The Withering Rod of Eridu


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"Of course I could," I answered. "But, the door might be triggered in such a way as to fire the dispelling spell back at me. In which case, there's the possibility I could lose my magic altogether. Or the door could explode. Or we could be polymorphed into something..." My voice trailed off.

"What is it?" Tara looked at me as I fell into silence.

"The markings--I finally recognize them," I explained. "It's the sign of Lazhar, a wizard from Kabiri."

"He is--evil?" breathed the girl, her eyes wide.

I smirked. "Not exactly evil." Memories of a previous meeting with Lazhar flashed momentarily through my thoughts, but I pushed them aside.


Although I heard Tara's grunt from beside me, my peripheral vision had already discerned a faint light glowing where she stood. I turned to see her immobilized by some sort of paralyzing spell. Turning further, my eyes fell upon a tall, brown-skinned man with leathery features, thick bushy eyebrows, and piercing black eyes.


White teeth gleamed from the darkness of his face as he smiled broadly at me. "Well, if it isn't my old friend, Solomon!" he exclaimed.

I raised my hand.

"I wouldn't try anything, if I were you," he cautioned. "Otherwise the young lady could be hurt."

I lowered my hand.

"What are you doing in Eridu?" I asked, a frown creasing my brow. "And what have you done with all the soldiers?"

"Oh, don't be too upset, Magus. I--sent them away for a short while. Haven't you heard the tales of Eridu?" He cocked his head sideways and raised an eyebrow at me. "How there is supposed to be a magic rod hidden here?"

I laughed, then remarked, "Silly children's tales."

"Are they?" he replied. "Not so. Behold---!"

He spoke a magic word and the glowing door vanished to reveal a room beyond. He motioned with his hand at Tara. Her frozen body floated through the doorway. Lazhar gestured for me to enter, then he followed me into the room.

It was totally empty except for a small table upon which lay a length of slender pipe about a foot long.

"This room was hidden for a long time until, with my magic, I was able to locate it. But now that I've found the rod, I haven't yet been able to ascertain its powers." He looked at me and said, more as a statement than a question, "You will help me."

I thought for a moment before I answered. "Let Tara go," I offered. "Then I'll see what I can do."

Lazhar licked his lips, gestured his hand towards Tara. Instantly her clothes vanished and left her floating gently, white and naked before us both.

"Quite a delicate treasure you have here, Solomon..."

I snorted and shook my head. "Still the lecherous lizard, I see."

He shrugged. "Come now, Solomon," he remarked. "Our tastes are very much alike." He let Tara's body settle to the floor feet first, then, as her soles touched the coolness of the stone floor, the spell broke.

Tara blinked, momentarily dazed and disoriented since the last thing she remembered would be the glowing door.

When she saw the magician and realized her naked condition, she shrieked and hid behind me. She peeked out. "Where are my clothes?" she demanded.

"Tara," I said, "this is Lazhar--a well-meaning, but slightly misguided acquaintance of mine."

"Solomon!" Lazhar gave me a hurt expression. "Forgive him, my dear Tara. He's obviously quite jealous of my abilities as a magician."

"But--" returned the girl, "are you a better lover than he?"

I did a double-take at Tara and my mouth dropped open. I thought she'd said it in jest, but it appeared to be a genuine question.

Lazhar licked his lips again, a lascivious look appearing on his face. "Are you willing to find out?" he asked.

Tara merely smiled and looked at me.

I shrugged and nodded my head.

It would indeed be interesting to know.


Lazhar made a gesture with his hand. The air around us shimmered and sparkled for several moments until everything solidified and we found ourselves in a sumptuous room. A large bed covered with colorful satin sheets and pillows waited in the middle, the walls were draped with plush velvet curtains, and the smell of incense pervaded our nostrils. Around us, the soft glow of a hundred candles lit everything.

"This should suffice?" inquired the sorcerer.

"More than adequate," replied an impressed Tara. She moved lithely forward and began to find her way through Lazhar's robes. He untied them, let them tumble in a heap to the floor. His brown, naked body gleamed in the candlelight, his white eyes and teeth shining brightly as he allowed Tara to fall upon his member, kissing it, rubbing it, arousing it.

Tara stopped for a moment, glanced at me. "don't just stand there, Solomon," she chided with a grin. "Please, join us!"

I needed no further invitation and my robes were soon lying across a table.

