Time Never Waits Pt. 01


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He opened his mouth to speak. I held a finger up, "Don't speak. Just nod your head if you understand."

He slammed his mouth shut, nodding. Fear replacing the loathing hatred in his eyes. 'Good', I thought, 'he's catching on'.

I continued,"Next, I have this fetish for older women, Especially trashy older housewives, like yours here, for instance," I gave her saggy tit a squeeze, causing her to wiggle her ass on my lap and giggle.

She looked at me, "That's right, baby, I'm Daddy's trashy little housewife." then she kissed me wetly on the mouth.

"So, as you can obviously see, the dynamics around here have changed. Going forward, your life can remain relatively unchanged. You can go about your life as usual. I'll only interfere when I want to use your wife. If you're a good little boy, I'll let you stick around. If you EVER cause me, or her, any problems, I will rip your life apart. You'll find yourself under going gender reassignment, and on your way to a Mexican whorehouse in Sinaloa. Nod if you understand."

He nodded. "Excellent. Nice talk. Ok, then, I hate to run off, but I got shit to do. Get up, woman."

She slid reluctantly off my lap. I let her have one last kiss, i gave her an appreciative slap on the ass as she switched roles and went to make her husband coffee. I left, already dismissing the situation as I thought ahead to my tasks lying in wait.

I went back home, it was still quiet, so I padded to my room and quietly got my clothes for the day. I looked down at Ruth, glad to see her still resting. I went to the bathroom, shit, shower, shaved. Got dressed and went to the kitchen. I got the cordless phone off the holder, pulled out my wallet, glancing at the clock. 6:30.

I dialed the first number. Dave Haskins. He answered on the the third ring. "Hello".

"Dave, Travis Miller."

"Oh, hey! How ar..."

Dispensing with the pleasantries, " We on?"

"Oh yeah. I'll tell you, though, getting that tight ass bunch to sign off was a chore!"

"Good. Anything less than one hundred percent compliance with my desired results would disappoint me, and you don't want that, now do you." It wasn't a question.

Not waiting on a reply, I continued, "Got a pen? I need you to write up the transfer of a mortgage. Ethan and Ruth Blankenship. I want to hold the paper on it."

"Ok, got it. Tell you what, I'm usually headed in about 9. I'll shower and meet you at the bank in an hour? The paperwork's on my desk. We'll have to work around getting everybody else together."

I replied, "Better make it regular time. I have to round up my business partner and she's still asleep, and you know women and their sleep."

"Don't I know it! Which reminds me, you still want to meet my wife?"

"Certainly. Have her pack an overnight bag. She'll be coming home with me for a night, two at most, if you can spare her"

"Sure can. It'll give me a break from her Honey-Do list so I can get caught up on my own hobbies that don't involve entertaining a bunch of snobbish 'in crowd'."

"Ok, sounds good." and hung up. I chuckled, he may be an asshole in general, but I found myself actually kinda liking him. I heard the shower turn on.

I got out the next number. Patricia.

I dialed it. She answered, her voice still groggy from sleep.

"Patricia, it's Travis Miller."

"Ah yes. My delectable stud muffin of a man. To what do I owe this pleasure? You ready for another round with my fat fanny?"

"Well, you gorgeous hunk of woman, I'll say this, you can count on that. But, no, I'm just getting a head start on the day."

"Aww, and here I was, getting all wet ahd sweaty for you. I swear, young man, the mere thought of you puts me in heat. But, I guess I can wait. So, what can I do for you, honey?"

"A couple of things. Did you get my account set up?"

"Yep. Just need your numbers and signature."

"Outstanding. Next, did Dave meet with anybody after I left?"

"Oh yeah, that bunch making up the Board came in. They went at it a while. I heard they only signed off on your loan after he agreed to stand good for it personally."

"Ok, good. So we're on track to fund the account?"

"Absolutely, I have everything in line just waiting on you to fill in the blanks."

"I have another task for you. Write this down. Ethan and Ruth Blankenship. I want their joint account closed and a new one opened in Ruth's name only. I'll have her sign off on it. If you can't close it, just take her name off of it."

"Ok, honey, got it. I'll take care of it for you. Hang on. Ruth Blankenship? I know that name. Ain't she a school teacher?"

" She was. Now she's employed by me."

"Hmmm, I can only imagine what she does for you."

"Well, could be if you're a good girl for me, I'll invite you over here one night for a steak. Then you can see for yourself."

