All Comments on 'Three Square Meals Ch. 071'

by Tefler

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Tefler please

Another great story tefler. Any update on the next chapter

MuledriverMuledriverover 7 years ago
Tashana and Faye.....

I think some of you are forgetting something. Yes Tashana gave the AI vambrace to Irillith. But at that time, the AI was created NEW each and every time that Irillith used it. Remember? She was in a hurry, and the AI took offense, and Irillith had to "kill" it, and start over with a fresh one. Faye came about, when the AI was left loose on a mission, and then Irillith had her "toys" locked away. "Faye" was forgotten about, and then developed her own personality while watching the crew interact.

Therefore, Faye and Tashana do not know each other.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Jade and Tashana


Coming chapters would be greater revelation of Jade past and some extra bonding between Jade & Tashana for sure.



AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
The best story

This is an amazing story.

MikipubMikipubover 7 years ago
It's been established

That piracy is a capital offense. Since the pirates attacked first, they committed an act of piracy against the Invictus. Since Tefler has set up the space piracy laws along the lines of the old customs of the sea, the captain of the ship or in this case admiral, is within the law to hang or execute the pirates.

Also, keep in mind that John is driving toward the pirate leader and is not be giving specific orders. Alyssa is coordinating the girls' attacks. Given that some of the girls have been raped or abused by pirates or other scum, they would have no mercy on the pirates or slavers.

Makes me thing that John will help Tashana go on a crusade against the slavers to help her exorcise her demons.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Enshunnu weapons

No one else thought about the impact of sonic weapons on crystal alyssium ?

Is there a weak point there ?

How about the stun effect, can it act through the crystal in the helmet ?

Perhaps there's a resonance phenomenon that allows the stun to work.

Oh dear, and what about Jade without armour ?

Will the stun/disintegrate work on her very different physiology ?

Tef ?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Its easy to see why this story is...

..debated so much. The reason is that it lacks coherence. It bears little or no relationship to reality. Fantasy or not, a tale needs to have SOME basis in reality.

For instance, what does "scorcio" mean?

PussyLickersRusPussyLickersRusover 7 years ago
Post number 3

Whitewhalehunter: PLR you should have only 5 and of medium length. But yes, the birthday message doesn't count.

Dude(ette) you MUST be joking! lol

Enshunnu weapons:

“No one else thought about the impact of sonic weapons on crystal alyssium?”

Sonic weapons are energy waves just like light waves, just at a different wavelength. There should be no difference in how the armor reacts given it is made to reflect and redirect energy waves rather than absorb them.


“Therefore, Faye and Tashana do not know each other.”

Agree, they do not. However, the giving of a life is no small thing and Tashana will recognize that in doing so, Irillith is showing a radical change in her persona. Also, that was the gift that turned the tide in their relationship, therefore, it has deeper meaning for them both.


“open question 

i might have missed the part where fate of norwood is know but till know he seems to be missing.he was not present in the first battle where terrans betray the kintark forces as he was going to meet the grand prelate but he did not return to fight in the second battle also.kindly someone help me.”

Nothing has been mentioned to this point. When the two groups of Terran traitors turned on the Kintarks it would put Norwood's backside on a hotplate with the Kintark to say the least. I suspect he is a man without a country at this point.

Jlmn: “On the other hand, killing a murderer who is not an active threat is still murder.”

In a civilized society, I can see that. But you ignore the realities of the culture and circumstances when you apply that to this scenario. When there is no law to protect the weak, enforcing what is right through hard means is all there is. If I recall: John gave Hades the opportunity to give up Tashanna and he didn't. That is all on him and that is not Vigilantism. Sorry to disagree.

MyFlog: “Now maybe the bad guys were a bit over written as being Bad so that the reading audience could enjoy their deaths...but it worked for me.”

Having spent some time as a Police Officer, I would disagree. I have looked into the eyes of truly bad men and seen the absolute evil of their soul. AKA: There is no redeeming quality of a man who takes a scalpel and dissects a living infant.

jlmnjlmnover 7 years ago

PLRus: "Sonic weapons are energy waves just like light waves, just at a different wavelength. There should be no difference in how the armor reacts given it is made to reflect and redirect energy waves rather than absorb them."

Um, you just argued that sight and hearing are the same thing. One is pure energy (photons), one is vibration in physical media (air, Crystal Alyssium, etc.)

PLRus: "John gave Hades the opportunity to give up Tashanna and he didn't."

I've mostly lost interest in arguing about this, but I wasn't objecting to Hades getting wasted; he was hostile. It was killing the HORDES of (not-hostile) people in the market, including herding people back into the killing zone, that bothered me.

Muledriver: “Therefore, Faye and Tashana do not know each other.”

I'm not sure who this was meant for, but at least in my case (arguing that Faye should be the one to talk to Tashana) I was arguing based on personality (and not being a thrall) alone, not any history between the two (which, as you say, doesn't exist)

PussyLickersRusPussyLickersRusover 7 years ago

Well, light does have wave characteristics:

"An age-old debate that has persisted among scientists is related to the question, "Is light a wave or a stream of particles?" Very noteworthy and distinguished physicists have taken up each side of the argument, providing a wealth of evidence for each side. The fact is that light exhibits behaviors that are characteristic of both waves and particles. In this unit of The Physics Classroom Tutorial, the focus will be on the wavelike nature of light.

