Time Never Waits Pt. 01


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Ruth was already breathing hard. Her eyes filled with lust after watching mother service me. She slid eagerly in place. Her leg going across mine, her cunt leaving my leg coated in moisture as her dripping cunt found my skin.

Her sagging tits in constant contact as she slid up and down my body just enough to cause them to sway and jiggle. Moving to straddle my leg on her hands and knees, she lowered herself to create as much contact as possible. She sucked and lapped hungrily at my balls already wet with my mothers saliva. Her wrinkled hand grasping my swollen, jerking shaft as her thin elderly lips lapped and sucked at my flesh.

She nuzzled her lips between my balls and thigh, licking the sensative flesh. Her wet tongue bathing my balls, stretching as far as possible to lick at the spot between my balls and puckering ass hole. Her mouth sucking up the underside of my pulsating shaft to suck at my sensative glans coated with sweet, sticky precum. She lapped hungrily at it.

Taking the sweet wetness into her mouth, letting it coat her tongue as she savored the tantalizing taste. Her mouth stretching open to its limit to take in my swollen cock head. Her teeth scraping it, causing me to jerk away from her.

She pulled back, instinctively knowing she had hurt me. Her eyes once again filling with tears of shame and failure.

Oh my god. Can't I do anything right on this boy's sweet cock? I've been nothing but a total failure at everything. So much for fulfilling his childhood dream of being here with me. After his total devotion and unerring attention to pleasuring my unworthy old body. He has given me pleasure I never knew existed before him. Allowing me to experience it of my own choosing, not depending on his ability to force me to accept it. No, he devoted himself to my ultimate pleasure, asking nothing more in return than a fair and simple reciprocity.

Yet, my elderly body failed him yet once again. I hesitantly looked up into his eyes, expecting to see disappointed anger. Yet, such was not the case. What I saw instead was patient understanding. A gentle smile, not a selfish, angry frown, followed by a ranting tirade pouding relentlessly at my ears counting out the numerous ways I have let him down. I was filled with terror as he moved me aside, rolling to the edge of the bed. His magnificent cock losing its hardness.

Suddenly, all the emotions of the night came flooding in to me. Filling my brain, my heart, with sadness. I buried my face in my hands in shame. My body shuddering with mind numbing, unabated sobbing. I just knew he was done with me. I felt strong hands on my shoulders as he pulled me to him. 'Here it comes, this is where he pushes me away' I thought.

I chanced a look around, my eyes settling on Ethan. His face alive with contemptuous victory as his snarling voice attacked me again.

"Well, look at you, won't ya? Just look at you! See? Now what you got to say for yourself? You ready to drop all this nonsense and get back where you belong. You can't satisfy your 'Daddy'," He spit the pet name out at her, "shit, you never could go far with pleasing me, either. But thats ok. I'll teach you how to be a wife to me and..."

"Ethan, shut the fuck up. If you say just one more word, so help me, I'll turn your brain into primordial goo." I reached out and took Ruth into my arms, pulling her sideways onto my lap. My arms wrapping around her protectively. Her sobbing began anew as her arms wrapped around me, her face burying into my chest as I held her close.

"I'll tell you what, Ethan. You get nothing. You will go to her home and pack one suitcase with three changes of clothes and a toilet kit. You can keep your vehicle."

I looked at mom, "Where's the money?"

"In my purse." She said, already getting to her feet and heading to fetch it.

She came back and stood, waiting on instructions.

I looked back to Ethan."Ok, ass clown. It's time to pay the band. Your choice. Door number one. In my mother's hand is $3000. You can take that with you, for a price. Door number two. You walk out of here empty handed, with what you have in your pocket. Either way, you go pack your one bag. Get in your vehicle and leave the state. Oh, and Ethan, you don't ever come back. You do, I'll turn you into a fucking potted plant. Are we clear?"

I waited on affirmation. He nodded. "Ok, good, now what'll it be Ethan? Door number one, or door number two? And hurry up, I'm getting tired of fucking around with you."

"What's behind the price for the three grand?"

I shook my head, holding him in my steady gaze. "Nope, you choose sight unseen. Last chance before I change the course of your life in ways that will make Satan himself fall to his knees and seek salvation just for witnessing it. 30 seconds, Ethan."

"Damnit, just tell me what it is!"

