Three's a Crowd


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When Jake returned he gave them both a smirk before downing the drink. "Well I'd love to keep fucking my girl all night," he said to Gareth, "but I got a meeting tomorrow and I need to get some sleep. I'm a light sleeper though, so don't try anything."

"Wouldn't dream of it," Gareth said, as he too walked into the bathroom.

Jake turned to Dani. "What the fuck does that soy boy have over me?"

"I'm not going to waste my breath explaining it to you," Dani said, settling onto the bed and curling up with her back to the other side. She heard Jake sigh and the bed bounce as he laid down on the other side. She heard Gareth return from the bathroom.

Jake turned off the light.

And Dani waited.


Gareth woke. He realised he hadn't been asleep for long. Maybe a half hour. It must be nearly midnight. He had settled onto the sofa. Looking across the room he saw Dani was sitting up on the bed. Leaning over the large shape that was Jake. She was watching him.

In the light streaming through the windows from the street lights outside, Gareth saw her look at him and raise a finger to her lips. Her eyes returned to Jake.

"Hey Jake," she said. Softly. "I thought you might want to know: I'm going to fuck Gareth."

Gareth held his breath.

Jake didn't move.

"I'm going to fuck him, Jake," Dani said, a little louder this time. "We're going to have sex."

Jake still didn't move.

"Do you hear? We're going to FUCK. I'm going to have sex with Gareth ALL NIGHT!"

By now her eyes had found him. They looked at each other across the sleeping form of her cunt of a boyfriend. Gareth saw the lust in her eyes and knew she likewise saw what was in his. He felt his cock rise beneath the spare blanket he had found in the wardrobe and draped across himself before falling asleep.

"Gareth's going to fuck me and cum in me all night," Dani continued, although now it was very apparent to Gareth she was no longer talking to her boyfriend. Jake was clearly out for the count with whatever sleeping pills Dani had drugged him with. She was talking to Gareth now. "We're going to have so much sex. You think size matters? It doesn't. It's who you fuck, Jake. That's all that matters."

He tossed the blanket aside and walked over to the bed, resting one knee on it, just beside Jake where he slept oblivious to the hot (totally justified) cheating sex that was about to happen. For months Gareth and Dani had danced around their obvious attraction to each other, and now, on this very surreal night, they were finally going to fuck.

Gareth didn't think he could get any harder.

Then Dani rose to her knees to greet him: one hand found the back of his head, pulling his lips close to hers, while her other grabbed his dick and began to explore it. Her fingers felt the tip of his cock, pushing his foreskin back as she rubbed his bulbous head with her thumb. Her lips found his in the light of the city beyond the window. Gently at first; two lovers exploring for the first time. A soft touch of their flesh; a slight probe of their tongues, meeting half-way between a pair of half-open lips; then Dani pulled him closer as Gareth mirrored her; slipping his fingers into her vagina, reciprocating her stimulation of his own genitals.

"Oh God..." Dani moaned at the feeling of Gareth's lips on hers. "Finally..."

"Finally..." Gareth agreed, his tongue slashing against hers as their mouths touched, wide open in the half-darkness. "Oh... fuck... God, I've wanted to do this for so long..."

"So fucking long..." Dani said. "I've wanted you for so long, Gareth..."

"We should have fucked ages ago..."

Breaking off from him, Dani regarded Gareth; her eyes twinkling with mischief; her hand still furiously stroking his cock; his hand thumbing her clit. "Amanda's going to be happy when she hears about this," she said. "Normally I'd give a guy head first... to see what kind of cock he has, but with sleeping beauty here I don't want to waste a moment longer..."

Gently she pulled him by the cock over to her side of the bed; Gareth taking care not to disturb Jake where he lay. As Dani settled on the bed sheets, Gareth came to hold himself above her by his limbs; lifting one hand to stroke Dani's thick black hair away from her sweaty face.

"I'm sorry I'm all filled with Jake," Dani said.

"Don't apologise," Gareth said. Kissing her, he smiled at the change in her face: this wasn't the Dani he had watched fuck and be fucked by her boyfriend; a Dani fuelled by rage as well as lust; this was Dani giving herself over completely to desire. She wanted him. "By the time I'm finished with you tonight, Dani, you'll only have *my* cum inside you."

