To Love a Wolf Ch. 03

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Reunited... At last.
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Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 12/10/2013
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Hey guys I'm sorry its taking me so long to post updates. School is kicking my ass this quarter but thanks so much for being patient with me. I'll try and get Ch.4 up before 2/1 but I cant promise anything. keep the feed back and comments coming!


"What do you mean their coming tonight? Why is my mating being moved up? What's going on?" I asked in a rush. My world was spinning as my father dropped the news on me.

"James and I decided why wait and just merge the packs together now." he said nonchalantly.

I started hyperventilating as I asked, "but I thought the council said that our mating had to wait until our birthdays...?"

"We got the council on board with our plan. The Andretti pack is coming tonight. We're going to spend the week getting used to being a big happy family and discuss the logistics of the new pack, then on Friday we start the celebration and the wedding is on Saturday." My dad said like we were having a normal conversation over breakfast, not one that was altering my life forever.

The room started spinning and he sound of water filled my ears. "Alpha she doesn't look to well..." I heard Tyree say before I hit the floor and the world went black.


I sat in the driver seat squeezing the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white. Blaze was sitting in the passenger seat trying to find a song he liked. Rachel and her sister Aimee sat in the back seat pouting.

None of us were saying anything to each other as we drove in silence each of us lost in our own thoughts."T, you need to calm down. I can feel the anger coming off you in droves and frankly I'm tired of it smacking me in the face" Blaze said to me as he settled on Macklemore & Ryan Lewis' "White Walls" cranking the volume and the bass.

I still said nothing to him and focused on the road. 'Why can't he just let this go? Why can't he just let me choose my own mate? Fuck why couldn't Blaze have been born first so that I wouldn't have to deal with this?' I thought squeezing the steering wheel even tighter.

"Okay guys how about we stop for a minute and stretch our legs eh?" Blaze suggested tapping my hand signaling me to pull over.

I sighed and did as he requested turning the car off before getting out the car. I stalked into the woods adjacent to the jeep and punched one of the huge pine trees, its trunk vibrating from the blow.

I felt somebody walk up behind and put their hand on my shoulder. I knew it was Rachel who was trying to comfort me but she didn't understand that her presence didn't do anything but make the situation worse than it already was.

"Trace it's okay. We can figure a way out of this." She said softly hugging me from behind.

I tensed up and pulled away from her hold before silently stomping back to the Jeep. I didn't say anything to Blaze or Aimee I just got in and waited for them to pile back in the car so we could continue on our way.


The world was starting to come back to me as somebody poked at me. I heard someone else pacing back and forth in the room but my head hurt too much to figure out who it was.

I groaned as I forced my eyes open to find the pack healer staring down at me. I tried to sit up and my dad rushed to my side, "Avani are you alright?" He asked concern flooding his voice as he helped me slowly sit up.

"I'm fine but my head hurts" "you hit your head on the floor when you fainted," the healer said as she reached into her bag pulling out a thermos, some weird looking spices and a large glass.

She poured the strange pink liquid into the glass and sprinkled some of whatever spices she had and handed me the cup. "Drink every last drop. That should make you feel better in a few minutes." She explained as I stared at the cup.

She narrowed her eyes at me, "Avani you need to drink it. We don't have time to waste, the Andretti pack will be here soon!" she barked out.

I sighed and up ended the glass, chugging the foul tasting medicine before asking my father, "How soon is soon?"

"About a half hour at the most." He said glancing down at his watch.

My eyes widened when I realized how little time I had left. "Fuck me!" Was all I said before I darted up off the couch and up the stairs to my room.

I barely got my bed room door closed before I started striping out of my clothes. I padded naked to my bathroom turning on the hot water in the shower and stepping wetting my body down from head to toe.

I grabbed my shower puff from the shelf and soaped it up with my favorite cherry blossom & wild bamboo body wash scrubbing my peanut butter colored skin until it had a slightly pink tinge to it.

I proceeded to wash my hair with the same fragrance shampoo, letting my long tresses sit in a pile on top of my head so I could quickly shave before rinsing off and shutting the water off.

I grabbed one of the plush towels off the counter and wrapped it around my body then grabbed another to wrap my hair before walking into my bedroom. I didn't even bother with panties and just grabbed a pair of tight black leggings that fit my hips, thighs and ass like a glove.

I grabbed my favorite bra (black lace with dashes of purple and aqua blue) and hooked it together before tossing the damp towel in the laundry basket.