Light exhibits certain behaviors that are characteristic of any wave and would be difficult to explain with a purely particle-view. Light reflects in the same manner that any wave would reflect. Light refracts in the same manner that any wave would refract. Light diffracts in the same manner that any wave would diffract. Light undergoes interference in the same manner that any wave would interfere. And light exhibits the Doppler effect just as any wave would exhibit the Doppler effect. Light behaves in a way that is consistent with our conceptual and mathematical understanding of waves. Since light behaves like a wave, one would have good reason to believe that it might be a wave."

If it walks like a duck.....

Anywhooo........that argument is yet to be settled. The fact that they are both forms of energy that can be reflected and redirected is more to the point.

I am sorry I was unclear about Faye and Tashanna, I was responding to Muledriver.

ms904191ms904191over 7 years ago

Hey tefler any update on ch72 ????

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Anon. Its easy to see why this story is debated so mouch.

You say the debate in the comments is because the story lacks coherence.

When did you start reading the story? If you have read 70 odd chapters the cohesion is there throughout.

You say It bears little or no relationship to reality. And you add fantasy or not, a tale needs to have SOME basis in reality. I guess your definition of Si Fi and mine are very different. Probably time for you to move to another genre or another story that might be more realistic for you.

Have we heard from you before? Your comments have a familiar feel.

The other Dave

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
PLR I am just yanking your chain!

That would be torture wouldn't it! Whitewhalehunter

Jedi_KhanJedi_Khanover 7 years ago
Enshuu Weapons and Crystal Alyssium: A Scientific Analysis

Light and sound may both be waves, but they are very different natural phenomena. Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation that occurs within a certain portion, or wavelength, of the electromagnetic spectrum. Sound is the application of energy to a medium to induce vibration. Sound cannot exist in a space where the is nothing to transmit the vibration, i.e. a vacuum, whereas light can exist because there is nothing to disrupt it.

When determining whether light or sound can pass through something, we must consider the resistance of the subject material to allowing light and/or sound to continue through it, or how opaque it is. Everyone knows that "opaque" is often used to refer to something not allowing light to pass through, however the second definition of opaque is "not transmitting radiation, sound, heat, etc." We will be using both definitions in this discussion.

Let us look at Crystal Alyssium, specifically the torso segment of the crew's armor. This segment of armor is by design very opaque to both light and laser energy, meaning neither can pass through. The helmet version of Crystal Alyssium is transparent to light, but hopefully still retains the opaque property of the torso segment with regards to laser energy, so if the crew were to take a laser blast to the face, hopefully they'll only be blinded, not dead.

What we don't know about Crystal Alyssium is its opaqueness with regards to sound. To say that since both sound and light are waves and therefore Crystal Alyssium is opaque to both is a scientific fallacy, as steel is opaque to light yet it can be made to vibrate pretty well, therefore can transmit sound. Yes, steel can reflect sound as well, but that doesn't mean someone on the other side of that sheet of steel can't hear the sound. In order to block sound, you need something that is resistant to vibration and simply absorbs the sound without retransmitting it, i.e. is opaque to sound. Foam or cellulose insulation are both examples of materials that are opaque to sound. However, for foam or insulation to be effective, it needs to be at least several inches thick. The other option for blocking sound is to cancel it out with either a white noise generator or some other form of noise cancelling technology. The ability to be cancelled out is a property of sound that is not shared by light, due to light's dual nature as both wave and particle.

Now with all the science out of the way, let us look at the Enshuu weapons. As we saw in this chapter, the Enshuu weapons use sound and can modulate it to have different effects ranging from simply causing pain, incapacitating a person, or even be lethal. However, it appears that the Enshuu weapons are only effective against flesh, as we saw in the fight with Madclaw. In that fight, we saw the Enshuu pistols rip apart flesh but had little to no effect on the metal body of the cyborg. Madclaw obviously felt the hits in the form of his metal parts vibrating, but the parts themselves didn't take any damage. This tells me that there is another property of matter that must be considered with regards to the Enshuu weapons: the resistance of matter to damage.

Flesh is weak and readily damaged, whereas metal is not. Therefore it can be determined that if the titanium body of the cyborg was unaffected by the lethal Enshuu weapons, the Crystal Alyssium armor of the crew will be the same.

However, this applies only to the armor, not the person inside the armor. Until we know the opaqueness of Crystal Alyssium and the armor suit as a whole with regards to sound, we cannot say that the armor will protect against the Enshuu weapons. It could be that the full force of the Enshuu weapons will pass right through the armor and affect the person inside, that the armor reduces the effect of the weapons making what would have been a lethal shot only incapacitating or painful, or the armor could reduce the shot to the point where the person inside only feels a slight vibration, if they notice it at all.

Needless to say, if the crew does go after the Enshuu for whatever reason, it would probably be a good idea for Dana to design some form of sound insulation or cancellation tech into the armor to protect against the Enshuu weapons, as I imagine that if the Enshuu have ever encountered armored targets, they may have designed an armor piercing version of their sound weapons, unless they use more conventional weapons outside of the slave trade.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Time for some science!

Jedi, very well put. As for sound protection though, I think a simple impact resistant/despersal gel layer in the armor would do that quite handily. As the gel layer would disperse and mitigate the sound just like it would a heavy impact. Also note that power armor isn't all that common due to price, so designing a sound based weapon for it specifically would be unlikely.

PLR, nice bit of teaching, and to be frank it's rare that I get to point out new source material I feel like sharing that you don't already have cited. New experiment done in Bristol using a device that depends on quantum nonlocality. Using this method they have shown light to be both a wave and particle at the same time. Interesting behavior of photons, ehh? The physicist who wrote the paper on the document to my knowledge is alberto peruzzo.

If I seem to be misunderstanding this, feel free to argue the point.😀

Identifier shadow

PussyLickersRusPussyLickersRusover 7 years ago
Wooohoooo! Go Jedi!

