'Tis The Season


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That was a sick thought.


It took us a while to leave, Lexa needed to make an overnight bag. She doesn't have that many clothes apart from the stuff that she wore as a stripper. She had tons of bra and panty sets, but only one pair of jeans. Lexa settled on sweater, skirt and thick tights. We packed what we could into a small, old duffel bag. Lexa also insisted on bringing some personal items. She was afraid at what Tez would do while she's away.

We were on the freeway when we decided to work out our backstory. I told Lexa that I'm studying at UT and it would be easier if she does the same. The hardest thing was thinking of a major, it had to be something that she could answer any questions from my family. It didn't help that Lexa never graduated high school and didn't really have an area of knowledge that she could speak confidently should my family interrogate her.

While I was racking my brain about possible majors, Lexa thankfully thought of everything else. She suggested that we've been dating 4 months, meeting in a library. She's from Little Rock originally but had moved around a lot due to her father's work in something. Her father and her mom are caring for a sick relative, so she's visiting her Jewish relatives in Philadelphia. When I asked if she's Jewish, Lexa replied that she isn't but her father is which then made her burst out laughing. Apparently, her real father is an Olympic-level racist and anti-Semite.

Lexa and I finally settled on a major that she'd be comfortable discussing. With that settled, we started talking about regular shit. I asked her a couple of questions about Arkansas, which I assumed where she's from, but Lexa wasn't that forthcoming; I don't think she had the best life over there. Thankfully the conversation smoothly flowed to movies, insanely she hadn't seen any of the Marvel films, then to Ariana Grande and finally to past Christmases.

When we arrived home, I noticed a blue minivan and a red sedan, my relatives were already in the house. While I was going over our story, Lexa was just staring at my home. She looked amazed by the size of it. I heard her mutter something about her last five apartments and maybe a trailer park. The house is a big, four-bedroom, which Glenn insisted for some reason. Also, it's a McMansion, so it's one of the ugliest looking houses around the neighborhood.

We approached the door and I was about to open it, but my brain screamed to my hand to stop. "Shit... wait." I said. We forgot something important about her new identity. "What's your name?"

"Wait, what's wrong with Lexa?" She asked but didn't wait for my response. "It sounds like a stripper, right?"

"Yeah... I'm sorry," I sheepishly replied, "Do you have any preference?"

Lexa turned away from the house. I watched her take several deep breaths. She spun back around and pressed the doorbell, "Call me Nicole," she muttered.

"Nicole? I like that name." I smiled back.

The door slowly opened and we were face to face to my mom, shit she looked hot. She was wearing a knee-length red dress with black tights, also most likely a thong. Behind her, I saw my Aunt Penny and Aunt Sandra in the hallway. Running up and down the stairs were my little cousins, Hannah and her slightly older brother, Will. All of them stopped what they were doing to examine the stranger.

"Hi Mom, this is Nicole." I introduced.

Mom instantly wrapped her arms around Lexa and pulled in for a long hug. "It's so great to meet you finally!" She yelled, obviously for everyone else's benefit. "It's so fucking awesome that you're here." She whispered in Lexa's ear but loud enough for me to hear.

I led her inside and shut the door, praying this won't all go to shit. I watched a frightened Lexa paraded around the house, meeting both aunts & uncles, my father, and the Thompsons. Like Mom, everyone else was very welcoming and gently inquisitive. Everyone except for Glenn, he stayed in the corner, quietly scrutinizing her. For a second I thought he was checking her out, but he was judging her clothes, the way she handled herself and her accent. That bothered me, I can't say why but it just did.

Lexa went through our little story like a pro. Maybe she should try acting. Every bit of backstory we made up, she relayed back naturally, not like it was a dump of exposition. Lexa held back some details and just waited for the right question. I was never that far from her, waiting in case there was a slip-up. I was so relieved that she didn't need my help.

My family herded us into the living room with everyone else. First thing I saw was the hundreds of presents underneath the tree. I sat on the couch with Lexa on the ottoman and Mom next to me. Both sets of aunts and uncles and the Thompsons sat near the tree, apart from Glenn. He was hovering around the hall, his eyes switching from Lexa to the overnight bag.

"I didn't know that Nicole was staying the night?" Glenn asked, leaning against the door, his eyes on my fake girlfriend.

"Oh Glenn," Mom smiled. "I told you hundreds of times. You've been too busy with those contracts." She gave him a shit-eating grin that really riled him up. "I'm just glad that she agreed to come."