I searched through my dresser drawers looking for a shirt long enough to cover up the fact that my ass would jiggle more without panties. I decided on a violet off the shoulder shirt that scrunched on the sides down at the bottom.

The shirt showed off the tattoo I had gotten on my 18th birthday. The tattoo depicted a feather in the wind and the feather dissolved into a dozen or so tiny black birds flying away.

This shirt wasn't my first choice considering the area exposed where my neck and shoulder meet is also the place where Trace would eventually- sooner than I was expecting- put his mating mark, but it was long enough to cover my ass so i dealt with it.

I unwrapped the second towel from my hair and tried to quickly comb it but I knew it was no use. My long wavy hair was a tangled mess so I did the only thing I could by tying it up in a messy haphazard bun.

I glanced at myself in the mirror and sighed at my appearance. I knew I didn't have time to put on any make up to accentuate my natural looks so I hoped my big hazel eyes, dimples and naturally full lips would be enough to impress.

I glanced at the clock and quickly shoved my tiny feet into a pair of ballet flats and sprayed on some of my favorite perfume before dashing out of my room. I made it to the top of the stairs at the same time my father did.

He looked over my outfit and sighed, "I guess that will have to do."

"I'm sorry daddy, I did the best that I could in the time that I had." I said softly casting my eyes down.

I knew I was making things harder for him. He sighed again before pulling me into a huge bear hug "I know your trying princess," he mumbled as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head "now come on I hear cars coming up the road." he released me and moved down the stairs at top speed.

My ears picked up the sound of gravel crunching and flashed down the stairs behind him. The closer I got to the front door the more my nerves built up.

I took a deep breath and walked out onto the front porch coming to a stop between my father and Tyree as the Andretti's SUV's pulled up one after another. The rest of the our pack stood on either side of the stairs all waiting eagerly to meet our new 'family'.

Most of the Andretti pack had come for the mating, only leaving behind security to guard their compound. The car doors started opening up, woman and children filing out.

They moved out of the way so that the elders, betas and what was left of the omegas could get out. Alpha Andretti and his Luna, Claire got out from the first car striding toward the group.

My father hopped down of the porch and shook his hand before embracing like old friends, "Robert its good to see you!" The other alpha commented.

"Its good to see you too James." My father said before looking around, "where's Trace?"

"My son the bloody idiot is late." James said looking over my dad's shoulder at me, "Is that Avani? I haven't seen you since you were about this high." He said holding his hand out by his hip. "And I see you haven't gotten much taller. Come here." He called to me.

I felt Tyree's reassuring hand pat my shoulder before walking off the porch toward the other alpha as snickers sounded off behind me. "It's a pleasure to see you again Alpha Andretti," I say bowing my head in respect.

"Call me James dear Avani." He said pulling me into a big bear hug lifting my feet from the ground. As soon as he released me his wife snatched me up squeezing me tight.

"Oh how I missed my girl," she said in my ear.

As soon as she let me go a horn sounded as another SUV pulled up the trail. "There go my sons now," James muttered darkly as he walked toward the car as it stopped.

2 girls who looked like they just stepped off the model runway jumped out followed by a guy I recognized vaguely as Blaze.

James walked around to the driver's side and was talking to the driver as he hopped out of the car unfolding his tall frame running his hand through his dark shaggy hair. 'That has to be Trace,' I thought as I watched James scold him over being late.

"I'm sorry dad okay?! Besides it's not as if I have a choice on mating her any way so what does it matter if I'm late?" Trace's deep voice rang out causing me to stiffen in embarrassment.

The sting of rejection from him washed over me hurt worse than anything else. 'Just another thing the pack can tease me about.'


'Shit I wasn't supposed to say that out loud.' I thought mentally kicking myself.

I couldn't afford to make the Chambers pack back out of the mating despite what I may want. This was a pack merging that was 21 years in the making. I heard a growl from the crowd and I assumed it was Alpha Chambers.

I would have to do a lot of ass kissing to make up for that comment as well as my tardiness. Blaze shook his head solemnly as I walked around the care scanning the crowd for Avani.

My eyes instantly landed on her standing beside my mother and I had to fight to keep my wolf in check. Something sparked inside of me and wouldn't let me take my eyes away from her as I walked in line behind my father to stand in front of her, my mom and Alpha chambers.

I assessed her from the top to bottom, her slightly bottom heavy hour glass figure, her sweet light cherry scent, her messy bun and make up free face gave her a relaxed look.

'Damn she looks good.' I thought as I tore my gaze from her to the growling alpha in front of me.

"My apologies Alpha Chambers for my tardiness," I said bowing to the older alpha who shot daggers at me.