I just looked at him, feeling no pity, no remorse. He made this bed, he can lay in it. He ruined this woman's life. Stoled her best years. Now he's wanting the rest of what she has left. Selfishly thinking only of what he can suck out of her. Not thinking of her desires, her loneliness. She is just a means to an end to his pointless existence. I'm going to break him, just like he broke her.

I felt a pang of guilt thinking back. I'd completely misjudged her.Thinking it was she that used him, demeaned him. Yet, it was the other way around all along. Her treatment of him was a survival mechanism.

She had to constantly be on guard. Protecting their precarious grasp on their ability to function as a family. She did it selflessly. Never complaining. Just putting her life on hold, day after day. Always out of some demented sense of devotion to this shit bag.

Well no more.

"What's it gonna be, Ethan. Choose now. Times up."

I looked at the roll of cash in the naked woman's hand, and Holy Shit! what a woman she is! Why, when she was sucking on that little bastards dick like that, it was all I could do to keep from fucking her. Hell, if that little punk could use her, why couldn't I? It only seemed fair. But, I guess I got a choice to make. I know Ruth is done with me, the bitch! All I get is a bag of clothes and a truck. I need to get my hands on that money.. He said he pulled off that mind trick shit he done on me. So, I get my hands on that cash, then run out before he can put it back. Then we'll see what's what!

"Ok, I'll take the money." holding my hand out for it. "Just tell me what I gotta do."

"Ok, a deals a deal. Start by taking your clothes back off, then I wan..."

"Now hold on a damn minute here. You said I get the money!"

"Yes I did, for a price."

"Ok, fine. I'll do what ever. Just give me the money first. That way I know your serious."

I lost my patience. "Enough of this shit. You just lost the money, your little suitcase, and your truck. You'll leave her with what you came in with." I sent a command. The same as earlier. I put Ruth on the bed, and stretched my legs out. "Get your sorry ass over here, Ethan."

He stood up and moved to me. His face twisted in fear.

"On your knees right here between my legs."

"God damnit, look here, I..."

"Now! One more word and I'll rip your tongue out"

He slid down to his knees, staring in horror at my rising cock.

"Suck it."

He tried to fight it, but failed. He reach out, wrapping his hand around my throbbing shaft. My piss slit let out a stream of precum that ran down my cock and pooled on his hand. He closed his eyes, leaned forward and let his mouth touch my cock.

"Open your mouth wide. All the way."

He complied as I grabbed his head. "Now, guide my cock into your mouth. I better not feel any teeth or I'll kick them out of your face."

His hand guided my jerking cock to his mouth. I pushed him down on my cock head. He was straining to take me in and protect my sensitive head from his teeth. As I slid into his mouth, I shoved his face further down on it until he was gagging. I paused and sent a command that overrode his gag reflex. Then I pushed my cock into the tightness of his throat and began fucking my swollen, throbbing cock into his mouth. He began whimpering, saliva mixed with my precum began spilling from the corners of his stretched mouth

I continued that until i figured he was about to pass out, i shoved him roughly off my cock. I stood up watching him on his hands and knees, whimpering and gagging. I looked around.

Mom and grams were witnessing the scene with a strange light in there eyes.

Ruth was sitting up now. Her wrinkled tear streaked face staring at mine. Wonder filling her eyes. I turned to her, motioning for her to come to me. As she scooted over to me, I averted my eyes from her. Her tits shaking, swinging, was driving me wild.

I reached out for her hand. She took mine in her shaking grasp. Confusion residing in her eyes.

Well shit. This is where he does it. This is where what's left of my life left after Ethan ruined all before, comes unraveled. I can hear his words even before he speaks them aloud. He'll tell me to pick my worthless husband up off the floor and leave with him. I guess I deserve it. At least i had one afternoon of happiness in my wasted life. I watched in guilt filled glee as he shoved his wonderful cock down Ethans neck. I wanted to witness him cum in him. But, I guess I'll be deprived of that, too. I can't blame him. What a disappointment I must be to him. Here he was, finally having the fantasy of having me come true, and all i've done is hand one failure after another. I saw his hand reach out for me. I put mine in it and closed my eyes, preparing for the worst yet to come.

I pulled her to her feet. Her knees shaking. Her head down. Tears running down her cheeks. I pulled her into my arms. Using my hand, I lifted her chin to look up at me.

Her face tilted up. Her eyes focusing on mine. "Ruth, honey, I'm sorry I got you into this. My offer still stands, you can stay here with me, or you can go with him. I'll rearrange his head so he never hurts you again. Eiyher way, you are welcome here with me."

