Tied Up in Knotts Ch. 20


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I unloaded the groceries to Penn's kitchen and put everything away. I wasn't sure when Penn was going to be home so I decided to make some coffee and sit on the porch. It was a bit chilly but nothing my jacket and the view couldn't fix. I was feeling gloomy and I hated it. I hadn't felt like that in a while.

Penn was gone most of the afternoon. The longer he was gone the worse my mood became. I wasn't mad at him or anything, I was just feeling lonely. Seeing Lee had picked at an old wound. I'd been outside for hours when he got home. I could hear him moving around the house, calling for me.

"I'm out here," I yelled. A moment later the door opened and Penn stuck his head through.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked. "What's wrong? I told you I would've canceled on Jason."

"No, no," I waved off. "I ran into Lee today."

"Oh," he said, staring at me from the other side of the door. "Let me shower, okay? Meet me upstairs?"

I nodded then changed my clothes to something warm and comfortable before landing on the sofa in the media room where I found a JAG marathon playing. Penn joined a few minutes later. He came in silently and sat on the sofa with my head on his lap. Then he ran his fingers through my hair, twirling a clump in his fingers. We hadn't sat like this since—

"So, you ran into Lee today?"

"Yeah. He wanted to have lunch."


"He said he wanted to make amends."

"Did you tell him to fuck off?" Penn smirked. I smiled at him and the familiarity of what we were doing and a little of the dark edge I was feeling began to dissipate.

"Pretty much. I told him that I didn't want to have lunch because there wasn't a good history of that working out. He said he just wanted to be friends and I said no."


"I don't know what he expected," I continued. "He cheated on me in the worst way and then tried to make me feel like shit afterward. You can't convince me that he had any respect for me back then and I'd be hard-pressed believing it's changed."

"Why do you think he wanted to have lunch then?"

"I don't know. Probably needed some affirmation that I don't hate him so he can move on. He probably wants to tell people how good things are between us, that the divorce was amicable and we're still friends. I always knew he cared about what people thought but I didn't realize how bad it was. I was so blind."

Penn continued to finger my hair. "Was there any part of you that wanted to have lunch with him? To sit and talk like grown adults?"

"Yeah," I said, finally. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little curious. I want to know what he has to say. I want to know a lot of things. I just don't want to hear it from him."

"Like what?" he asked.

"Normal things. I want to know when/where/why/how. I want to know how things went for him after. I want to hear that he's sorry and he fucked up and lost everything. I want to know it all. But, also, I don't."

We laid in silence as Penn messed with my hair, making my eyes heavy.

"You know, Shayla is really good friends with Abby's sister, Courtney."

I furrowed my brows and looked at Penn. "And?"

"Paul tried to work on things with Shayla. She had questions, lots of questions, and he supposedly answered them."

"Get to the point."

Penn stared at me like I was being ridiculous. "Shayla told Courtney everything. Courtney told Abby—"

"And Abby told you?"

"She told all of us. Sometimes I was there, other times I was told after the fact by well-meaning brothers. I can tell you what I know," he offered. "I can't say the information is one hundred percent accurate and, it's not from Lee's perspective, but it's something."

"Do I want to know?" I asked.

Penn shrugged. "I don't know. Do you?"

I turned over until my face was buried in his lap. I think I wanted to hear what he had to say but I didn't want to look at him or anyone for that matter. "Okay, tell me."

"Are you hiding?" he laughed.

I leaned up so I could see him. "You're about to tell me things about my ex-husband that are going to make me feel shitty. I want a little privacy."

"Okay, sounds fair." When I nuzzled back into his lap, Penn rubbed the back of my head. "Paul said it started slowly. He'd been bi-curious for a while. Paul and Lee worked at different firms but attended a lot of functions together and got along pretty good since they were both heavily involved in the same circles and organizations—"


"Well, yeah. They also occasionally did trainings together. It was at a training where things kind of took off. They were at the hotel bar one night and had kind of been flirting, I guess. I don't have the details but it was the first time something happened. Paul freaked out afterward and they didn't talk for a while. Clearly, that didn't last long. Paul said they mostly hooked up when you were gone. He claims it was purely sexual but Shayla said they went on at least two vacations together that were disguised as work events. She's pretty sure it was more of an emotional affair than he let on. I know that Paul and Shayla tried for a year before she saw Paul coming out of Lee's house one night. He claimed it was nothing but that was the last straw for her. She thinks they never stopped hooking up, that they were still messing around while he was making you go to therapy and while he and Shayla were in therapy. But that's speculation.

