To Have and to Cuckold Pt. 01


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I knew that I shouldn't answer it. I knew that. But like a moth to the flame...

"Hey Naomi."

"Hey yourself. Can you come over?"

"I don't think that it's a good idea."


"So are you coming?"

"Why Naomi? Why?"

"Because I miss you. More than I thought I would. When I saw you today I started thinking, you know, about us. I still have feelings for you Josh. We were good together."

More silence. I couldn't make myself shut her down. I had that same rush of feelings that she did, but I wasn't going to tell her that.


"Yeah, I'm still here."

"Just come over...please?"

What can I say? You can pretty much guess what happened from there. There was a difference this time though. The next morning, she didn't kick me out. I woke up to her snuggling against me. Just like that, I was trapped in the web again.


BACK TO THE PRESENT - September 2015

My sister shook me awake. I hadn't even realized that I had dozed off.

"What Trina?"

"SHE'S on the phone."

My sister said the word "she's" like it tasted bad coming out of her mouth. Trina held the cordless in front of my face gesturing me to take it.

"So. Tell her I'm busy."

I tried to roll over but she poked me on the shoulder with the phone.

"I'm not a secretary Josh. Tell her yourself."

I took it from her, pressed the "End" button to terminate the call, then handed it back to her. Smiling at me and shaking her head, Trina took the phone from me.

"You have to talk to her sometime Josh. You can't hide here forever."

I ignored her and rolled over. I heard a few moments of silence, then the sound of her footsteps retreating up the stairs. Alone in my solitude once again, I went back to my pity party that was in full swing.

I'd walked out of our (me and Naomi's) house after she confessed that she'd been having an affair for the past few weeks. Our confrontation was almost a week ago. Since then, she has been hounding me non-stop. I eventually had to turn my cell off, which is why she was calling my sister's house phone.

Luckily, I didn't have to worry about her simply ambushing me by coming over. She'd already tried that. The first night I left, Naomi assumed that I needed time to cool off before I returned home. So she left me alone. I ended up at my sister's house needing a shoulder to cry on. After a while, it was decided that I would stay with her for the night.

The next morning, when she realized that I hadn't returned home, my phone nearly exploded with calls from a frantic wife. Messages telling me to call her, asking where I was, begging me to talk to her, you name it. I ignored all of them.

Naomi, always being one step ahead of me, found my phone's location with the GPS tracker. Twenty minutes later my wife was repeatedly ringing my sister's doorbell and yelling at me to come out and talk to her. Trina flung open the door and told her that if she came over here again bringing that "Jerry Springer shit" then she was going kick her ass. Then she would call the cops on herself. After she was released on bail she was going to hunt Naomi down and kick her ass again for making her go to jail.

Naomi is a lot of things, but being a fighter was not a talent of hers. So she wisely took my sister at her word and left. That hasn't stopped her from trying to get in touch with me though. Since then she'd made a habit of constantly calling the house phone since I still refused to answer my cell.

So here I am, hiding behind my sister's skirt, and feeling like an utter loser. I know by now there are all kinds of "kick the bitch to the curb" thoughts running through your head. Easy for you to say. You came into the movie later and don't know all that you missed yet. This story gets more complicated


THE PAST - Early 2006

The next morning after Naomi and I became "reacquainted", she surprised me by not only refraining from giving me the "heave ho", but she actually cooked breakfast for me. As we sat there eating our food, we would glance up at each other to see if the other person were looking. This little game continued until there was nothing left on our plates.

The giant elephant just sat quietly in the corner, awaiting for us to acknowledge him. Neither of us wanted to ruin the mood, so we tried to overlook him. But he was not to be ignored. Finally, unable to take it anymore, I decided to take the lead on this one.

"Where does last night put us?"

I could see the disappointment in her eyes. She obviously didn't want to be having this discussion now, but I was forcing the issue. She steeled herself and sighed.

"That depends on you."

I nodded my head as the meaning of what she WASN'T saying sank in.

"Soooo...we're good as long as you get to fuck whoever you want." I saw her flinch for a moment, but she didn't deny what I was saying.

"When you put it like that you make me sound like I'm some kind of whore." This time I was the one not denying. She immediately got defensive and angry.

