Time to Man Up Pt. 02

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The Conclusion of Joel and Judy's Story.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/10/2019
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This is the continuation of "Time to Man Up -- Part One." As it continues right where part one ended, with no recap, I strongly recommend reading that part first. Part One was published as I'm submitting this. I was also aware when I started writing this story, because of the division of opinions on cheating wife stories on this site, there will be readers who will hate the ending -- no matter which way it went. So, I hope most of you do enjoy this.


Two months after regaining consciousness, Joel was still in the hospital. His back brace was removed, and he doing painful physiotherapy to try to walk again. He initially thought Judy and Tom were exaggerating; yeah he was a successful coach and good school administrator, but some local hero? The public support was overwhelming for him at times. Wendy often had to come help Judy carry flowers and baskets back to the house because his hospital room would quickly fill with them. Both current and former students and players would drop by to give their well wishes. It also wasn't lost on Joel that if Judy was ever around at these times, the attitude towards her ranged from cold to outright rude. Everyone knew her cheating led him to being in that bed.

Hospital security did ensure that no one from the media bugged Joel. He also didn't watch or read any stories about anything to do with him or that night -- and not just because Judy and his friends asked him not to. Joel didn't need to be reminded, and still felt like the guest of honor at a pity party. One who had to rely on his unfaithful wife to look after him.

Joel hadn't really given much thought about what Tom said, but accepted that Judy truly cared for him and wanted to help him through this. He also accepted that despite all the angry and hurt feelings about that night, Joel wanted -- needed -- her support. This was especially during his physio sessions, which were so intense physically and emotionally that he'd often break down. He wouldn't have gotten through a lot of them without having her words of encouragement, patting his back or squeezing his hand.

It was abundantly clear, however, that their relationship had changed. Joel had not said one thing to her about her affair or their marriage -- neither had Judy since she gave her side of things. Anyone watching them together would assume they were brother and sister or platonic friends, not a couple that had been together for more than a decade. Still, Joel was very glad that everyday, without fail, Judy was with him. Everyday, except for Mondays and Wednesday, she stayed with him until at least suppertime or until he was ready to sleep. On those two other days, she left shortly after one -- he presumed to go work or something. At least couple times a week, and every weekend, someone brought the girls for a long visit. They were his motivation on getting healed enough to go home.

Joel picked up one day that Judy was upset and trying not to cry. Other than tears of joy of him being able to take an assisted step with his half-paralyzed leg, she didn't cry once since her confession about her and Grinberg.

"Judy, what is it?" Joel asked as she pushed around the outside of the hospital in his wheelchair.

"What? Oh nothing..." Judy said dismissively.

"Doesn't look like nothing."

Judy sighed. "Guess you'll find out one way or another. The verdict came early this morning. The two guards were found guilty of second-degree aggravated assault, innocent of attempted murder, and Grinberg was found innocent of all charges. The DA said because of me and him, our testimony might be considered quite biased -- especially mine. Grinberg's lawyers some how found out that I broke up with the guy I dated before you because he caught me making out with another guy at a frat party. And, we met by you flirting with me while I was on a date with another guy. Used my relationship history to painted a clear picture of what type of woman I am..."

Joel didn't say anything. He did know about the frat party, also that Judy was already planning to dump the guy after finding out he cheated on her first. That detail never swayed him from proposing.

Judy let out a big sigh. "I guess, I shouldn't be too upset. Can't win them all -- you always said you just cared about winning the big ones, right?"

Joel nearly said that he lost the big one when he told her not to go to work that morning, but changed the topic. "So, I've been curious. Where are you working now?"


Joel turned to her. "I assumed. You leave here early every Mondays and Wednesday."

Judy blushed and looked away from his eyes. "I'm not working anywhere. I... go to counseling those days for an hour. After, I'm too emotional and usually a blubbering mess, so I spend a few hours home meditating and reflecting alone before getting the girls from daycare. You don't know how bad shape I was because of what happened... the guilt was literally killing me. I did want to die. I'm trying to fix myself, and it's slowly working."

