The Wild West and Sex Slavery Ch. 06


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"The divorce badly damaged all the countries because every society needs all types. If a society loses all its' people concerned about defense and protecting what it has, there is one bad result. If a society is devoid of people concerned about social injustice, equity and the needs of humanity as a whole, a different poor result occurs.

"Of course, liberals largely quit having children. It may be that that was one of the leading factors that led to the divorce." Galton said. "The population of natural liberals plummeted in areas where the social and political forces favored conservative attitudes.

"But you have to count that 40% of attitudes that are not driven by genetics?" Lena asked.

"Nothing is ever simple," Galton said. "The shape of the society reinforces or shapes the genetic tendencies so someone who genetically would have been more communitarian becomes more conservative if brought up in a conservative society. The opposite is also true. This has further reinforced the vicious cycle with things getting more and more extreme in each of the divorced entities."

"Therefore, you are all fucked," Lena said.

"I'd like to think that human beings can look at their situation and steer their destiny. I won't claim that I am working in these contests out of charity. I'm about 90% mercenary. But I do take comfort in the fact that bringing some more risk-taking, outgoing women to the Free States under God who are having children that are mainly going to the SDSA and PMSA is doing some good by creating children that aren't all one way or the other. Also, just by having sex with women who do not have conservative Free States genetics and did not grow up in the Free States, Free States men are coming into contact with people who might influence their thinking."

"You are a hero," Lena said sarcastically.

"You mock me, but anything that breaks down the barriers will lessen North America's tendency to become a hell hole."

"We've been talking as though the Free States are all alike," Lena said. "Is that true?"

"No, even within the Free States, there has been a lot of sorting out. The confederate government only deals with national defense, immigration and a few federal crimes involving moving across states lines," Galton answered. "The states are all what you would call right-wing now, but there is even a lot of variation within states as county sheriffs have a lot of power and decide what laws actually are enforced."

"Sounds like Mississippi in 1963," Lena said.

"Yeah, and what's your point?" Galton replied.

"Or as kids said 40 years ago, 'well duh,'" Neck added. "A lot of folks wanted the national divorce exactly to bring the country back to where it was in Mississippi in 1963."

"I'd like to get back to something Neck said but passed over rather quickly," Frau Spengler said. "You said, Neck, that the women who play in your contests generally don't need much training and implied that many of them were used to having sex with men that they might not have chosen purely because of the men's charm. In other words, a lot of your paintball gunfighters have a history as prostitutes."

"That's pretty much right," Neck replied.

"You are surely not saying that having been a stripper or an escort, as Angela was for a few years, prepares a woman to be a sex slave. According to what you told us in May, indentured servants on the boats will be expected to have a dozen children and be milked by the latest high-tech machines both to feed those children and to keep the women from getting pregnant as long as possible without breaking the Free States laws against birth control. I have never heard of an escort agreeing to be impregnated and later milked to feed the child, perhaps even while men are putting more sperm into her for the possible production of another child."

"Well, no, not exactly. But you can't rightly train a woman for that, an I sure can't tell you what it's like to be milked by a machine and fucked by a man at the same time. The little trainin what Angie got did tell her that she don't have to worry none about security the way escorts do because the boats, especially one like the Risin Sun, make damn sure that no customer damages any of their property. So bein a sex slave is better than being an escort. Also, she don't have to worry about what to eat or how to exercise because that is all controlled by the boat. Also, she don't have to worry none about gettin pregnant, as that's damn near inevitable.

"Boredom between serving customers ain't gonna be a problem for Angie for a while because she's goin to be fuckin damn near non-stop except for when she's sleepin until she's clearly preggers. She'll still probably have little time off until she's about ready to deliver. Hopefully, that will be more than a year from now. They'll be plenty a time to teach her about childbirth and gettin milked later."

"Yeah, she won't have to worry about being a human being at all. Perhaps, that will work out for Angela," Lena said, "just as perhaps it will work out for Frenchy von Schlupp, better known by the French police as Francine Meutrier. The police are seeking her for killing one of her two roommates in the process of taking all the money that the three of them had earned as escorts in Paris along with 3 kilos of heroin."