The sight of Tara exploring Lazhar's large member had already aroused me and I moved to unite with them.

Light and short as she was, it was an easy task for me to lift Tara into my arms. Then she shrieked with surprise and delight as I turned her over and rested the back of her calves upon my shoulders. From this position, I easily devoured the flesh of her quim, my tongue dancing hither and thither upon her tiny, delicate bud, then thrusting into the warm wetness of her cave.

Tara, in the meantime, in her upside-down reverse position, was at just the right height to take Lazhar's thickened member into her mouth. And this she did, engulfing the head, then seeming to virtually swallow the entire length of his rod.

"By the gods!" breathed Lazhar as he watched and felt her services upon him, "This girl knows how to play!"

I grinned at him. Then, for several long moments the three of us plied upon each other, tasting and relishing our organs of pleasure for, in this position, Lazhar was able to lean forward and let his tongue lash at Tara's clit whilst my own explored the depths of her two tunnels while at the same time, his hand was able to reach around her body to grasp my own flute and stroke it slowly and firmly to stiffness.

At length, Tara removed herself from Lazhar's rod and bade him lie on the bed.

After he had done so, and I put her to the floor, Tara climbed up, straddled his hips and lowered herself onto his saliva-covered brown stalk, its whole length disappearing into her bowels.

Once settled on him, Tara leaned forward across his chest, glanced at me and patted her buttocks.

I knew what she desired, but I would not do so without first preparing her. I quickly took up a small bead from the table, spoke an incantation. The bead dissolved into a jelly-like substance which I immediately spread over my lance, then rubbed around Tara's tiny chuta, poking my finger into her tight hole to loosen the muscle and smooth the way for my imminent entry.

Lazhar had begun thrusting slowly up into her, his hands squeezing and tweaking her breasts and nipples.

Now I climbed on the bed and straddled the couple.

Lazhar stopped for a moment so that I could position the tip of my member at the point of entry; then, slowly, I pushed my way in, Tara's muscle widening slowly in order to allow me to penetrate. It grabbed me and engulfed the head. I paused for a moment to allow Tara's body to adjust to the new fullness, then eased in some more.

She groaned aloud at the pressure and tightness of both posts within her channels, but never did she cry for release.

Now buried within her chuta, I pulled back to the base of the tip. Lazhar felt my movement through her funnel walls and pushed up with his own thick member. Then he retreated and I shoved in again.

A few seconds later we had taken up a rhythmic motion, alternating thrusts and retreats with our shafts and the bed rocked in a swaying motion whilst Tara moaned and groaned with joy at the double pleasure she received as she adjusted to our movements. And it took only a few minutes of such doubleplay for her to receive her Bliss, her hands beating upon Lazhar's chest as she screamed her ecstatic release.

Such animalistic noises were too much for me and a wonderful Bliss swept over my entire being as I blasted my full load of seed into her rear tunnel.

I pulled out of Tara, my exit made all the more easy by the excess of lubricating liquid, then she lifted herself from Lazhar's throbbing member and grabbed at its thickness, pumping wildly upon it until he, too, cried out with ecstasy. His hips jerked upwards as long thick streams of white cream spurted high into the air, spilling across Tara's face and hair and neck and breasts, drenching her with its sticky wetness.


A short time later, all of us cleaned and clothed, Lazhar asked Tara who was the best lover.

Tara only smiled, then said evasively, "Ah! well, one session with both of you is not enough on which to base a decision."

I chuckled and shook my head.

"However," concluded Lazhar, I'm sure it was enjoyable for the three of us--? Now to the other matter at hand..."

With a wave of his hand, the sumptuously-decorated bedroom suite dissolved and we found ourselves once again inside the room at the Keep of Eridu.

Lazhar picked up the rod from the dais, pointed it. Nothing happened.

"Any suggestions?" he asked.

"How about waving it," said Tara.

Lazhar gave her a half-doubting look, but waved it nonetheless. Still nothing.

"Well, this is getting us nowhere," the magician sighed, exasperation clearing noticeable in his voice.

"Perhaps it needs a magic word to trigger its ability," I offered. "Are there no other clues as to its power?"

"Not that I'm aware of," he answered.

During this time, Tara had been taking a closer look at the dais. Her fingers glided gently from one stone to the next until she suddenly stopped and pressed. An audible click heralded the opening of a small cubicle in the side of the stone. Within--a slip of paper.

She took it, unfolded it.

