There Must Be A Mistake Ch. 22


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Lucius called the ready room, and asked for Jayden.

"Yes Colonel, what can I do for you?"

"I need a favor Jayden. Bring the general's gun and a small toolbox to Mister Zabo's office, on the double."

"I'm on my way sir."

Jayden was with Lucius in a moment. The 9 mm Beretta was disassembled in seconds. With painstaking accuracy, Lucius snipped off a tiny bit of the back end of the firing pin. He smooth it carefully with a fine edge file, and a damp cloth. He reassembled the Beretta, put a cartridge in the chamber, and fired it against the wall. Nothing happened.

He ejected the clip, removed the cartridge from the chamber, replaced it into the clip, and reinserted the clip into the gun.

"Very sneaky Colonel, I don't think he'll look that closely at it."

"I don't feel like dying today. I think he's angry enough to do it. If he does kills me, no one knows what happened to me. Get rid of my body, and if anyone asks, you think I moved to Brazil."

"There are not many like you sir. I wish I served under you."

"I think you would have fit in well Jayden. Get up to Dan's office now, he will be waiting for you."


Steve walked into Dan's office. "Sir, I believe there was going to be an attempt on your life."

"What are you talking about Steve?"

"Jayden was walking down the hall with a gun in his hand. I think the Colonel sent him here to shoot you. We disarmed him, and have him in handcuffs in the hallway. He put up quite a fight. He said the gun was yours."

"You fucking idiot, it is my gun. I asked Lucius to send it up to me. He told me Jayden would be bringing it. Let him up, but make sure he doesn't kick your asses in the process."

A moment later, Jayden walked into the generals' office, and he was fuming.

"With due respect general, don't you people talk to one another? Someone could have gotten killed out there, and it wasn't going to be me."

"I'm sorry Jayden, it was my fault. If I had a secretary, none of this would have happened. She would have told them you were coming."

"I know it's none of my business sir, but when are you going to call Margaret, and plead for your life. Every day that goes by makes it that much tougher."

"I'm waiting for her to call me. I told her I'd be waiting."

"Sir, do you know when it's going to snow in hell? That's how long you're going to be waiting for that phone to ring. If you were really smart, you would send her flowers every day. You would call her every night. One evening you would show up at her doorstep, on your knees, with a ring facing her, and beg her to marry you.

If she slams the door in your face, do it again the next week. Do it again, and again, and again, until you wear her out. She may kill you, get a restraining order against you, or say fuck it, yes, I'll marry you. What have you got to lose, except your heartache?"

"Did Lucius send you up here with this cock and bull story?"

"The only thing the Colonel told me to do was to bring you your gun sir. Our conversation lasted 15 seconds."

"Thank you Jayden, you can go."

As soon as he was out of the room, Dan broke down the weapon and checked every part of it. It appeared to be in perfect working order. His phone rang, and as he was talking he played with the disassembled parts. He smiled, as he hung up the phone, and checked the time. He opened his desk draw took out the gun oil, lubricated the moving parts, and made a few adjustments, before he was satisfied with his weapon. He laid it on his desk, looked at the clock on the wall, and watched as it passed the 10-minute mark. Lucius was late.

"I knew he wouldn't show up."

"Hello Dan, I'm sorry I'm late. I wanted to take a crap before I got here. I didn't want to mess myself after you killed me."

Before Dan could reply, Lucius started removing his shirt.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"This is a $200 shirt Dan. Someone else may be able to use it, after you shoot me. They won't be able to if there's a hole in it, so I'm taking it off. It will also prove I am not wearing a vest, or microphone."

"What did you tell Jayden to say to me when he got here?"

"I didn't tell him to say anything. I told him to give you your weapon."

"You didn't tell him to talk to me about Margaret?"

"Dan, I've told you everything you have to do to get Margaret back. If you don't do it, it's up to you. If you want to be dead above the neck, I can't help you. I tried. I told you what happened with me, and my three wives. I told you how I lost each one of them. I'm going to tell you for the last time: If you want Margaret, you have to lead from the front. If you don't she's lost to you forever. It's your choice."

