Three Demons Ch. 08


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I headed back inside and shrugged out of my coat as Erik had suggested, placing it on a wooden hanger in the hall closet. I kicked off my boots and looked toward the kitchen. Oliver and Erik were talking excitedly to each other though I barely paid attention to what they said. "I'm going to change into something a little warmer," I called out to them as I headed down the hallway toward all our bedrooms.

"Okay," they both called back in unison before continuing their chatting.

I walked my cold, bare feet stealthily across the wooden floor, unsure of what I was hiding from. Everett's room was between Oliver's and Erik's at the very end of the hallway. I slowly turned the knob and pushed the door open. I entered his room and closed the door behind me, though I didn't shut it all the way in case I had to slip out quickly. His room was nicely decorated with dark, wood furniture in a baroque style. The walls were painted a dark green and the lighting was minimal apart from the huge skylight that took up almost all of his ceiling just above his bed. I looked at the sky through it. How beautiful would the stars be from here at night, I thought. Though I doubted I'd sleep well with the moon shining down on me as I tried to rest. I wandered around his room aimlessly, feeling a pull to something that I couldn't pinpoint. I touched the wood of his dresser, aware of the mirror attached to the top of it. Then I felt my body heat and images flash before my eyes. It was as if I didn't see what was in front of me, but instead saw a dream. I heard noises and voices that I was sure weren't there.

I felt strong, callused hands lifting up my dress. "Everett, don't stop," I heard what sounded like my voice say. The hands gripped my hips hard, surely bruising me, squeezing to the bone. I felt hard muscle and bone grinding against my ass and banging my front against the smooth wood of the dresser.

"I'd never stop, my love," I heard Everett say in a dark and raw voice. I felt something fill me up, like a cock would, could feel my cunt being stretched even though nothing was there. I gasped and cried out in pain before gripping the edge of the dresser until my knuckles turned white like ivory. "I love that sound," I heard him moan, just before he tore the shirt of my dress open to expose my bra. He pulled the cup of it down and grabbed my breast, palming it and squeezing at it just the way I liked. I looked up at the mirror and saw myself in a lovely, emerald dress that accentuated my curves with the fabric torn at my chest to expose a lace bra I didn't own. Everett's large hands gripping my hip and breast, the dress bunched up at my waist. I looked at his face. His mouth and nose were stretched out like the snout of a large dog and the white of his eyes were replaced by black. The iris was a bright gold, looking exactly like wolf eyes. His mouth was in a snarl, his teeth a sharpened set of canines. I was bleeding from where he'd bitten me at my neck as well as at my hip and breast where he'd held me. That's when I noticed the claws.

"What are you doing in here?"

The question seemed to wake me up. I blinked and I saw only my reflection in the mirror. I saw my pouting red lips, pooled with blood, and my cheeks rosy with heat. I saw Everett standing at the door, his hand still enclosed around the knob. I realized how I must look to him, bent over and gripping the edge of the dresser in nothing but that old shirt that was just too big for me. I felt the cold air on my ass and snapped up to stand straight. I turned to face him. "I-," I helplessly began, "I-"

He stepped into the room and quickly, quietly shut the door behind him. His nose twitched as if he could smell something. "Smells awfully sweet in here," he murmured before I could explain myself. I sniffed the air too, curiously, but there was no sweet scent that I could detect. He walked over to sit at the foot of the four-poster bed. I noticed he was wearing the clothing I'd just previously seen lying discarded outside. He started to pull the shirt up and over his head. I felt as though I was intruding.

"I'll leave you be," I mumbled, staring at the floor and trudging toward the door. I felt only embarrassment as I crossed the distance necessary to reach the only exit in the room. I heard a thud just as my hand touched the door's knob. I looked up toward the sound and saw Everett's hand plastered just above my head, blocking the door from opening.

I felt his hand on my shoulder and he turned me around. I started panting as he leaned in to my side to bury his face in my hair and deeply inhale. I felt a tinge of fear; Everett had never acted this way before. When he exhaled it was deep and forced, sounding close to a growl. "You smell good enough to eat," he said. I was frozen in place, too afraid to move, almost as a rabbit would in face of a predator.

"I mean, I-," I mumbled, "I showered last night."