Fantastic deductive analysis. I would only comment on a few things:

First: that light (waves) and sound are both redirectable as well as reflectable...which is what Crystal Alyssium, with its lattice structure, does. I would think, until the suits are 8-shaped, the crew would feel something, just not have flesh vaporizing.

Second: As you so eloquently pointed out, said sonic weapons would not be useful in space due to the vacuum being unable to propagate sonic waves.

Third: Unless we have another law of Physics, which all science fiction has...including Tefler's universe, these sonic devices must be on the level of microwaves or beyond (Nano wave technology?) since those are the only known levels of sound (pressure wave) radiation that have enough energy to transmit an overwhelming level of destruction against flesh.That is why microwave ovens work, they absorb the wave energy and the atoms of the food convert it to heat through friction in a constant absorption/conversion process involving the agitation state of the molecules.

Fourth: Micro and Nano (or beyond) wavelengths are HIGHLY susceptible to reflection by hard surfaces (which is why we mostly just hear the base of a booming car stereo) yet easily absorbed by soft surfaces. Your point about opacity here is well taken: Longer wavelengths of lesser energy will pass right through a steel plate (booming care stereo bass) while high energy, ultra-short wavelengths just bounce off (why you don't hear the treble from the stereo of a sealed car from the outside).

Fifth: Since these waves must be Micro or Nano in wavelength, the shields of suits would simply reflect them. This is also why we don't cook on a sunny day from the Sun's microwave output. The electromagnetic waves of the earth simply reflect them.

1handslapping1handslappingover 7 years ago
Last chapter

someone suggested their holiday as the ideal place for the big assassination attempt. As a second possibility, how about John and Calara's wedding. Somewhere that would ensure maximum publicity as a final masterpiece work for the assassin

PussyLickersRusPussyLickersRusover 7 years ago
Identifier shadow

You go, too!

I have actually read that research! And that is a great point!

My initial post was based upon my own understanding of the white paper released on that research. And thanks for the compliment! (another special thanks to those of you who have given me verbal support in my amused playing with just 10 postings ;-)...)

To Whitewhalehunter: "WHEW" lol. Am I up to 10 yet? If I am over...please just go back and unread this one. (chuckles)

PussyLickersRusPussyLickersRusover 7 years ago
Its easy to see why this story is...

..debated so much. The reason is that it lacks coherence. It bears little or no relationship to reality. Fantasy or not, a tale needs to have SOME basis in reality.

For instance, what does "scorcio" mean?

THANK YOU! I laughed so hard when I read this I actually cried and my sides started hurting! You are absolutely HILARIOUS! At first, I thought you were serious, then I realized, no one could possibly believe any of that. Then the humor struck! BRAVO! BRAVO!

jperk31260jperk31260over 7 years ago
sonic weapons and armor

I think the sonic weapons are just a derivative or the slave culture. Weapons made to intimidate naked or unarmored opponents. I fear for John when he goes up against a strongly psychic opponent and they will his armor away. I am guessing that's why they keep making it as strong as they can so it can't be unmade easily. Of course they would have to know what it is and how it works but how could that ever happen. And since their weapons are usually made in part of it too. Theoretically they could be un-armored and weaponless in one stroke. Well they would still have their psychic powers for a while. This is why I have to keep quiet when playing D&D I give the GM too many ideas.

jperk31260jperk31260over 7 years ago
New Drive.

in Theory since they have anti gravity technology. they could create a micro black hole a certain distance from their ship to pull them along. it could also be used as a weapon. It seems that the other progenitor, Johns dad maybe, uses some sort of warp generator this would seem to be parallel theory. I imagine it would take enormous amount so energy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Tashana is going to be insane.

How do you expect anyone to come back from that?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Awesome story

Love the story Tefler. Been reading this for a long time just now commenting.

PLRUS don't worry about others comments make as many as you Like!

As far as Fayes body goes I think that once John interacts with him in cyberspace she should start to be able to be corporeal in stages/develope that gift but only one projection at a time. It could develop a weakness for her because of the processing power that would be needed.

Just myself thoughts on that. Would live to make other comments but the have been covered already. The only thing I don't like about this story is the wait between chapters but I do understand it. JUST HATE IT.

PussyLickersRusPussyLickersRusover 7 years ago

Yeah, the whole non-application of the obvious uses of anti-grav have bothered me before.

In order to have anti-grav, one has to have developed the ability to identify, quantify, and manipulate gravitons. The singularity drivers, worm-hole stellar drives, interdiction abilities, even planet killing weapons/disintegraters are all related to this field of physics.

Perhaps the species in Tefler's universe are just recently learning about anti-grav?

MuledriverMuledriverover 7 years ago
Ref anon: Unspeakable

Tashana is going to be insane.

How do you expect anyone to come back from that?

You have obviously forgotten the "magic cum".... LOL John's jizz DOES have the ability to rewrite memories and personalities. So, at bear minimum, he can make it all go away. The question is, how much does Tashana want to remember.

And as for how will Tashana react to John, we have seen it a little so far. She is terrified. But I say give it an hour or two.... (Maybe a little longer :p) 1st, she'll see how John is with his girls. While that happens, the Maliri genetics will be working. Irillith was exceptionally stubborn. Plus, Irillith was not around John all the time. Give it constant proximity, and she'll be on her knees in no time begging to be filled.

Of course, after Tashana's experiences, she should have an exceptional personality herself. It will be interesting to soo how long she can last.

Station clean up should be fun also.... Who does he leave in charge, what happens to all the slaves. And so much more.