Shayla finally left for good and filed for divorce. I guess Paul got super pissed and blamed Lee. There was a huge fight in the street between the two. Word was Paul was mad that Shayla left him and wanted Lee to suffer so he was going to air Lee's laundry. From what I heard, that was the end of those two. Me and Logan were at lunch a while back and both Lee and Paul were there, separate parties of course. Logan and I were the only ones that knew what had happened between them so we could feel the tension while everyone else was oblivious. They never did acknowledge each other. I also heard that Lee started dating Brett Turner six months ago but Brett dumped him after a month."


"Probably because Lee's a douche."

"I wonder if that's why Lee wanted to talk, so he could clear the air and tell his boyfriends that he's a good guy and is besties with his ex. You know? No hard feelings so his actions must not have been so bad."

"It's possible," Penn agreed.

"What did Paul have that I didn't?"

My face was turned by two strong hands until I was looking straight into Penn's stormy brown eyes. "Nothing," he said firmly. After silently promising I wasn't going down that road, Penn let go of my face. "Now, tell me how you feel after hearing all that."

"I don't know what I expected but I don't feel any different. Even as you said it, it was like I'd already heard it before. None of it is shocking. I guess some details are to be assumed."

"Did it make you feel better to know that Lee got dumped?"

"I don't care enough one way or another."

He smiled. "Sorry to disappoint but that's all I got."

"Why didn't you tell me before? That you knew all that?"

"Because we weren't talking, then we were, but the information was irrelevant at that point. And for the record," he said. "I never asked. They just assumed I wanted to know."

"I figured," I said. "Thank you. I actually feel better," I sat up and kissed him. "Now, how was your day with Jason."

"You weren't wrong."


"He had more feelings than he let on."

"What did you say?"

"That I was sorry but it was always you," he said. "Honestly, I don't think he actually had strong feelings for me."

"Why not? You're a hell of a catch."

"Eh. I think Jason is easy going and fun but I think he also liked having me on the hook. I think his ego was hurt and he's reacting poorly."

"I don't think you're giving yourself enough credit."

"Doesn't matter."

"I guess it doesn't," I conceded. "You know, I thought a lot about things while you were with Jason today."

"Like what?"

"Have you thought more about moving? You haven't mentioned it since Hawaii."

"Why do you ask?"

I rolled my eyes. "Gee, I don't know. Maybe I'd like to know if you're planning on moving to California or the east coast or wherever."

"I'm waiting to see where you land."

"But what do you want to do?"

"I want to wait and see where you land."

I let out a frustrated sigh. "Penn, it's not only about me and where I land. What about you? Are you still wanting to move away?"

"I'm being serious. I want to see what you do. I don't want to move to California if you're here. I'm fine staying in Lincoln. I'm also fine in Portland. I can be wherever."

"As sweet as that answer is, I don't like it. What would you do if you didn't have to consider where I land? What if I had nothing going for me and was free to do whatever," I asked. "What would you want to do then?"

Penn shrugged. "I don't know. I don't think I'd want to move to California."

"Where then?"

"Maybe Spokane? I've thought about Arizona or North Carolina."

"Okay," I thought about it. That didn't sound so bad. "How's business been? Busy?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's been good. Been staying real busy."

"Are you looking to hire more help?"

Penn eyed me suspiciously. "Why?"

I rubbed my neck. "I don't think I'm going to take the developer job with Yevo."

Penn's eyes went wide and I thought he was going to choke. "What? Why not? That's what you've been waiting for."

"It has been," I agreed. "But the more we talk about the job, the more hesitant I get. The area I would cover is a lot bigger than originally discussed and that makes me nervous. I'd be covering Oregon, Washington, California, Montana, and Utah. That's huge. I'd be on the road a lot. That would've been fine five years ago but I can't even go seven days without you—and I don't want to go seven days without you. So much has changed for me and I don't want to hold on to things from the past. Yevo is the past. I did that when I was with Lee. I did a lot of things with—or without Lee—depending on how you look at it. I want things to be different with you."

Penn looked terrified and I knew he was afraid he might be misunderstanding what I was getting at. "What are you saying?"