"Fuck you Josh. What, so I'm a whore because I don't want you to be my one and only? For your information, I don't go around just fucking every cute guy that flirts with me. I may have more than one sexual partner, but I don't' just fuck everybody."

"We had sex on the first date Naomi."

After the words were out of my mouth I instantly wished I could reel them back in. I look of hurt and horror flashed across her face as she jumped out of her seat and exploded.

"The reason why I slept with you on the first date was because I FELT SOMETHING FOR YOU asshole. I thought you were different than the others. If you must know, that is the only time I have done that. EVER! But you can rest assured that I am correcting that mistake right now. GET THE FUCK OUT!!"

She stood in front of me breathing hard. Her pretty face was creased with anger and venom. But she never looked more beautiful.

"I'm sorry Naomi. I just..." I went over to her and tried to hug her, but she pushed me off.

"I said get the fuck out." Her voice was stern, but it didn't pack the punch that it did when she first said it. I took a chance and still wrapped my arms around her. She struggled for a minute punching my chest, but they barely had any power in them. It was a token resistance to let me know that I hurt her. Finally she simply laid her head on my shoulder and let me hug her. She didn't hug me back, but her body was molded to mine's as she accepted me.

"You're a real asshole, you know that?"

Once tempers were cooled, we were able to have a rational discussion. We'd moved from the kitchen and into the living room.

"So, if I am to be with you, I have to accept the fact that you have sex with other guys."


"And I have to accept the fact that we are not a couple." This time she just nodded.

"So, what does that make us? Am I just one of the stable boys?"

She broke a smile on her face for the first time all morning. "No, you aren't one of my stable boys. I actually care for you. When we stopped hanging out, I missed you a lot. I had to stop myself from breaking my promise and calling you at least a half a dozen times. But I promised you space, and I didn't want to hurt you."

"But you don't like me enough to be my girl?"

A sad look crossed her face.

"You can't think of it like that. I do want you in my life. I really do. But I LOVE sex. I enjoy trying out the variety. Big dicks, little dicks, black dicks, white dicks, I love them all. I don't go around just fucking every guy I meet, but if I meet one that I would like to try out, I want the freedom do that."

"What about me?"

"God. I LOVE having sex with you. You are so...energetic. So eager. You make me feel so good when you are on top of me. More than that, I like spending time with you. I have never met someone that I can just be who I am around. For some reason, I feel more comfortable with you than I do with any other guy. That's why you've always stayed the night with me. I had to make myself kick you out in the mornings because I could honestly fall for you."

"So you keep yourself at a distance from me because you want to keep fucking around?" Once again I saw her flinch when I said that.

"Please don't say it like that. It sounds so crass. But yes, I don't want to give up my freedom. I know that a guy like you isn't going to be in a relationship with me under these conditions, so I have to distance myself and be ready to walk away from you. But for some reason you snuck under my defenses."

I looked at her angelic face, her brown eyes staring imploringly at me. God, she is so addictive! Like heroin. I know that she's bad for me. But I can't quit her.

"What happens if I can't deal with this?"

She looked disappointed when I said that. Her face was filled with hope a moment ago, only to have it dashed.

"Then you walk away. I'll understand. I'll hate it, but I get it. I seriously hope you don't though. I would really miss you."

What can I say? I was hopelessly enamored by this woman. I knew that I would be with her, even in a limited capacity. Why can't I shake her?

"What about me? Would you expect me to just be with you?"

As the thought crossed her face, a dark cloud appeared over it. Was that a flash of jealousy? I saw it, but there is no way that could be true. Given how she just got done with that bullshit speech about her "freedom" there is no way that she expected me to just be a one woman man.

"Of course I can't expect you to not have sex with anyone else." She said that statement reluctantly, as if she really wasn't buying it. She continued though. "All I ask is that as long as you are having sex with me, that you wear condoms with all of them. I always do."

She was right about that. Her nightstand drawer is like a condom infomercial. I honestly think that she could single handedly make Trojan's stock plummet if she stopped buying them.

"Okay Naomi. We'll try this out."

