To Love and Obey Ch. 04


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Squeezing and caressing one globe as he sucked the other, he'd groan with pleasure, his hips swaying as I stroked him, my hand giving a slight twist to his shaft as I reached the tip of his cock and then reversed the stroke. When his body stiffened and his balls became tight against his body, I knew he was ready. He'd look at me and, just as he'd begin to say "Cass, I'm going to cuuuummmm . . ." he'd ejaculate, spraying strings of cum onto my belly and between my legs, mouthing my name . . ."My god, Cassie, yes, yesssss," with a quivering voice.


As my due date grew closer, my uncertainty and fear increased.

"Janine . . . what am I going to do? Suppose the baby is William's?"

The thought of what I was about to say brought tears to my eyes, "Janine, if the baby is mixed, Robert will take the baby from me . . . I can't let him do that, Janine, I won't."

"I been thinking on it, Ms Cassie, and I have an idea, but it's gonna be up to you."

"What is it?" I asked apprehensively.

Patiently and with measured words, Janine began, "I got a cousin in Shreveport that we can trust, and I'm thinking maybe two weeks or so before the baby is due, you can go and stay in Shreveport. If the baby is white, when you're ready to travel, you and the baby just come on back home. If the baby is black, we'll tell everyone that it died, was stillborn. My cousin will raise him, her own baby died this past spring and I know she would love him like she loved her own."

"Oh my god, Janine, I couldn't leave my baby," I began, before Janine cut me off in mid-sentence.

"Listen to me," she said sternly, "You'll know where the baby is and who's raising it. You'll be able to see the child whenever you wanted.

Miss Cassie, honey, you ain't going to have much of a choice in this. I think you and me both are worried what Mr. Robert will do. If it's not his baby, he'll have the doctor or someone take that baby away as soon as it's born. Mr. Robert would never hurt the baby, but he's not gonna want you seeing it or lovin' it. That would just make things worse."

After a long pause, "I don't think Robert would let me go all the way to Shreveport without him, especially now," I countered, inwardly resisting Janine's plan.

"Miss Cassie, you gonna have to do this, unless you think of something else. That baby of yours will be here soon and we're runn'n out of time."

I looked up at her, knowing she was right, and felt the tears brimming in my eyes.

"Now don't you worry . . . I'll be with you, we'll come up with a good reason for going to Shreveport, and for delaying your return home if it comes to that."

I lowered my head onto Janine's lap and finally let the tears fall. I cried quietly until there were no more tears left. Janine helped me up and we walked into the house her strong, caring arm wrapped about my shoulders.


My changing body did not curtail Robert's desires. Now in my eight month, I had begun to feel very large, and cumbersome. On more than one occasion, Janine had commented on how much the baby would weigh, and that she hoped my labor wouldn't be too difficult. Robert and I spent most of our evenings at home, me embroidering baby clothes and Robert at his desk working or reading. As my time approached, I wanted to be near home; Janine called it 'nesting'. I remembered what Janine had said to me that day in the kitchen when we first talked about my pregnancy. Just as Janine had said would happen, Robert's feelings toward me had changed. It was as if the more obvious my pregnancy became, the more protective, and attentive he became. Allowing himself to become secure and trusting in my feelings for him, and for his in me. The only pall over my happiness was knowing he would never accept another man's, a black man's, baby or that he would let me keep the baby.

One night, I was sitting up in bed, absently brushing my hair and looked up to see Robert watching me. I smiled at him and he came over to the bed, "You're beautiful, Cass," he said, slipping his hands into the top of my gown and cupping my warm, heavy breasts. He seemed fascinated with my breasts, they were of course much bigger than before and still changing, getting ready for the baby. With the slightest touch or squeeze, they would leak and he enjoyed licking and suckling them. Robert eased me down onto my back, took my tit into his mouth and began sucking. "Touch me, Cass," he said and I reached down and began fondling his balls. As he sucked and teased, my pussy responded and started contracting and releasing around a not yet present cock. He attempted to move between my legs wanting to enter me, and I put my hands on his hips to stop him.

