Timing is Everything


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Mark was livid that he'd have to face that selfish bitch at 8 fucking mandated counseling sessions! He was fit to be tied when he showed up for the first session.

"Mr. And Mrs. Collins. The judge has ordered these counseling sessions and you both must appear and cooperate or you'll be held in contempt of court. Do you understand?" Dr. Ruby Scott looked from one to the other as they each nodded.

"Okay, Mr. Collins, you filed the suit so why do you want a divorce?"

"She had sexual relations with another man. She broke her vows to me, I can not live with that."

"No, I didn't!" I've never had sex with anyone but you since we started dating."

"Bullshit! You fucked Steven at the resort! You told me you were going to fuck him and you expected me to be okay with it."

"No, I said I wanted to have a nightcap with him. Just a drink to say goodbye. I never said I wanted to fuck him."

Mark gaped at Judy, "You're lying, you spent the night with him!"

"No, I didn't, I fell asleep in our bed, waiting for you to come back after you stormed out."

"Bullshit, you put on fresh makeup and told me you were leaving to go to his room."

"Yes, but I was just going to say goodbye. I went, had a drink, said my goodbyes, and then returned to our room. I tried to call you and even texted you, but you didn't answer. I slept in our bed ALONE waiting for you to come back."

"Well, Mr. Collins, It appears you may have had some misconceptions when you filed for divorce. Now that you know the truth, how do you wish to proceed?"

"I, I, I don't believe her. She's lying! She told me she wanted to go see the guy and she made it clear she wanted to fuck the guy!"

"Clear to whom, Mr. Collins? Certainly not clear to me. Is it possible you misunderstood what she was saying? Is it possible you jumped to an incorrect conclusion?"

Mark held his head in his hands, his mind racing. My god, did I misunderstand? No! This is just a ploy. She fucked that guy, I know it! He shook his head. He looked at Judy and then Dr Scott, "Sorry, Doc, I just don't believe her."

"Well, we have seven more sessions, to try to sort this out, but it seems to me that without any proof to the contrary, we must take Mrs. Collins's word that she did not have sex with another man."

At the third session, Judy said she had something new for Mark to consider. Dr. Scott smiled at her and asked her to share that information with Mark.

"Mark, Honey, you're going to be a DADDY!"


"Yes Baby, isn't wonderful! We made a baby, just like you wanted, just like we planned!"

"But, but how? We haven't had sex in nearly two months."

"That's right, I am eight weeks pregnant. Do you remember when I came off the pill? Well, usually it takes a little while, but your swimmers must have been determined. I figure it happened at the resort. If you recall, we went at it quite a bit," she said and blushed.

Mark was gobsmacked. "Are you sure? I mean, absolutely sure you're pregnant?"

"Yes, of course. I went to the doctor's and got tested. She said I was eight weeks along. ... Honey, we're going to have a baby!"

"I, I, I can't believe it. A baby? We're having a baby?"

"Yes, it is exactly what we wanted! Please, Mark, I want us to be a family. Will you at least consider coming back home? So far, I'm managing okay, but I would love to have my husband at home, helping me out a little."

Mark was still in shock, his mind a whirl of thoughts. Is this possible? Jude is actually pregnant. I'm going to be a Dad. Oh my god! Finally, he looked up at Dr. Scott, "Is this real?"

She laughed, "Well, I've seen the medical report, and yes, she is pregnant. This is not a trick. Now Mark, because you are about to become a father, don't you think it might be better if you were to return home?"

Still stunned, Mark just nodded his head. Judy jumped up and grabbed him in a big hug. "Oh, Mark, we're having a baby! I just know you're going to be the best Dad ever!"

Mark moved back into his house. He was overwhelmed by the outpour of affection from all the future grandparents. The grandpas quickly cleared, cleaned, painted, and completely furnished a nursery in what had been a spare bedroom. The grandmas decorated the new nursery with neutral soft items and promised more as soon as they learned the gender of their long-awaited grandchild.

Judy was so happy to have Mark back in the house. She knew he still had lingering doubts about her foolish actions at the resort. Dr. Scott had cautioned her to take things slow and not to pressure Mark in any way.

As her morning sickness faded, she began to feel horny all the time. Mark was sleeping in their bed, but they had not had sex since his return. He had been kind and attentive, but now her needs were growing stronger. She had done what Dr. Scott advised, but she was growing frustrated. She decided she had waited long enough.