My Aunt Penny yelled for the kids, telling that them I was back and it was time to open presents. They were more excited by the latter than my presence. We all watched the kids go insane with joy and excitement. The tree nearly took some damage as Will pretended to be a Jedi and swinging his lightsaber like a maniac. It was then our turn to open our gifts. From Mom and Glenn, I got a smart watch, which is pretty cool. Mom loved my tote bag but not as much as the vibrator I got her, or so she whispered to me.

"So, what did you get Nicole?" Mrs. Thompson asked, causing me a lot of trouble.

I froze. Fuck, I didn't think about this. We had been dating for four months, so being a non-shitty boyfriend; I would have got a present. I thought about the stuff up in my room, I have an iPad and a laptop, none of which I could give to Lexa. I could take some jewelry from Mom, but it would need a case and also wrapping paper.

"Oh, it's in the tree." Mom said, saving me. "You forgot to wrap it. It's the blue one."

I pulled a 10-inch rectangular box wrapped in baby blue paper. It had no name, but a quick glance to Mom told me that I picked the right one. I handed to Lexa and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Merry Christmas."

With all eyes on Lexa, she ripped through the wrapping to reveal case from Pandora. She opened and pulled out a silver necklace with star cover in tiny crystals. It looked expensive. Lexa like me was completely stunned by it.

"Really?" She asked, completely taken back by it.

"Yeah." I nervously replied.

Lexa was speechless. She looked at the necklace and back at me. There was a stillness to her that was a little unnerving. I noticed that everyone except the kids were watching her, they were still waiting for an appropriate reaction. Lexa picked up on this, her eyes darting side to side, a smile forcibly appeared on her face. "I love it!" She cried, jumping to her feet, ready for a hug.

I did the same and we hugged while everyone else went aww. While we hugged, I leaned over and whispered in Lexa's ear, "It's yours to keep."

Before I got to my feet, Mom had quietly told me to tell Lexa to keep the necklace. I don't know where she got this from, but I got the impression that my mother really did not want that piece of jewelry in the house.

We settled back to our seats and joined in watching the kids playing with their toys, apart from Lucy, but she's 14. I smiled at first and did the nostalgic thing of thinking back to past Christmases and how excited I used to get. But my gaze was repeatedly drawn to Lexa; she was just staring at the necklace. She'd open the case then slam it shut. I could see her cheeks getting puffy and her mascara was now smudged, shit was she going to cry?

"Anyone for coffee?" Mom suggested, to which everyone said yes. "Nicole, can you give me a hand." She looked at Lexa and slowly nodded her head. "It will give us a chance to talk." She added.

Nicole stayed silent and got up. She followed my mom and both of them left the room very quickly. I saw Aunt Sandra noticing them running to the kitchen and slamming it shut. Shit, this was getting tense.

"So, what did Nicole get you, Ryan?" My Uncle James asked, bringing me back to the living room.

"Oh, Nicole got me some new Jordan's. She gave them to me earlier. We didn't know if we're going to meet up at Christmas." I replied. Fuck, I now have to buy myself new sneakers.

They all talked for a bit, about what I don't know. I was too distracted by Lexa and Mom and what they were doing in the kitchen. It was not like they were eating each other out, Mom's too sensible to do that with us in earshot and kids running around.

"Hey, let me get some cookies," I said, looking for any excuse to leave.

I ran into the kitchen and I was shocked at what I was seeing. Mom had her arms around Lexa, both their tits pressing against one and another. I thought that they were about to kiss, but I realized that there wasn't anything erotic to this hug, it was about being comforting. Mom was patting Lexa's back as the young woman softly cried into her shoulder. I noticed Lexa tightly holding the necklace, she looked so upset. Mom saw me and silently told me to give them a minute. I nodded and grabbed to cookies, returning to the living room.


An hour or two later, I was outside, babysitting the kids as the adults either prepared dinner or drank. Lexa was also with me. After seeing her in the kitchen with Mom, I worried she'd be a mess. But she recovered from it and was engaging my family, while still a little nervous. Lexa explained some Arkansas Christmas traditions. I think most of it was made up unless they really do a reindeer run and eat oysters. Lexa looked like she was enjoying herself.

"I got some hot cocoa," Aunt Penny said as she carefully placed the tray on the snow-covered table. "Ryan, you and Nicole take the blue mugs," she said with a smile. Hopefully, she put something strong in it. "Kids, come here. I want to have a look at you."