"Then I'm putting on my good girl panties! Speaking of which, I need to get in the shower and wash my crusty ass. I'll see you shortly." She smooched a kiss at the phone. Hung up and started off to the bathroom. Suddenly realizing she was sopping wet. ' He is some kinda man!

Satisfied with the progress, I went to mom's room and sat on her bed. I looked down at her, sliding her hair gently off her face. The lightly rubbed her shoulders across her back. She stirred, her eyes opening tiredly, looking up at me. She smiled softly. I leaned over a kissed her. "Morning, beautiful."

She stretched, groaning and yawning. "Good morning to you, too, my handsome man." Her voice husky and hoarse with sleep.

"Get up, go get showered. We need to go to the bank this morning. I'll send grams with Ruth."

"Ok, honey." She sighed and shifted her neck, popping it.

"I'll go make you coffee."

I went to the kitchen and started mom's coffee. I never developed a taste for it. I started back down the hall, seeing Ruth coming out of my bedrooom. She had on one of my T shirts. Her hair frazzled. Her makeup smudged and smeared.

I heard mom in the bathroom, turning on the shower. Ruth came up to me, reached up and put her arms around my neck and pulled me down and kissed me.

"Good morning, sweetheart." She said sleepily. "I have to use the bathroom, but don't run off. I want a word with you before you get too busy."

"Ok. I'll be outside on the back patio."

She hurried off, holding her crotch to keep from peeing on the floor. I grinned the sight, then went to gram's room. She was putting on a satin looking nightgown when I walked in.

"Coffee's on. I'm going outside. I need you to take Ruth to get her stuff. I'm taking mom with me to the bank."

"Ok, baby. I'll take good care of her."

I stepped up and gave her a kiss and a pat on the butt, then walked to the kitchen. I got my tea glass and made me a glass of tea, then went outside. I sat watching the world come alive.

Ruth came out, her hair brushed, her make up cleaned off her face. She sat in the chair mom had sat in last night.

I took a gulping drink of tea, then looked at her, "What can I do for you my sweet?"

She hesitated. looking down. I leaed forward, lifting her chin. Looking into her eyes.

"Talk to me, Ruth. You can always talk to me about anything."

"I need a favor. Actually two favors."

"Ok, lay it on me,sexy."

She blushed at that. "Oh, look at me. I'm anything but sexy. I'm old, wrinkled and saggy, but not sexy."

"Look, who you are to me is more important than what you look like. Everything about you is sexy to me. Your virtues, your flaws, your personality. Your honesty and loyalty. Your intelligence. It all means something to me. It all adds up to one hot, sexy woman in my eyes."

"Oh my god, you are something else. I love you, Travis Miller, don't you ever forget that. Damn it, I'm getting all wet and bothered right now."

"Didn't you need a favor or something?"

"Oh yes. I need a loan. I hate asking for it, but I..."

"Ok, stop right there. Whatever you need, you'll have it. And no more talk of loans. I'm gonna take care of you. I'll make sure you have everything you need or want. Now, anything else?"

"Yes. I want you to use me like you do that women down the street. I want you to... Um...well, to pee in my mouth and fuck my ass."

"Ruth, I piss in her mouth to demean her. She and her husband seriously disrespected my mother. You don't do that. It seriously pisses me off."

"I understand that, sugar. I know you don't wan't to demean me, but I want to try it. To see if it makes you happy. Because if it turns out it does, that'll make me very happy. I want to serve you. To always give you pleasure. God knows, you certainly give me more than my fair share of it."

"Ok then. We'll give it a shot. See how you like it. Now, as far as fucking your ass is concerned, if you think you can handle my cock in your ass, then I'm all for it. I used to wonder about that when you would bend over in class. I'd get hard just thinking about fucking your ass."

She stared at me. Mouth open, eyes wide in wonder. "How did you even know about such a thing then?"

"Well, my dad had these sex magazines. They were pretty graphic. I saw lots of pictures of anal sex in them. I used to jack off to those ass fuck pictures, fantasizing about fucking you like that."

"Oh my. You played with yourself thinking about me?"

"Yep. You turned me on to no end back then. I used to drop bits of paper around just so you'd bend over to pick them up. Then I get so hard, I'd excuse myself to go to yhe bathroom to jack off to you." I chuckled in recollection. "You'd get pissed off at me, telling me I needed to use the bathroom on breaks and quit disrupting the class."