"Remember when we bought that box of condoms? We could've bought a smaller pack at the drugstore but I wanted the forty-eight pack because I was planning long term. Well, I'm still talking long term, only instead of condoms, I'm talking about living arrangements. I want to live where you're at. I'm not saying we need to move in together, yet, but I'd like to be less than two hours away. I was thinking if that job offer was still open—"

"The one I gave you eighteen months ago?"

"That's the one!" I laughed. "I'd take it now."

"You said you'd never pump toilets."

"First, I never said I'd never do it. I said I didn't want to do it," I corrected. "Second, you told me the job was more of an administrative role. Bids, billing, stuff like that."

"It was—eighteen months ago," he smiled. "Things have changed."

My stomach picked that moment to rumble. I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast and waiting was no longer an option. We got up and went to the kitchen where we made steak salad and ate together. Penn was all smiley and bright and touchy as we ate. And so was I. I'd had a momentary mental hiccup because of Jason and Lee but Penn was bigger than that.

"Well," I thought really hard, I even rubbed my chin and tapped my cheek for effect. "I could always stay with Costco and just transfer to a new city."

"What?" he asked, confused by my sudden change of topic.

"You said the original offer expired. I was thinking I could transfer my current job."

"Or you could work with me."

"I'd work for you," I corrected.

"With me," he said. "Condom box sizes might be your long game but it's not mine."

"Condoms are my long game?" I asked, laughing at the wording but also kind of loving it.

"That's why you insisted on a box of forty-eight," he preened. "Even though we're down to two and it's only been just over eight weeks."

"I need to rethink my long game."

I spent the whole dinner watching Penn. We talked about work, and travel, and a little about what Penn wanted his businesses to look like in the future. I couldn't stop staring at him. The way he kind of hunched over the table while he forked his salad, the way his shirt was a little tight, his skin was still tanned from the summer, and his hair had dried kind of funny after his shower. Then he'd look up and smile or laugh at something he said or something I said, and how his dark eyes had this kind of innocent, sheepish look that drove me insane. Between Penn's natural ability to get under my skin and the two glasses of wine, I was all sorts of buzzing by the time dinner was done.

"I thought about my long game," I said as we put the dirty dishes away. "I have a new plan."

Penn smiled as he cleaned his plate off. His cheeks were a little rosy from the wine and he looked so sexy. "What? Are you going to buy the whole pallet of condoms?"

I took the plate and rags out of his hands and set them off to the side then pinned Penn against the counter. "You'd like that wouldn't you?"

Penn swallowed and nodded his head.

"Do you want to live with me?" Penn nodded again. "Do you want me to work for you?" Penn was about to correct me but I beat him to it. "Work with you?" He nodded. "Are you my boyfriend?"

Penn's eyes widened a fraction. Fear, anxiety, excitement. We hadn't discussed it or made anything official, so this was new territory even though we'd been trespassing on the grounds for a while. Penn nodded. I walked my fingers under his shirt and around his waist until I was pressed against him.

"Are you seeing anyone else?" I slipped my hands down the back of his sweatpants and cupped his ass, letting my finger caress down the valley.

Penn shook his head. "No."

With my hands on his ass, I pulled him towards me. "Are you planning on seeing anyone besides me?" I asked as I walked backward, up the stairs towards the bedroom.

"No," he said, almost annoyed that I'd even ask him that. "It's just you."

"For how long?" I asked and there was a spark of panic in his eyes. Fear that if he said it out loud, that if he got too close to what he wanted, he'd be hung out to dry again. "For how long?" I asked again.

"Umm," he hesitated. I pulled him into the bedroom and pulled his shirt over his head then pushed his pants down. When he was naked, I took my clothes off and stood in front of him again with my hands on his waist.

"Here's my long game," I said. "We have two condoms left. I'm going to use one tonight and one tomorrow before I head home. Then we will be out of condoms. When I go to work on Saturday, I'm not going to buy more. Which means we won't have any the next time we're together."

I could feel Penn growing hard against my thigh and I could see his chest beating like crazy as I spoke.

"My schedule is going to free up after I talk to Wayne on Monday and turn down the job. You and I are going to find a rental somewhere near Portland until we can figure out where we're going to go. In the meantime, you're going to make a doctor's appointment, because the next time we sleep together, we're not using a condom. There's no one else for you but me, and there's no one for me but you. Understand?"