"I hate to ask, but what are we doing for money then?" Joel said, "I mean, I had insurance through work and disability coverage, but the savings must be depleted." He was sure he saw her frown slightly when he said 'the savings,' instead of 'our savings.' "I really hope it's not donations or something. I don't want to be some charity case..."

"I was going to tell you, eventually, but... You seemed like you wanted to pretend like nothing happened, and I'm just another one of your supports -- not your wife," Judy said, again looking down but almost smiling. "As soon as you stabilized and we knew you would live, I contacted a lawyer for a civil suit against Grinberg Holding."

"You sued them?"

Judy lowered her voice. "Even though it's common news that you caught me and Grinberg having an affair, him taunting you and luring you there to listen was kept from the public. The attempted murder case was closed doors -- thanks to Grinberg's legal team. I filed two suits against the company for physical and emotional distress on you, and sexual harassment against me. I was his employee, and he clearly implied my career required us continuing to have sex. The picture he was stupid enough to send you was a smoking gun." Judy shrugged. "As you were still unable to really communicate, I agreed to a settlement -- which includes a hush order that neither of us can reveal Grinberg lured you there to humiliate you. Publically, he's playing what happened between us was just spur of the moment. The company was willing to pay a lot of money to make sure no one knows humiliating you was premeditated. If that gets out, the money goes back. That's why we've made sure no reporter went near you. Right now, only you, me, Wendy, Tom, and the guards know. Grinberg covered their legal fees in exchange for their silence, so it should remain a secret."

"How much are we talking about?"

Judy leaned in and whispered in his ear.

Joel's eyes went wide. "Five million!"

"Shhh..." Judy said, "It's not as much as you think. Almost two million went to taxes and legal fees. And your medical bills have been a lot more than our health coverage. It is enough for both of us and the girls to live comfortably while neither one of is working. I'm also giving Wendy and Tom monthly payments for how much they're helping with the girls. Once this is done... we'll decide what to do with the remainder."

Joel was relieved to not have that financial burden, and glad his humiliation wasn't common knowledge -- at least him having to listen to his wife fuck her boss -- he still was angry about the fact she did it in the first place. Discussing it did reopen the wound slightly for him. He tried not to react, but he was less friendly to Judy for a few days. Yet, he still wanted her there with him. Somehow, intuitively, she picked up on that and gave him some distance physically, but still was that emotional support when he fell down for the tenth time trying to walk with railings.

The week after Joel learned of the settlement, Judy shut their door and pulled the curtain around his bed. This seemed strange since he had a private room. He figured something was up, and probably she wanted to have the talk -- especially since doctors were hoping to release him within the next few days. They already agreed, since Joel will still need some assistance especially with bathing, Judy would be there to assist him. How that would work in a two-bedroom house with the girls already sharing a room wasn't discussed at all. Joel suspected both were avoiding that, as it would be deciding what was happening to them as a couple. He was positive Judy knew what was going to happen, but it still was hard to actually say out loud it was over.

Judy sat on the bed beside him, which she rarely did, except when he was particularly down, and took a breath. "Joel... I know you have not had an erection since being here."

"What?" Joel felt his face getting hot. "That's none of your..."

"Damn it Joel," Judy said sharply, like she used to when running the household, "I'm still your medical proxy. You're thirty-two years old and going to want to have sex again, with someone. It could be psychological, but it also could be physical. The doctor needs to know. Have you really tried to... you know..."

"Sorry, but sex has been the last thing on my mind," Joel snapped.

Judy frowned and nodded. "I understand. Me too... But, you need to try. I'll help you to the bathroom and you can watch some porn..." She waved her phone.

"Right now?"

"Please, I know. It's embarrassing for me too, but it is important," Judy said.

Reluctantly, Joel, with Judy's help got into his chair and went into the washroom. With the door shut, he tried to think of what flavor to search. After staring at a blank search screen for two minutes on her phone, he wheeled back out.

"I'm sorry, with you here and just on demand... it's not happening. Even if I had full use of all my limbs." Joel shook his head.

"Okay... I can leave, give you twenty minutes alone..."

"No, it's just..." Joel shook his head. "I think it's all in my head right now, okay?"