"Robert, wait," I half-heartedly protested. "I'm too big . . ."

Despite what I saw as my humongous belly, Robert still enjoyed making love to me. He looked down at me and smiled lecherously, "Of course you're not too big," he said gliding his fingers along the length of my swollen, pink pussy lips. In a cajoling voice, he said, "That feels good, doesn't it? Do you want more little girl? Foolish question, of course you do," he said laughing outright as he pressed my legs open wider. He knelt between my legs, being careful not to put his weight on me, and started slowly stroking into me, rubbing my clit with the pad of his thumb. He was quickly on the edge of cumming, but struggled to control himself until I was ready.

I pulled him closer to me and said, "It's alright, go ahead."

With a look of relief on his face, he stopped fighting and gave in to his orgasm, "Oh Cass, I'm going to cum . . . going to cum . . . can't hold it, Cassie," and with a loud guttural "Ughhhhhhhhh, babyyyyyyyyy, " he came with an intense orgasm spurting warm, thick cum inside my already ripe pussy. His orgasm triggered my own and my body stiffened, then relaxed when a gentle orgasm spread through me. Afterward, snuggling against him, we were surprised by the sight of the baby's tiny feet pressing against my belly, followed by two sharp little kicks.


I was awakened from my sleep by a dull, achiness in my lower back and between my legs. Getting up I walked across the room to pour myself a fresh glass of water from the carafe. I stood there sipping my water, idly looking out of the window into the dark star filled night, and became aware of something dripping down the inside of my legs.

I looked down and saw that the bottom of my gown was wet and a small pool of water had started to form at my feet as I stood there momentarily confused, trying to figure out where the water was coming from.

"Cass, Cassie," I heard Robert calling from the bed, "Are you alright?"

I didn't respond and he called out again, "Cassie?"

He reached over to the night table and turned on the small bed lamp. I heard him get up and walk toward me, stopping short when he saw me, "Oh my god, Cassie, your water's broken." He picked me up in his arms and carried me back to the bed, covered me with a blanket and took off running for the stairs to get Janine.

Janine came into the room, and seeing me, headed straight to the bed. "Everything's gonna be fine, Miss Cassie. You just lay there and I'll get you cleaned up and warm."

She turned and gently ushered Robert to the door. "Give her a little privacy, Mr. Robert . . . she'll be fine." Robert left and Janine closed the door behind him.

"It's too soon, Janine. The baby's coming too earlier," I screamed, terrified by the futility of all our planning. Terrified the baby I was about to give birth to would be black, almost hysterical with the thought of what Robert was planning to do.

"Shhhhhh, now stop! Stop! It's not good for you or the baby to get yourself worked up into a state. Everything will be fine, Janine's here with you," she said.

I quieted and focused on her words, but I could see in her eyes the concern and apprehension.

Janine got me cleaned up and into a fresh gown. As she had done since I was a little girl, she brushed my hair and braided it into a thick plait, all the while talking to me in a low soothing voice in an effort to calm me. I was exhausted and fell into a fitful sleep until I was startled awake by the first of my early sporadic contractions. The contractions began in earnest a few hours later, I wanted her to send for Momma, but Janine thought it better to wait until after the birth and we knew for sure it was Robert's baby. I knew she was right and I desperately clung to Janine not wanting her to leave me.

With each contraction, my hysteria and the pain increased and Janine warned me again to try to relax for the baby's sake. With my cries, and sometimes screams echoing through the hallway, Robert came to the door wanting to enter.

When I saw him, I immediately started crying and shouting, "No, no! I don't want him in here. Janine, please make him go away, please."

Through a haze of tears, I saw Janine and Robert whispering across the room and after a short while, with a look of resignation on his face, he turned and left the room.

After hours of labor, my body was exhausted and drained. Janine had been with me through the night and I knew she was just as tired as I was. At one point, I relented and let Robert come into the room. He looked haggard, with a dark growth of stubble and worry etched on his face. He took my hand and kissed it, and I squeezed his hand hard when another contraction took hold. As the pain subsided, I opened my eyes, looked into Robert's face, and saw for the first time how scared he was. He pressed a cold towel to my face and brushed back my damp hair. "It won't be much longer, Cass," he said trying to be reassuring. I held his hand tighter as another contraction began, and I tried not to scream.

