To Hell... and Back


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"Take this and get yourself a hot meal and a room."

She looked up at me with her mournful eyes. "Thanks Max. You're a gem."

"I wish that were true."

"You are to me."

"I appreciate it Dot."

"Go back and get your girlfriend Max."

I wished it was that easy.

* * *

Time to get out of Columbus. I got to the Jade Palace shortly after 9 a.m. The cleaning crew was there vacuuming the carpet, but the door to the restaurant was propped open. Two elderly women were sitting at one of the round tables snapping green beans. I couldn't see any other activity when I walked in. I went to the booths and was intercepted before I could get to the last one.

The man looked at me dismissively, even though I'd gotten the better of him. "He's expecting you." He opened the curtain to Evgeny's booth. I slid into the empty bench sheet with Veehan's duffel in tow.

"I see you've brought the money."

"As promised."

"There's fifty-five grand in it," I told him, pointing to the duffel.

"I believe you Officer Pemberton."

"So that's it."

"That's it," he confirmed. He pulled the curtain back and handed the duffel to his man.

"You're lucky Evgeny."

"I know. I had the evening to think about yesterday and I guess I owe you a debt of gratitude. I made it easy for you to get to me, and that's not going to happen again. You've reminded me that I've gotten a bit too comfortable. That will change, starting today. It was a $100,000 lesson, so it wasn't cheap."

"Olek wasn't so lucky."

"He was a smart man, even though he was an asshole. I should have realized you must be good at your job to have bested him."

"With him, it got personal. You did Veehan a favor by lending him the money, even though it was at an exorbitant rate."

"I know he used it to help his daughter and your girlfriend Lehka."

"That's right."

"Officer Pemberton. I'll do my best to see that no harm comes to her while she's at that halfway house."

He knew that as well. He did do his homework.

I never thought I'd say this to a loan shark. "Take care Evgeny."

"And you too Maxine."

I left the restaurant shaking my head and thinking what a strange world we live in.

Chapter Two

The Royal Palms -- The place where all things wonderful and awful happen

Two Months Later

I was five months into my six month suspension. I hadn't heard from Lehka since that unfortunate incident at the halfway house. I really didn't expect to. She wasn't all that great with communication before she met Alex and after they met it was non-existent. Alex was younger, prettier and more connected than I was. They had a shared life threatening experience and helped each other pull through the process. I couldn't compete with that. I still couldn't get the image of them kissing and then holding hands out of my head.

Heather and I stopped seeing each other. Even the great sex couldn't make up for the fact that we were two different people. She was glamorous and conniving and I was... well... neither. I will never forget her flawless body and her perfect hair, but we were of two worlds. She was a politician and I hated politicians. It was in my DNA. It was bound to happen, sooner or later.

It was a hot and muggy night and the Reds were playing a night game at home against the Giants. It was a good one. The Reds were up by one in the eighth inning. I discovered I had no vodka left. I figured I could get to the liquor store and return before the game was over. I dashed down to the car, checking my pockets for my car keys and wallet as I tramped down the outside concrete stairs to the ground level.

The familiar neon "Liquor" sign welcomed me back. The usual crowd of prostitutes were hanging out on the west side of the parking lot smoking cigarettes and eyeing me as a potential customer. As soon as I got out of my car they went back to their conversation. All the working women around there knew the story about Brianna and me and left me alone.

I hustled to the front door. The Reds had made three quick outs on my drive out and a commercial was playing between innings. I pushed open the door and to my surprise the owners of the liquor store had installed a large flat screen TV on the wall opposite the hard liquor counter and it had the Reds game on. I couldn't have placed it in a better location myself. My buddy Nigel was watching the game intently.

"Hey Nigel," I called out to him. "Didn't know you liked baseball."

"I like everything Max. And to tell you the truth I like it better than American football." He slid off the stool he was perched on and stood across from me at the counter, I was standing sideways so I could talk to him and see the screen at the same time.

We watched as the Giants got men on second and third with two outs in the top of the ninth.

Brandon Crawford was due up next. I knew that Crawford was the Giants best hitter with men on base.

I forgot for a moment I was there to buy liquor and to get the fuck out of there.

"So Nigel, what would you do if you were the Reds manager?" I asked. I wondered how much he really knew about the game.

"You mean Buddy Bell?"

