The Whoremaker Ch. 11


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"You know what Davy said, that you tricked Dad into getting you pregnant. Is that true?"

Mom looked away, unwilling to look at me.

"Mom Is it true?"

Mom kept weeping as she lay on the ground.

"Mom, is it fucking true!"

"Yes... It's true alright. I wanted him, I needed him and he always fucked my ass and never came inside so I made him cum in my mouth and pretended to swallow."

I lost it. I wanted to break something. I ended up just shouting at the top of my lungs, probably alarming the neighbours. All of it made me so fucking angry, so fucking mad at everyone and everything. My dad, my mom, whoever thought that mind-control sex powers would be a good idea. I just couldn't stand any of them, so I had to take it out on someone. I had to do something to calm down. Even with all the rage burning inside me, I knew that Mom was not the one I wanted to take it out on. She would just lie there weeping, with her food burning in the kitchen.

If I could, I'd take it out on my Dad. If I could I'd take it out on Satan, who ruined my genes. I left and slammed the door, I jammed on my helmet and got on my bike. I knew of one person who could use my wrath, and maybe help me in the process.

Stacy Mathews's house

By the end of that day I'd forever disliked cuckoldery. Trust me, I know that's rich coming from me, the self proclaimed whoremaker. I simply can NOT imagine myself as that guy - the guy who would watch someone have sex with his wife - unless that person offered his wife in return. I don't say that to objectify women, although I literally do that often and for fun. I just think that if someone has a right to fuck my wife, I have a right to fuck theirs.

That applies to my girlfriend Ellie. While I do sound, act, and even am an asshole for saying these things, that doesn't change my attitude about it in the slightest. I'd just been doing what every guy was thinking.

So that brings me to the issue that I'd been facing. The fact was that absolutely everyone who had been on that bus had become a registered sex offender. I didn't know who most of them were. I hadn't gotten any of their names. I did want to help get them off that list, to get some solace really. But that meant I would have to visit the cop who had tried to kill me: Captain Austin Mathews. Or, as we know him -- Stacy's dad.

Its why I was saying I didn't like cuckoldery, I just didn't have the stomach to put a guy through that. I wasn't the type to make a guy watch or witness that. There were some reasons though why that wasn't going to stop me from paying him a call.

First, the was the best idea I could come up with. If Joleen was removed from the registry, maybe she might stop trailing me so intensely. Second, Captain Mathews had been cheating on his own wife, himself. And best of all, that man had tried to fucking kill me simply because I had been fucking his wife.

Yeah, under normal circumstances I would get it. But I was in a dark place when I rode my bike over to Stacy's house. Nothing was going to stop me.

I arrived before he had come home, and settled down to wait. I needed to start after he arrived so that we wouldn't have the previous scenario play out. When he arrived, I was surprised to see that he had brought a few of his cop buddies with him. That was absolutely perfect. I would let them get nice and comfortable before I started. Wait for the booze, and whatever else they were doing, to sink in.

I gave them another thirty minutes before I made my move. First, to get into the house. I climbed up to Stacy's window. She was in bed, asleep. The window was closed and locked shut, so I had to punch a way in. CRACK! The sound of the window breaking was just loud enough to wake Stacy.

"Who's there," Stacy babbled, "my dad is a cop so you better get out of here if you know what's-" She spotted me. "Mikey? What the fuck, dad just got my window fixed and you break it again."

Yeah, he had gotten her window fixed after my last visit, when a stray bullet had hit it. I quickly tried to shush her which, knowing Stacy, didn't really do much. She kept babbling.

"What the hell, you break into my house for some booty call and then you want me to shut up! Get the fuck out of here!"

Stacy was too loud, so I stepped over and covered her mouth. She got even more agitated - she came just-this-close to breaking free of my palm and starting to scream. I had to keep her still. I ended up choking her, so that she would pass out. She didn't, but it was enough to get her to calm down a little. She tapped on my arm, begging for release. I let up some of the pressure on her throat, and she took large gasps of air.

I whispered, "Your father is going to pay for trying to shoot me, so you stay here and don't come down if you know what's good for you." Stacy nodded. Her frightened expression made it clear that she was afraid, but wouldn't scream.