Oh, and did Tashana's ship the Infernal Retribution get left behind, when she was captured and her crew killed? (Unlikely to leave a functional ship behind) AND..... Did the Invictus blow the crap out of the ship, along with the other pirate/mercs?....

PussyLickersRusPussyLickersRusover 7 years ago

I am also interested in the Vicair's upcoming visit. THAT could be very interesting how that interfaces with Tashana's psychological recovery. Another "protecting my girls" mission perhaps? I so see another story thread brewing here.

Faye69Faye69over 7 years ago
Sonic vs Crysral

PLRus: ultrasound when focussed can destroy tissue. That's "just" sound waves at a high frequency we can't hear. ultrasound welders are widely available.

Assume a phased array for directed focussed sound, technology significantly advanced from today's therapeutic lithotripsy systems.

Because you can use anti-noise (opposite phase) you can prevent any backward transmission to the wielder and isolate any transmitted vibration.

Faye69Faye69over 7 years ago
Tashana and Faye

Faye overwrote some parts of the hacking deck.

But is there enough left of the data in it for Tash to access it?

Can she repair it enough to retrieve any useful info ?

jlmnjlmnover 7 years ago

Jedi_Kahn: "Flesh is weak and readily damaged, whereas metal is not."

This is not inherently true, particularly where sonic vibrations, and by extension sonic weapons, are concerned. For example, brain surgeons use oscillating saws in part because rigid structures will be cut while soft structures, e.g. brain, will flex rather than be cut (at least to some degree) if the surgeon accidentally goes too deep.

Rigid structures are also highly vulnerable if forced at their resonant frequency; Albert Bridge and Millennium Bridge in London are both notorious for this phenomenon. This could, in theory, be exploited to destroy rigid structures if your sonic weapon could change frequency and detect the resonant frequency when it is fired.

In the story, Tefler had the sonic weapons effective against both flesh and ceramic, but not metal (or at least not Madclaw's titanium skeleton). I really don't know what to make of that, but we don't know the precise mechanism of operation for the weapon either. Maybe the metal is flexible enough to bend when rigid ceramic is broken, while at the same time strong enough to resist when flesh would be torn apart. In the end, not enough information.

It's hard to guess how Crystal Alyssium would handle it. It contains Maliri crystal, and even without it I think I remember Alyssium being crystalline, which suggests highly vulnerable. On the other hand, titanium was used as the base material, so maybe it can flex enough. Again, not enough information.

vn7199vn7199over 7 years ago
sonic weapons

any material can be damaged if the resonant frequency is found for that particular material.

enshunu must have modified their guns to emit sound waves in a particular range of frequencies so that all the materials in that resonant frequency can be destroyed instead of adjusting the frequency everytime.

enshunu must have thought that everybody uses ceramic for armour instead of titanium (that shit weighs more if u build a armour from it) so for lethal they must have set the frequencies to destroy the ceramic and flesh not titanium.

thus given the time and test material the sonic guns can be modified to destroy any material they want.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Hey it has been a week since last tefler updated

Any update from him ???????

Is everything alright ????

Tefler where are you man ?????

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Patreons post more

He has more than 300 posts from Patrons for this chapter so Tefler is not able to keep track of all of the posts unless he doesn't write as much. He is close to his Patreon goal so he might soon give all his time to writing, but the Patreon readers will still be his priority because, as important as people are for taking time to read and post comments, the people who are also chipping in tips are more important. Writing for fun, versus being able to just write for fun without needing a straight job.

So far he has about 15k words with anywhere between 3k and 30k to go. This could go various ways but it should be a short and uncomplicated chapter, or not.


TeflerTeflerover 7 years agoAuthor
Current Status of chapter 72

I've had a few days off, so the next chapter's going to be later than I predicted (It was my birthday!). As FatherSin said, I've written 15k so far, and I'm cracking on with the second half.


ms904191ms904191over 7 years ago

I hope you had a great birthday tefler

Thank you for working so hard to provide us with a great story

KinkysexkillerKinkysexkillerover 7 years ago

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TEFLER!!! Hope you had a good one. Thanks for sticking with the story, I absolutely love it.

PussyLickersRusPussyLickersRusover 7 years ago
I concede the points

About resonance: both as a fracturing and elemental welding tool.


First: what time will the Enshunu have to figure out that frequency with a compound with which they (nor the rest of the known Universe for that matter) have no experience and nor test material to work? It is not like John and the girls are going to be standing around and let them take experimental shots at them. Additionally, even if the weapons have some type of tech that identifies its target and then selects the appropriate frequency, umm...there is no database that contains Crystal Allysium's resonance frequency. Could they get lucky? Yeah, but considering the range of frequencies they would have to try, that would be a long shot similar to hitting the moon with my paper airplane. CAN it happen? Yes. WILL I ever accomplish it? Uh...riiiiight.

Second: as I mentioned before, those ultra high frequencies are also so energetic that they would be reflected by the suit's shields, so the chance of even hitting the suit are about as probable as....well, the paper airplane.

Third: Even if the sonic waves were to get past the shields, and then accidently find the resonance frequency, what effect would the hexagonal lattice, specifically made to redirect and dissipate energy waves, have on the shot? I expect it would spread it out over the suit; much like the strike against a sphere does. So it would take much more energy than would be normally associated with a localized shot to have the expected effect on target.

In the end: The girls and John have nothing to worry about with the Sonic weapons.

PussyLickersRusPussyLickersRusover 7 years ago
Ultrasound and tissue:

PLRus: ultrasound when focussed can destroy tissue. That's "just" sound waves at a high frequency we can't hear.