He was the Reds manager. That was a good sign.

"Yeah," I answered.

"I'd walk Crawford."

"Why?" I asked. By the way, that was the right answer.

"Because he has the best batting average on the team with men on base and he's already got 70 RBI's and the season's still got forty games left," he replied with confidence.

Shit, he really did know his baseball.

Nigel pounded his fist on the counter. "Shit, they're bringing in Heath Hembree."

Hembree was a relief pitcher with an ERA over 6.00. In other words, he sucked.

Hembree's first pitch was a center cut fastball that Crawford spanked into right field to score two runs, putting the Giants up one.

Nigel looked away disgusted. He picked up the remote control and turned the TV off.

"Now I really think I have a reason to drink," I told him. "Give me two bottles of vodka."

Nigel bagged the liquor and ran my charge.

"Must have to be a masochist to be a Reds fan," the Brit muttered.

"Story of my life," I fired back.

* * *

I pulled into the lot of the Royal Palms and parked in my usual spot next to the filled in swimming pool. I noticed that someone in maintenance had finally fixed a gaping pothole next to my space and had picked up all the garbage that had collected against the "temporary" chain link fence surrounding the non-existent pool. The transmission was wonky, and it took me three tries to get it into "Park." I slammed the door shut and vowed again that I'd buy a new car.

The sound of my footfalls on the outside open concrete stairs reverberated off the cracked walls of the aging building. I unlocked the door to room 204 and dropped my new bottles next to the chair I had positioned facing the television. The game was still on and the Reds were batting in the bottom of the ninth. I screwed the cap off a fresh bottle and inhaled, letting the smell of the cheap alcohol burn my nostrils. Then I reached over to find a used paper cup on the floor and poured two fingers in it. I squeezed my eyes together and gritted my teeth with each swallow as the Reds went out 1-2-3. The postgame show was on when I finished the first bottle.

The screen was getting fuzzy to me as the commentators were dissecting the Reds latest loss. I unscrewed the cap to the second bottle and leaned over to grab the cup and accidently poured vodka on my jeans. I said "fuck it" and poured myself another drink instead of changing my pants.

My eyes were getting heavy as I was halfway through the second bottle. Some sitcom was on now, and I had no idea what was going on. I took another drink. I was about to nod off.

Then someone knocked at my door. I looked at my phone. Fuck, it was already 11:30. Who would be knocking at that time?

I made sure my gun was nearby when I answered the door. I opened it a crack, not unlatching the security chain. It was Lehka. Fuck, it was Lehka. The last person in the world I would expect.

I hastily undid the security chain and opened the door. I pulled her inside and hugged her. We hugged for what seemed like minutes. She looked as gorgeous as ever. It was clear her last stint in rehab had pulled her out of the abyss. I felt like a miracle happened, or maybe I was dreaming.

She held me at arm's length to look at me. She didn't need a critical eye to figure out what I'd been up to.

"You promised me you'd stop drinking. You're drunk and it smells like you doused yourself in that disgusting vodka you buy."

She picked up my half consumed bottle and looked at it with disgust as if it was a dead rat she was holding by the tail.

The happy buzz of seeing her was already gone.

"I hope you didn't come all the way from Columbus to bust my chops."

"Quite the opposite Max."

Now she wasn't making any sense. "In what way?" I asked, truly puzzled.

"I came to claim you."

"For what?"

"For me."

She was getting me... now?

"Why Lehka, and why now?"

"My father told me about Evgeny Melnyk and how you got him out of trouble. He told me that you made him promise not to tell."

"I was doing it for your parents, not for you."

"It was a wonderful thing to do. It got me thinking that I've been able to deal with my heroin addiction and that I can deal with your addiction as well. Max, we should be together. Those dark days should have pulled us closer together but instead I pushed us further apart. I know that now."

I dreamed of hearing those words, but there was someone she hadn't mentioned.

"What about Alex?"

"What about Alex?" she snapped back.

"Aren't you... together?" My voice betrayed my insecurity.

She thought my question was comical. "Is that what you think?"

Now I knew I was on thin ice. "Why wouldn't I? You kissed, you were holding hands, you credited her with saving your life. What was I supposed to think?"

"First of all, Maxine Pemberton, you were told not to snoop on me."

"So it's true?"

"Of course it's not. Didn't you notice the wedding ring on Alex's finger?"