"If you were going to be late the least you could have done was was the scent of your whore off." Alpha Chambers commented turning away from me leaving a stunned look on my face and my dad trying not to laugh at my expense.

I saw Rachel stiffen out of the corner of my eye but didn't turn my gaze away from the two older alphas and the woman who had invaded my thoughts in less than 5 minutes.

"James if your pack would follow me we will show you all to your room your family is staying in the main house." Alpha chambers called out causing his betas to spring into action leading my pack in the direction of our new home for the time being.

My parents followed behind the other alpha into the big house looming in front of me leaving Blaze, Rachel, Aimee Avani, her friend and I outside.

I glanced at my brother who I noticed for the first time was staring at Avani's friend with deep penetrating gaze. 'Shit what's her name again? Tyree that's right I remember her from when we were little.' I thought as I watched her finally look up at him.

My brother's feelings slammed into me through the connection we shared as his wolf started growling, 'Mate! She's our mate!' His wild eyes met mine and he nodded slightly to confirm what I just heard run through my mind was in fact true before he walked over to Tyree and grabbed her hand.

Blaze looked into her eyes and I guess whatever she saw there made her trust him because they shocked the both of us by silently walking out of the front yard area hand and hand into the woods leaving the rest of us behind stunned.


I watched as Blaze led my best friend away in shock. 'What the hell is that about?' I thought to myself as they went out of view.

I took my eyes away from the woods turning my thoughts back to Trace and the two girls that stood next to him. Appraising his tall frame I notice that he still looks the same way he did when I knew him just older and his body more defined.

My hazel eyes met his intense blue ones and I tried not to get sucked into them as I spoke, "Do you remember me?" I asked mentally kicking myself for asking such a stupid question. 'Of course he remembers you, you dumb love struck bitch. He just announced to both of our packs that he hates the idea of marrying and mating to you!'

"Of course I remember you," Trace answers back coming close to pull me into a tight hug. "Its been a long time Vonni." He said calling me by the nickname he gave me when were younger.

I stiffen as I try to control my body's reaction to his scent as my soft body is pressed up against his harder one, my nipples pebbling against his chest.

He let me go and I take a few steps back to put some space in between me and him, trying to sort out what was going on with me. 'I'm acting like a horny little pup.' I thought as one of the girls that rode in the same truck he did moved up to his side.

Their unnatural good looks complemented each other's and they looked like a Hollywood model couple. "Babe maybe we can find some where quite for us to ... talk." she purred shooting me a look as she rubbed her hand down Traces bicep.

"I'm sure your... friend here wouldn't mind showing my sister to her room." The girl continued. I fought hard to stomp down the jealousy that was rearing its ugly head inside of me.

"Sure if you'll follow me I'm sure I can talk to my father or one of the betas and help you find where your family has been placed." I say speaking to the girl who hasn't said a word yet she shoots a look at her sister before walking past me heading in the direction the rest of their pack went.

I drink in one last look of Trace before turning to follow the other girl calling over my shoulder, "I guess I'll see you guys at dinner tonight."

Neither one of them said anything in response but I could feel Trace's intense stare glued to me as I walked away.


I got a good look at Avani's luscious plump ass and the tattoo on her right shoulder blade as she retreated following behind Amiee.

I couldn't make out what the tattoo was but I was intrigued and wanted to find out what it was. Rachel cleared her throat and started to say something but I raised my hand to stop her.

"Not out here," I say to her stalking toward the opposite woods across from the ones my brother went into with his mate minutes before.

Rachel walked silently behind me until we reached a secluded clearing then she laid into me. "Seriously Trace? That's who you're leaving me for?" she said letting hurt flow into her voice.

I run my hands through my hair yanking on the strands, "Come on Rach don't do this to me. I told you it's for the good of the pack. And don't act like this whole thing was sprung on you. This has been known knowledge since before anything ever happened with us." I said getting frustrated.

I was tired of going back and forth with her over this. "I figured if alpha saw how happy you were with me or if you got me pregnant he would let you back out and stay with me." She said softly wiping tears away from her eyes.

"Rachel what you're not understanding is that this mating has been designed since I was born. You and your family are new to pack life but this isn't negotiable no matter how much we may want it to be. As soon as my father found out his good friend was having a girl this was planned. It's not gonna change and by this time next week Avani and I will be mates and our pack will be one. We can't be together babe. Not the way you want." I snapped at her.

Rachel's tears stopped at once and an angry expression crossed over pretty face.

