughed, as this was becoming a running joke. Carole was not allowed anywhere near the pancake batter after the time she made it with salt instead of sugar... and Your Iron Crowbar had not been fooled: that may have been a practical joke instead of an accident.

"Nooooo." I said. "But you can help set the table..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1:00pm, Saturday, July 25th. The redoubtable Bowser barked angrily at my personal iPhone when it rang, but I answered it anyway. It was Alison McFarland.

"Don," she said, "The Burt West Podcast just went up. Did you listen to the live airing?"

"No." I said. "Was it worth listening to?"

"Under the 'know thine enemy' concept, maybe." Alison said. She told me where I could find it; a website that carried her own 'Unresolved' podcasts, as well.

Almost immediately after I disconnected the call, my Police rang. Bowser was furious with anger, and voiced his displeasure even when Carole tried to 'shush' him. I answered it anyway.

"Don, this is Cindy." said Cindy Ross. "Captain Thompson and I are being deluged with calls from the Media, wanting your reaction to the Burt West Podcast. I don't know anything about it; do you?"

"No." I said. "Don't give the Media any reply at all until we've heard the podcast."

After disconnecting the call, I joined Carole in giving Bowser skritchins, calming him down considerably. Then I went into my office and got on the computer and found the website, then the Burt West Podcast. It was two hours of verbal diarrhea on the airwaves, of which I report the salient points here...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"This is Burt West, bringing you the Burt West Podcast." said Burt West to begin the podcast. "The purpose of this podcast is to bring you the truth about the issues of the day, issues that the Town & County Government and the State Government of the disgraced Val Jared are trying to cover up. And that means exposing the criminal acts, the Police brutality, and the racism of Police Commander Donald Troy."

After a dialogue of Leftwing Journalist pure hatred, West said "We have with us Town & County Councilwoman Kelly Carnes, and also Mr. Daunte Bryant. Mr. Bryant is the father of Breonna Bryant, who was arrested at a peaceful protest of Police brutality near the building known as the Block House, which suspiciously exploded when Police surrounded the building, purportedly to arrest Jacquez Wilson for several unproven, alleged crimes on June 23d, a month ago."

West: "Breonna Bryant's case has drawn Statewide and even national attention. The USDOJ Civil Rights Division has threatened to open an investigation of the TCPD if the charges aren't dropped, and candidate for Lieutenant Governor Corey Coons demanded a meeting with Commander Troy over the case, which was summarily rejected by Troy."

West: "Mr. Bryant, your daughter is a lovely young woman. Never got in trouble, certainly no criminal record. Always did well in school, and was doing well at the University. Yet Commander Troy is trying to make an example of her with these over-the-top felony murder charges. What do you say about that?"

Bryant: "It's not just my daughter I'm speaking about, but all of the People of Color that were arrested just for speaking out against the injustice of white cops exercising brutality against our People. Donald Troy is using the Power of Police to crush the rights and the voices of a People that yearn to breathe free, and live without fear of being harassed or worse by white cops."

"But sir," West said, "what about your daughter? You did everything right. You and your wife worked hard. You taught your daughter to work hard and do well, to achieve. And all it's gotten you is for your daughter to be charged with murder just for protesting against white Police brutality."

Bryant: "I think it's hypocritical of Donald Troy to be whining about something said about his daughter when he's doing everything he can to destroy my daughter's life and take her away from me. Maybe if it was his daughter that was put in danger of being put away for life even though she's done no wrong, he might be whining a different tune. And that's why I say that People of Color should make an example of Donald Troy and his daughter if he's going to make this totally unjust example of my daughter."

West: "Yeah, Troy likes to whine about his daughter being called the halfbreed that she is, as my colleague Lester Holder correctly pointed out... and died for doing it as he fought for the rights of People of Color against white Police brutality. Kelly, when you correctly asserted that, they unloaded on you."

Carnes: "I need to say that just as what Troy is doing to Mr. Bryant's daughter is wrong, it was wrong of me to use a small child to attack Donald Troy. It's definitely Donald Troy we should be talking about, and his racist persecution of People of Color. Remember, Burt, that Donald Troy is a rapist that had to be pardoned by the racist Governor Val Jared to get out of it. Lester Holder's death is suspicious, and some Federal Agents believe Troy was behind Lester's... well, yeah, I'll say it: Lester's murder."