Usually I would notice something as obvious as that. But I was too flustered when I saw them together.

"So she's married to someone else?"

"Of course. She's married to a man. I've met him. Jason is his name."

I felt like a complete fool. And me being a detective. I might be good at criminal investigations, but in matters of the heart I just plain sucked. The alcohol induced haze was fading and my heart was beating faster. I still couldn't believe she was in my room.

"So where do we go from here?" I asked.

"Go? I just got here." She laughed. It was good to hear her laugh.

"You know what I mean."

"Sorry. I don't know Max. I was lucky to get to this point."

"I hoped for this.... "

"I love you Max. That hasn't changed."

"It hasn't?" I asked, baring my distrust in my own instincts.

She showed surprise on her face. "Max, a madman kidnapped me and got me addicted to heroin because I was in love with you. And after suffering through that, here I am."

She had a point. She should have run the other direction as fast as she could.

"I'm sorry I questioned you... but there is one more thing."

"One more thing?"

"It's been a long time. I think we need to test our sexual compatibility again, don't you?" I asked her.

She brushed the empty paper cups off the bed. "I think so."

She turned around to allow me to unzip her dress. I unhooked her bra and dropped it on the floor. Her naked breasts called to me. She unbuttoned my pants and stuck her hand inside my panties. I pulled her hand out of my pants and smeared the pussy juice on my lips. I pulled her close, squeezed her tight to know for sure that she was with me. I whispered in her ear and pointed to my glossy lips.

"Here's your first test. Kiss me here."

Her lips touched mine, tasting me.

She was back. After feeling I had lost her forever. Not even knowing if she would live through such a horrible ordeal. And then she came back to me. I was a fool to have ever doubted her love for me.

Our kiss confirmed everything we felt about other.

Then there were the darker needs. The ones that had to be scratched.

She knew how to scratch mine.

"I've got a second test for you," I said to her, my eyes raking over her naked body.

"Do tell," she whispered in a huskier voice.

I cupped my breast and held it out to her... offered to her. The nipple was already hard. She seized it between her teeth, biting into it to give me a shot of pain before she started making love to it with her tongue and lips. It was all too good, to have her with me... again.

"Lehka... there's no one else for me," I confessed to her as I ran my fingers through her hair. Her head bobbed with urgency, kissing me everywhere.

I couldn't resist and gently pushed her head lower, kissing down my belly to the wet slit that was waiting for her affection.

"Extra credit," I told her softly. I could hear her chuckle as she pushed her tongue inside me, stretching me open for her fingers. She heard me gasp.

"Oh fuck, I love you," I told her between hard breaths. She sucked my clit in her mouth while two of her fingers fucked me. I was cumming. Over and over.

I floated downwards as her fingers stilled. But playtime wasn't over for her. Her slippery fingers went lower, making swirls around my anus and extracting a primal growl out of me.

"I'll do anything for you Max."

Her fingers wiggled with pressure against my asshole. The anal ring gave way and she was inside me, stretching me open. She sucked hard on my nipple and the powerful muscle clamped down on her fingers, pulsing in sync with the bursts of pleasure I felt.

Then she seized my nub of pleasure lightly between her teeth while she pushed further inside me. She could feel the ripples of pleasure on her fingers, and she knew she was making me cum again. There was no other reality for me, not Max the tough cop or Max the drunk. I was in love with her, and I would die for her.

I kissed her again. My fingers quickly found her sex, begging for my touch. She sighed and called my name over and over. She gave all of herself to me.

"Max, it's always been you. It's only been you," she confessed. "You're my drug. You're my addiction. I'll never, ever get you out of my system. And I don't want to. No one has made me feel like you do. Do you know why I love you Max?"

I stared into her eyes. She was beautiful. Why would I want anyone else?

"Do tell."

"Because you're Max."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that you're only Max and you don't give a fuck what anyone thinks about you. You do what you think is the right thing. I fucking love that about you. I've always been the good girl Lehka, the good student Lehka, the good police officer, but I've been living the lie, not you. I'm gay and I was ashamed of it. You're the first person to make me feel good about the person I really am."

God I loved her. I ran my hand across her breast and flat tummy, feeling the smooth, yet pebbly texture of her cocoa colored skin.

"I know... I know sweet Lehka. Forgive me for ever doubting you."