I slowly opened the door and walked softly into the hallway. I took a few steps downstairs and saw the great amounts of alcohol on the table. There on the couch sat the police captain and his three friends. They were watching an NFL game on TV, with the sound cranked way up, and they were shouting over the sound. It was a good distraction. I figured that I would find Mrs Mathews in the kitchen, so I slid silently down the stairs and made my way there. I found Mrs Mathews there, preparing food for her husband and his guests. She was wearing an apron, some shorts and a tight top. Her nipples were visible through her clothes though they weren't hard.

I snuck up behind her and grabbed her arms. When she gasped, I quickly covered her mouth. Because I was behind her, she didn't know it was me. She must have thought I was some unknown assailant. I didn't know that she had trained in self defence, but I found that out when she quickly swivelled her body and threw me over her shoulder and onto the floor. Then she screamed, "Austin - a burglar!"

Someone muted the TV. "Austin!" She screamed once again. As I got back up to my feet, she realised who the "burglar" was. "Mikey? Oh Mikey I'm sorry! Run! Before my husband gets here!"

Too late, of course. He was already running in, and stopped in his tracks when he saw me. "You back again boy? I went easy on you last time, because you're a young one. This time? This is breaking and entering, meaning I can call this self-defence. Right guys?" He grinned and looked back at his cop friends who laughed, almost as if executing an eighteen-year-old kid was just another Tuesday. He pulled out his Glock.

"No, Austin please," his wife begged. "What happened with him was my fault. Austin, I'm begging you, I will do anything. Don't hurt Mikey." Another crying lady, that time crying for my life. The captain shoved his screaming wife aside. With a satisfied grin, he pointed his gun my way.

That was it. I had let my rage lead me there, with my girlfriend unhappy that I had not told her the truth - my Mom probably hating herself - my Dad nowhere to be seen. The end. I closed my eyes, and heard the bang. It felt like a solid ten seconds before I opened them. There it was, the bullet had only travelled half the distance. I shifted out of its path, and time went to its normal speed. The bullet hit the window behind me.

"What the -??? I knew I didn't dream it last time, boy. You some sort of cyborg or something?" Captain Mathews was stunned. That had been the fourth time I had done that to him. He looked at me as if I were an extra-terrestrial or something.

One of the other cops laughed. "You just missed Cap, let me shoot him. You've always been a bad shot." The other two cops laughed, too. "Say your prayers boy," said the other cop. He pulled out a revolver and stepped up next to Mrs Mathews. Knowing full well that time would stop, I let him take the shot. Once the powers kicked in, I darted towards him and took his gun away from him. Thanks to my momentum, even after time kicked back in I was too fast for him. By the time he realised it, I was already holding his own gun on his head.

Mrs Mathews, standing right next to him, gasped. She had seen it twice, herself, and was in utter awe. "Mikey," she said, "how did you.... you teleported from there to here!"

"What the fuck!" Said one of the other guys. They couldn't believe their eyes.

It was time for me to set things straight. "Looks like no one can actually hit me," I said, "only the wall behind me. I think you can see that I'm in charge of the situation. So let's start again from the beginning. I'm Mikey, and Mr Mathews here owes me something."

"Owe you what," said Mr Mathews. "it's you who owes me for the shit you destroyed." I had had enough, and I took the opportunity to punch Mathews in the gut. Another cop buddy drew his gun and shot. I already knew time would stop, and as it did I disarmed the cop, the remaining cop, and Mr Mathews. To say they were surprised is an understatement. I possessed the only gun and I decided to leverage the situation.

I grabbed Mrs Mathews and threatened to kill her if they didn't comply. The cops all knew they had no chance and started being more careful. In their minds my powers could be turned on at any moment when the only trigger was a life threatening injury. Mrs Mathews was probably shocked to hear me say that I wanted to kill her, but she had sort of accepted her fate. Perhaps she thought she deserved it.

I was also developing a small migraine from not having sex too long, so I sped things up. I told the three to tie up Mathews. I then had the men handcuff themselves to different chairs. I took the keys and put them on the table. They assumed that I would want some hostages and that I would contact other cops for my demands.

So I'm sure they were even more taken aback by the fact I told them to stay put and watch. I got each of their names. Albert was a short, dark-haired, slightly overweight man with a receding hairline and buck teeth. Terry was a tall, blonde, lanky man who was the youngest of the group. He seemed the meekest and sort of went along with what the others were doing. Donnie was the cop who had tried to shoot me the second time. He seemed the most imposing of them all. He was fit and athletic; he had a strong jawline and a rather stern face. He seemed to be closest to Mathews. It looked like he might be on track to be the next Captain.