"Funny, I didn't know any of that," Neck replied. "She didn't say nothin about murder or heroin when she came to my hotel room an took off her clothes."

"Yes, I did a bit of research in my free time when I was not working on some other things, and I am pretty sure that Frenchy is Francine. With the Free States not having an extradition treaty with France at present, Madam Meutrier might have made a pretty good move by losing in your paintball contest. Particularly if she is the sort of woman who would prefer spending the next twenty years as a sex slave than life in a penitentiary. I guess that is a matter of taste.

"It sure is difficult to find women to play in your game, is it not?" Lena concluded.

"Welp, I reckon women who play have a lot of different reasons for playin the game. Escapin a big problem here in Europe might just be one of them. When findin women, I don't ask any more questions than necessary." Neck said without a hint of embarrassment. "Bein heavily guarded in a very secure boat in the Free States might not be a bad way to avoid dangers at home 'pecially if you don't mind bein a sex object for a real long time."

"And, as was said, who knows whether something won't change to allow one to get off the boat sooner than might be feared." Dr. Galton added. "Maybe you should try it, Lena. It might be the only way you'll live to see your 40th birthday."

"We are repeating ourselves. Maybe I will volunteer to go to the boats if I commit murder and steal a lot of narcotics," Lena answered.

Lena looked up at Max Klug to see how he felt about the revelation that Neck had imported a murderer to be a sex slave on one of the boats, but she saw no sign of a reaction. Never bashful and rarely prudent, Lena asked, "Mr. Klug, if I am right about Frenchy, does it not trouble you that the Wallace Import and Supply Company is importing that sort of person into your country?"

"Not much," Kluge said. "She must be very attractive, or Neck would not have recruited her. She's unlikely to commit a violent crime on whatever boat she's on and she certainly won't steal anyone's heroin. If she were a Free States woman who had murdered someone, she'd probably have gone to a boat if she avoided the death penalty. She'd have gone at a lower price to a less fancy boat than Neck sold her to, but Homeland Security is not terribly concerned about protecting Neck's customers from sales misrepresentations. If she were a terrorist or a spy, that would be a different matter. Well, actually, that would only be a problem if she were loose in the Free States. What harm could a spy do as a breeding sex toy on one of the boats unless Dr. Galton thinks that becoming a spy is the result of genetic factors?"

At the conclusion of lunch, Lena said she had to do an interview but privately suggested to Killer that he come back to the offices of Kultur, Sex and Sport with her, a place he'd been before. Sneaking into the offices, being noticed as little as possible, Lena led Killer to a supply room where she promptly took off her clothing and lay on a pile of flattened corrugated boxes. "If I'm not going to live another five years, I should enjoy all the pleasures I've allowed myself."

Lena smiled at Killer through the legs she had spread and held up to present him with the target he knew so well. What followed was not lovemaking but humping like animals in a barnyard. The sounds of their panting and their bodies slapping together might have been heard by anyone putting his ear to the storage room door. After 45 minutes and multiple orgasms, Lena and Killer agreed that they both had to get back to work. As Lena led Killer out a side door and used some paper towels that were in the storage room, she begged him to contact her whenever he had free time until he had to go back to the Free States.

When Neck asked him where he had gone after lunch, Killer responded that he'd been "drained and amused."

"You really in love with that crazy Kraut bitch?"

"I would not use the word love. I admire her courage, but our relationship is largely physical."

"Well, I can't imagine a better fuck buddy until she gets killed. Just make sure you ain't in bed with her when the bomb goes off, or her husband breaks into the bedroom with a machine gun."


The duels on the following Saturday witnessed Billy the Babe's luck running out. The night after the duels, Lena told Herbert she had to work late on another investigation.

Upon entering Killer's hotel room, Lena promptly stripped and laid on the bed. "Sorry, Love, I love slow romance, but we don't have time for much of that tonight. Let's see that beautiful cock of yours again; I am very ready."