Mark smelled the aroma of Judy's delicious lasagna when he entered the house. He could hear Judy rattling pans around in the kitchen. He glanced into the dining room and could see it was set with their formal dishes. He stopped short when he stepped into the kitchen.

Judy was tossing a salad and had her back to him. She was wearing an apron over her short little kimono-style silk robe. The robe barely covered her ass, exposing her smooth tanned legs. Her 4-inch black heels caused her calves to flex. He had always admired her shapely legs and never more so than when she wore that robe.

"So what's all this?"

Judy startled and spun to face him."Mark! I didn't hear you come in, you startled me."

"Sorry. Is that Lasagna I smell? And garlic bread?"

"Yes, Baby. I wanted to do something special for you tonight. Will you pour yourself a glass of wine and help me dish this up?"

Mark carried in the pasta and bread and then sat at the table. In the kitchen, Judy slipped the apron off and carried the salad into the dining room. The tiny robe she wore allowed her breasts to sway and bounce as she walked toward the table. She smiled as she watched Mark's eyes track her braless tits.

She sat the salad bowl down and then leaned over to kiss Mark on the forehead. As planned, the robe gaped open giving Mark a view of her impressive chest. She smiled widely when she saw him quickly lick his lips.

"So how was work today," she asked as she slid into her seat.

"Oh, uh, fine. It was kind of a slow day. ... And yours? How was your day?"

They made small talk as they ate and Judy refilled Mark's wine glass a couple of times while she sipped water from hers. "I hope you like the wine, I took a small sip when I opened it and I thought it was pretty good."

"It's excellent! I'm sorry you can't enjoy more of it. Your lasagna is excellent, as always. So, did you, perhaps, plan a dessert?"

Judy got up and carried the leftovers into the kitchen. When she came back to the table she stood next to Mark's chair.

"To answer your question" ... She untied the sash to her robe and let it hang open, exposing her ample breasts and her tiny black thong, "Yes, I did plan something special for your dessert."

Mark's eyes drank in her sexy attire and he did not resist when she took his hand and led him to their bed. Judy stooped and unbuckled his pants and slowly slid down his zipper. She stood, unbuttoned his shirt, and pressed her boobs into his naked chest. Mark kissed her as he kicked off his shoes and shed his clothes.

"Mark, I need you so badly." Judy cooed into his ear. "Please baby, let me take care of you." She pushed him back onto the bed. She then shrugged the tiny robe off her shoulders. Mark's eyes danced as he watched the silk garment slide down her slender arms. Judy slipped her panties down and stepped out of them. She smiled at her husband.

"Shoes off, or on?"

"On," Mark sighed as Judy climbed onto the bed and into his open arms. She kissed him hard and relished Mark's strong embrace. He flipped her over and sucked on her neck. Judy's fingers entwined in his curly hair as he found her sensitive nipple and began to lash it with his tongue as she moaned softly.

Mark kissed his way down across the small bulge of her pregnant belly. Judy lifted her legs and let her high heels sway next to Mark's head as his tongue lapped at her folds.

"Oh god yes! Just like that, Baby, don't stop!"

Mark could sense Judy's growing excitement and moved to firmly flick his tongue directly across her clit as fast as he could.

Judy's head thrashed back and forth as she scrunched up her face and her entire body tensed. "Aaaaaaaaahhhh!" She yelled as her climax hit her. "Oh god, oh god, Mark, Mark, Mark," she gushed as a second wave took her. Her pussy spasmed hard as she felt Mark's fingers stroking into her.

She tugged up on his hair and Mark moved up her tingling body. "Please, please," she urged as she found his hard dick and guided it to her sopping folds. Mark grunted as he plunged into her. He knew what she liked, so he pounded into her fast and hard.

Judy locked her heels around his thighs and bucked up against him when Mark slammed his cock into her. "Oh, yes, yes, yes! Fuck me, baby! Harder! Harder!"

Mark showed no mercy, he rammed her hard and fast as he savagely fucked his wife for the first time in several months. All his pent-up frustration and concerns poured out as he erupted inside her, growling as he pumped a heavy load into her greedy pussy.

Finally, he collapsed on top of her and then slid to her side, before rolling onto his back and gasping for breath.