"More magic symbols?" she asked of me, not wanting to reveal her illiteracy to Lazhar.

He snatched the paper from her hands before I could look at it. He read it, then pointed the rod at Tara and spoke whatever words were on the paper.

Immediately a brown light flashed from the tip of the wand and enveloped Tara. In but a few short moments, she aged ninety years, her hair long and silver, her skin withered and wan.

"Lazhar, no!" I protested. I started to move towards him but he turned the rod towards me.

"Oh, settle down, Solomon. I'll reverse the process on one condition."

"What's that?"

"Give me the spell that enlarges your member--I know that's probably why these women think you're a great lover..."

I thought for a moment, not sure what to do. Indeed I wanted Tara to be returned to normal, for now she hunched against the dais like a shrivelled sack of bones. And yet, I did not wish to reveal my secret of enlargement (which, as Lazhar had said, might have something to do with my popularity--or notoriety, as the case may be--but certainly not everything).

Finally, I made my decision. "All right. Return her to her young self again and I will give you what you want."

Lazhar positively beamed with joy, his white teeth glinting in the light of the torch. He aimed the Withering Rod at Tara once more, spoke the magic words backwards. A yellow light settled on Tara from the rod and her body returned to normal.

"What---what happened?" she asked, a little dazed and disoriented for a second time.

Lazhar ignored her, gave me the paper. "Here, write down the words I want or I shall wither you..."

I set the paper upon the dais, removed a quill and ink bottle from my robe and set down the words. I blew upon the ink to dry it, then handed the paper back to Lazhar.

He smiled at me, glanced down at the magic formula. "Now we shall see who is the best lover."

That said, he opened his robe and withdrew his member which, though longer than mine, was certainly not as thick. He took it in his hand, began to stroke it. "When do I say the words?" he demanded of me.

"When your member has risen to its own full height," I replied.

After pumping vigorously, Lazhar's rod soon reached its fullest expanse.

I glanced at Tara. Her eyes were wide and I knew that, in spite of what Lazhar had done to her only moments before, she was nonetheless enchanted by the self-stimulation before her and was ready to fall upon it again once he spoke the spell.

"Prepare yourself, girl," said the sorcerer. "I'm going to bury my new member within your chamber..."

I realized then that somehow Lazhar had bewitched Tara into doing as he bid, for she had already begun to loosen her breeches.

"I would say the words soon," I suggested wryly, "lest you cover the girl with your seed before the deed's been done."

His face grimaced half with pleasure, half with he effort of pulling upon his member. Then he gasped out the words I had inscribed upon the paper.

He yelped with surprise, looked down as his swollen manhood quivered of its own accord, then--

--shrivelled to the size of a man's thumb!

Lazhar made a choking noise. He gasped as a dribble of seed fell from the tip of his shrunken member.

In his shock, he dropped the wand and broke his control over Tara. Once free, but obviously aware of what had been happening, she caught the rod ere it reached the floor.

"What have you done?!" Lazhar wailed, his eyes blazing at me.

"That's for what you did to Tara," I replied. "If you'd done something to me, it might have been different. But to use a defenseless girl for one of your experiments--" I shook my head in disbelief and let the rest go unsaid.

I grabbed Tara's hand, strode towards the stairs.

"Wait!" cried Lazhar. "You can't leave me like this!"

I smiled. "The spell will reverse itself after awhile. And by that time we shall be well on our way. However, you would be well advised not to use my friends as subjects again."

I sent Tara up the steps and followed after her.

"I won't forget this, Solomon Magus!" I heard Lazhar threaten from the lower floor. He shouted something else, too, but by that time we were gone.

"You didn't give him the right magic words, did you?" asked Tara as she raised her mouth from tending to my enchanted organ.

"Well, yes and no. Although I translated the spell into words he could understand---part of which had to do with his member--I inserted an extra word that would cause it to wither as it did."

"But---won't he be able to figure out the real incantation?"

"No. I left out certain symbols that are necessary for completing the spell."

"So, you two knew each other before?" asked Tara, as she pumped me closer to Bliss.


"What happened between the two of you then?"

"Ah! That--" I said and groaned as I felt the familiar sensations flowing up through my groin. "That, my dear sweet Tara, is another story for another time..."

And then I was swept away in the ecstasy of my Blissful explosion.


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Well written

You have a fab sense of humor which makes this story pretty terrific. Looking forward to reading a lot more of your work.

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