Things Happened Pt. 01


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Skylar was stunning too, I need to point that out, as she would often wear this one piece that emphasized those damned hips. I was surrounded by three beautiful women, if my wife was ever home and I just put it down to that box of chocolates again.

Grace was particularly enamoured with Jessica and Skylar, and the twins looked to them for guidance given they were closer to their age than I or Kelly was. It seemed to be sensible advice and I even noticed a change in attitude where my twins were not trying to attract the boys so blatantly anymore. Less is more was the motto and who was I to disagree if it meant they were going to be trying to attract good guys? So, I figured if they were good role models it couldn't hurt any.

There was only one issue though and that was Kelly or should I say lack of her. She had thrown herself so deep into selling and developing the blocks she wasn't home as much as she used to be. I was standing there looking at the calendar wondering how I was going to attend Grace's soccer practice and quote on a new job for my business when Kelly blew in like a hot westerly wind. Suddenly I realised she could be the answer to my dilemma.

"Hey babe, are you able to take Grace to soccer?" I asked while she poured a cup of coffee.

"Sorry Rock, I've got a showing. Are you fine to take her?" Kelly replied sipping her coffee. It was clear she was in a rush. Her hair was still wet, her clothes were on but un-tucked and I noticed the strap of her underwear above her skirt which was odd. She never usually wore anything like that. Not that skimpy if you get my drift, but I stored that detail away in my mind.

"I'm not sure. You know, it would be nice to have you around more," I said trying to get her to slow down for a minute. "We do miss you; you know."

She cocked her head to the side and gave me that puppy dog look. You know the one that means they care.

"I'm sorry, I know I've just had my back up against the wall lately. I'll have more free time in a couple of weeks. We're almost there," Kelly said proudly. "Look, I gotta run. A big push, going deep with a client. Hopefully a big deal closing today."

She kissed my cheek and was gone before I could even protest. I stood there a moment when Jessica breezed in cheerily with a basket of washing. They were allowed to use our laundry since there wasn't any amenities like that in the pool house.

"Hey," Jessica said sweetly. She had a couple of freckles over her nose and those brown eyes were sparkling, which only added to her pretty features. "Everything alright?"

"Hi," I said letting out a big sigh. "Yeah, just trying to juggle a quote and Grace's soccer practice."

"Can I help?" Jessica asked before Skylar appeared dressed ready for work. She looked good in the black mini skirt that showed off those legs. I caught myself checking her out, realising I had been doing it to both of them this morning. I really needed Kelly home, to iron out some kinks, but I quickly put that out of my mind.

"Ah, no. Not unless you can quote on concrete," I replied thinking it was better to go to the soccer practice. Kids remember that stuff.

"Is the job you're quoting on far away? How long would it take?" Jessica asked with that look like she had a thinking cap on her head.

"About ten minutes in the other direction. I'd probably be there for half an hour or so. I can go earlier but I'd still miss the start of practice, coming back here, pick Grace up... you know logistical stuff," I said closing my eyes for a moment. I knew what I had to do even if my business had to suffer.

"What if Jess takes Grace to soccer and you meet them there? I'd do it but I have to stay at the office until six tonight," Skylar said pleasantly.

"I can't ask you to do that," I said looking at both of them. "I appreciate it but... no, it's fine. Thanks, anyway."

"It's no sweat. I'd love to. Grace is great and I don't have to be anywhere yet. I don't start work for another couple of weeks," Jessica said happily. She had just scored a new accounting job and it was with an accounting firm we used for our business.

"Are you sure?" I asked suddenly feeling like we could make this work.

"Of course. I'd love to," Jessica replied happily.

"You're a god send. We'll order takeout tonight my treat. You choose since it's a lame way of saying thank you for helping out," I said which earned me a laugh. Skylar laughed too and shook her head happily.

"We appreciate how you guys have taken us in. It means a lot to us and we're grateful. This is something simple to help out our friends. We don't think of you guys as our landlords, just so you know," Skylar said with a nod. I swear for a woman of nineteen, soon to be twenty she was very mature.

"Well, thank you. I just don't want to impose," I said as we made the arrangements. Little did I know that things were going to get worse.

Chapter 2

Those couple of weeks Kelly mentioned wasn't really a couple of weeks. Two months had passed, and she seemed busier than ever. She was hardly ever home, still seemed cheery when she did appear, have dinner with us or jump into bed with me. Yes, we were still having sex, but the love making was gone. It was power fucking at its best and a quickie at its worst. Twice a week, three times if I was lucky, but she would practically fall asleep straight away afterwards. I know stress can play a big part in people's well-being but this was ridiculous. I tried talking with her about it but she just asked me to be patient as it was getting close. The thing was, our tenants picked up the slack without a word of concern. Skylar and Jessica had stepped up without any asking, with one of them cooking with the girls for dinner during the week while I made dinner and cleaned on the weekends.

