All Comments on 'The Witch and the Dragon Ch. 08'

by LevanaHyll

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Irish_LassIrish_Lassover 12 years ago
I read your other stories and really enjoyed them.

This had a very promising start. However now I seem to doubt the characters. Alluna was so naive and trapped in a tower. Then Zak comes along and saves her. She grows and finds herself and he finally lets go of the demons that haunt him. Until now, now he OWNS her? She has to call him Master and once again her choices are taken from her. He gave her freedom in the same breath took it all away. I'm hoping that this problem is fixed in the upcoming chapters.

KaySerenityKaySerenityalmost 12 years ago

But Irish-lass, that is the nature of dominants. They like control, and based on her reactions, she's a natural born submissive. Great story by the way! Lovin' it!!!! (:

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
hi.. complete wastage of time..

hello... why are you so adamant on wasting a wonderful story line..

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