Now that I knew a little about them, I told them that I had only come to get revenge on Mathews. And that they were going to be willing participants. Of course they all rejected the notion that they would ever participate in the torture of their boss. I told them that they wouldn't resist. With that I released Mrs Mathews.

She was surprised. "You're not going to torture me and my husband?"

"Oh I'm gonna torture him," I said. "It's just that you're going to be the way I do it."

"You sick son of a bitch," Mathews screamed. "You really want to fucking rape my wife in front of me? You think I'm gonna let you do that? You touch my wife, and I'll fucking choke you with my bare fucking hands!"

Hmm. Should I shut him up, or let him keep going? I just let him go on and on about killing me, whilst I looked his wife up and down.

I liked Mrs Mathews's sexy MILF body. Her skin was still rather supple. I could tell that she was still frightened of me. However as I circled around her - touching her waist and thighs, hearing her husband scream profanities at me - I felt good for once. I felt powerful. I felt in control, for the first time today really. I wanted to make a show out of it. To do that, I needed to make it clear to Mr Mathews that his wife wanted it.

I finally looked her in her eyes and her lust lit right up, and I then asked her the words I ask all the girls. "What turns you on the most Mrs Mathews?"

With red in my eyes, with every evil intention, I heard her answer. "I like younger men. I like knowing I can still attract men half my age. I feel old all the time, so when I had sex with you I felt so pretty, I felt wanted and beautiful. I don't feel that way with my cheating husband."

Captain Mathews denied it, harder than I had denied Joleen. I thought it was ironic that this was where we were.

"I see, so you like it when I touch you don't you?" I caressed her waist and she shivered.

"Yes, I do."

"You like it when I grab you?" I grabbed a handful of her ass.

"Ahh, more than anything," she moaned.

"So why don't you get on your knees. Suck my dick in front of your piece-of-shit husband."


I let her go to work, removing my pants. I tossed the gun I'd held all that time. I didn't need it anymore.

That was when Captain Mathews lost it, "What, you whore, are you going to suck his dick right now? What kinda of - who did I marry? Carey, Carey you can't do this, Carey, CAREY!"

Mrs Mathews - Carey - had already wrapped her lips around my hard dick. She sucked with no hands, and with the concentration of an artist. Her eyes looked up at me as she let my dick spread her lips open, taking more of my length with each subsequent slurp. It was a heavenly blowjob. There was the consistency I liked, the way her eyes never stopped looking at me. The way her pink lips welcomed my dick inside her. Her hard nipples pressed against her top.

"You like my cock in your mouth Carey?" Given I'd learned her first name, I decided to use it from then on. Carey nodded when I asked her. She was happy to get a taste of me. "Do you feel sexy?" She nodded even faster, "You are sexy." I affirmed, and she stuck out her tongue and gagged herself in appreciation.

I took over, and grabbed her head. Keeping my dick in her throat until she gasped for oxygen. I wanted her to struggle to breath for a bit. To humiliate her, and by extension her husband. I looked over at the handcuffed cops. Although Donnie was keeping it down, the other two had pitched tents, and were visibly hypnotised by the live pornography.

Albert and Terry began visibly sweating. It looked like they were even tempted to use their one free hand to stroke themselves. I wanted to make sure that they could see, so I shifted her ever-so-slightly to give them a good view. Carey often would leave a spit trail after withdrawing my cock from her mouth. She would then coat my dick with it, and then return to easing it back inside her mouth.

Her love for my cock had me on the edge pretty quickly, so I had to stop her, "Hey how about we entertain our guests here, Carey. Go over there and suck their cocks. I'm sure they won't object to that, will you?" I directed towards them.

Terry fidgeted in his seat, as if he had decided he wanted to be first but didn't want to verbalise it, not that it mattered. Mathews caught wind of it and threw more expletives at Terry, the youngest of the cops in the house. Carey of course didn't have any particular interest in giving Terry a blowjob, I was the one she wanted to entertain. My order to her had almost been ignored as she only really stayed on her knees. I pulled her up to her feet and embraced her, leveraging my position as her temptation.