"Having said all I have to say, where would you like me to stand? Steve knows what to do with my body, and no charges will be brought against you ever."

"You don't think I'll do it, do you?"

"You've been itching to do it, since the day you brought me up on charges and found out that there was no death penalty for it. Why don't you do it and get it over with general."

"Close the door and stand in the groove."


"Do you have any last words?"


Dan pointed the Beretta at Lucius's forehead, expecting him to close his eyes, or flinch.

Lucius did neither. His eyes were focused directly at Dan's, waiting for him to squeeze the trigger.

In a flash, it happened. The explosion, in this small room, caused the windows to rattle, and the pictures on the wall to fall.

Dan stood there in a state of shock as he looked at Lucius staring back at him.

"How the hell can you miss from 8 feet general?"

"Why aren't you on the floor in a state of shock you bastard?"

"I have been shot at before, and at very close range. I must admit no one has missed me from 8 feet. Would you like me to take you to the range, and give you some pointers?"

"I didn't want to kill you Lucius. You are too important to this project. Maybe I'll kill you later, but not now."

"Aren't we getting a little old for this garbage Dan? Why don't you get on with your life, and go find Margaret."

"Zabo and Valentino are not here. I can't go to Massachusetts to hunt for her."

"Can you go to her apartment? She's been sitting there waiting for you to call for three weeks now. She's an excellent cook, and she plays gin rummy like a card shark."

"Should I ask you how you know?"

"I don't think so. You would only get upset."

"You've been having dinner at her house, haven't you?"

"She's lonely, she's not working, and she has an idiot for a suitor. She needed someone to talk to and a friend with a soft shoulder."

"Do you know the name of a local florist?"

Lucius retrieved his shirt and pulled a card from the breast pocket.

"I just happen to have this one in my pocket sir."

"Thank you Lucius, leave Valentine's Day closed. I'm going to try my very best to convince her that I'm worth a chance."

"Sir, not that I was snooping or anything like that, but her ring size is 7 ½, and an emerald surrounded by diamonds would be a much better choice than a diamond. If you agree, I can get you a good deal on one."

"Is it stolen?"

"No sir it's not stolen. I know a girl who knows a guy who can help us."

"Okay, but I don't want a small stone, I would like a large stone, she deserves it for the way I treated her."

"I'll take care of it today sir. If you call the florist now, she can have the flowers by this evening. Make sure the note is romantic please. You can call her between 9 and 10 PM."

"Is there anything else I should know Colonel?"

"Yes sir, there is one more thing. Don't starch your shorts, women don't like it."

"Get out of here Lucius. It was a very cute trick with the firing pin. I changed it, and you stood there like Superman. You are an amazing soldier."

"Thank you sir, it's in honor hearing that from you."


Late in the afternoon, Margaret answered the security buzzer for her building.

"How can I help you?"

"I have a delivery for Margaret Post, from Dan Morgan."

She hadn't heard a peep from him in three weeks, and all of the sudden she has a delivery. She probably left something in her desk, and he is returning it to her. Her mood soured.

There was a knock at her door, and a young boy, in nondescript clothes handed her the box, and had her sign the receipt. She went to give him a tip, and he refused. He said it was already taken care of by the sender.

The box was very long, very deep, and very light. It had a label on it, but it did not give a hint as to the contents of the box. If it did not say it was from Dan, it could have been a bomb for all she knew.

She cut the tape from the underside and pulled the top up and off. Mounds of paper kept the contents of the box hidden from view. Carefully, layer by layer, she removed the paper, until she gasped with surprise.

Dan had definitely lost his mind: One dozen 24-inch tall, Calla lilies. Four times as expensive as roses and so much harder to find. She left them as they were and searched for his note. She looked high and low and she could not find a note from him. She pulled the flowers out of the box and laid each one on the kitchen table with care. If he went through this much trouble to send her flowers, he must have sent her a note.

She was down to the last lily, and still there was no note. He couldn't possibly be that stupid. She went through the green paper, sheet by sheet and there was no note hidden among them. She checked the bottom part of the box, and there was no note. She was so hot; she was ready to combust spontaneously. She checked the inside of the top of the box and there was nothing. She checked the top of the box, and again, nothing. She was getting ready to scream when she saw fine print at the bottom of the label. It was so small; a hawk would need magnifying lenses to see a white rabbit, in the middle of a green meadow, on a clear day.