"We have not done much in the way of slow romance lately," Killer replied. "But I try to satisfy everyone."

"Two orgasms for each of them later; Lena, with her tongue and gentle work with her fingernails, had managed to get Killer's cock hard a third time. Moving her fingernails to gently work on his testicles, she asked just what Killer did for Homeland Security.

"Now, I'm not going to tell you that, Lena," Killer responded. "I do a lot of things for Free States Homeland Security and still do some things for the Free States Army, especially during the Winter and early Spring when I'm not working much for Neck. All of this work is confidential. I will say that some of it involves law enforcement."

"I find men often get talkative when you have their hands on their testicles, and they often tell the truth under those circumstances."

"I have no reason to dispute your finding, but I think it works better when the guy is desperate to come, not after you've damn near exhausted him."

With that, Killer gently removed Lena's fingers from his balls, kissed her fingers and proceeded to drive his cock into her.

As Lena dressed to go home, Killer had a question for Lena. "I glanced back a few times while Angela was having her gang bang, and I could not tell if it was disgust, horror or envy in your looks. Which was it?"

"Pretty much all of the above."

"Do you think you'd want to do what Angela is doing, being a sex slave?"

"You heard the discussion a few days ago. What does 'want' mean? I might want a big piece of chocolate but not want what I know it would do to my figure or how I'd sleep that night.

"As to what Angela's doing now, it sounds like she is pretty much a full-time prostitute without the freedom that even most prostitutes working in brothels have. There are all sorts of polls and stories about how prostitutes feel about their jobs, and the stories come out saying everything from the women all hate the job to saying that they think it is wonderful. There are prostitutes who say they never enjoy the sex and those who say they almost always have an orgasm and love the sex.

"As you know, I pretty much worked as a prostitute or a call girl a few times for a few weeks to get a story. Some people say that my whole career has been like that. I enjoyed most of the sex. I think I could enjoy much of the sex if I was in Angela's place, but I'd also be miserable because I would not be able to do other things I want to do. There is more to life than orgasms. I can have an orgasm any time I want.

"I have risked being put in situations worse than Angela's. It sounds like the life she is being forced to live could be worse, but it is not what I want.

"I hate people calling women 'Huren' or 'whores' because they take money in connection with sex. The big West European fantasy is that men and women are going to fall in love and only enjoy sex with one person for life and that having sex with any motivation other than to share passion with one's true love is somehow evil. But people have mixed motives. Is a woman who goes to bed with a guy after having a nice dinner he paid for, and who thinks that if she married him, it would please her mother, a whore? Is a woman who has sex with her husband a whore if she does not think she loves him anymore but wants to save the marriage? Is a woman who goes to bed with a guy without receiving any money or anything else of value, but just because it feels good, a whore or just a slut and is being a slut better or worse than being a whore?

"All the babies and milking sort of turns me on as a fantasy because I am sick, but I would not want to be in a position where I had to do that for real.

"Well," Killer said as Lena left for home, "If you want to stay out of that position, you should stay out of the Free American States under God. Your lifestyle and views are pretty sure to get you in deep shit there."

OCTOBER 2045 - "ALLE KUNST IST UMSONST WENN EIN ENGEL IN DAS ZÜNDLOCH PRUNST" (All skill is in vain if an angel pisses in the touch hole of your musket)

Lena did not think at the beginning of October 2045 that she wanted to visit the Free American States under God. True, Frau Sprengler thought she could learn much there that would enable Lena to write great stories and Kultur, Sex Sport to sell copy. Also, Lena had implicitly accepted Neck's offer of an all-expenses paid tour with access to places to which reporters were not usually allowed to go in exchange for Lena not trying in August to persuade Angela to back out of the August duels.

But, Lena thought that if Neck felt he could offer Lena the tour he mentioned, it must mean that he was confident that Lena could not find anything scandalous, or at least not scandalous to the twisted minds of the FASUG. Further, if there was a deal with Neck, Lena had not kept her part of the bargain. She had told Angela that it was unwise for her to participate in the August duels. Angela had rejected Lena's advice.