Janine stood over us trying to gauge the intensity of the contraction and said, "Don't hold it in, Sweetness, scream if you need to, scream loud enough for everyone to hear." And I did.

When the pain began to lessen and I could take a deep breath, I pulled Robert closer to me and, in a faint whisper, begged him, "Please Robert, don't take my baby. Don't send him away . . . please."

Before he could respond, another contraction began to build threatening to drag me into that abyss of pain.

He got up and walked to the door, I could tell he and Janine were arguing. He was furious and wanted to call the doctor. Janine continued in her attempt to reassure him that things were fine, that labor always took a while with the first baby.

"Damn it, she can't take much more of this," he shouted at her. "Get out of my way Janine, I'm sending Matt for the doctor, now!"

He turned and was about to leave when another scream filled the room. Janine ran to me and took both my hands in her's. This last contraction was so intense and painful I felt as if I were being split in two.

Janine began to shout, "Breathe, baby, take a deep breath."

"Janine, something's happening, something's wrong," I said in between wracking sobs. Robert came and stood next to me, taking my hand again.

"Mr. Robert, you don't need to be here. Why don't you go on out and. . ."

"No, god damn, it! I'm staying right here," he said defiantly, his tone daring her to say anything else to him.

Janine looked over at Robert and then back to me. Realizing there was no way she would be able to get him out of the room, she turned her attention to me and hurried to the foot of the bed.

"No, Miss Cassie, everything is right . . . you're doing good," she said. "The baby's head is starting to crown, your baby's coming, Miss Cassie. It's coming."

"Listen to me, Miss Cassie, you gonna have to help. When I tell you to, I want you to push. Do you understand me? Miss Cassie?"

"Yes, Janine, I understand," I replied in a shaky voice. I held onto Robert's hand, needing his strength, and each time Janine said 'push' I would somehow manage one more push.

It was becoming harder with each effort and, just when I thought my body couldn't possibly do it again, she said, "Push, honey, I need you to push hard. Push hard now!"

With a final, tremendous push, I gave a deafening scream as my baby was born.

"Let me hold the baby, Robert, please let me hold my baby," I said, still so weak I could barely hold my head up. Robert released my hand and walked toward Janine. He stood there at the foot of the bed looking at her as she held the tiny bundle.

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sissymidasissymidaalmost 10 years ago

you can't leave this story here after getting us all into it so deep this story is amazing I could feel the contractions myself and also the mixed emotions of weather the baby is white or black

LadyPartsLadyPartsalmost 10 years ago
Awe shit!

You can't leave it there!!!! Get your ass back to writing!

DebbieWrightDebbieWrightalmost 10 years ago

Just catching up.



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

god what a cliffhanger. how she could forgive him is beyond me. he punished her for being unfaithful but so was he with numerous women. that's a double standard if i ever saw one.

EroticChocolateEroticChocolatealmost 10 years ago

Awwwww man just when it was getting to the good part. Please update soon, I love your writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Great writing!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I must congratulate you on your superb story. It's really rare that I check an author if he or she updated their stories but you're one of them. I check every day for a new chapter and finally there it is... only to finish in a massive cliffhanger. You're a cruel, cruel woman. I love it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Wow!!! Thank you!

You had my attention all the way!! Couldn't stop reading.

Can't wait to find out who the father is.

MasterfuljimMasterfuljimalmost 10 years ago

How did I just know it was going to end there !!!

Lovely well written realistic story.

happybetahappybetaalmost 10 years ago
Throw suspense into the mix

Added to the realistic plot and excellent descriptions of sometimes unexpected sex, it all adds up to an outstanding story. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
How Cruel!!!

I love this story!!! How could you cut it off right then?!?! Really?? Lol who fathered that baby. You're good sir. Your good. You had me at hello. Lol.

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