She kissed me on the lips. "You're forgiven."

Then she cupped my sex with her hand. "Now what's the next question on the test?" she playfully asked.

Before answering, I brushed a stray lock of hair off her face and thought to myself that I'd finally found the contentment and inner peace I'd been seeking my entire life. Perhaps some relationships were destined to be forged in fire, and Lehka's voyage to Hell and back was the cathartic event that made us both realize for certain that our search was over.

* * *

Next: The story of how Max inherited Nicky's diner.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Given this is 2 years old I guess this is the end of Max stories. Thanks for a wonderful set of stories. I’m not normally keen on lesbian stories but the characters and plots were so gripping and the quality of the writing is fantastic. One of the best things on Literotica imho

kbone1kbone14 months ago

It's a cop story and I had a heck of a time reading all the stories. I loved them all!! The last one that I read is "To Hell...and Back" and Lehka is a surprise to me. She changed a lot and my mind was thinking "She is a lost cause."

Then the story was a surprise to me when Lehka was at the door. GREAT STORIES!!! I need to find out how Nicky died and the inheritance of the diner to Max.

MigbirdMigbird7 months ago

Been thinking about Max — not wondering when we’ll hear from her again (that will come; no problem) rather revisited the last piece before you took us back in time: “To Hell … and Back” — Max struggles with Lehka's addiction and their love. Reread and reread my favorable comment, but I failed at the time (2 years ago) to remark on the most telling/remarkably romantic, beautiful part of that piece — Lehka’s closing testimony as she captured who Max is (for all of us who follow her) and why she loves her. OK, I am a near hopeless romantic and all well and good. My point is how much more you can glean from good writing if you take the time — good stories/characters warrant continued attention. Will probably sent same as message to you, but the entire piece painful, poignant and in the closing beautiful. Thanks.

Joe_DeeJoe_Dee9 months ago

I just finished the series. I like your writing. You tell a good story. This story stands on its own without any sex in it. It is simply a good story. Not that I mind the sex!

Thank you.

I also write - long stories like yours. I don't have the nerve to put them out there, as you have.

sellersricksellersrick11 months ago

Wow - love the tales with Max! Wonderful character and excellent writing. You perfectly weaved the sex in with the main story of her police work on the west end of Cincy.

Hopefully this is a little bit of catnip for you SWP - well done!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I only came across your stories about Maxine recently but I love them. As a recovering alcoholic, I can sympathise with her and feel for every struggle she goes through with the demon.

Time for Betrayal now

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

SWP: Puh-lease. We know you now: The course of true love never did run smooth. Especially with Max!!

You're just fucking with us, right 😂


---- once the account is (ever so slowly) approved

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyover 2 years ago

Yes yes yes ...... She is back and love is in the air ....... Yeah ....... After all her rollercoaster rides , loosing two beloved ones in a horrible kind and so this chapter turns your pages into bright sunlight Healing Lehka or she is on the path like any AA members like Maxine too

Wonderful story and fabulous writing

Nerdyqueen94Nerdyqueen94over 2 years ago

Damn it I love these! Don't want to rush you but I pray inspiration strikes soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I have only read a couple of detective novels, and this certainly fits the style and verbiage. With the sex and interpersonal problems intertwined, it is a fantastic short story. This had to be hard work to write and I appreciate the effort. It was highly entertaining, Thank-You! I look forward to the Diner, with debauchery entwined!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Been really enjoying this series and the character, thank you, hope there is more to come!

MigbirdMigbirdover 2 years ago

You’ve created a uniquely memorable, truly 3-dimensional character in Max Pemberton, Cincinnati police detective. So easy to become immersed in her adventures and the people and places that make up her troubled, but lovable life. This tale has all the elements: fast pace, humor, danger, shady characters, crisp often poignant dialogue, redemption, and well choreographed sex — never a gratuitous sidebar to the action, each scene specific to that moment in the storyline — sometimes debauchery, other times passionately tender as in the closing lines of this chapter. Owner of a diner — that will be interesting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Thanks for another thoroughly enjoyable chapter in the trials and tribulations of Max. Self destructive but with a heart of gold. Your hard work is appreciated.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wish I could give you more than 5, you write such enthralling stories and this may be the best Max story yet. Thanks for all the pleasure I get from reading them

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