Her eyes flashed with want at the thought of that. "Hmm... you're going to have to fuck me real good, Gareth... Jake's no slouch and his balls are fucking cum factories!"

Gareth winked at her. "Just wait and see," he said. "It's a good job you're skipping the blowjob this time! Gives me a chance to catch you off guard!"

"Surprise me, Gareth!" Dani said, wrapping her arms around his neck as Gareth pushed his big (not Jake big but still fucking impressive nonetheless) cock into her. He felt the copious amount of cum Jake had filled her with slosh around his dick as he pushed it inch by inch into her pussy; Gareth tried not to let his discomfort show, nor his disappointment that his first time with Dani was a veritable 'sloppy second'; he was determined to fuck her better than Jake, and he knew she was eager to help him.

Dani stared into his eyes as Gareth slowly pushed himself into her; savouring this moment for all it was worth. For so fucking long they had flirted and teased each other, all the while telling everyone who watched and listened there was nothing going on, that they were just friends, just 'work colleagues'; even convincing themselves to an extent; but it was all avoiding the truth: they had a connection. A deep connection. It wasn't just their way of inspiring the best in each other in their work; the way Gareth just being near her somehow made Dani's imagination fire on all cylinders, and made her produce her best work; it was deeper. Much deeper.

Dani wanted to see how deep this well of desire went. She thought she had felt this way with Jake, but he had proven himself to be a manipulative bastard. While a small part of her worried that Gareth might be too, the rest of her was certain this was not the case.

Gareth was honest: everything she saw in him was who he was. He didn't hide behind a mask. He was open with her, and Dani wanted more of him. She wanted him body and soul.

He was definitely giving her his body: inch by inch his cock pushed deep into her. Dani gasped as she felt his thick meat slide against the walls of her pussy. She felt every vein, every curvature of his cock; felt how fucking warm he was - so much warmer than Jake! Gareth radiated heat like a furnace, and squeezed her pussy by reflex as he continued to push himself in - five inches! Six! - Dani felt how hard Gareth was as well. Much, much harder than Jake!

He may not have Jake's length and girth, but Gareth was already proving himself to have quite the formidable cock; and they hadn't started fucking yet! That knowing smile on his lips told her that he knew what he was doing, and Dani had no doubt he would be making her cum soon - she was eager to help him with how fucking turned on she was right now!

Finally! Finally they were having sex!

This night had been a maelstrom of carnal chaos, but now it would take a new turn, and Dani and Gareth would stain the sheets, the furniture, the walls and the floor with their lovemaking. They would give Coytoss a fuck for the ages.

Seven inches!

Dani felt Gareth's cock deep inside her; and it was the physical presence of this man, and the fact it *was* this man, that stirred the beast inside her, and Dani wrapped her legs around his waist and squeezed; pushing Gareth the last inch into her, until his cock head pressed against her cervix. The warmth of his flesh against that sensitive area, with the fact it was Gareth Bates who was finally inside her, triggered a burst of pleasure inside Dani that rapidly grew and grew until her mouth was open and she was moaning with delight.

"Did you just cum?" Gareth asked, bemused. He had never made a girl cum just by entering her before!

Dani nodded. It could have been because Jake had fucked her for so long and made her cum so many times already that she was super sensitive down there, but it also could be because it was Gareth inside her. Feeling his hard chest pressed down against her tits, squashing those fake orbs between their bodies, Dani cupped his face and pulled it down to kiss him.

For several minutes they lay there, kissing tenderly; his cock sheathed all the way inside her. A thick river of cum from Jake's marathon oozing out all over the bedsheets, displaced by Gareth's cock.

Breaking the kiss, Dani looked up at Gareth with dark grey eyes full of lust. "Fuck me, Gareth," she whispered. "Fuck me like Jake can't."

Well? What could a man say to that? Gareth's eyes took on a determined look as he began to move his hips. The feeling of his cock sliding against the inside of her pussy was everything that he dreamt it would be; although he didn't dream she'd be packed full of Jake's cum as well, but Gareth was more than happy to put up with that if it meant finally getting his cock inside of Dani Cohen! Besides; give it time and Gareth would more than displace Jake's loads with his own.

Gareth didn't start hard: he wanted to really savour the feeling of Dani's vagina. With Jake all unconscious and everything beside them (although who knew how long that would last?), he did not want to rush this moment. He had been patient. Why rush to the finish line, even if Gareth knew he wouldn't go soft after just one cum.