"Absolutely," he leaned down and kissed me. He slipped his tongue against mine and I couldn't help but get lost in him.

I pulled back. "Why are we doing this?" I asked. "These are serious plans. So tell me, why are we doing it?" Penn's eyes darted back and forth as he tried to piece everything together. "There's only one reason we'd take such big steps," I said.

It finally registered and he looked hesitant but hopeful. He narrowed his eyes.

"If you're not there—" I said, almost teasingly as I took a step back.

Penn grabbed my arms and pulled me flush against his chest. "Do you love me?" he asked.

I pushed Penn on the bed and crawled between his legs, hovering above him. "Do you love me back?" I asked.

Penn pulled me down, everything turned to chaos. We couldn't get enough of each other and we rolled around on the bed trying to get more than ever before. Without breaking the kiss, Penn reached over and found what he needed. I went down on him and got him as prepared as I could. We probably should've taken more time but we were in too much of a hurry to worry about semantics.

He rolled the condom on me while I lubed him up.

"There's only one condom left after this," I said as I pressed into him.

"I've already been tested," he said. "The week we got back from Hawaii."

"I was tested after Lee."

"You could take it off."

I pushed all the way in, making him grunt. "What about the sea turtles?" I asked, pulling out and pushing in again.

"What about sea turtles?"

Penn felt so good around me, I swear it was better than ever before. "Something about plastic in the ocean," I said, taking a breath to try and compose myself. "Not wanting to kill them. Being wasteful. Something like that."

His laugh filled the room. Penn lifted my chin until I was looking right at those wonderful eyes. "But I want to feel you in me."

"You will."

"But I want to feel you in me now," he begged. I lifted his leg over my shoulder and wondered what it would feel like. "Take it off. Cum inside me," he persisted.

I moved faster. The look on his face and the words on his tongue brought me over the edge. I came so hard I thought my eyes would burst. I could barely catch my breath but I kept moving, slower this time.

"You didn't cum in me," he frowned.

"I just told you what my long game was. You can't jump ahead."

Even while I continued to fuck him, Penn reached to the side of the bed and grabbed the last condom. "If you're going to keep going, you better re-suit."

I eyed him skeptically. Although we sometimes re-suited between rounds, this felt particularly fishy. I pulled out and Penn rolled the condom off me then flipped me on my back and took me in his mouth. He worked me over until I was pulling him off because I was so close to the edge again. He rolled the last condom on me then straddled my lap.

Penn rode me hard and put me away wet. I was barely coherent by the time he let me cum. I laid on my back and tried to get my brain to unscramble itself. I finally opened my eyes and tilted my head toward Penn. He was next to me with a hand on his chest and a dopey smile on his face. His hair was damp, his skin was flush, and his chest was heaving.

I rolled, half covering his chest, and kissed him. "Thank you."

Penn laughed, all lazy and stated like. "For what?"

"For everything. For being you; a friend, a listening ear, and a rock when I needed one. For being patient and forgiving."

"I'm just glad you finally came to your senses."

"Hey," I lamely swatted his shoulder because I didn't have the energy to pack a real punch. "I'm trying to be romantic here."

"Are you trying to tell me you love me? Because you still haven't actually said it."

"I do love you," I said.

"I know."

"I've been in love with you for a while."

"I kind of figured."

"Yeah?" I asked, laughing. "How'd you figure?"

"I'm awesome. You just needed time to come to terms with it."

I laughed, long and hard, then cupped his face. "You are awesome. And I'm happy to be on the receiving end of your awesome. And I hope you always share your awesomeness with me."

"I hope you always share your awesomeness with me, too."

"The world can't handle our awesome."

"They're going to have to learn."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

As much hatred there is on Jason, and as I stated before, I acn't exactly hate or love him. There's just too little information given on Jason since Penn's perspective is nowhere after that point in Hawaii.

A bit more on their talk as they hung out would clear a lot more, or just a bit of a switch of perspective in this chapter before or after Nash met Lee?

In the end, I can't be hasty like sm1982 and other commenters on assuming whatever Jason's intention is, since I can't confirm my theories on either he has a crush on Penn, or he considers Penn as a true friend and his way of treating him right is a bit similar to Ryan and Logan, albeit as a friend of sorts. If Ryan and the rest of Penn's family goes a bit too crazy on pushing Nash and Penn, maybe Jason is supposed to act the same, but the opposite on that with the "Yeah, I think you need to think things a bit more before trying to work things out with Nash again."