"You know what would make me think you're really sexy Carey? If a down-to-earth honest MILF like you were to suck officer Terry's dick right in front of your husband. Do you think you can go over there and get him off? If you do, I'll fuck you just like last time."

Carey moaned when I explained that to her. She started panting, and then took a determined glance at officer Terry who was itching to be touched. I slowly took off her top. That showed everyone her large-round breasts and their hard nipples. I followed that with unbuttoning, then lowering her shorts from her round ass. She stepped out of her shorts once they reached her ankles, leaving her in her black lace panties.

"Why are you wearing these?" I asked her.

"I, I like feeling sexy Mikey, you like them?" She asked, whimpering -- hoping for a positive response.

"I fucking love them Carey. Now go over to Terry and suck his cock. After all, he is only slightly older than me. Look at how hard his cock is, don't you want to reward him for being such a pervert for your naked body."

I felt the immense burn of her lust. My powers told me that I had gotten through to her. Slowly, I let her go, and she went over to the young officer who was wearing some cargo shorts. He had started rubbing his cock through his pants, Carey got on her knees before him. She undid his buttons and pulled out his cock. It was already dripping with his precum, his veins were protruding all over it. Carey gave it the same treatment she gave mine, a few licks to clean some of the precum off of it. Then some slow yet consistent mouth fucking to get him going.

I sat down and let her go on, watching her long, straight hair bounce up and down. Listening to Terry grunt in excitement then start to caress her hair with his free hand. Mathews was quiet, which was surprising. What wasn't was the tent he had pitched up himself. He was tied up completely so he couldn't move much, let alone rub himself. Albert was almost drooling for a turn of his own. Donnie was still controlling himself. He had decided not to watch Carey, but instead to look at me. Perhaps he was wondering what more I had planned. Perhaps he was wondering how he might escape.

Donnie would need more than just a show to become part of it, By then I had figured out a plan for him. I got up and went to the mother who was sucking off one of her husband's coworkers. I pulled her up by her hair and pulled her head off of Terry. He'd bucked his cock up, his orgasm was building and I'd suddenly put a stop to it.

"Terry, let's be honest here. Your boss, he's a piece of shit." Terry looked at his superior who kept a straight face then back at me. "I know he's done some terrible shit. The hazing they do to rookie cops - I'm sure you know he greenlit all of it, right? Don't you want to get back at him? I mean, if people ask, all of you can say that I forced you at gunpoint, right?"

Now to be clear, That was all a shot in the dark. I only needed one on my side. Once that guy thought it was okay, the rest would come tumbling in. Terry took some time to think then took another glance at his boss, his face got ever more enraged. I imagined he'd been having flash-backs to what had happened when he started out. He nodded in agreement.

"Good," I said. "So I'm going to remove your restraints. Then you'll take this whore wife of his and give her a good fucking while she sucks off Albert over there."

Terry said, "OK." Albert silently whispered "yes," happy to get his turn.

The biggest resistance came from Carey who most certainly had no interest in a guy like Albert. I still held her by her hair, and then pulled her towards him. "You already sucked one guy off, didn't you. So now it's his turn, or do you want me to not fuck you tonight." She immediately started unbuckling Albert's belt and didn't say a word more. It made me wonder just how she had been under my spell. In any case, she sucked Albert's dick in a bit of a frenzy as I removed Terry's restraints.

Terry didn't resist nor try anything. He had one thing on his mind: to fuck his boss's wife, with her on her knees in front of a heavily grunting Albert. It was so easy to pull her panties aside, and shove his cock into her wet pussy. Terry was probably new to sex, he just kept going at full pace from the get go. Who knew that he hadn't been a virgin? I didn't know it - but I did see that the last man had finally come to life. It wasn't a pitched tent for Donnie, since he wore particularly tight pants. Rather, it was the fact he had his eyes firmly on Carey's ass as Terry fucked her. Got him!

Carey didn't moan much, but she did continue shaking quite a bit. Her legs could barely keep still as Terry planted his cock into her from behind. Albert had used his remaining hand to keep her hair up and make sure she had an easy time easing his cock into her mouth. I could hear her muffled moans as I watched the three of them. I also wanted Mathews to feel ignored. Terry started talking, dirty-talking to his boss's wife.