She took the top of the box to the window to see what the label said. "Separate the label to find greeting card."

If she didn't want to read the contents of the card so badly, she would have taken a flamethrower and burned the flower shop to the ground. That's how angry she was with that establishment. She would stop by first thing in the morning, and give them more than a piece of her displeasure.

However, now she had a more important matter to take care of.

Dearest Margaret, You have always known what to say for me, and how to say it much better than I ever could. However, this time I'm on my own. I want to tell you how much I love you, and I miss you every moment you are not with me. I didn't know you were still here until today. I'm so glad you are. When your telephone rings tonight around 9 o'clock, it will be me. I would love to talk with you, and bring our lives closer together.

I have told our closest friend to keep Valentine's Day blocked, just in case I can convince you to give me a chance at getting our lives together permanently. I love you, Dan"

Margaret started pacing up, and down the living room, wondering how much rope she could let Dan have, during this trial period. She was sure he was reacting to the beating she gave him, and to the mental bruising Lucius gave him.

However, every time she thought about his feelings or body being hurt, she remembered the 25 years she was hurt by him, and it hurt more. He did not know she lived the life of a nun because of him. She couldn't trust any man, because of what he did to her. She never allowed a man to get near her for fear of being rejected again. Now, all these years later, he wanted to say he was sorry, and to start over. He had no idea what a giant leap of faith it would be for her to say I will marry you, because she was frightened to the bone.

"Maybe, I'll tell him tonight I just can't do it. I'll explain to him why, and that my decision is irrevocable. I'll tell him I'm leaving, and to be a gentleman about it, and accede to my wishes. I'll just take my clothes, and disappear."

She walked into the kitchen to find a vase large enough to accommodate the lilies, but she had nothing close to that size. She cleaned the sink, filled it with cold water, and added every ice cube she had. One by one, she added each lily crosswise into the water, each holding the other in place. She placed a baker's sheet on top of it all to make sure none fell out. She picked up her purse, locked the apartment, and went out to find a vase worthy of the lilies.

She walked out of her building, and Liz and Tonya were there to greet her.

"Should I ask what you two are doing here?"

"We are sunning ourselves naturally."

"Are you getting paid to sun yourselves?"

"Only until it gets dark, then we get paid to watch the stars, until we get relieved."

"Why haven't I seen anyone standing outside my home before?"

"The Colonel wanted it done surreptitiously. The general thinks this was his idea."

"If Dan only knew how far ahead of him Lucius always is I think he would go insane."

"That's what colonels do Margaret. They make generals look good. Where are we going?"

"We are going to buy a vase."

"If we hurry we can get to the flower shop before it closes."

"Is anything sacred, disregard that, let's go."

They climbed into the SUV, and began the short ride to the flower shop. They were in the middle of a normal stream of traffic, when a pickup truck ran a red light at more than 60 mph. It hit the SUV broadside rolling it over twice, before it came to a stop, with the drivers' side against the ground.

Tonya was sitting shotgun. She never knew what hit her, and she died instantly.

Liz was driving, with Margaret seated behind her. They were both bleeding profusely from their heads, necks, and arms, because of the flying, shattered glass.

The driver of the pickup truck stumbled out of his vehicle, and attempted to run away. Onlookers, and drivers in their vehicles, attacked him, and held him on the ground, until the police arrived.

In the ready room an alarm sounded. One of their vehicles was involved in an incident. It automatically sent a signal to the operator marking its location. The operator checked the log to see who was driving the vehicle and who it was assigned to protect.

"Oh my God, it's Margaret. Three cars to Broadmoor and Seventh Avenue; Margaret, Liz, and Tonya have been in an accident. I'll call the general."



"General, this is David at the switchboard. We have an emergency signal from one of our cars. It was carrying Margaret, Liz and Tonya. They've been in an accident at Broadmoor and Seventh Avenue; three cars are on their way. I'll have a car ready to take you to the hospital."

"I'm on the way down; tell Lucius he is not allowed to leave this building."