Killer had not committed himself in any way and told her repeatedly to stay out of the FASUG.

Still, when Neck, Killer, Dr. Galton, Lena and Frau Dir. Marlene Sprengler met before the October duel; everyone assumed she was going to the FASUG. Killer again told her to stay out of the FASUG, but Neck sweetened the deal by saying that Lena could have a week in the FASUG on her own without a chaperone to investigate whatever she could without breaking the law. Also, he could get her a meeting with women on at least the Everleigh and the Rising Sun.

Sprengler said that her report on life in the new ultra-conservative state would be featured in a series of editions in Kultur, Sex and Sport. She joked that Lena would probably get an even bigger bonus than last year, and the company probably would not have any money left to pay Sprengler. Lena, though, still was unsure about the trip.

Lena decided to attend the October duels with Neck and Frau Sprengler because these duels had become a significant, if silly, news event. A prominent Italian actress, Meloni Georgini, age 36, had decided to participate in the duels after she had been involved in a scandal involving her having a series of trysts with the eighteen-year-old son of the Prime Minister of Italy. The fact that she was married to someone twice her age, reputedly a member of the Syrian mafia, and having sex with someone half her age, had greatly amused the gossip sheets.

At the monthly dinner before the duels, which had become something of a custom with Frau Sprengler, Lena, Neck, Killer and Dr. Galton, Neck admitted that, despite misgivings, he had made special offers to Georgini to participate in the duels. She had been in a few new spaghetti westerns as a feminist gunfighter and done her own stunts. He thought she might leap at a chance to get funds to pay for legal bills and bodyguards, both of which she probably needed badly in her situation, "an she took the bait an didn't even git the money up front."

Lena was pleased she'd gotten the money up front for Angela and that it was now collecting interest in a Swiss bank account.

No one doubted that Georgini could do better in the duels than the average actress. Still, most thought she would not survive the Winnetou Paintball gun duels as a free woman. Certainly, Neck didn't think she had any chance, which is why he had promised to pay her $ 5,000,000 to play.

"I know you all think that me payin 5 million bucks ain't no sacrifice if Georgini brings in more than Angela, but you don't see my balance sheets. The preachers take a sin tax of 50%. Then I got expenses of maybe $20 million per woman when you count all the bucks I got to pay to European politicians to be able to exist here. Then the blessed Free States govment, the state govments and the local officials git about 33% of what's left. If the Wallace Import Corp sells a woman to a boat for 100 million bucks, we have profits after taxes of about $20 big ones. Not bad, but not too great either. An, fuck it, I gotta pay personal taxes on whatever I draw."

"I suspect that much of what you call expenses also go for your entertainment, Neck, and making $120 million a year does not exactly inspire pity, even in 2045," Frau Sprengler said.

"Neck's figures do show the complicity of the Free State's church and governments as well as our government's complicity in the whole indentured servitude business," Lena noted.

"You ladies sur can be fuckin judgmental bitches if you ask me," Neck said, "but I'll pay for dinner just to be a good sport."

At the end of the dinner, Lena casually asked Neck what he did during November until he came back for the games in May. "I mainly fish an sometimes visit a boat; I come to Europe and look for women to play in the games, an I work as a consultant to the FASUG an to a few of the boats with regards to certain supply matters."

"What do you mean by that consultant work?"

"Well, mainly I help boats decide whether to bid on women convicted of certain crimes, whether I think they would be trouble or not. It's not like I'm some great psychologist or anythin like that, but I've seen a lot of convicted women at auctions an seen how they did, an some boats think I have useful things to say on whether particular women will be able to please customers, should be put on a low-end, all-you-can-fuck boat, need to go to strict bondage boat, or are useless and should just be sent to prison."

"What exactly happens on the strict bondage boats, and how do you decide what women should go where?" Lena pressed.

"I don't think I think I should discuss any of that Frau Investigator. That's what we call confidential business information. I only give that out at a very high price or maybe in exchange for very valuable services," Neck said, looking right down Lena's blouse before glancing down at her flawless legs and up to her very pretty face."