I lowered my lips to hers and kissed her softly. My comforting hand gently stroking her cheek.

"You'll... you'll still have me? Even after I let you down again?"

"Babe, you didn't didn't let me down. You gave me your all. That's what matters to me. Not whether succeed or fail. All I ask is that you give me 100 percent. I'll return the favor."

I turned back to Ethan. "You still want a shot at that money?

He looked up at me from his place on the floor. Hatred filled his eyes, yet behind that was the faded light of a weak, broken man.

He nodded his head, having nothing left to lose.

I stepped back and sat in the bed. Waiting for him.

My grandmother spoke up suddenly, "Fuck him in his sorry ass!"

We all turned to stare at her, even Ethan, who took that as his que to get busy. He hurried over and resumed his place between my knees. He grasped my softening cock and began sucking it like it was his favorite pasttime.

Grams continued, "I'm serious, child. Bend him over and fuck his ass full of cum. You did me"

I looked at mom, she just put on her typical evil grin and shrugged. "Why not? I'd love to hear the old bastard squeal like a little girl."

I turned to look at Ruth. A strange look fixed on her face. Her eyes searching mine. She shifted her eyes to grams. "He fucked you in your ass?"

Grandma smiled, "He certainly did. Made me cum hard to. I've been trying to get him to cram it back in me, but I reckon he's too busy to be bothered by his ol' granny now that he's had his way with me and all."

"Oh shush up, you wretched old broad. The day anybody has their way with you, hell will freeze over. It's ALWAYS giving it to you YOUR way." I squinted my eyes at her.

"Yeah, well, so what? When you gonna shove that big ol' pecker back up my ol' hind end?" She countered.

"Look, let's get serious here. What are we going to do about him?" I'd lost interest in him. It served no purpose to continue to humiliate him.

"Ruth, you want him?"

"No. I'd never trust him. You'd have to scramble his brains, and worthless as he is, he's still the kids' daddy. Atleast he was always good to them."

"What do you want him to have?"

"Well like I said. I have some few things that mean something to me. Pictures of the kids, jewelry that belonged to my grandmother and mother. Some other momentos. Other than that, he can have it all.I'm not going to live in that house anymore. My place is here with you." She paused a moment, then looked over to mom and grandma, "If you women are willing to have me." her questioning gaze coming to rest on mom.

Mother smiled warmly at her,nodding, "As long as you work with us to keep him happy, I'm good with it."

She turned back to me,"Ok then. I'll pull my weight to help you any way I can."

I looked at mom, nodding to the roll of cash in her hand. She tossed it to me. I looked a Ethan. "Stand up. You heard her. She's done with you. You get to keep everything but what she wants. I'm sending them with her in the morning to gather up her stuff. She'll be closing y'alls checking account. I'm buying the mortgage on the house from the bank tomorrow. You miss a payment, you're out on your ass. If you find you can't make a payment, you come to me, I'll fuck a payment's worth out of you. You get this here," I showed him the roll of bills. "You can go home now, but heed my warning, if you fuck with anything of hers, or even look wrong at any one of them tomorrow, I will mush your brain and put you on a freight ship to Somalia with an insatiable urge to suck cock. Do we understand each other?"

"Yes sir." He nodded

I tossed the money at him, "Now get the fuck out of my home." he scurried out before I changed my mind.

I looked at the women. "I'm going to sleep."

Thinking, I said, "Hang on, grams, mom said you owed her a ' pussy eatin' '. I believe that's how she put it."

"That's right, she does." Mom said, looking at her mother.

Grandma smiled evilly, "Well then, never let it be said I don't pay what I owe."

She grabbed mom by the arm, "Come with me child, no time like the present."

Ruth slid in behind me, naked. She put her arm over me, then slid her leg over mine, pressing her warm matronly body up against me, her sagging tits mashed against my back. She kissed my cheek, then settled back in, whispering, "Thank you, my sweet man."

Then I drifted off to sleep.

My internal clock woke me at 5:00. I opened my eyes listened. Ruth was breathing easily, peacefully. I moved her arm, slowly got out of bed so as to not wake her. She's been through a lot. I Pulled the covers up over her.

I looked down at my dick. It was johnny on the spot with its desire for attention. I walked up the hallway, checking bedrooms. All the women were sleeping peacefully. I sat at the table clearing my head. Thinking about the day ahead. Fuck me, but I've got a lot to do. I didn't cum last night and I needed to this morning. My balls hurt and I needed to clear my head. I stood up, walked to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and washed my face.

