The World Rewritten


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Tam's thrusts grew steadily longer as she penetrated deeper. The initial pain soon gave way to an intensity that transcended pain and pleasure. I no longer cared about natural or unnatural. I cared only that my ass was being most wonderfully fucked. No doubt it would be hurting for days, but right then it didn't matter.

How long it continued, I didn't know and didn't care. Tam pulled out of me eventually, and Jo took over, dribbling fresh spit onto her silicone cock before thrusting into me. It was a lot thicker than Tam's, but my ass adjusted quickly to the additional girth.

The divine combination of Erika's tongue on my clit and Jo's thick strap-on cock in my ass brought me swiftly to another climax. "I'm coming," I cried. "I'm coming." And then I was, my body convulsing in ecstasy as Jo continued to fuck me and Erika drank the juices that gushed forth.

They allowed me to roll onto my back, and I lay there catching my breath. "You really are a delightful little slut," Jo said. "I think we'll keep you."

"Yes, please," I whispered dreamily.


In the morning, still naked and still handcuffed, I was hauled into the Court to stand before the judge and the assembled media. "You stand accused of being out after curfew," he intoned, "and of being wantonly naked in the park in full view of the Public."

"I was abducted," I explained as patiently as I could, "fully clothed, from a taxi, before curfew. By aliens."

"Hmm. I can see that. I'll take it into account during sentencing. There is a further charge of gross public indecency that has been brought against you."

He pressed a button on a remote control, and the television screens mounted about the courtroom flickered to life. I was treated once again to the sight of myself being cut in half and fucked. It seemed so long ago now, back when things still almost made sense.

"Despicable," the judge said, shaking his head sadly. "To engage in theatrical sex without a license is quite unforgivable. I'm willing to be lenient with the other offences, but with this..."

He sighed heavily. "My hands are tied." The irony of this statement was clearly lost on him. "So be it. Twenty-four hours in the pillory, and thence to the Queen."

I felt my blood run cold. A whole day in the pillory? Had I really written that as a fantasy? And which Queen? There were dozens of queens in the journal, and I wasn't sure I'd like to meet any of them.

The pillory was on a raised platform in the public square in front of the Courts building. I was marched there through a crowd of curious spectators, many of whom grabbed at my breasts and pussy as if I had lost all right to human dignity. My wrists were released from the handcuffs, but only so they could be locked into position either side of my head in the pillory.

It forced me into an awkward position, slightly bent over and fully exposed. My pussy was visible to all. My breasts and my ass too. Visible to all except me, that is. I could only see forwards. Out over a sea of faces who seemed to delight in my misery.

There weren't any children amidst the crowd. In fact, I couldn't remember seeing any children at all since the morning I met Danny. Perhaps because there were no children in my erotic journal. But had they just vanished into thin air?

The first twelve hours were the worst - mostly because I was dying of boredom. Even the few rotten tomatoes thrown at me were preferable to the long hours where nothing at all happened. One or other of the Court officers came out from time to time with a bottle of water and a straw. It kept me hydrated, which was good.

No one, however, was inclined to help me pee. When the need to do so grew urgent, I waited until no one was watching me - at least no one that I could see - and let it flow. I couldn't see it myself, but I felt it splashing against my legs. There are few things in life as humiliating as being forced to pee like an animal, and then forced to stay in the midst of the evidence.

Nothing about it was fun. Erotic fantasy or not, I was on the edge of tears almost the whole day.

But then night fell, and the predators came out.


They approached from behind, naturally. I never saw them. I only heard them and felt them. Three to begin with. It was such a relief from the tedium that I was glad they were there.

"Do you think she knows she glowing blue," said one.

"Course she does. It's just jewellery." A rough hand mauled my left breast. "Nice tits on her. Check her pussy."

Fingers thrust between my legs and pressed up. "Dry." A third voice, deeper than the others. Dry, perhaps, but not for long, not with them touching my rings the way they were. It wasn't long before a cock replaced the fingers and demanded entry. "Aye," the deep voice said. "She's loosening up a bit."

It took him a minute to work his way in fully, but he was soon hammering away at me with enthusiasm. It wasn't a big cock. It would never have done anything for me before, but my new, hypersensitive clit was certainly excited. I'd gotten more pleasure from the dildos the night before, but there's definitely something about being fucked by an anonymous cock. And such a dirty thrill in feeling it come inside you.

"I'm done," he said, pulling out.

I didn't have to wait long for the next one. "What a sweet pussy," he said, thrusting in easily. "She's wet all right." This was a longer cock, and thicker too. He pounded into me with a steady rhythm, and with such strength that it hurt my shoulders as I was forced against the pillory. If only he'd lasted longer, I might have achieved orgasm myself.

He withdrew after depositing a second load of cum in me, and I sighed with disappointment. A third cock thrust in and used me for a while. "Her cunt's too wet," he said. Lining up for my ass instead, he thrust in without any gentleness. "Nice and tight here, though."