"Damn, I needed that! ... I'm sorry, I've been so ... "

Judy pressed a finger to his lips. "It's okay, I understand. We've been through a lot. I made a mess of our lives, I'm sorry. But we're back now, we're together, we're going to be a family. I love you so much! Everything will be okay." Mark held her in his arms as they drifted off to sleep.

Over the next several months, Judy and Mark had sex nearly every day. As her due date drew near, they became more cautious, but still enjoyed sex every chance they got.

Judy was as happy as she'd ever been. They had declined to learn the sex of their baby, so she and Mark had picked both boy and girl names. She was pretty sure she was carrying a boy and was equally sure Mark was hoping for a son.

All of their family was gathered at the hospital when Judy went into labor. The birth went fairly smoothly and Mark was at her side as she delivered her first child.

"You have a son!" The doctor announced as he handed the baby to the nurses. The nurses quickly took the boy and began cleaning him up as he wailed loudly.

Mark bent and kissed his wife's sweat-drenched face. "You did it, Jude, we have a son." His voice quivered with emotion.

A nurse brought the crying child to the bedside and placed the baby in Judy's outstretched arms. As Judy cooed, Mark bent to peer at his newly born son.

"What the FUCK!" Mark jumped back as if electrocuted. The color drained from his face and he staggered away from the bed and stumbled into the four grandparents who had just rushed into the room.

"Mark? What is it? What's wrong? Is the baby okay?" The grandparents peppered him with questions as he pushed past them and ran from the room.

Martha was the first to reach Judy and the baby. "Oh my god," she exclaimed and turned away. The other grandparents quickly crowded around the bed.

The baby had stopped crying and was cooing at his mother. His dark thin hair was plastered to his tiny head and his slanted brown eyes sparkled. He was the spitting image of his handsome father, Steven Choi.

After the chaos passed, Mark returned to the maternity ward and insisted his name not be listed on the birth certificate and the hospital staff complied. His father convinced him to talk to Judy and get her side of things. He reluctantly walked into her room.

Mark looked around the room, but the baby was not there. He gave Judy a questioning look. "Where's the baby?"

"They took him to the nursery so I could rest. My folks are down there too. ... Mark, I'm so sorry, I had no idea the child could have been Stevens."

"Really? So he knocked you up by just talking to you?"

Judy hung her head, "No, obviously I lied about that night. I was with him, but just once. I was upset and he consoled me. We had some champagne and then he started rubbing my back and ... well, it just happened."

"Of course it did, you knew full well it would happen if you went there. You wanted to fuck him and you did."

Judy shook her head, "No, no, no! After you stormed out, I decided I would just go and tell him goodbye, but I was so upset. He recognized how upset I was and he took advantage of me. As soon as it was over I ran back to our room and cried all night."

"So when you said you only spoke to him and then spent the night waiting for me to come back to our room, you left out a tiny detail - the part where you fucked him and THEN went back to our room."

Tears streamed down Judy's face as she sobbed uncontrollably. She nodded her head. "I had hurt you enough, so I lied. I never even considered the baby could be his. We just did it the one time and you and I had done it dozens of times that week! Please, Mark, I love you. These last few months have been so great, can't we get past this?"

"No, Jude, we can't. I loved you with all I had and you crushed that love when you told me you had to be with him one last time. Like a fool, I let you convince me you had seen the light and walked away from him, but that was just a lie. Well, I'm done being lied to and played for a fool."

Judy wailed, "No, please Mark, please!"

"I will get all of my stuff moved out of the house. You can stay there until the divorce is final then we can sell it and split the proceeds unless you and Steven want to buy me out."

Judy's cries filled the room as he walked out. His mother-in-law was just coming back from the nursery and grabbed him in the hallway.

"Mark, I know this is a shock, she made a huge mistake, but she loves you and I think you still love her. Is there any way you can forgive her?"

"I'm sorry, there were just too many lies, and now the baby? It's too much, too much," he said as he gently separated himself from her grasp and walked away.

Mark quickly moved down the hall toward the elevators hoping he could escape before he ran into more relatives. "Hold that elevator," He called and saw an arm come out to stop the closing doors.

"Thank you," he mumbled to the nurse who had held the door for him. They rode down in silence and both walked toward the parking lot. Mark had his head down and moved as if the weight of the world sat on his shoulders.

"Are you okay," the nurse asked.

Mark nodded and tried to hide his tear-streaked face.

"Hey, hey, hold on," the nurse said and grabbed his arm. Mark looked up into her concerned face. Her pale blue eyes searched his face and she directed him to a nearby park bench.