Below him Dani felt his cock slide against the inside of her. Felt every vein of his cock against the sensitive walls of her pussy. Felt the way her vagina was gripping his shaft so fucking tightly. It didn't matter how thick a guy was: her pussy clamped down around it like a vice, and she was currently gripping Gareth's cock like her life depended on it.

Gareth more than felt it: he'd fucked some tight women before in his life, but few had been as tight as Dani. Her pussy was squeezing his dick so hard it felt like elastic bands wrapped around his dick.

So he took it nice and slowly; pulling his cock almost all the way out, before pushing it all the way back in until he felt her cervix kiss the tip of his cock. All the while they locked eyes; neither of them wanted to close their eyes even though it felt so good to finally be making love; and this was indeed making love. Oh sure neither of them were anywhere near actually saying the 'l' word out loud yet, but in this moment Dani and Gareth were bound by an intense connection that both of them felt and understood, but neither of them were going to give a name to just yet.

Their faces were so close; their noses almost touching. Gareth opened his mouth, just a little, to protrude his tongue, and Dani did likewise. Their tongues touched. Pressed against each other in that space between their open mouths. Then retracted, as if they were afraid.

Touching again. A brief moan escaped Dani's lips as she reacted to the increase in speed of his thrusts. Gareth had wanted to keep the lovemaking moving slowly, but her pussy was just so hot and tight he needed to feel her at a decent pace. An Eroshire pace.

Their tongues slashed as their hips began to meet. Harder. Faster. Their lust was now taking charge of this fuck. All that pent-up attraction to each other - kept under lock and key for these past few months - now finally unleashed. His cock began to pump deep and hard into Dani, at a more frantic pace. It was nice while it lasted, but Gareth had quickly tired of this slow shit: now he wanted to fuck Dani. He wanted to fuck her tight pussy with his eager cock. So many times he had laid on his bed and jerked off thinking about her, and now here she was underneath him like he always imagined.

Now here he was above her, like Dani had always imagined whenever she masturbated, during times when Jake wasn't around to please her with his dick. Bracing her feet on the bed, Dani met his thrusts with her own. Eager to keep his cock pumping hard and fast. The way she needed it. The way Jake knew she liked it. The way Gareth wanted it.

Their tongues slashed in the space between their open mouths. Moaning escaped from deep in their throats. Their hands were interlocked, pressing against the bed sheets as Gareth pumped it deep into her. The sensitive tip of his cock now slamming hard against her cervix. Each moment of contact sends shivers of excitement coursing through her.

"Oh, Gareth... Oh I need this... oh fuck... I need this... I need to feel you..." Dani moaned as his huge cock pumped deep into her. Spreading her pussy wide like a good cock should. "I need this so badly... fuck me, Gareth... fuck me good... I need release..."

"Release from that fuck?" Gareth said, nodding at the sleeping form of Jake beside them.

She nodded. "Oh yes... fuck yes... he's good... too good... I can't stop wanting him... I need you to make me want you... can you do that? Can you fuck me so good I forget about Jake?"

"Definitely," Gareth said. His cock plunging deep. The feel of her pussy gripping him was just as he imagined. So fucking moist and tight. So fucking good. He could fuck her all night like this if he wanted, but Gareth wanted to take this stunner around their small world here in this hotel room. There were so many places he wanted to hold her against and give her his dick. "I'll fuck you so good you'll never want Jake's cock again!"

"Oh yes! Oh God yes! Please! Drive that cunt from my mind! Make me want you so bad I won't ever stop fucking you!"

"Oh, I will: I definitely will!" Gareth said. His hips worked hard now to keep his cock pumping deep into her moist (and cum-filled) pussy. Thick globs of Jake's gunk squirted out onto the bed sheets; forced out by the power of Gareth's intense thrusting. His hands gripped those sheets as he held himself above her, flexing his hips to keep his cock pumping nice and hard for this dark haired stunner. "When I'm finished with you you'll never want that cunt's cock again!"

"Please!" Dani moaned. She moved her hands up and down Gareth's arms. Feeling his muscles as he held himself firm. Giving her his dick like a good lover should. "Make me forget Jake!"