As before, the pain faded into a blissful intensity. Maybe Jo had been right to call me a slut. I was being fucked by complete strangers and loving every minute of it. It wasn't long before I had cum in my ass too, and for a while after they left, I could feel the cum leaking from my ass and pussy.

It was dirty. It was fantastic. I wanted more.

I got more. Sometimes it was one man alone. Sometimes they came in groups. They played with my breasts and called me a slut and a whore, and they fucked my pussy and my ass. Sometimes they came inside me. Sometimes they spurted their cum over my back and legs.

I didn't climax once, although I was close a few times, but I endured it happily. When the sun rose at last, and the city woke around me, I could hear passers-by laughing at the cum-stained mess on my legs, and I could still feel the cum dripping.

I was both proud and embarrassed. Proud because this was my fantasy playing out for real. Embarrassed because... being a slut was wrong - wasn't it? In the space of two days I had gone from a shy almost-virgin to a well fucked almost-nympho. Pregnant too.

All because I had stupidly written down my fantasies in a magical book, the whole planet - as far as I knew - was getting seriously weird.

Another two hours passed uneventfully, but then I was released and escorted, my back killing me, through a crowd of jeering spectators and into the Courts building again, where I was permitted to take a shower. Afterwards, they gave me a short dress to wear, and a hearty breakfast to eat. Feeling almost normal, I curled up in a comfy chair, and slept through the rest of the day.

I wasn't free though. I had an appointment with the Queen, and it was one I wouldn't be allowed to miss.


Where once had stood might skyscrapers, home to powerful global corporations and investment bankers, there was now a grand palace amidst extensive gardens threaded with illuminated walkways. Black-uniformed guards, all of them women, watched the city from the high wall surrounding the estate, interrogated all who passed through the gates, and patrolled the corridors of the palace itself.

This was no fairytale palace or tourist spot. This was the residence of a powerful and wealthy queen. Other wealthy women lived here also, it seemed. They were brightly dressed creatures, looking more like courtesans than nobility, with their tight corsets, short skirts and high-heeled boots.

The servants, in contrast, wore dull grey uniforms, and the slaves wore black, if anything. The slaves were marked in other ways too. All wore at least a black leather collar with steel rings embedded, and all were branded with the crest of their owner.

This was the devastating effect of my fantasies. A democratic civilisation transformed overnight into a tyranny of sexual slavery. A matriarchy without children. Monsters preying on the innocent.

In a deep pit in front of the throne, a minotaur paced restlessly. The bull-headed man was powerfully muscled, enough so to put any human weight-lifter to shame, and his cock, even semi-erect, exceeded Diane's futa-cock in length and girth. I stayed well away from the edge of the pit. That was one fantasy that wouldn't have a happy ending.

The Queen exuded power and ruthless intelligence, as well as a severe beauty. On the table beside her, beneath her sharp, steel fingernails, rested my journal. I dropped to my knees as I was brought before her, and I bowed my head subserviently. I recognised her now, not as one of my queens, but as all of them.

"Forgive me, Majesty," I said. "I beg you."

I waited patiently for her to speak. "So," she said eventually, "you're the girl who started this."

"Yes, Majesty."

"I've been reading your journal with interest. That's quite an imagination you have. You have unleashed a plague of misfortunes on this world. Sex-mad zombies. Cum-drinking vampires. Viruses that turn men into women, and women into sexbots. The jungles are home to vines that ravish all who venture in, and werewolves prowl the forests in search of mates. And you have created me! What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Forgive me, Majesty," I repeated. "I knew not what I did."

"Because I am grateful for my own existence, I will give you a choice of punishments. Your choice is between me, and the minotaur."

I understood. I could have a short life of brutal pleasure as the minotaur's fuck-toy, or surrender myself entirely to the Queen's command, branded as her slave for the rest of my life. To be honest, the minotaur was the more attractive option.

But there was another factor in my choice. The life within me. Who knew if I would ever give birth, but so long as I was pregnant, I couldn't just throw my life away.

"I choose you, Majesty," I said quietly.


I was given clothes to wear. The material was soft and warm where it needed to be, and firm and tight where it needed to be. It fit snugly and protectively about my swollen belly, and it supported and lifted my breasts while leaving my nipples and their rings exposed. My short skirt bounced airily about my thighs, making access to my pussy and ass easy to anyone who had the Queen's permission to use me, and my knee-high boots had platforms and high, sharp heels that took some getting used to.

And all of it was quite invisible. Sometimes it reflected the light like glass, or water perhaps, so that rays of sunlight shattered into rainbows around me, but most of the time, if you saw me, you would think me quite naked and floating about on tiptoes. I rather liked it.

Only the steel-ringed leather collar about my neck was visible. That, and the green-gold dragon inked into my chest, marked me as the Queen's property. Others suffered far worse fates, and all because I had written it.