I headed out the door. Walked two houses down to Dottie and Lester's. His truck was still in the driveway. Oh well, he'll just have to watch. I vaguely recalled the company he works for rotated days off through the week. I'm guessing he's off today. I reached up and took the key down from the header trim over the door. I had left instructions with Dottie to put it there. I opened the door and stepped in. It was dark. So still in bed.

I walked to the bedroom. Yep, there they were. I stepped in, sent a command to Lester, I watched as his eyes opened. His brain processing it. 'You will do nothing to stop me'. Simple, yet elegant.

I stepped to Dottie, pulled the covers back and stepped out of my clothes. I pushed her over onto her back, her eyes jerked open. Seeing who it was, she slid her shirt off to give me access to her tits, reached down and took her panties off, then spread her legs, waiting on me.

Lester woke up as I was crawling onto his wife. His eyes wide, staring at me then his wife.

"What the hell? Just what the hell is going on here?"

"Well Lester, right now I need you to just lay back down. I need your wife here to empty my balls for me. You can watch if you want to."

I moved in between her spread legs, she reached down and guided me into her. I slid inside her to my balls, then lay there, soaking in the heat of her pussy.

"Dottie! Why the hell are you doing this?!"

She turned her head, looked at him, "Because he want's me to. I'm his woman, and a woman takes care of her man. You see what I'm talking about? Now shut up so you don't interrupt his pleasure."

I began a slow leisurely fuck into the married woman as her husband lay there, unable to do anything but watch.

I turned my head toward him as his wife began to moan in pleasure, my balls starting to draw up and tingle. I began pounding into her. Her orgasm coursed out of her as mine began gushing into her. I collapsed on her, enjoying the moment. My cock slowly deflating.

I stood up, standing by the bed as Dottie got up, making sure her tits waggled for me. I smiled in appreciation of her efforts. She ignored her husband as she got on her knees at my feet and took my deflated cock in her mouth, and began her practiced routine of cleaning it of spend while waiting for my piss to flow.

Soon enough, her patience was rewarded. My cock jerked slightly as my bladder dumped its load into her hungry mouth. She swallowed all she could, then letting her mouth fill up, she pulled off and let the rest of the stream flow over her face, coursing down her piss swollen cheeks, leaving streaks of mascara running down her cheekbones, onto her tits.

As my stream subsided, she looked up into my eyes with devoted adoration. Swallowing the reserved mouth full of piss.

"Thank you, Daddy! What a way to wake up Mama!".She got to her feet, "Oh! Wait here a sec!" She hurried off to the bathroom, her saggy ass swaying, her tits bouncing and jiggling with each step. I heard the water turn on, then the sound of her hurriedly brushing her teeth. She splashed water across her face as she rinsed her mouth.

Hurrying back to me, her tits bouncing wildly, my cum still running down her jiggling thighs in wet streams. She wrapped her arms around my neck, "Mama quit smoking, too, just like you said!" and stretched to kiss me. I rewarded her efforts by kissing her. Letting her tongue snake into my mouth. I was rewarded by a pleasing taste.

I pulled back, releasing her. I slapped her saggy, narrow ass, "Good girl! I may decide to keep you around after all.

She beamed up at me, her face lit up with a smile, "God, I love you so much!"

"Ok, now go clean up your cunt. I gotta have a word with hubby here."

She hurried off. I slipped my shorts, t shirt, and leather flipflops on, then turned to Lester."Come on." I spoke shortly.

Not waiting, I walked to his kitchen, flipped on the light and sat down at his traditional place at the table. I sighed, "Hurry up, Lester, I ain't got all day!"

He came in, a flash of unabated hatred in his eyes as he stared at me. "Hey! That's my seat! Who the hell ar..."

"Not any more, Lester, now shut the fuck up and sit down."

He stared at me in hate filled wonder. Sudden recognition flooded across his face, "Hey, I know you! You're that punk kid down the street. Your mother waits tables down at the cafe."

"Well, look at you, a real fucking detective."

Dottie came in, still naked. She hurried over to me. I scooted back to let her snuggle down on my lap. She wrapped her arm across my shoulders, leaned over a wetly kissed my cheek. She grabbed my hand and put it on her tit, then looked at her husband in silence.

"Ok, Lester, I'm kinda busy, so I'll make this short and sweet. You're in your present predicament mainly because you seriously disrespected my mother. You just don't do that. It really pisses me off."