Carnes: "Donald Troy aided and abetted the racist white Mayor Daniel Allgood in stealing that election from its rightful winner, Eldrick X. Weaver. Donald Troy suppressed the rights of Councilman Reginald B.F. Lewis, even physically assaulted Councilman Lewis when he rightly called out Allgood's illegitimacy. Donald Troy is the most racist, dirtiest cop on the face of this earth, and until he is destroyed, wiped out, none of us, especially those that are black, will ever be safe..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Troy boys were successfully defending The Cabin from invading hordes over the top of the mountain, and accumulating dirt on their bodies that would scandalize their mothers in a few hours. Carole and Marie were on the back deck, playing a board game. Tasha was also on the deck, but playing with dolls.

"Where's Tiger Mom?" Marie asked Tasha.

"In her little place under the house." said Tasha. "She's about to have her babies. And why are you playing that game out here, when you could be inside in the A/C?"

"Because your dad is mad at something." Marie said.

"He's not mad." Carole said. "He's just de-terrrr-mnnnd. He acts that way when he's about to do something, like bust a bad guy."

"Why is he mad?" persisted Marie.

"He's not mad, Marie." Carole insisted. "And I can't feel what he's feeling when he gets like that, so I don't know why..."

Part 14 - Anonymous Warning

The meeting and strategy session of local Democrats had not been going well. It was attended by nearly every local Democrat candidate as well as those from the area running for State or even National office. Even U.S. Congressman Condor was there. Also attending were pollsters and the Democrats's closest allies: the journalists of the deeply corrupt Mainstream Media, who knew without being told that what was said was 'off the record'.

And when Katherine Woodburn attended one of these sessions, it usually bode poorly for someone. She was in attendance, and tonight Kelly Carnes was the object of her 'tough love'.

"Kelly, you have to pull back on the rhetoric." Katherine said. "Your Council seat is the only one in any danger of being flipped, and we have to have you on the Council. It'll do no good doing whatever we have to do to make sure Eldrick Weaver beats Daniel Allgood if the Republicans have a 6-4 advantage."

"What do you want, Katherine?" Carnes fired back. "I apologized for what I said about Patterson's daughter. I said it again on the Burt West podcast, even though West and Breonna Bryant's father were really pushing me to call Tasha that name again. I don't know what you want from me."

"And I don't see why she had to apologize at all." said Stacey Jacobs. "Donald Troy is whining about his daughter being called the halfbreed she is, while at the same time trying to send Daunte Bryant's daughter to prison for the rest of her life just for speaking out against Cracker cops's brutality against our People. At the very least, we should be pointing that hypocrisy out."

"I totally agree with that." said Eldrick X. Weaver.

Bettina Wurtzburg said "No. Kelly was right to apologize. Calling Troy's daughter that epithet got my colleague Lester Holder killed. Oh, they're saying it was an accident, or that Jacquez blew himself up. But I believe what a couple of FBI Agents told me... that they believe Troy somehow set off those explosives."

"I wouldn't be surprised if the white cops murdered Jacquez and Lester." said Weaver. "But I don't agree with you about the apology. It was more harmful than what she said about Troy's daughter. It made Ms. Carnes look weak. It made all of us look weak."

Kelly Carnes glared at Weaver, but held her tongue. Katherine Woodburn audibly sighed, then said "Maybe you can explain it to them, Karl."

Karl Frazier of Public Policy Polling said "The race card does not play well in some parts of this County, including Kelly's Council district. Especially her district. Not everyone in this County hates Donald Troy, and attacking his daughter doesn't go over well with a lot of people, including many blacks------"

"How would you know?" snarled Stacy Jacobs. "You're a Cracker, too!"

"I know because I've polled people in every part of this County, of all ethnicities." said Karl Frazier, keeping his cool. "And Senator Woodburn is right... if Ms. Carnes had not have apologized for her remarks, she could very easily have turned a race she's been easily winning into a close struggle, despite Bill Redmond's pathetically incompetent campaign."