"I like living sir."

"Use every gun in the house; he is not to leave this building unattended."

"Yes sir."

David turned to everyone in the ready room.

"I have a direct order from General Morgan. Colonel Canyon is not allowed to leave this building. If he attempts to leave, we are to restrain him at all costs. Look at it this way, if the Colonel doesn't kill us, the general will. I want six men on each stairway. Lock the elevators between floors. We need eight men on each side of his room. Thank goodness there is no window for him to try to escape out of, because he would do it."

"Don't forget his air conditioning vent, he small enough to go through it."

"We are going to catch hell for this, one way or the other. Move out, I'll give you four minutes to get into position and then I'll call him."


"Mister Zabo's office, this is Colonel Canyon speaking."

"Colonel this is David switchboard. Your office is surrounded; the stairways are blocked; the elevators are locked between floors, and there are teargas canisters ready to explode in the air conditioner vents if you try to use them. General Morgan said you are not allowed to leave this building."

"What's happening David, are we under attack?"

"No sir that would be too simple. One of our cars was in an accident. It was carrying Margaret Post. Her condition is unknown."

David heard the phone at the desk fall, as Lucius reached the hallway. Both exit ways were blocked.

He yelled, "Stand down men; I don't want to hurt you."

"Colonel under any other circumstance I would drive you to the hospital. You said it yourself yesterday, you are in charge here. The general's not here, Mister Valentino's not here, and Mister Zabo is not here. There is no one here to make a decision if you leave the building. You know the chain of command Colonel; you've lived it all your life. You must put your personal feelings aside for now and take charge of your troops. You can't leave them in the field without a leader. You remember what happened in Glen Falls, when you weren't there."

Lucius straightened his back, and made his shoulders straight.

"I should never have told you that story, because you hit me in the face with it. You can stand down. I'm not going anywhere. Jayden I want to know who was responsible for that accident, because I know it was not our people. I want everything, including how much dirt was under their fingernails. Take whomever you need, for as long as you need. You are on a 24-hour clock from this moment on. I want that person personally. Is that understood?"

"Yes Colonel, loud and clear."


"Mister Schneider, this is Colonel Canyon we've met several times here at the facility at Temple."

"Yes Colonel, how can I help you?"

"I need a favor like yesterday. General Morgan has been trying to get his secretary, Margaret Post, to marry him. They were close to settling the deal, when she was in a terrible accident late this afternoon. We don't know what her condition is, but one of our people is dead, and one other, just like Margaret is in very serious condition.

If it's in your power, could you get us a ring with an emerald stone in the center, surrounded by diamonds in a 7 ½-size, and get it to us tomorrow. The general would like her to have it on her finger just in case she doesn't make it."

"I'll have it couriered out of Atlanta to Houston tomorrow morning. Why don't you have a police car and one of your people at the airport there to pick it up?"

"Thank you Mister Schneider, you can send me the bill."

"There won't be one. Tell Miss Post to get well for us."

"Thank you Mister Schneider."

"Have you heard how my daughter Zoie is doing?"

"Monte tells me she walks around grinning all day long. I guess she's happy."

"I should've put her on birth control pills when she was two."

"Sir, I don't think it's the birth control pills that are making her happy."

"I don't either Colonel, but they are helping, trust me, they are helping."

"Have a good day sir, and thank you again for your help."


"Emergency room, how can I help you?"

"Tell Doctor Finch he has an emergency phone call in reference to his children."

"This is Doctor Finch, to whom am I speaking?"

"Doctor, this is Colonel Canyon. I'm sorry to get you away from your patient this way. Miss Post and another of our employees are on their way to you. They were in an accident on Broadmoor and Seventh. Whatever they need, don't hesitate to ask for it. It will be paid for in cash; don't worry about insurance. If it can't be done here, don't waste time. We will get them to wherever they have to go quicker than lightning. Save them Doctor, and I swear as God is my witness you will have your children by Christmas."

"You can do that; you can get me my children?"

"You save my people Doctor, and you will have $10 million and your children."

"Sometimes Colonel, I can perform miracles too. I may need a lot of blood, so tell your people to stand by."