"Joel, we need to know..." Judy said, "I was supposed to discuss this with you before, but have really procrastinated. I'm sure you understand why. They want to know before they release you because it could mean more tests..."

"Me being able to get a hard-on is affecting my release date?" Joel said half-laughing. Judy nodded. "Fine, tonight I will make a conscious effort before I go to sleep."

"We're suppose to try now..." Judy said.

"We?" Joel said.

Judy's eyes watered. "I am still your wife... They expect me to try... I know I'm probably the last person for that. Maybe just close your eyes and pretend I'm that pretty red-headed nurse that always flirts with you?"

"And what are you going to do?"

Judy went up to him, and put her arm around his torso. "Help you back into bed and see if using my hand works."

Joel felt really stupid, but agreed that knowing whether his cock still worked was important information. Once he lied back in bed, with her assistance. He watched her pull up his gown and lifted his ass so she lowered his briefs exposing his flaccid penis.

"They know we're trying this out there?"

"Shhh..." Judy said wrapping her warm hand around him. "Don't think about that -- we're not going to be disturbed. Just close your eyes and picture someone else -- a really hot sexy naked woman -- is doing this to you..."

Joel relaxed and closed his eyes, like she said, but couldn't picture anyone else. From all their time together, he knew her touch as she gently stroked him; it definitely was Judy. He couldn't help thinking how she was still as sexy to him as the first time he saw her that night in the bar. He felt himself starting to stiffen, enjoying how good it was starting to feel.

He was almost fully erect, when he let out a gasp of surprise and pleasure as she wrapped her lips around the tip and began sucking on him. He went fully erect in an instant. He kept his eyes closed and arms to the side as she proceeded to give him a spectacular blowjob. Alternating using her hand to stroke as she bobbed, to licking, she got him to the edge several times, before slowing down to extend the experience.

Once she started increasing her stroked to bring him to climax, Joel reached and lightly touched the side of her head, and groaned, "Oh...fuck, Judy...baby," as he came into her mouth. She continued stroking and sucking until he was spent.

Judy then quickly went to the bathroom and left his room without a word. She didn't come back for the rest of the day. Joel was wondering if it was the endorphins, but he spent the rest of the day debating whether Tom was right and he should consider saving his marriage. Judy didn't return at all the next day, and Joel was a little surprised. She told him to think of someone else; did saying her name freak her out? He knew they really needed to have the talk that both of them had been putting off.

Judy did return the following afternoon after Joel got the news that morning he was finally being released. Tom, Wendy, their kids, as well as Joel's daughters all were waiting outside to cheer as Judy wheeled him outside. He couldn't help notice Judy picked him up in a big minivan instead of her Mercedes SUV.

"Loaner?" Joel asked as she helped him into the passenger seat, and then stowed his chair in the back.

"Trade in," Judy said, "Much more practical for you, and surprisingly better on gas."

"But," Joel said, "You're not the mini-van type." Which was true, Judy always preferred flashy vehicles even before she worked her way up the cooperate ladder.

"I thought I wasn't," Judy said, "I thought I wasn't a few things before... I was wrong about a lot of things."

After Joel was settled in, Tom and Wendy insisted on watching the kids that night so he and Judy could go out and celebrate his release. Wendy added that they could celebrate more, with a wink. It was Joel and Judy's eleventh wedding anniversary in two days. Judy argued against it before Joel could.

Tom made the argument that Joel hadn't had a real steak in months, living on hospital food and takeout, and the reservations were already made. Joel had a sick feeling that they would be at Flank, but of course Tom would never do that too him. It was at Chez Nous, which was equally extravagant.

"Hey, not like you can't afford that place..." Tom said with a big grin.

While Tom and Wendy were getting the kids ready for their sleepover, Judy helped Joel get dressed into one of his black suits, which was a little big on him, having lost a lot of his muscle tone during his hospital stay.

Joel was going to wheel himself out so Judy could change, when he noticed her staring at the closet. "Just wear the black dress."

Judy turned and said, "No, I can't... I shouldn't even keep it."

"Why, you look so beautiful in it," Joel said, "It's your nicest dress and matches my suit. I really don't mind."