She squealed and jumped in my lap. Moments later she was impaled on me and riding me like a jockey. As we both came I had the fleeting thought that I would pay for this decision.


I wanted to give credit to Nonethewiser for his editing and suggestions that have greatly improved my story. There may still be some errors in the story as I tried to implement his changes, so they should not reflect at all on the wonderful job he did.

This was my first time using an editor. I highly recommend it to any other authors who don't already utilize one.

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VoyeurkennethVoyeurkenneth4 months ago

I haven’t read ahead but I can already tell you’ve got a gift for narrative and character. No one felt like a cardboard cutout. The time jumps felt natural and purposeful. And all the one-liners you put out there had me laughing multiple times.

You got my follow! 5 ⭐️

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Most of your stories put you in the top 10...maybe top 5 of LW authors.

But sorry. I hate this story. Like literally have feelings of revulsion.

If a woman had ever said what this woman said to me on this last page?

I'd have been put of her place and her life so fast she'd have only seen a blur. No way any man that isn't damaged ever accepts this shit sandwich from some woman he's not even that deep into a relationship with. He's just going to accept being a cuckold from the outset? Doubtful.

More than doubtful. No way on God's green earth does he love this person enough this early on to accept this.

She admits to being a whore. Nobody is staking their future love and happiness to a whore. Just ain't gonna happen. 1 star.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Ugh. You are a gifted writer, but you should have given him at least one ball. i think you screwed the story when you made them got married. it would have been more creative to deal with the situation without being married, That would have put the ball in her field.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman6 months ago

3 pages of garbage that I sped read thru. Not continuing this.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

What kind of moron actually believes that even after marriage this slut will ever be faithful? He should have put as much distance (at least several hundred miles) as possible between them.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Femdom bull crap

Just_mezaJust_meza12 months ago

Nonethewiser has to explain what "mine's" means, please.

AngelRiderAngelRiderabout 1 year ago

Dude has no self respect

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Dude deserves everything he got. He is not smart.

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

Man struggles to understand how his life came to be

For starters he had a wife that didnt love him, nor did she respect their marriage.Secondly she knew he was a worthless little sissy with deeply buried homosexual feelings.

So by the numbers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very well written and highly erotic. Readers shouldn’t trash story because they don’t like subject matter. Don’t read those stories just to 1 bomb them. Let’s see where this will go

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Is this a real male or some sort of spineless super-whimp that crawls under low bridges, stops all macho male cliches, and succumbs to every uber-feminist demand for a little pity sex?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Liked the story so far. If this was real life I would say that Naomi has a addiction to sex. Whilst she's portraying herself as someone who likes to explore sex with different partners the reality in the real world would be that she is using sex to bolster her own feeling of low self worth. Sadly there are men and women in the real world who are like this. Sex for them becomes and addiction like a drug or alcohol addiction and like them she would need therapy to deal with the problem.

Knowing that this is a story it's fairly predictable where this story is going. At least I think it is unless the author has a real twist in the story. Josh should let the relationship die otherwise he's in for a world of hurt.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I was scared for a second there.

ojalalalaojalalalaalmost 5 years ago
This is so well written...

I agree w/Anon 4/19/19 with regard to cuckolds and humiliation but started reading this, expecting that what I enjoyed about this author's work might be a predictor of something better than the what I've seen in the other cuckolding stories (most of which I've just read the ending). So far, the predictor is holding up, and it helped that the author starts the story with this guy in his sister's basement, out of the "situation."

When he explains his growing up, he makes me think of my bratty brother, the only boy for a couple of generations, later a man many women loved (and who by their accounts "knew how to cook with all that meat he was "packing") and who many men enjoyed as a friend, their first call for a party, also who all of the children -- his own as well as his nieces/nephews, neighbors... adored. (When they suggested the best fireworks, he already had those in his basket and was every bit as enthusiastic as they were about where and when to set them off, likewise with other kid fun activities.)

Yeah, I'll hang with this author through another section. I want to know that this character works his way out of the ugly situation. If it looks bad, I'll check the ending and bail.

(BTW, my brother was down for fun, valued friendship highly and was known to never hang with a married woman, yes to several single women in the same neighborhood, but no to humiliation, so no to anyone in a committed relationship.)

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