That was a mission Gareth had every intention of fulfilling tonight. He had seen what a twisted hold Jake had over Dani earlier, and he wanted to break the spell that cunt had put over her. He wanted to show her that sex didn't need to be dark and twisted to be pleasurable, that sex could be intimate and incredible. Gareth didn't know if it was Dani's past, that she had often alluded to when they talked, that had given her the impression that the best things in life were harmful; he didn't know if her past had twisted her like this, but he was sure as fuck going to untwist her.

Starting with making her cum in missionary, and cum like Jake could never. The other man's cock might be bigger than Gareth, but Gareth had more than a few tricks up his sleeves from all the many women he had fucked in his university life.

He began twisting his hips as he thrusted forward, giving her his dick from new and exciting angles; Dani evidently loved it from the way her eyes widened with appreciation, and her hands gripped his arms as she braced her feet against the sheets and began to move her hips too. They met with loud, wet slapping sounds; his organ plunging deep into hers with force. More cum of Jake's creation oozed out and all over the sheets. Displaced by Gareth's powerful cock.

"Hmm... you're not too bad, Mr Bates," Dani purred as she got used to their rhythm. She loved it when she could fuck a guy as good as he was giving her, and her hips were bucking up to meet Gareth's with nice hard slaps that kept his cock hitting her cervix. Each impact of the soft tip of his cock against the entrance to her womb sends jolts of pleasure coursing through her. After so much rough sex with Jake, even this hard and lusty pace seemed intimate, and Dani loved it!

"You're not too bad yourself, Miss Cohen," Gareth said, smirking as he continued to piston his cock into her. Keeping the angle of his attack changing; corkscrewing his dick to put pressure on her pussy from different angles. Despite how tight she was Gareth was nowhere near cuming. He had incredible stamina, and he was looking forward to showing Dani how long he could fuck her for before he blew his load. Jake had managed something like a half hour before emptying those balls of his. Gareth knew he could last much longer than that.

The night was young. As young as these two lovers as they fucked in missionary on the hotel bed, while beside them a third individual lay sleeping in a drug-induced state. Oblivious to what was going on right next to him.

Or was he?

As Jake slept he dreamed, and in his dream he and Dani were making sweet, sweet love. This was not the rough sex they had in the waking world, for this was a different world, where his life had taken different turns and he wasn't the same man. Dani was different too: life had been kind to her, and she didn't have the same haunted look in her eyes as she normally did.

It was a pleasant dream, and Jake didn't want to wake from it. He didn't want to become the man he was in the waking world.

So he slept on, the sounds of Dani moaning beside him filtering through into his dream, where she moaned as Jake made love to her, in ways that he was incapable of doing in real life.

Gareth, however, was not damaged by whatever had happened to Jake, and he was having sex with Dani like a man should: giving her his body and soul; making her pleasure the single most important thing; and Dani was loving every moment of it.

Her hands gripped his arms as she met his descending thrusts with her own, upward thrusts. Their bodies colliding hard on the bed, which was shaking beneath the force of their fucking. His cock plunging deep into her over and over. Reminding her with each thrust that he wasn't Jake; his cock wasn't as big, or as thick, but it was possibly harder, and it was moving in ways that her boyfriend could even think of doing when he fucked her. Gareth was using every inch of his cock to his advantage, entering her in different ways each thrust; keeping her guessing as to how they would next meet.

The ambiguity was exhilarating! Dani didn't know what part of her pussy each of his thrusts would stimulate next. She was trying to counter with her hips - meeting his descending thrusts with her own powerful movement - but Gareth had an uncanny knack for anticipating where she would move and counter: moving his hips opposite, angling his attack to counter hers. Keeping her on her toes (figuratively speaking, of course; she was flat on her back).

"Oh my, you *are* good," Dani purred, as their hips slapped together. The sound was so loud she couldn't believe Jake was still sleeping through it! That was the power of NE-3NG for you: those sleeping pills could keep you under through a fucking earthquake.

Which was almost what the bed felt like right now: as the two horny lovers slammed into each other over and over, lustfully driven to make the other cum, the bed was shaking violently; loud bangings coming from the headboard each time it was sent into the wall with the force of Gareth and his lust-fuelled thrusting.

"I would ask... ah... if I'm better than that... cunt over there..." Gareth said, panting as he drove his cock into her with power enough to shake the bed, rattle the bedside table, and probably be heard next door! "But I don't fucking care! I'm fucking you, Dani! After all this time I've finally got my cock in you!"