Oh absolutely! That was not my statement, though. I use my microwave all the time to cook my food. While a bit different, they are both sinusoidal energy waves that impart energy to water molecules that eventually vaporize the water to steam....even at the intercellular level (which is why my bread dough and meat will come out with a consistency of cow leather if it is not carefully cooked).

My point was that ultra frequency sounds do not penetrate hard surfaces well and are easily reflected or diffracted. Things the armored suits do very well indeed.

PussyLickersRusPussyLickersRusover 7 years ago
A note on the Crystal Allysium matrix

A crystal lattice is formed by filling the holes between the molecular spheres of an element (atoms are round due to the electron shells whether the nucleus is round or not).

For example:

If you take four basketballs and place them in a cubic crate, there are empty spaces left. You can fill those empty spaces with softballs, but there are still empty spaces left. You can fill those empty spaces with ping pong balls, but there are still empty spaces left. You can fill those empty spaces with ball get the point.

Go back and correct me if my number is wrong: but last I remember, Crystal Alyssium has, at minimum, 12 (7 + titanium + the Ashanath psycic material + the maliri crystal + the 2 new elements) different elements creating the crystal lattice? That means this structure is very close to being a perfect solid...much more so than what we normally consider a solid which is actually full of unused space. Now the Physics of why this structure holds together are complex and deal with charge attraction, etc. so I won't bore you with those details...just suffice, Dana having real issues with making a lattice that would work was more real than fiction.

The point is: the inter-molecular spaces are very small and the bonding forces of the molecules in such close proximity are very powerful. This is why Tefler's reforming of the material is so genius a conception: Each reformation improves the consistency of the lattice structure, making it more perfect, more rigid, and more of a perfect solid.

What this means for sonic waves is: there is literally no empty space for the molecules to get agitated as a single entity within the lattice is all taken up. So the molecules cannot bang against each other and disintegrate as easily as they would in a normal solid.

Have you ever been mesmerized by the suspended steel balls suspended in a row? You pull up one ball and let it go, the last one pops up and rebounds back, and the cycle continues. The line of steel balls is acting like a single, unified structure and all the force is applied to the end ball because there is no empty space between the balls.

Now think of the Crystal Allysium lattice again. That lattice has, relatively speaking, no empty spaces so it acts like a single atom. Energy tends to act against it as a whole rather than its individual molecules. This is why, when John was hit by the 40 mil cannon round in the thigh it did not take his leg off at the hip as it should have. It picked him up and knocked him down as we would expect a single atom to behave when impacted by a force of that magnitude. Which again speaks to the innate genius of Tefler's storytelling. It did fracture, which is due to the lattice structure being imperfect, but the point about the suit acting like a single atom remains appropriate.

To take this further: How do atoms react to energy waves? Well, it depends.

With sound, they just vibrate back and forth as a unit. The pressure waves are inconsequential to the charge attractions within the atom to have any affect...the suit would oscillate very fast as a whole...not as individual parts against each other.

With electro/magnetic, the outer shell electrons excite to a higher orbital level and then return to release it as light waves...the suit would glow.

With particles fast enough and small enough to get past the electron shells, you have total atomic disintegration (atomic bomb)....the suit would fracture at the molecular level into elemental powders.

All this is happening to the suit, though. Not necessarily to the person inside (at least 2) layers within. Much like being in a metal cage in an electrical all moves around the cage and not you.

Again, John and the Girls have nothing to worry about with the Enshunu sonic weapons.

tbakkytbakkyover 7 years ago
Happy B'day

Happy belated b'day Tefler.Hopefully you enjoyed yourself?

TeflerTeflerover 7 years agoAuthor
Re: Happy birthday + status update on chapter 72

I had a nice day thanks!

I've written 25k so far, so chapter 72 is nearly done. I just need to wrap up a handful more scenes and it'll be complete.


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Awesome work

I keep checking every other week for your next story ,keep up the great work

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
AI in police headquarters

Hi Tefler,

while the John team was in police headquarters for Rachel's mothers kidnapping and murder investigations they have left an AI there(by lrillith) . Any chance of getting back to that part.


MuledriverMuledriverover 7 years ago
AI at the po po

As I recall, any AI is derez'd (terminated) when the jacks are pulled out of the data ports. So, no AI left behind.

Please correct me if I am mistaken.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Tashana and Irrilith

Ummm shit.

So I guess we will need to wait for hot twin Fantasy Sex Action?

jperk31260jperk31260over 7 years ago
Happy B day

I think the title says it all.

TeflerTeflerover 7 years agoAuthor
Chapter 72 status update

Chapter 72 is finished! It's 32.5k long, and I just handed over part 2 to the editors. Assuming a couple of days for edits, I hope to have it up on my site by Friday!

I'll submit it here as soon as the editing is completely finished, so it should be published by about Wednesday next week I'd imagine.


1handslapping1handslappingover 7 years ago

and Happy Birthday

andyaandyaover 7 years ago
dana and station

I would think dana might get to know how the fuel scoop works then put a mini one in the hanger bay of they ship,

so they can top up either when they got a hour or two free or when they get low as at the moment they dont seem to fill up much no matter how far they travel

vn7199vn7199over 7 years ago
happy birthday tefler

belated happy birthday tefler. Had exam so could not visit the site.

Over_StimOver_Stimover 7 years ago
Enjoying the ride

Good to meet the new character in her own setting first . it was a nice change of pace. Be interested to see you do this with others. It would be nice to see prequel stories for some of the existing characters if you felt so inclined.