I screwed my eyes shut in embarrassment as soon as I'd said it. I felt him back away from me and opened one eye just a smidge to see his reaction. He carried a lighthearted smile on his lips. He exhaled a laugh and tousled my hair just before smoothing it over, as though fixing whatever damage he'd caused to it. "You're an odd little girl," he remarked.

I flinched at the statement, feeling oddly patronized. "I'm not a little girl," I insisted.

"Yes, you are," he said, in a condescending tone.

"No," I insisted still, looking away and tightening my jaw into a scowl.

He chuckled at my pouting and booped my nose. My eyebrows furrowed in annoyance but then he said, "Little nose." His fingertips gently touched my lips. "Little mouth," he continued, his voice becoming quiet. His fingers trailed along my neck, sending shivers down my spine in the process, only to continue down the curve of my shoulder and the length of my arm. He held my hand in his, the mass of it covering mine, before he said, "Little hands." His hand let go of mine to be filled with a chunk of my hip instead and it rubbed at my side for a while, inching closer and closer to my bottom. But my ass was no where near 'little' of which I'm sure he was aware, because his hand started to move upward. His free hand joined in on the opposite side and they both stopped at my waist and squeezed. "Little waist," he exhaled, his voice thick with need. I sharply inhaled then, my thighs squishing closed and pushing against my clothed cunt as I squirmed. His eyes met mine, they were curious in gaze despite his sultry tone. He tilted his head to the side and flashed me a crooked smile. "Little stature," he commented.

I blinked a few times as the fog of my mind cleared. "Did you just call me short?" I asked.

He let go of my waist and licked his lip with a smile. "Go get dressed, Freya," he said. "There are some animals out there who'd love to take advantage of a girl like you."

"Why worry about the pigs in the streets when there's a wolf in this very room?" I asked, defiantly. I felt very confident in my words then, smiling triumphantly at him. He only smiled languidly before pulling me closer to him with a grip on my wrist. For a moment I became excited at that, but my enthusiasm was crushed once he opened the door and ushered me toward it. I turned and pouted, feeling awfully rejected. A brilliant idea came to mind then. As I was walking out the door I arched my back just enough and stretched in a way that made my ass look very appetizing from his viewpoint. I gave a lazy moan for added effect, thinking: I've got him now.

But no, no I didn't. I heard the door shut behind me and when I turned toward the sound, I saw that it was indeed closed shut. I even heard him turn the lock on it. "Huh," I muttered. Maybe I read that wrong, I thought.

I continued down the hall with my room as the ultimate destination. I entered it with Felix trotting over to follow me inside, closing it behind us. I locked it too, before walking to the edge of my bed and slumping onto it with my head buried in a pillow. I felt Felix jump onto the bed with me, heard his tags jingling as he tromped along the mattress looking for a cozy spot. He ultimately chose to sit against my hip in a way that made me horribly uncomfortable, but I was too depressed to do anything anything about it. There was an electronic clock beside my bed that I continuously stared out for what would be the next few hours.

Erik had stopped by shortly after I first laid down for my not-nap and invited me to eat breakfast, but I didn't respond and he left after a few unsuccessful attempts to lure me out of my room. A few hours passed and I laid in the same position the entire time. I didn't know what was wrong with me, it was just a hollow feeling. I didn't think about anything at all, not a single thought entered my mind. I just stared at the clock on the end table beside my bed, almost entranced. Erik tried to check on me around three in the afternoon, sounding worried. "Freya, are you okay? You sure you're not hungry?" After a pause of silence, he knocked again. "Freya?" Still, I didn't respond. It barely registered with me that he'd knocked even though I heard him loud and clear. It felt as though I wasn't there. He pounded on the door again, this time more urgently. "Freya!" I felt something stir in me, I wanted to call out that I was fine but my body was frozen in place and a overwhelming sense of calm blurred my thoughts. All I could process was the clock I continued to stare at.

I heard a few thuds, muffled as though I was partially deaf. Then a louder pounding sound. There was nothing for a moment, as if someone had paused time. Then I barely heard the pounding of footsteps until strong, urgent hands gripped me at my shoulders and pulled me up. My gaze broke away from the clock and I saw Everett's face yelling at me. I couldn't hear what he was saying, it felt as though I was underwater. Then he smacked me hard enough to sting. That's when sound finally warped in to be clear and distinct. I blinked a few times and my eyes could focus. "Freya! Wake up!" Everett yelled.