By now though, I figured it was time to confront Kelly and get our lives back on track. It was Saturday night and while I thought Jessica and Skylar would be out on the town, they had offered to take all the girls to the movies and then grab pizza. I ponied up the cash, told them to have a great time and figured I'd put Kelly in her place.

Kelly breezed through the door and went straight to our bathroom just before dinner time. I was going to order take out, but first I needed to say something to her. Something along the lines that things had to change with us, and her land development had to be finished within two weeks. I wanted her back and I know the kids wanted her back too.

I walked into the bathroom, Kelly was in the shower, and I stopped dead in my tracks. Down on the floor was a black G-string that I didn't recognize, not that I go through my wife's underwear, but you get the idea. I picked them up and saw what I didn't want to see. They were a mess; it was obvious someone else had been inside my wife. I turned to look at the shower and saw her peering at me through the glass. She just stood there; the glass misty down below but her face clear. I could see the tears rolling down her cheeks. I held the underwear up with my finger and she closed her eyes. Slowly she turned the water off, opened the door and grabbed her towel. I didn't let her speak when she stepped out, instead just saying the first thing that came to mind.

"How long?" I asked as I felt myself go numb. In some ways it was a relief. Strange I know, but now it all started to make sense. She didn't want to be home with me anymore.

There was a hesitation, but I think she could tell I wasn't going to let this go and decided to answer me.

"Three months," Kelly replied softly.

I nodded, making her think I understood, when in fact I only did a little. It was just for show.

"Who?" I asked trying to not crack.

"Rock, please. It doesn't matter. It happened," Kelly replied holding her towel around her.

"It does matter. Please, if you have any respect left for me, you will tell me," I said looking at her. I was about to spit the dummy if she confirmed who I thought it was. Fucking Tony Mott.

"Mark Ruffles," Kelly said somewhat sheepishly.

I had to think about that for a second. Mark was a nice guy that worked at the real estate agency. He was in his late twenties, tall, well-built and quite good looking. I could honestly see why someone would go for him, given his looks, I just never thought it would be Kelly or that it would be him that she screwed for that matter. Perhaps Tony wasn't as slimy as I thought.

"Mark? Really? I," I said suddenly fumbling for words. She had definitely thrown me for a loop.

"Yes. I love him," Kelly said as a matter of fact.

"Oh, well that makes it alright," I said coming to my senses. "What did I do wrong?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all. I guess we grew apart and... you're just not black," Kelly said which stung. I looked at her sharply and she winced at my response.

"Please don't give me the clichéd big black cock bullshit," I said staring at her. But she simply shook her head.

"No, I won't. But if it will soothe your ego, he's smaller," Kelly said which honestly just stung more. I think she picked up on it. "I just like the taboo nature of it, and he looks great against me."

That fucking well did it. I was looking for honesty but not brutal honesty and that's what I got. Then I thought about the life we had together, specifically those three girls we had created together.

"What about the kids?" I asked as my anger started to boil. I was starting to shake as I stood there, trying to contain my anger.

"You can keep custody of them. I would like visitation though," Kelly said too calmly for my liking.

"I see you've thought this through. Do you think that little of me? Were you ever going to tell me?" I asked putting her underwear in my pocket. I had to keep it just in case I needed proof.

"No, I still think you are a good man, just not what I want in my life any more. And to answer your other question, no, not yet, but eventually yes," Kelly replied. I honestly felt like I didn't know this woman. The way she was calm while saying it, but I could tell she was flustered.

"Okay. Well, I'll get the divorce papers drawn up. You pack your bags and go move in with Mark," I said crossing my arms. As tough as I tried to be I can tell you I was crumbling inside.

"I'm sorry Rock. Things happened. Mark offered me support with development and it grew from there. I know that doesn't help you, but I don't know how else to explain it. Mark and I are on the same page in life. I never expected it to happen, but it did. I hope someday we can get along, but I understand if you don't want to," Kelly said pausing in front of me for a moment before walking out of the bathroom. I stood there feeling like my world was crumbling around me as I heard her move around our bedroom. Did I want to call her every name under the sun? You're damn right I did, but I just froze. I don't know why, I just did.

It took me a few minutes to compose myself before I walked out and saw her with her suitcases, packing her clothes. She looked sad but determined and I just let her be while I headed for the kitchen like I was on autopilot. You hear all these stories about how the husband went ballistic, planned perfect vengeance and got the girl at the end. Me, I just couldn't see through the cloud of depression in front of me. Sure, things made sense, I wish I was like those stories where the man just jumped into action, but in reality, I felt numb apart from one thing that needed to be done. I was going to sit there and wait for the kids to return and tell them the bad news. It wasn't going to be fun.