I grabbed two mugs and handed one to Lexa. "Drink up; we got the special hot chocolate."

"What so special about it," Lexa asked, looking into the mug.

"Kahlua," I answered, smiling before I took a sip.

"Hmm... it's been while I've had Kahlua." Lexa then nervously laugh to herself. "It's been years since I had hot cocoa."

"Really? Never need to keep warm in Arkansas." I smiled at her.

"Never could afford it." She smirked, maybe telling the truth. "So, you guessed that I'm from Arkansas. It's cool, I doubt you know where Wynne or Forrest City is."

She was acting more playful with me. That has to be a good thing.

"So how are you enjoying your first Pennsylvanian Christmas?" I asked. We moved away from everyone so we can have some privacy. I was interested in what she had to say.

"As you can guess, I didn't have that many good Christmases." Lexa paused, again it looked like she was psyching herself up. "A trailer park is never really that Christmassy. Also, I was mostly stuck by myself."

"I'm sorry to hear that," I replied. "Can't really say much about my Christmases without sounding boastful. I always got the toy I wanted but I always wished I had this," I pointed to the kids who were systematically decapitating every snowman they had just built, "I was an only child and I used to feel that around the holidays."

"I had someone, a cousin around the same age but that was a bit later. It's a shame that I can't call her." Lexa said in a forlorn tone. "Shit, I can't keep on telling you things like that."

"I'm sorry, I know you like to keep things private," I said. I noticed Aunt Penny looking at us and so I wrapped an arm around Lexa. "Sorry, pretend boyfriend stuff."

"It's okay, I guess I just need to have someone to talk to about this stuff," Lexa said, looking away.

I looked at her, just trying to get read on her. Lexa would bounce from jokey to melancholic in a matter of minutes. When I gave her the tour of the house, she would wryly ask which rooms mom and I have fuck in. But when we found ourselves underneath the mistletoe, she gave me a kiss that was overflowing in anxiety. Mom had been very optimistic in our chances to fool around with Lexa; but there was always someone nearby and we couldn't just hide in my bedroom. But hey, at least I was having a good time with her without the need to show her my cock.


A little later, Lexa and I were inside, still on babysitting duty. We corralled the kids into the living room and put on a movie. While the kids watched Elf, Lexa and I continued to play the lovesick college sweethearts. I did embarrass her at one point, asking whether she preferred pretending to be my sister or my girlfriend. She reacted by snorting eggnog out of her nose, making the kids giggle with delight. We were getting a lot more comfortable with each other and occasionally, she'd let me feel her up a little. But there was no chance for us to be alone.

As Will Ferrell and Tyrion Lannister fought, Mom strutted into the room, "How's the cute couple doing?" she asked, grinning.

We both nodded and shrugged.

"That's great, dinner's nearly ready. But I need you to do something for me."

We both got up and followed Mom towards the back of the house. Stopping at the stairs to the basement, Mom said, "Can you get somethings from the basement, we need a ...chafing dish, plates... err a ladle."

Lexa and I looked at Mom, both of us slightly bewildered. It was a blatant lie. Mom wanted us down there for some other reason, I mean would we really need a chafing dish for Christmas dinner. One of the aunts call for Mom and she then walked off to the kitchen. I shrugged my shoulders and led Lexa to our partially used basement.

The basement isn't much, a washer and dryer, some shelves and a ping-pong table gathering dust. I glanced at Lexa, seeing her struggling to keep herself still. I guess she was worried about what Mom was planning. For a stripper/prostitute, she sure is anxious all the time.

"So," I said, smiling at her, "It's got to be Die Hard, Home Alone, Elf, Scrooged, and Gremlins."

We were discussing favorite Christmas movies before Mom asked us to come down here.

"Okay, let me think," Lexa paused, looking away. "Home Alone as well, The Santa Clause, The Mistletoe Promise, The Holiday and The Muppet Christmas Carol."

"The Mistletoe Promise?"

"Yeah," Lexa smiled, I think for the first time today. "There are these two strangers who hate the holidays. So they pretend to be a couple so their friends and family leave them alone. And then things start happening..." she paused began to blush.

"You like Hallmark holiday movies?" I asked with a smirk.

"Yeah," Lexa sheepishly replied, "they're my crack."

I opened my mouth, ready to tease Lexa on her cinematic choices, but the basement flung open and sound of footsteps coming down the stairs echoed. We weren't really doing anything, so if it weren't Mom, we'd be okay. We both turned to see my mother staring at us with an intense look of desire. "How are you kids doing?"