Jason just never did anything particularly antagonistic. The only things he did so far is being invited to that golf meeting, wanting to accompany Penn to deal with Nash's reappearance, participate in that awful game in Hawaii through a phone call without knowing if Penn is fine about it, then this. It's just not a lot to work on.

sm1982sm1982almost 2 years ago

I freggin knew Jason was on the other side of the door! I don’t care how cool and “chill” someone can appear, they are a sore loser and petty enough to show up even after it’s made known they aren’t wanted! You never play it cool with someone you’re truly diggin!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
This chapter didn’t make sense

I agree with jRSON, Nash was supposed to shadow Penn at work, how could Penn leave him hanging, no doubt Nash has trust issues after Lees cheating, Penn should have been aware of that. He should have have cancelled on Jason, or at least asked Nash to join them.. and if I recall correctly when Nash asked what he and Jason had planned they were going to hang out and have lunch, doesn’t sound like work to me.. wonder what kind of tantrum Penn would of had if he’d surprised Nash with a visit and Nash said sorry I’m spending the day with Lee, whom I’ve fucked repeatedly and were having lunch? Nobody’s as trusting as you’ve made Nash out to be, when an ex is involved, Zpenn should’ve known better, he’s 40 years old not a teenager..

SilentHerbivoreSilentHerbivoreover 3 years ago

@Mrsgnomie. Re: How brutal are the comments?

I would say about half and half. Half of the comments are complaining about the pacing of the story and character development. The other half appreciate the pacing of the story and character development. 😁 But both mean you got people invested and I think that's a good takeaway.

WaltMoore33WaltMoore33over 3 years ago
Sometimes characters are just tools...

...in more ways than one?

IMO, the Jason character was a tool/device that the writer used at allow Penn to 'develop' sexual maturity apart from Nash - bringing them back together more as sexual equals? Additionally, the Jason character was a tool to demonstrate to the reader that Nash had developed the emotional maturity to trust both Penn and himself (his own instincts?). Prove the trust he had in Penn and that he wasn't going to 'flee' the relationship that was now being built on a solid foundation?

Also, Jason was a way to create a bit of conflict - or the tool/device used to provide the conflict. What else could the writer have used than a minor 'fuck-buddy' kind of relationship to stand between Penn & Nash? Anything else might have seemed petty to the reader: Jason was an easy tool to write in and out of the story.

As a (bad/new/amature) writer, I've found that coming up with the outline of a story-line or idea is the easy part, while making the story feel real or complete or believable is much harder because you need to maintain conflict of some kind to hold the reader's interest. Because, "They met, fell in love, had a lot of sweaty sex, and lived happily ever after." Is boring to read about and never happens in 'real' life.

Lastly, maybe other comments are accurate: maybe Penn did lose a bit of grittiness? But I have no doubt that the writer had confidence in using the Jason character the way he did: the entire story-line was founded on Penn's life-long infatuation with Nash. Jason was always just a distraction for Penn.

SilentHerbivoreSilentHerbivoreover 3 years ago

Not a single hint of love for Jason in the comments lol. I was never a fan of him either. But the way I see it, the meeting with Jason needed to happen to allow for a closure between him and Penn. It makes sense to me that Nash would trust Penn in that situation. I didn't think there was anything more to Penn showering immediately after coming home than just him wanting to be clean after a day's work. I guess I trust Penn more than other readers do.


I agree with JRSON. I didn't need two lengthy paragraphs of what had happened with Lee. He has been old news for quite a while now. I would have been more interested about Penn's meeting with Jason. I almost wish Jason was given more importance since he's the one who stole Penn's virginity.


Agree with anon. I do wish we got to see more of what was going on in Penn's mind as he realized that he wasn't over Nash and that Nash actually reciprocates his feelings. The pining, specially from Penn, was one of the selling points of the story for me. Imagine being in love with someone for almost two decades, and then finally having a chance to be with them, and then lose them, only for them to come back and be the one to chase after you. During Hawaii, a lot of things were definitely going through Penn's mind, and aside from that moment where he confesses to feeling vulnerable for feeling hopeful again, I wish we would have gotten more glimpses to Penn's mind: how he finally came to terms with the feelings he still had for the person who broke his heart.