Kelly again apologized before leaving with her suitcases. I must have sat there for hours thinking through it all. I mean what else could I do? I already had proof, she admitted it plus I knew I had to protect my girls and my business. If Kelly wanted the house, she'd have to buy me out, otherwise she'd have to pay back the mortgage so we could keep the place.

Before I knew it everyone was home and I was looking at my twins, the looks on their face telling me they knew something was up.

"Dad, is everything alright? You don't look yourself," Ella asked before coming to me and sitting down.

"You'd better get everyone in here," I said looking at Amy. She nodded and within minutes she was back with Grace, Skylar and Jessica in tow. "Have a seat."

"Alright Dad, what's going on?" Ella asked bluntly.

"Well, your mother and I are getting a divorce," I replied still grappling with whether or not I tell them the whole truth or leave the sordid details out of it. "She's moved out for now and we will be sorting out the rest as soon as possible."

As the silence descended on the room with what I had just said sank in, the tension in the room was palpable. It was my little girl that broke the silence.

"Why did she leave?" Grace asked somewhat stoically. I could see her hand tightly holding Jessica's.

I don't know how I came up with the answer, but I did.

"To find herself," I replied as calmly as possible. "She doesn't want to be with me anymore, but that doesn't mean she has stopped loving you one little bit."

"Yeah, right Dad," Amy said piping up. Yep, there was the angry teenager, arms crossed and looking foul. "She hasn't been around for months. Her work is her life now. It's fine, we don't need her."

I could see Grace start to crack and I was about to reach for her when Skylar and Jessica both cuddled her. It was a good thing given I didn't know how much I had in me at that moment and whether I could comfort my youngest properly.

"Is she going to fight for custody?" Ella asked bluntly.

"No. At this stage, we're all staying here. She would like visitation, so we'll see how that goes," I replied trying to remain calm even though I think the cracks were starting to show. I took a few deep breaths and calmed myself.

I found myself being hugged my Ella on my left while Amy stewed across from me. Grace was huddled in between Skylar and Jessica while we processed everything. It went better than I expected, knowing full well in the coming days and weeks it was going to get rough, but Skylar impressed me the most.

"I'm sorry Rock, she hasn't said a word at work. I'm really sorry this has happened. Just know we're here for you, anything you need," Skylar said proudly.

"That's right. I know it probably doesn't mean much but we are here to help," Jessica said sweetly. "Anything at all."

I still wasn't sure exactly how it was all going to play out, but at least I still had my girls. I still think Forrest Gump can go fuck himself. While I didn't know what I was going to get in life, I sure as hell didn't think it was this. Yeah, things happened alright.

Author Note: As stated at the start, while I will be submitting a follow up part to this piece, I give my full permission for other authors to come up with their own ending. I'd love to see where other authors you would take this.

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StubbyoneStubbyone21 days ago

Not a bad story but way too much filler information. Get to the point earlier. You write a novel when a short story is more appropriate. Only a 3.

LanmandragonLanmandragon4 months ago

I don't understand why the bank did not call the cops because of the forged signatures.

moultonknobmoultonknob4 months ago

Far too much unnecessary bullshit and all things considered, just a load of bollocks

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeover 1 year ago

Well done.

A fine plot very well written.

Top ratings from me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

is it even possible for you to write a story about some woman that marries the right guy, instead of the wrong one? Or one that jsut can't stop until she finds some mythically oversized cock? Hint: good stories need more than just some help from a prop department.

DrtywrdsmithDrtywrdsmithover 1 year ago

Great start, well written story.

DrtywrdsmithDrtywrdsmithover 1 year ago

We’ll written, interesting plot line.

oldtwitoldtwitalmost 2 years ago

Mmmmmm bet this is on the knuckle for a lot of good men, looking forward to part 2

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitabout 2 years ago

An excellent start! The backstory is set, and so far no BS. There’s a lot of potential moving forward.

My immediate response was that a 50/50 split still leaves him with 50% of the debt that he never signed up for. He’s got her on forgery and fraud. If she can’t return his half of the money, contact he police and file charges. The bank has the evidence.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great,interesting story. Mark needs to be severely spanked,and a visit made to the bank and prosecuting attorney as it regards forged signatures. LP

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Go after her for forgery. + adultery. Seen her in any way possible.

SarahwithloveSarahwithloveover 2 years ago

No, this is how it happens more often than not. A wife who has an affair, will often leave her husband for the new man if he is single. On the other hand, a cheating husband usually wants to stay married. It is heartbreaking that she so easily gives up her girls. Time to pay Mark a visit, me thinks. The interracial aspect seemed odd, but that is what everyone seems to be forcing these days.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sorry but there wasn’t anything different in your story that hasn’t been told hundreds of time before. Therefore just an average grade.

Dittybopper6989Dittybopper6989over 2 years ago

Excellent, well written and yet did seem to lack emotion.

bobareenobobareenoover 2 years ago

Reread this and enjoyed it more the second time. Well done, well written.

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