She giggled. "Oh yes, now that you mention it, I do recall that. I always wondered where all those bits of paper came from. Goodness, just so you could look at my 64 year old fanny and go jack off. Well that settles in then. I'm taking your big ol' dick up my hind end.I can at least give you that cherry. So, whever you want it, just bend me over and take me. Fantasize about back then. Taking me to the bathroom and fucking my little ol fanny. Filling it with cum, then going back to class. Only you and me knowing about it. I don't think it's against the law to think about it now that you're of age."

Changing the subject since I was getting hard, I said, "I'm sending gram's with you to get your stuff. I'm taking your name off your and Ethans account and opening your own private account. I need your license. I'm buying your mortgage. I need to control Ethan until you're free of him. I'll pay your car off, too. The bank have the paper on it?"

"Yes. On all my loans."

"All? How many do you have?"

"I owe the bank about $20,000 in personal loans, secured with some bonds I got from my parents. I owe about $2,000 on my car. I think the house has about $30,000 left. I took out equity loans to pay off some outstanding debts Ethan had saddled us with. That's why I'm still working. In fact, I should be there right now. I'm late."

I shook my head, "No, you quit today. You're now my new employee."

"But those kids, they..."

"They'll move them to another class and find a replacement. Think about it, what would they do if you got incapacitated? Would they close the school down? You've more than paid your dues. You leave the problems to me now. I'll take care of you."

I took another deep drink of tea, emptying the glass. Ruth jumped up and took it from me, her tits swinging wildly with the sudden motion. Making my cock surge. She went in and refilled it, bringing it back out. I couldn't help myself, I just had to run my hands under the T shirt and grab her tits, squeezing them roughly. She pulled of the shirt and straddled my lap, allowing me to enjoy her tits at my leisure. She bent over and kissed me. Her tongue sliding into my mouth. My cock rose to it's full glory. She felt it bumping into her naked pussy.

I pushed her off. I had too much to do this morning. I kissed her, slapped her ass and headed to the shower. Clean and shaved, I went and got dressed. My balls full and aching. I needed relief. I paused to make another call. I issued my instructions, then hung up. The women here had to get ready for the day's affairs. So, I stepped out and headed down to see Dottie again. They were at the table, obviously just finishing breakfast.

When Dottie saw me, she immediately took off her clothes, laying them on the table. Lester just watched it all unfold before his eyes, helpless to stop me from using his wife again.

I walked over to her, bent her over the counter, grabbed my cock, placed it at the opening of her cunt and drove it into her. She yelped in pain as I went to my balls in her. I grabbed her hips, and began to pound into her. It took a dozen strokes before I emptied my balls into her. I felt her cunt slam shut around me as her own orgasm shot through her. I pulled out, walked to the table, picked up her shirt and wiped my cock off. I motioned to her and she came to me.

I kissed her and said, "Thanks babe."

"Anytime Daddy, you know that." She kissed me again. I smiled evilly at Lester. Then walked out.

That little shit bag. Who the fuck does he think he is.Twice today, he's just walked into my house and used my wife as a cum receptacle. Then having to see her slobber over him like he's some kinda super hero.

I'm still trying to figure out how he's in my head. Keeping me from doing anything.

To take the cake, this morning when the little bastard came and crawled between MY wife's legs, pumped her full of cum, the she dropped and sucked the bastards cum off his prick. The she sucked the piss out of him. After left, the bitch came and kissed me.

I just don't know, he's got some kinda hold on her. But, I'll tell you this, he gave me his warning, and I'm not testing him. No way. I ain't no fool. The fucker'll have me suckin' his cock. Dottie already told me she wanted me to. Yeah, the bitch actually said it. I wanted some pussy the other night.

She told me I had to 'Ask Daddy first'. Then, 'I'd love it if you'd suck Daddy's cock with me. I know you'll just love it. His cock and cum are so delicious. You'll see. When he cums in your mouth, you'll be hooked on it'. What the fuck is that about?

Now, here he is again. Bending my wife over and fucking her with his huge fucking cock. Now, I do have to admit, that watching him stretch her out. Pleasuring himself with her, kinda turned me on a little. My junk got hard seeing her give herself to him like she belongs to him.

Then as you'd know it, she strolls over to me like nothin' happenin', his cum runnin' out of her old cunt, down her legs. She grabs me by the hand and leads me back to bed. Stretches her ass out on her back.

I figure, finally, I get to fuck my wife. Even if it is sloppy seconds. Sloppy's right, too. His big ol' dick's twice the size mine is. But you take what you can get when your wife's in love with another man.

I stripped my clothes off and moved to get on her when she say's 'Just what do you think you're doin'? This snatch is his. Now, if you want to borrow it, you go down there and ask him. Or, I'll settle up with him later and let you have some now, but you gotta clean my ol' pussy up first. Come lick and suck his sperm from me'.