I struggled to push him off. "Stop," I feebly spoke. He immediately changed. He stood shocked for a moment then touched my face and pushed my hair out of my eyes.

"Are you alright?" he asked, breathless. Erik was a few feet behind Everett, watching me with obvious concern.

"Yeah," I said, touching a hand to my cheek where I still felt the sting of his slap.

"I'm sorry about that," he said, "You were...I...I'm just glad you're okay," he said before hugging me tight. I felt so confused at his reaction, but Erik started rubbing his face with his hands out of despair, or perhaps relief. They were acting odd.

"I'm fine," I insisted, my voice small and tired though I didn't know why. "What's wrong with you two?" I asked. "Everett, why aren't you at work?" I continued to blurt questions but neither of them acknowledged that I was even speaking. Erik kept looking like he'd endured some terrible fright and Everett continued to hug me tighter and tighter until I felt my ribs give in, painfully. Everett must've felt my discomfort because he loosened his grip on my waist and kissed my cheek, the one he'd slapped. I felt his tongue slide against the skin and for some reason, the pain was gone. My eyebrows furrowed. Did he just lick me? I thought.

He took hold of my hand and pressed it to the side of his head. "Look," he said. I didn't understand what he meant but then images flashed before my eyes. My bedroom door being forced open then I saw me, laying on the bed completely still. My skin was glowing brightly and black ghostly shades swirled around me, one resembling a male hovered just above me about to touch its fingertips to my lips. Then they spotted whoever was seeing this and all of them clung to me. But when I saw Everett's hands touch my shoulders, they dispersed immediately. The one who tried to touch my lips screeched inhumanly and warped into my eyes. Then Everett's hand smacked me and the black was spat out of my eyes and dispersed as well.

The image was suddenly gone, as if someone had shut off a screen and I saw Everett's face before me once more. He'd removed my hand from his temple. I simply stared at him in crazed confusion. "I-," I began.

"You," he agreed. I shrunk away from him in fear and he only pulled me closer. "You know, Freya," he said.

"Everett, its too soon," Erik said. He gripped Everett's shoulder as he spoke, but Everett shrugged his hand away.

"You know," Everett repeated, as if I knew what that meant.

"Everett, stop!" Erik cried.

"She knows," Everett responded. "I felt it earlier today. Its starting."

Then I saw only black.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Plz update!!!!!!

Plz update more frequently, I'm addicted and the story progresses too slowly.. :/

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
more more more

Please let there be more soon! I want to know what is going on and who/what she is please write fast!

Taterbug7396Taterbug7396over 8 years ago
More please!!!!!

Great story please continue with the plot line........ I loved reading about Freya!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

oh my goodness noooooo

not a cliff hanger

please write more soon

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 8 years ago
What's starting?!

Write, write, write!!!!

LovetosmileLovetosmileover 8 years ago
love it!

I really love this story. I can`t wait until the next one.

tabbymidnitetabbymidniteover 8 years ago
yout doing a dam fine job

This story is incredibly addictive and erotic. I just cannot get enough. Please get to nine. Love your work, these characters just climb inside the story. Continue speedily....

Bumblefox907Bumblefox907over 8 years ago

I can't wait for the next chapter!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
So gooooood!

Cliffhangers, ugh!

Please come out with more soon I am so curious to what's going on with Freya and why Everet and Erik are so upset! WHAT HAPPENED ;A;

Also, excelent writing as always, keep up the good work.

CalyPyCalyPyover 8 years ago

This chapter had everything and more. Starting from Oliver being a sweetheart that conquered me, I mean how he woke her up it is just adorable. Then Everett's weird behaviour got me confused. But when she got in his room and the visions... Omg I am still panting. I am glad how it ended, finally there are going to be some secrets revealed. What is behind her and what she really is. Also left me very curious about what she saw on Everett's mirrow, was the future? Or a pass memory? Either way that was hot, primal, intense. Cant wait for next chapter. You did brilliant here!

CupcakeHeartCupcakeHeartover 8 years ago

I hope the next chapter will be coming out soon. I just die waiting for them!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Ending on a cliffhanger - awww

I'm glad we're about to find out what's going on with Freya - as strange as Erik, Everett, and Oliver are, so is Freya. I'm guessing she's a demon as well, but what are the black shades? Are they part of her struggling to come out? Or are they separate spirits that intend something with her? Looking forward to finding out. In the meantime, enjoying the story.

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