All that said, I am excited to see how Mrs. Gnomie closes this story.

MrsgnomieMrsgnomieover 3 years agoAuthor
Authors Comment

You’re right. I read back through and there’s definitely a lack of information. I’m going to re-work that and see what I can do to clear things up. I do think Nash was nervous about Penn being gone but I also think he trusted Penn...but I could’ve been more clear on that. I see the error and I want to create the best reading experience I can.

JRSON: Nope. Haven’t read the comments on 16 or 17 yet. Call me a coward lol. Maybe once the last chapter is finished. We’ll see. On a scale of 1-10, how brutal are the comments?

JRSONJRSONover 3 years ago

#3 Bad timing on my previous comment! #2 comment was just sent off for approval, then I see the latest comment from Mrsgnomie a few minutes later!

I do not agree with the authors feelings or explanation about Penn and Jason being just friends!! Even though she gets to decide these things! It has to be realistic and make sense, or it just does not Fly!!

If Jason and Penn were just friends, that would be one thing, but they obviously became something more than friends with all the Sex they shared! It was made very clear, the chemistry in a previous chapter, that Penn and Jason had a very hard time being around each other without ending up in bed Fucking like rabbits, as we all learned right after the very uncomfortable restaurant scene! Didn't take them much time to end up in bed then... Did it??? But it meant nothing!?? I know things are different now between Penn and Nash, than they were then, but still! Its a recipe for disaster if this friendship continues, and Nash will not be comfortable with these two spending time alone together after Lee!! And he should not have to be!!

Penn certainly has the right to have friends even Jason if that was all they were! How do you just have Sex, and be friends??? Maybe some can... Not me!! In the very least they became Fuck Buddies!! To Jason they were more than that! The sex changes the dynamic of just friends Big Time! I'm sorry the comment from Mrsgnomie that Penn has the right to be friends with Jason does not work for me! Not now after they just got things back on track and are doing so well! It is just not healthy or realistic with the sexual history between Penn and Jason! You expect us to believe Penn's behavior with Jason when he left Nash all day stewing was a healthy or loving thing to do because they are just friends, and Nash needed to wrestle with it because he walked away from Penn! Doesn't work for me, but what do I know!!

JRSONJRSONover 3 years ago

#2 I love checking back on this story to read the great comments! Were you brave enough to read the comments from 16 & 17 yet Mrsgnomie? Please humor me as I share a few more thoughts on this chapter! I just reread it!!

I find it fascinating to not be the only dedicated reader, that has had uncomfortable and strong feelings about what has happened with Jason since he entered the story! Even though he seems to be what pushed Nash to go for what he wanted again with Penn! Nash claims he was not jealous of Jason! Really? How could he not be? At least a little bit!

The author says it was no big deal when Penn chose to leave Nash to go spend most of the day with his ex Fuck Buddy.. friend!? And that nothing happened! Thankfully! But the reader did not know any of that!! I was not that concerned about Penn straying after finally getting what he has wanted with Nash for such a long time! I was however concerned about the possibility of Jason trying very hard to seduce him into having one last round for old times sake! What would have been the outcome if Penn had a weak moment, and was not strong enough to withstand that kind of temptation? The very best way to not stray or cheat is to not put ourselves in risky tempting situations, especially with people we are obviously attracted to enough to have had plenty of sex with!

With things being so fresh and new and still no formal commitment between Penn and Nash at the point Jason showed up at the door, was it a good idea for Penn to leave Nash hanging all day while he was off with Jason doing God and only knows what?? Nash knew that Jason had stronger feelings for Penn than Penn realized, he told him as much! I guess my point is, the reader did not know what might happen between Penn and Jason being alone together for most the day! Nash was obviously not comfortable with the whole thing! He said as much! Is the friendship going to continue? Because if it does, it will more likely than not be a problem for this new relationship! Only Mrsgnomie knew for sure!

How would Penn have reacted if Nash had given in to Lee and chosen to go have lunch and spend all day with him? It was dangerous, and not at all thoughtful of Penn! Especially to be away as long as he was! There seemed to be confusion as to whether Penn was actually working while Jason just tagged along, or if they were off playing around all day! That being more clear would have made it easier to see why they were gone for the day! The strange part of that is was that not the plan for Nash to go work with him that day?