We both shrugged our shoulders and smiled back at her.

Mom then took Lexa's hand, "We haven't had a chance to talk," she softly said, "You know about us, but you are still here..."

"I...err... it doesn't matter to me," Lexa slowly replied, "You two are... good... err consenting adults."

"Thank you," Mom then reached up and put her hand on the young brunette's shoulders. "Also, I want to tell you that you were perfect up there with everyone and my husband."

"Thank you," Lexa whispered, looking like she was about to cry.

"Now... the reason I asked you down here, is that I'm bored. I've stuck in the kitchen, cooking, listening gossip about Jennifer Aniston and pretending that I have a strong marriage. I need some enjoyment; I need to see some fucking." Mom grinned.

"Here?" I replied.

Mom smirked and nodded.

I then turned to Lexa, seeing that she had this nervous look on her face that I was slowly getting used to. "You okay with this? Here?"

"Yeah," Lexa gently said.

"You sure?"

"It's okay," she replied, nodding.

I quickly took her in my arms and kissed her hard, making Lexa groan. I could feel her trembling under my grip as I slowly invaded her mouth with my tongue. As our tongues twisted around each other's, I awkwardly led her to the ping-pong table. With our lips still glued together, I wrapped my arms around Lexa's waist and effortlessly lifted her up. She groaned as her feet hovered above the ground, not knowing what I was planning. I then sat her on the edge of the table and ended our embrace.

Lexa stared at me as she took a couple of deep breaths, still shaking as she sat on the table. I think she was overwhelmed by my oral attack. I then reached for the hem of her sweater, but Lexa stopped me. With a coy smile, she yanked the sweater of her head and dropped it aside, revealing a pink lace bra she had on underneath. It looked like something that she wore in Club Spice. Lexa then spread her legs, showing Mom and me her matching panties. Wow, she was really getting into this.

Smiling to myself, I stepped forward and kissed Lexa again. Her arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me in. My hands quickly cupped her perky breasts, squeezing them tightly over the sounds of Lexa's muffled moans. I broke our kiss again and turned to my voyeuristic mother, "You like?" I asked, grinning. Mom nodded, she had firmly balled up her fists; I think to prevent her from touching herself.

Turning back to Lexa, I softly kissed her lips then lowered my mouth down her neck, implanting a series of short kisses, until I reached her tits. Slipping her right breast out of the bra, I sucked her erect nipple, flicking it with my tongue. "Ryan," she whimpered. My right hand then trailed down her flat stomach to her now-moist panties. Lexa let out a number of short moans as I simultaneously sucked her nipple and ran my fingers over her wet patch.

I took a step back and watched Lexa whine as I rubbed her wet, throbbing pussy lips with my fingers. I then yanked her panties down and slid a finger deep into her slick, tight pussy. I had to cover Lexa's mouth, muffling her loud cries, terrified that she would draw someone down here as I roughly finger-fucked her tender pussy. "Ryan... we need..." Lexa said, struggling. I could see that she was desperate for me to fuck her, so was Mom.

Sliding my fingers out of the young brunette's pussy, I found Mom by my side, biting her lip. I could tell that it was killing her that she couldn't get involved, we only had time for a quickie. Mom grabbed my hand and raised it to her open mouth. She enthusiastically sucked on my slick digits. I glanced at Lexa, seeing that she was blushing as Mom moaned. "Ryan," Mom said, "We need to be quick."

I nodded and lifted Lexa up from the table. I got her to spin around and pushed her down so that she was bent over and resting her hands on the desk. Lexa looked over her shoulder at me as I lifted up her skirt; I could tell that she was eagerly anticipating me fucking her, which is something. I ran my fingers up and down her cunt lips, Lexa shuddering with each movement of my hand. I then clutched my stiff cock and slid on the condom that Mom had just handed me. I then rubbed my purple head against the wet lips of her pussy, making my fake girlfriend moan even more.

With my right hand clutching the root of my cock, I placed the other around Lexa's waist and I leaned in, kissing her cheek as I pushed my member deep into her unbelievably tight pussy. I had forgotten how constricting the muscles of her cunt felt around my dick. Mom was leaning up against the table next to us, covering Lexa's mouth with her hand, muffling the stripper's moans. As the last two or three inches of cock slid into her, Lexa's body went loose in my arms and she began to hum.