She saw his wedding band when she grabbed his hands. "Is it your wife? Is she ill?"

It took a few deep breaths for Mark to be able to find his voice. "She just delivered a baby. It's, it's ... not mine," Mark said and suddenly felt deeply ashamed. "He's Oriental, like her boyfriend."

The pretty blonde's face morphed from concern to pity. "Oh, I see. I'm sorry."

They sat and she held his hands without either of them speaking for several minutes.

"So what are you going to do?"

"Divorce. She lied to me about everything. I was such a fool."

They talked a while longer as Mark slowly calmed down and then she stood. "Listen, I have to go, but here, take my card. It has my cell number on the back, call me if you need to talk. ... And, Mark, it will get better, you just need some time to process it all."

It took him nearly three months, but he called the nurse on her cell. When April answered, she sounded a little out of breath and he feared he had interrupted something.

"No, your timing is just right. I was just carrying the last box of my stuff into my new place. So, how are you doing?"

"I'm good. The divorce is settled and signed and I'll be single in 60 days. It's taken a while for me to get my act together, but I wanted to call and thank you for helping me that day."

"Oh, well, I'm just glad I could help. It was good timing that you yelled to me before those elevator doors closed. Otherwise, we may have never spoken."

"Yeah. Uh speaking of timing, I was hoping I could take you to dinner, to say thank you, uh, if you have time."

She laughed, "Usually I never have time for much of a social life, but I'm on vacation this week. How about tomorrow?"

"Hey, my timing is really improving! Just give me your address and I'll be there tomorrow evening."

Mark's timing was very good. April had split from her boyfriend but the two were still friends and had remained roommates for two months to finish their lease. Mark's call had been just the change April was looking for and they had a nice dinner. That dinner led to many more and they moved in together 18 months later. Mark purchased a ring and he planned to propose as soon as the timing was right.

Nine months earlier.

Judy's timing was not so great. Her parents had hired someone to help her track down Steven. Now, address in hand, she pushed her stroller up the walk to his front door, just as it opened and Steven stepped out.

"Steven, Darling! I have been searching for you. Look! You have a son!"

Steven stood frozen in place as a small Oriental woman stepped onto the porch behind him. "Steven? Who is this woman and why is she here," she demanded.

Steven's mouth worked open and shut, but no words came out. Judy turned to the woman, "And who might you be?"

"I'm his wife, we've been married for twelve years! ... wait, what did you say about a son?"

Steven staggered back against the porch railing, flipped over it, and landed in his rose bushes just as his automatic timer activated his sprinklers.

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LechemanLechemanabout 1 month ago

I must admit I was waiting for the husband to have the DNA confirmation but he blindly accepted her response, even after doubting her up to that point - WTF?

KRD19254KRD19254about 1 month ago

What about slapping that damn Court shrink, who was against the husband's position the whole way? Doesn't the shrink know about DNA and when it can be obtained? Shrinks are MD's first. This faux-pas dropped one full star.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

The counselor needs to be bitch slapped with coarse sandpaper.

shadrachtshadrachtabout 1 month ago

Unsatisfying. You summarized the whole conclusion, and gave us NOTHING for aftermath on his feckless cheating wife. Even what little consequences you started to write about in/re Steven was cut short. 2*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

She has every intention to fuck Steven from the their very first meeting and finally she got an opportunity to fuck and got busted !

She deserved it!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Got what she deserved

Cheated emotionally and mentally earlier and then tried to use him as dildo

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

THAT'S IT???? The ending really sucks!!!

inka2222inka22223 months ago

2.5 stars. She suffered ZERO punishment for what she did. The whole cucky thing with him taking her back because the turdbrain "councilor" hates men and loves cheaters and he has no brain of his own, is costing the story another star down.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x3 months ago

"we must take Mrs. Collins's word that she did not have sex with another man." - No fault divorce, it doesn't matter. He can divorce because he doesn't like her haircut, or her laugh, or for no reason at all. You can't force someone to stay married any more than you can force them to get married.


"he started rubbing my back and ... well, it just happened." - Fucking doesn't "just happen."


"I decided I would just go and tell him goodbye" - You don't have go tell him goodbye. You call, text, email.


In any case, she lied.


Actually, I believe that in at least some states judges can order counseling, but at best (worst?) that can only delay the divorce.

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