I had the same feeling as another reader commented! At the point Penn finally made it home, peeked his head out after he found Nash on the deck, realized he was not very happy, then rushed off to the shower, without even a peck on the cheek! I would have questioned that Bigtime! Nash seemed perfectly fine with it, but I'm not sure how! Then we get to hear all the juicy stuff about Lee, details about how it upset Nash, then all the juicy details of Lee's cheating! Then one or two quick sentences about the day with Penn and Jason, and what they did together all day! "You were right! He did have stronger feelings for me" And????? The author knows all the details as the creator of the rollercoaster ride! We as the readers have to try to interpret all of it!! I for one would have appreciated several more chapters after all the angst, heartbreak, and pain, just to fill in all the missing details in the story! Doubt one more chapter will suffice in doing that! Guess we will find that out soon enough! Maybe it will be a very long chapter... That would be awesome!

MrsgnomieMrsgnomieover 3 years agoAuthor
Authors Comment

I can definitely understand why you guys are frustrated about Jason so I will share my thoughts on it (and the final chapter does touch a little more on Jason). One commenter said they struggle with Jason because he took Penn's virginity away from Nash. I get it. That feels like such a betrayal. Nash may not have gotten Penn's virginity but he gets so much more! And even though Penn and Jason were just having sex, they were friends. Sure, Penn could've canceled on Jason when he showed up (he did ask Nash if he was okay with this, which Nash said it was fine) but Jason had already made the plans and Nash was the one who showed up out of the blue. But mostly, we have to trust Penn. And Nash has to trust Penn. And yes, if the roles were reverse, Penn probably would've had a big problem with Nash spending the day with Lee. But they aren't the same situation. Nash needed to wrestle with it. He walked away from Penn, Penn found Jason, and Penn has every right to be friends with Jason.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I’m over this

I really liked Penns character in the beginning of this story, but he turned out to be a real dick, he apparently went off and fucked with Jason, he couldn’t wait to shower away the evidence before he sat down and talked to Nash. Nash deserves better than Penn or Lee in my opinion.. I think he and Ryan would make a great couple.. I wouldn’t have blamed Nash one bit if when Penn came home, he’d be gone and not come back.. I like to forgive when I can but Penns actions are unforgivable in my opinion..

Laura1234Laura1234over 3 years ago
Great writing -lots of warm fuzzies

I wanted to bask more in the warm fuzzies by reading the comments (where are you Jason:)!) and then saw people being so critical. I guess what people say makes so es sense - why did he take the day off if he was originally planning to work - but he could just have been discombobulated with nash showing up and knew he couldn’t take three whole days of- ??

Anyway those seem like small quibbles. Sometimes things are done to move the story along - and the characters are great and I’m emotionally invested in the story- so little details like that don’t trip me up

I am curious however what is going on with lee- would actually like to hear what he has to say. And I’d like to see them be friends and acting like adults.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

After all the rooting to get Penn and Nash together, I absolutely hate that Jason is still in the picture. He and Penn had lots of sex - he took Penn’s long-held virginity, and it’s not like these two have many ex-sex partners. There is no way Nash would be ok with him hanging around, and Penn would likely be very uncomfortable as well. I never liked that Jason was introduced and I certainly dislike that he is hanging around now that they are back together and trying to move forward!

MrsgnomieMrsgnomieover 3 years agoAuthor
Authors Comment

Dermont Kennedy: Power Over Me

The last chapter is Nash’s POV.

I could add more to the conversation or encounter between Penn and Jason but at the end of the day we all know nothing happened. Penn is in love with Nash. Nash might’ve been nervous but he also knew there was nothing to worry about. Jason pressed Penn and Penn said No. it’s always been Nash. That’s it. That’s all there is. Adding more is making something out of nothing (we do get more in the next chapter) and he peeked his head in because he has a gross job and needs to shower after work lol. Septic is not lovey dovey friendly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Awesome chapter as always!

Beautifully written chapter Mrs. G. 2 questions: what is the title of the Dermot Kennedy song Nash and Penn danced to in the kitchen?

And is the last chapter Penns POV? Considering how he has felt about Nash since high school and now Nash finally loves him too, it would be nice to hear his thoughts on things moving forward, especially because of how insecure he felt in Hawaii and always thought he would be the 1 that cared more. And hear about his day with Jason, like why he only poked his head outside and immediately showered...

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