The world was born of my imagination, and I, its main character, was never the Queen and always the slave. Now that I had what I had always secretly wanted, I had no right to complain.

Reality continued to shift over the following days, but the pattern had been set. The palace and the city transformed into a mighty citadel, ringed with high, protective walls. Centuries of technological development were undone almost overnight. Gone were smartphones and electrical conduits and gas pipelines, and in their place were books and candles and logs cut from the forest.

The citizens adjusted effortlessly to their new existence, their old lives nothing but a dream. Even the children returned - or some, at least - their laughter echoing through the streets of the outer citadel. "Where are the rest?" I asked the Queen.

"Where would you imagine them? I didn't read any tales of trolls devouring children in your journal."

"I would wish them to be safe," I said. "Protected from the monsters and the aliens."

"Then they are safe. In another world, perhaps, but they are safe."

Apart from the Queen, and me, I knew of only one other who remembered the old world. The Queen's new Captain of the Guard was a sensual beauty with navy blue skin. "Clara!" she said, catching me in an embrace when all I wanted to do was flee for my life. "What a wonderful world you've created - and what a wonderful gift you gave me in Diane. No one has ever been able to satisfy me the way she does. I am now doubly grateful to you."

"You're welcome," I said, praying that that was the end of it.

"Indeed, it seems only fair that you should share in the pleasure she gives me."

"That's really not necessary. I don't want to intrude on your privacy."

She laughed. "It is, and I insist."

And thus I was doomed to experience, twice a day at least, the passion of a futa for her succubus lover. No matter where I was, or what I was doing, and very often I was trying to sit quiet and still in the presence of the Queen, I had to endure a seemingly endless and utterly fantastic fucking.

As for Diane, she remained the closest of friends, but her memory of once being a human woman was entirely gone.

I was delighted also to discover three familiar faces amidst the guards. Jo, Erika and Tam cornered me one day. "You were supposed to be ours," Jo said accusingly.

"I'm sorry," I said sincerely.

"It's okay," Erika said, catching me for a kiss. "The Queen has given us permission to use you any way we like."

Tam laughed as she lifted my invisible skirt. "And as often as we like," she whispered in my ear.

"Well, thank the goddess for that," I said. "I'm desperate for a good fuck."

"You little slut," Jo growled. "You need to earn that fucking first. Get on your knees, bitch."

Trying to suppress a grin, I did as instructed. I was getting very good at obeying commands.

My billionaire boyfriend Danny suffered perhaps the strangest of all fates. I encountered him in the gardens one day, several months later, where he was, quite literally, fucking himself. The man who had once run a major global corporation had retired to an existence of walking about on all fours, quite naked, and munching grass and flowers.

His cock, that had been the first to give me an orgasm, and which therefore I would always remember fondly, was as thick as ever, but it had grown so in length that it resembled a python - and, indeed, it could coil about his torso with similar dexterity. So versatile was his cock, that he could with ease both suck himself off to a glorious climax, and savagely assault his own ass.

He claimed to have no control over his cock's whimsical desires, and was quick to warn any who came near of their danger. "But you should see," he added with a chuckle, "how far I can hurl my cum... No one is safe." As if to prove the point, his cock whipped from his ass and spat at me. Given that I'd been talking to him from about five metres away, it was truly impressive that his cum splashed across my face. I'd opened my mouth to scream, and ended up tasting him instead.

And now you know. I am the one who wrote this world and filled it with monsters. So heed me:

Beware the dragons in the snowy heights

and the orcs in the caverns deep

Tarry not by placid lakes

and go swift where the willows weep

I beg you all, my council keep -

for pleasure's price is far too steep...

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489518489518about 2 years ago

The perfect blend of perversion, imagination, and horror.

I would love a sequel! :)

AlinaXAlinaXover 2 years agoAuthor

lol - I suspect she's pregnant forever... or the aliens return after a while and abduct her.

BelleDeVilleneuveBelleDeVilleneuveover 2 years ago

I went looking for debauchery and have finally found the queen! This is bloody brilliant, and I kinda want to live here. I also want to know what happens with the baby! Five stars and new favorite writer.

AlinaXAlinaXabout 5 years agoAuthor

Indeed... Happy you enjoyed it - thanks for commenting!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Wonderfully Debauched

Great story, a clear case of be careful what you wish for.

Thanks for sharing.

AlinaXAlinaXabout 6 years agoAuthor

Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I'll be honest, I did not expect this to be Alice in Wonderland when I began.

AlinaXAlinaXabout 6 years agoAuthor

Thank you for reading - and for commenting. :-)

Glad you enjoyed it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I only found this story because it popped up in the 'recent comments' sidebar.

I'm very glad it did, this was a fantastically sexy little tale.

AlinaXAlinaXabout 6 years agoAuthor

Many thanks! I'm so happy someone has commented... :-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Simply great, 5 stars fur sure!

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