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Not yet


Not until Tef has finished with this one!

andyaandyaover 7 years ago
weird idea

If dana does get the wormhole drive then it might be possible to enlarge it to move a space station so if john and the girls get the maliri to build a station then they can dock and jump anywhere they want plus this means he can have any kids he has go with them hmm could be fun

PussyLickersRusPussyLickersRusover 7 years ago
I was wrong

The shield alloy is up to 20 different crystals/elements now and the Raptor gunship, which was reshaped 12+ times, is 100% reflective of energy weapons and the 6 inches of armor are equivalent to 40 feet (12.2 meters) of Titanium against mass weapons. With an upgraded power supply, the lasers (2) will be as strong as the Invictus beam lasers are now (roughly 12 times stronger each than a standard Terran Beam Laser) making it as powerful as a Battleship.

Think about that: A Battleship the size of a small troup carrier that is 3 times faster than the fastest Terran fighter and can flit like a mosquito.

MuledriverMuledriverover 7 years ago
@Andya and the weird idea

Who knows..... If they start reading some Progen glyphs on the control panels in the station, it might already HAVE a wormhole drive......

No worries about balancing thrusters to keep from tearing it apart to move it. Just "poof" it was here, now it's there.....

PussyLickersRusPussyLickersRusover 7 years ago

Okay: I am thinking: time for another upgrade wish-list.

Upgrades for the Invictus:

1. Mess Hall upgrades

2. Worm-Hole Stellar Drive upgrade

3. An upgraded FTL drive

4. Power Core upgrade (possibly even multiple units running in series/parallel/backup configurations)

5. Mass Driver upgrade for greater speed/fire rate/distance

6. The addition of substructure for additional hard points

7. The addition of upgraded Gauss cannons on gimball mounts

8. Upgraded Crystal Alysium to counter plasma armaments

9. Heat sink upgrades to help in power/energy amplification of the Nova Lances and Lasers.

10. Multiple reshapings of the Crystal Alysium up to 8 times so it can withstand the BSP's energy weapon.

11. Further upgrades to the cyber defenses as well as against intrusions like Sakura accomplished to include Nexus servers and backups for each of the critical ship systems, a dedicated counter-attack server.

12. Cabling to provide the necessary bandwidth to handle the information transfer rates between the nodes of the Nexus servers and ships systems.

13. Cabling (with next generation heat sinks) to handle the increased power output of the new power core(s)

14. A shield upgrade so the ship can be relatively invisible, like Sakura's scout ship.

15. Thruster power upgrades due to power core and heat dissipation advances.

Upgrades for the Raptor:

1. Worm-Hole Stellar Drive upgrade (if space is available after Gauss Cannon additions as it is more a luxury rather than a need for a gunship).

2. An upgraded FTL drive

3. Power Core upgrade

4. The addition of substructure for additional hard points

5. The addition of 2 to 4 upgraded Gauss Cannons on gimball mounts

6. Upgraded Crystal Alysium to counter plasma armaments with just one additional shaping.

7. Heat sink upgrades to help in power/energy amplification of the Lasers.

8. Further upgrades to the cyber defenses to allow for a dedicated and secure high bandwidth link to the Invictus and prevent hostile hacking/takeover.

9. A Nexus server on-board to house a copy of Faye.

10. A shield upgrade so the ship can be relatively invisible, like Sakura's scout ship.

11. Thruster power upgrades due to power core and heat dissipation advances.

Upgrades for the Paragon Armor and hand weapons:

1. Incorporation of the nano-weave of Sakura's invisibility cloak on her scout ship.

2. Upgraded Crystal Alysium to incorporate resistance to plasma weapons.

3. Upgraded power cores, Crystal Alysium parts, and heat sinks for the Laser Rifles bringing the available power up to original Terran Beam Laser levels.

4. Upgraded railguns with the updated materials for use as mass drivers.

5. Creation of stun pistols from the sonic weapon Dana acquired.

MikipubMikipubover 7 years ago
Shield drones

Dana may not be able to upgrade the shields beyond what they have now for the moment but what if they create drones with shield generators that can be moved between the Invictus and incoming fire. Having multiple drones could allow one to recharge while the others are protecting the Invictus.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
plr u missed one lol

the internal security measure as they only have bulk heads, blast doors and gatling guns. 🙂

PussyLickersRusPussyLickersRusover 7 years ago
Mikipub: Shield Drones

At first blush, I love your idea. How would they work exactly?

As a seperate shield? (if so how would the Invictus fire through them to attack the enemy?)

Or would they act as a local enhancer to the existing system? (if so, wouldn't an upgraded power core dedicated to shields do the same thing?)

Gizmoduck1833Gizmoduck1833over 7 years ago

Had a problem with my payment on Patreon, fixed it and now I can't read Chapter. 72!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
new ship

With all the ship upgrades it will be more simply & easy to build a new ship out of crystal alysium & make it longer about 1km,deeper about 20 decks, wider about 8 engines 4x2 with all the guns & lasers.

MikipubMikipubover 7 years ago
Shield drones

I was thinking that the shield drones would be a last line of defense. Say they are taking a beating and their shields are down. The enemy switches to mass drivers or something like that which would damage the Invictus. Dana deploys the shield drones that Faye would controll and that protects the m while the Invictus' shields regenerate.

As for firing, Dana might sync the targeting systems and moves the drones out of the way of the outgoing weapons fire and moves them back in. This wouldn't work for the pulse cannons but for the beam and mass drivers, it would be doable.