Well I aint never been one to ask, but then again, I'm not takin' a chance on pissin' him off, so, I guess I might as well get busy. Afterall, I want some pussy.

My first taste of it told me somethin'. Dottie was right. Daddy's cum is downright delicious. So, y'all excuse me while I go get the rest of it outta her...

I got back home. The women were at the table drinking coffee. I walked, smiled on the way by. Went to the bathroom, showered. Then padded to the bedroom and dressed for the day.

I stalked back to the kitchen, made a glass of tea and sat down. Glancing at the clock, i looked at grandma.

"You still good taking Ruth around today?"

"Yep, I got it covered. It''ll be a pleasant change to hang around with somebody that don't fuck everybody they meet." He eyes smiling as she sipped her coffee.

I just looked at her, refusing to be baited. "Well, when y'all gather her stuff, come by the bank."

She just nodded.

Shifting to Ruth, "I'll have you the money you wanted earlier."

I was curious what she had in mind, but I take respecting someones privacy that's close to me seriously and she doesn't owe me any explanations.

Looking at mom, she was dressed to kill. Having taken cues from grandma, she was rocking a serious 1950's makeup look. Bright red lipstick covered her full lips. Her eyes smokey and catlike. Rouge accentuating her cheeks, Her cheek bones full. Her long blond hair sporting a full lifted front flowing back into a braided ponytail. Her full, hdavy tits swelling her button up red blouse flowing into east west bullet points.The top couple of buttons undone revealing a tantalizing wide cleavage. Her fingernails painted bright red. Her rounded belly protruding slightly past her plump pubic mound. Full hips sculpted in her tight faded jeans. Her feet clad in red open toe pumps, revealing her bright red painted toenails. My heart fluttered and skipped a beat as I took in her beauty.

"You ready, gorgeous?"

"Yep, lets go. Times wasting!"

I went to her truck. She tossed me the keys. I opened her door. Settled her in. Got in and off we went.

The bank was open. Several cars and trucks in the parking lot. I opened her door, held out my hand, helped her out. Then offering my arm, she slid hers in.

"You look beautiful." I offered, looking down at her.

She smiled up at me, " I'm glad you think so. I want to look my best for you always."

We went inside, me holding the door for her. I looked over at Patricia, who beamed a smile at me and cast an envious glance at mom. She was taking care of a young couple, but motioned me over. She opened a drawer, extracted a manilla file folder, excused herself and stepped around her desk, handing me the file.

She settled an appraising look on mom, "And who is this stunningly gorgeous vixen?"

"Patricia, this is my mother, Linda. She also serves in the capacity as my business partner. Mother, meet Patricia Jordon."

The two women clasped hands and appraised each other.

"Well, Linda, if I might be familiar enough to assume using your first name?"

Mother smiled warmly, "Of course, Patricia, I insist on it."

"Well then, it's truly a pleasure."

"Likewise." Mom replied. Releasing the older woman's hand.

"Well, regretably, I must excuse myself." She cast a lust filled glance at me. "You'll find everything you instructed in there concerning the Blankenship's." She gestured at the file folder. Cast another look at mom and turned. Her full, mature hips swaying seductively beneath her light gray knee length dress.

I stared appreciatively at her display of female attributes until mom jabbed me with an elbow. Smiling up at me. I cast one last look at the mature woman, before returning my focus back to the business at hand.

I stepped off to Dave's office. His secretary motioned for us to go in.

Dave was standing next to his wife. A lithe, black haired woman. 5'7", 130 pounds. Gorgeous hour glass figure. Full, pouty lips. Conservative make up accentuating her naturally beautiful features. I felt my primal hunger rise as I surveyed her.

Dave introduced her. Mr. Miller, please meet my wife, Angela. Angela, Mr Travis Miller."

He turned to mom, and held out his hand, "Dave Haskins."

Mom took his hand firmly, "Linda Miller."

He stared at her a second, then turned to me, "Why Mr Miller, I had no idea you were married."

Mom continued, "I'm not his wife, I'm his mother, and as it turns out, he insists on me also serving him as his business partner."

"Well, my apologies for the mistake. His business partner, is it?"

"Yes. He insists on it, and I'm certain that by now you're well aware he gets everything he insists on." Her eyes were settled on Angela as she spoke the last part of the statement. She held out her hand to the beautiful, young wife, "It's a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to spending some quality time getting to know you, Angela."