"Fine if I can't have you then nobody can. You will regret this Traceon Andretti!" She growled at me before stomping deeper into the woods.

"That went well," I muttered to myself. I didn't even bother to go after her.

Instead I just sighed and headed back in the direction of the compound.

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chaniseaustinchaniseaustinabout 4 years ago

I'm curious about what kind of herbs they're giving Avani and if that has anything to do with her blackouts. I will keep reading to find out!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
My comments re word count and story

For people that seem to know Word so well, don't you think it depends on what font size you use, or even the font itself: this can make huge differences as to the number of pages it takes up. So stop with the unnecessary scrutiny and give SP a break on that please. It makes me feel a bit embarrassed to be here. She is writing for free after all.

RE the story, yeah I was a bit perturbed by Trace's lack of politeness on arriving at Avani's packs camp, but that's all really. Why shouldn't they both be disturbed at having to mate with someone they haven't seen for 10 years. And it's SP's story - who says they should have understood a mate bond at 10 years old (even if there is one indeed)

Sorry that's me done now, and I know I'm a bit late in the day, other chapters have been posted, but I'm coming late to reading it and some of these comments just got to me.

EuphoriaSlam69EuphoriaSlam69about 10 years ago
I find it awful

Trace is not honourable at all - it's sickening!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
It's March!!!!

When will Chapter 4 be posted? I can't wait the anticipation is killing me

mssoft2hldmssoft2hldover 10 years ago
im loving this story

I agree with what another person said about introducing another male interested in her but hey this is your work... I would love for this to be wayyyyy longer but I will take short over this not being one of those stories that we fall in love with and it sits on literotica unfinished and the readers disappointed.....don't do us like that yo.... no pressure :)

dairetodairetoover 10 years ago
I agree with Shyintx

However didnt his wolf stand up and take notice? maybe they are mates.

Although i have read a few stories that have varying ideas about mates and how it happens

shyintxshyintxover 10 years ago

One thing is bothering me though, obvisouly they know right away if they are mates by how his brother knew that her friend was his mate. So that means they are not true mates if Trace and Avani's wolf don't think they are mates.

brownskinnedcutiebrownskinnedcutieover 10 years ago
Could you please write longer chapters?

Rachel is crazy she went from crying crocodile tears to threatening trace with the if I can't you no one can line. Watch her ass!! Trace and Avani are attracted to each other so love can't be too far away.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I Love where this is going!!!!

it is sooo hard to come across werewolves and interracial story lines that are new. Because I have read all of the other ones already.

I am super excited to read more. Keep writing, and please please pretty please try to update soon. I am loving the fact that she is gonna give Trace the cold shoulder, as she should because he's acting like an ass.

I hope "the chase" happens soon, and she makes Trace work for the mating. Oh yeah, can she rip out Rachel's throat the next time too, so that it sends a message to the other members of her pack? Hopefully she turns into a super bad ass werewolf after the mating and her insomnia goes away because she's with her other half.

keep up the good work, because you are doing a fantastic job.

D3stin2L0v3D3stin2L0v3over 10 years ago

I read this from my phone app and was able to rate it; however, I could not commit until now. This is too funny, the girl he does not want to mate with is his mate and (his brother has acknowledged his mate) he does not have a clue. I think she should give him a run for his money. Okay, that Rachel girl is crazy.

Buxombeauty2Buxombeauty2over 10 years ago
Good storyline ....

But it's time for the assertive aggressive Avani to awaken plz.

ariesgirlariesgirlover 10 years ago

I think it's time for Avani to stand up for herself. No matter what her pack mates think of her she doesn't have to let them treat her so. She is the alpha's daughter and its time for her to start acting like it. Hopefully Trace won't let her pack members get away with how they've been treating her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
More More More!


JensensloverJensensloverover 10 years ago
nooooo!(Author comment) Lit is the worst of all tricksters! 11 pages of work over 4000 words and it still ended up being one freaking page??!!! How does that even work!?

3163 words, 6 1/2 pages. Not sure where you got your stats from but after copying and pasting into a word document that's what I came up with. No I didn't keep it either, but really, is lying the way to go to keep readers?

As for the storyline, I don't like it, there's no redeeming qualities in any of them and I feel like the storyline has been done to death.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
it is the worst of all tricksters! 11 pages of work over 4000 words and it still ended up being one freaking page??!!! How does that even work!?

Exaggerate much?

""What do you mean their coming tonight?"

Should be THEY'RE, not their. That's just one error. You really need an editor and the storyline itself leaves a lot to be desired

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