Joel entered the living room to a bunch of wolf-whistles from everyone. Wendy said to make most of their time while the kids were sleeping over at their place, with a wink. Tom gave him a pat on the shoulder and said to have a great time before they all left.

About thirty-minutes after that, Judy came out with her long hair up, make-up to the nines, wearing the red dress she wore to their first anniversary supper. It was tight, backless, and went down to just above her knee.

"Sorry, I did mind... I'd rather wear sweats than that thing. But... I guess I've lost some weight... this fits again." Judy said. Joel just smiled.

On the drive to restaurant, Judy seemed distracted until she said, "Joel, I want to say, I'm sorry for the other day. I didn't need to do that to you... Honestly, I don't know why I did."

"If I didn't want it, I would've said something," Joel said, "I really enjoyed you doing that to me."

"Yeah, but with us, not going to be..." Judy eyes started to water.

"Shhh..." Joel said with a smile. "We'll take later. Let's just enjoy some real food for a change and enjoy the night."

Judy smiled back and nodded.

They returned to their friendly platonic banter, just like it was in the hospital. However, Joel noticed they were joking and laughing together a lot more. He couldn't help but remember why they were so good together; they just were so compatible with the same wit and sense of humor.

It was right before dessert when Joel thought the whole evening was ruined. Strutting in and sitting across the restaurant was Regis Grinberg. Up to that moment, Joel had been so caught up in the evening and enjoying Judy's company that he didn't think once of people looking at the cripple wheeled in by his unfaithful wife. Now, he couldn't help but notice glances at him, Judy, and Grinberg. Regis was sitting with a very young looking unbelievably attractive blonde in barely a dress.

Of course, as soon as Grinberg noticed Joel, he had to get up strut towards their table. Joel noticed Judy's eye go wide, and wondered if she was worried Grinberg would goad him into saying something to violate the hush agreement. They definitely couldn't afford that.

"Joel, nice to see you're up and about," Grinberg said with the same arrogant smirk in a lowered voice, "Too bad, it doesn't look like you'll be teaching gym anytime soon. At least, you still have your nursemaid to push you around. I do hope she finds a new man who can satisfy her as well as I did."

"Hey Reggie, who's wife is that?" Joel replied coldly.

Grinberg chuckled. "Savanah actually will be in the next Swim Suit Edition --strong contender for the cover. Enjoy your moment of being the pathetic clubbed baby seal that everyone feels so sorry for -- they'll forget about it soon enough." He leaned and almost whispered. "If you were enough of man before you went in that chair, Jude wouldn't had to fuck me in the first place."

Joel was ready to pull his arm back, when suddenly Judy quickly stood up and clinked her glass. Everyone, including Joel and Grinberg just froze and looked towards her.

"Hello everyone," Judy said in a loud voice, "that is my husband, Joel Durnst, who I cheated on with that man, Regis Grinberg. How many of you already knew of my husband before this mess started because of all he did for our football community, which he volunteered so much of his own time?"

There was an awkward silence, with other diners and staff looking at each other. A few started to raise their hands, until majority of the room held their hands up.

Judy continued, "How many knew of Regis Grinberg, besides the name of his company?"

About a quarter of the hands were raised.

"Now..." Judy said with her voice breaking, as tears ran down her cheek, "How many of you thought less of Joel and felt pity for him knowing I cheated on him, which led to him nearly dying and -- for now -- in that chair?"

Not a single hand went up, and Grinberg glanced around the room, uncomfortably.

A man in his sixties, in a tuxedo, close to where Grinberg's date was shifting uncomfortably in her chair stood up and said loudly, "Fuck that guy. You're going to be out of the chair and then finish kicking his ass, coach." He started to clap.

Soon the whole restaurant rose and began to clap, with others yelling words of encouragement, and thank you's including a couple Joel just recognized as parents of a child Joel coached in little league. Joel so touched by their support, and what Judy did, began to cry. He never noticed Grinberg leaving without his date, who was also standing and clapping.

"Everyone..." Joel said in a croaky voice, and then louder, "Everyone... This means a lot, but I don't think I deserve this..." The applause stopped, but everyone's eyes were still focused on their table.