TeflerTeflerover 7 years agoAuthor
Re: gizmoduck

I've just sent you a message. Let me know your email address, and Patreon name, and I'll mail you the latest chapter. :-)

Thanks for your support,


ms904191ms904191over 7 years ago

Tefler I hope you have submitted ch72 so we can read it by 15th

andyaandyaover 7 years ago
here's a question?

I been rereading ch's and its keeps saying only really adv sensors can pickup they ship when running on low power so how adv is the other progenitor ships ?

i would think adv enough to pick them up

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Tefler (idea for future)

New larger ship using all of the unlocked gear dana has in her head along with some hidden features that are maybe found during the refit in valaden space

Keep up the great work

ps loving the shiftingpoint of views

TheDragonAboveTheDragonAboveover 7 years ago
My first comment, The main story arc, and death

Hey Tefler,

So I never commented before (mainly because I didn't want to make and account), but I've been following with the story since around chapter 47. I have a few things to say but before that, I just wanted to say that this story is absolutely amazing. It is beautifully written with very distinct character development that isn't just patched in randomly. Now to somethings I wanted to discuss.


So I noticed that this entire series has been comprised of not only picking up new girls but dealing with there issues which puts John into the conflicts of the near universe. The main story arc seems to be pointing to this final encounter with the black ship. I personally just wonder how this will continue (if you chose to do so after it) or how it will end. If it is a final battle than john will be a literally unstoppable force in the known galaxy and any fights after that would be almost like the fight in this chapter, child's play with the known races. Personally, Something along the lines of john going face to face with this guy using all the utilities at their disposal (Alyssa's powers, what ever spark makes, Sakura's fighting ability;maybe tearing muscles, Faye and Irillith barely destroying the defense system before getting kicked out and passing out and so on). The main point is that both parties fight till both are on there sides and can only talk. Once both john talk face to face with john in his weakened state his inner demon comes loose and through some way transfers over to a trusted friend of the other proginator (don't know how to spell). Thus with both parties weak he escapes and now the two Proginators have to come together and now protect the galaxy and themselves from getting either enslaved or something else. It adds a threat which is now equal too John and it gives more time to develop the mysterious proginator because the anti John is building strength in hiding. It gives this final arc much more depth than a fight and could go any direction. Now this is just a suggestion/conversation and I wanted to give my own penny to this $100 bill of a story.


Death, it's never never never fun but it's realistic. I love how you brought death in this chapter because after the fight with Jade, I started to not feel scared or worried for the girls because I took on this feel that by this point no main character or important person would die. I just wanted to thank you for that part of the chapter.

Ok, that's about it. Sorry for how long this was, but I've been brewing over this for a while.

TeflerTeflerover 7 years agoAuthor
I've submitted chapter 72

Hopefully the next chapter will be up by about Wednesday, depending on moderation.



TheDesirable0neTheDesirable0neover 7 years ago

Congrats Tefler on 700 patreon supporters! You're almost there to your goal of $1,500 per chapter! Keep up the amazing story!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I'm sitting here patting the inside of my arm trying to get the vein up, but still no new chapter. Oh, how I wish John and the girls could slow time so we could have a chapter a day, and get that monkey off my back. Such a great story!!! Hurry

vn7199vn7199over 7 years ago

your idea might work given the advancement in the shield and power tech they have,a drone can be crafted large enough to withstand the enemy fire.

But,invictius has suffered breach only during nexus fight and drakkar raid (configuration has changed a lot now).So the use of the drones can be either as a distraction during the fight with the progenitor ship (that shit packs a hell of a punch) or as a shield to protect the other ships (like during the battles as a extra shield support thus saving many lives without giving away the tech).

The drones can be housed outside the ship on the armour so that it can detach itself when needed or give more protection when attached.

vn7199vn7199over 7 years ago
RE: PLR upgrades...

i think it is better to build a new ship and house invictius inside it or use it as a escape pod

To upgrade the mass drives dana has to take the ship apart as invictius was built around it.

To upgrade the ships network irillith has to go deep and replace the servers and cabling.

dana already has the knowledge of how to build the upgraded FTL drive and power core,weapon hard points are also needed to house the new/upgraded weapons.

given that the only thing that is left undisturbed on the ship is the substructure (which could have been planned to be changed due to addition of weapons hard points) and they already decided to put invictius on dry dock for several weeks in the shipyard,it may be better to build a new ship.

PussyLickersRusPussyLickersRusover 7 years ago

My impression is, when they are all done, it will look like the Invictus (kinda), but it won't really be the Invictus. The only things that will be the same as the original Invictus will be the Crew Mess and....erm....hmmmm....

1handslapping1handslappingover 7 years ago
im sure the

main bedroom will stay the same too

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Could beat Star Wars

This story is more gripping than star wars, the only difficulty is portraying how they get changed.

Would love to see this in film.

Superb story and the time waiting for the next episode is murder

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Say it again

As far as I'm concerned this series is still the best.

Btw nova lance= Almost a WMG. (Had to correct my previous post...nothing beats the WMG) Sorry, I'm old school.

Old timers will get it.

jperk31260jperk31260over 7 years ago
New Ship

While they might design and build a new ship, unless Tefler jumps some time they are not going to get a new ship any time soon. Even if the crew help out and use their mind powers to help shape the infrastructure, we are talking miles and miles of support beams to build a ship of similar size. They could build a smaller ship but you are still talking months unless it the size of their gun ship. Not saying its not a worth while lone term goal.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Ch 72 still not posted tefler

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Join Tefler's Patreon page

We viewed ch 72 last Friday

AnonymousLuciferAnonymousLuciferover 7 years ago
New chapter

He submitted chapter to literotica on Monday. Look for tefler earlier comments. Delay is from literotica not from tefler

TeflerTeflerover 7 years agoAuthor
Chapter 72

The latest chapter is still awaiting moderation. It will probably be up tomorrow or Friday.



AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
this should be made a 18+ movie

this should be made a 18+ movie

When are you posting the next chapters tefler. I'll have to start reading from the beginning as we as fans cannot wait for the next chapters.

hope to see it soon

FatherSinFatherSinover 7 years ago
Cable Series

Not an 18+ movie.

Long ago picked the idea of it as an animated Cable TV series.

Give animation another few years and will be done with graphics as accurate as the best games.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
A thought

A person like Hades can't have made it to where he is without a ginormous bounty on his head. Sure, the people wanting him have probably given up any hope of him being dragged in, but any sensible bounty hunter would jump at the opportunity in this situation.

I'd like to propose a new character: a female bounty hunter wearing battle armor that can turn invisible and pass through solid objects. the only drawback is that both functions require a large amount of energy. The only person who never gave up on the idea of bringing Hades to justice and claiming the prize.

Of course, if you have a planned limit on John's team, I won't complain.

Keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I wonder who will get the underworld now?

chaoswestchaoswestover 7 years ago
Can't wait for the next chapter

Am waiting for for the next chapter I am looking forward to it have been following this series from chapter one. I been checking for the new chapter everyday are the editors holding it up

FatherSinFatherSinover 7 years ago

It has been on Patreon for a while and I believe was reposted with a small revision.

So Editing is not holding the next chapter up.

The next chapters might take a while I expect so the delay might be strategic.

It will be a few long chapters in Maliri space so the wait for Ch72 might not feel so long.

big65dawguwbig65dawguwover 7 years ago
New Ship

I don't think that it's in the cards to replace the Invictus right now . You don't give up a successful comfortable battle platform in the middle of a fight ,especially if you can do multiple upgrades quicker & easier & faster .Not to mention he's emotional attachment to it , also to most of his injured birds it's the first "HOME" they ever knew , will be hard to give up. It's still a much bigger ship that the crew needs space wise so hopefully Dana will figure out how to either shrink what wouldn't fit or to reutilize the space they have .

Now as to what happens after John & crew defeats the BSP causing all the trouble around Terrin & Maliri space & finds a bigger threat out there is a whole new ball game . While at Genthalas they can get the Maliri engineers building a new bigger ship that incorporates all their new up grade & has room for a bigger crew , maybe a squad of Maliri Marines so John & the girl's don't have to endanger themselves needlessly .in ground actions . One precaution though . it should only be able to be used by John & his girls & of course Faye , they already have the tech for the weapons to recognize them so they don't fire at each other & scanners that read DNA so making the new ship & the Invictus protected this way should be a simple matter .

thalt992000thalt992000over 7 years ago
He submitted

The chapter on the 13th so it's just delayed in moderation it has happened before which was the cause for 2 chapters of decent size coming out 2 in one week.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Moderators dragging there heels on this one only 2 sci-fi/fantasy stories published today and they were only one or two pages

TheTorontoGuyTheTorontoGuyover 7 years ago
Unlikely for Thursday

When the post is going to be published the next day, there is always (usually?) an "Awaiting Moderation" notice at what will be the future URL (in this case ...-ch-72). There's nothing but a 404 so far as of Wednesday evening at 7:30 Eastern.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
delay could be due to overload

i think the literotica moderators could have been overloaded.they already released plans for new stories on 17th they could have been moderating those stories and kept this in backburner.

who knows lets wait for them to do their job


MelanPoncaMelanPoncaover 7 years ago
Dana's gonna be bummed!

Hey Tef,

First, a belated Happy Birthday to you! I hope your day was great and that this year brings only GREAT stuff your way.

Second, I'm surprised that nobody has commented on the pyrokenetic skill that Tashana already has (albeit from her hands not her eyes) and Dana clearly stated she wanted in the last chapter. Will there be a cat fight over this!?!

As usual, this was a marvelous read and I'm eager to see what you have in store for your characters.

Keep up the great work!

TeflerTeflerover 7 years agoAuthor
Re: Melanponca

Thanks I had a great day!

I'm sure there'll be fireworks when Dana finds out about Tashana! :-)


TeflerTeflerover 7 years agoAuthor
Chapter 72 is now up!

Chapter 72 has been through moderation is available on the site!


P.S. I've written 15k of chapter 73, so hopefully not too long a wait for that one. :-)

TheTorontoGuyTheTorontoGuyover 7 years ago
Glad I was wrong about Chapter 72 being posted on Thursday

Great stuff.

chaoswestchaoswestover 7 years ago
Thanks much

Thanks getting a thrill out of this series

maddictmaddictabout 7 years ago
Good name, Underworld

"View to a kill" I really must say, the view to this new killing field is tremendous. To be in the receiving end of Johns and companies rath is a chilling turn of event ! The trip into the Underworld was a welcomed deviation. Alicia has developed some new skill to mark the evil in the room. Irillith has some skill as well projecting her power thru their monitor. Has she tapped Trump tower ? Sorry that was inappropriate

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

This had to be your best chapter yet. Great writing.

Horseman68Horseman68about 7 years ago
One Comment: Wow.

Can not wait to read follow-on to this supernova chapter. As said before, this story entralls its readers -- increasingly so now.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Awestruck. I can't get over this story. I love it and can't get enough. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Keep up the good work. Just fantastic. Dawn

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Please see my Patreon page for the current progress on Three Square Meals. (I usually announce it here in the comments on the last chapter too!) I've added empire maps, as well as pics of the ships, guns, gear, and girls! *** ...