To Love the Professor Ch. 05


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"Yes, it is a favorite," I responded. I then headed out to the living room and found him in the kitchen, and we sat down to have lunch together. I told him about my love for Chinese and about a little restaurant down in New Kent that has excellent food. I knew we wanted to keep our relationship on the down low, mainly him, so I recommended restaurants where we wouldn't be discovered. I also mentioned a favorite Italian restaurant near the coast. I thought he might ask me to dinner at one of his favorite restaurants or suggest a favorite place of his that we could try, but he said nothing.

After eating lunch, I cleaned up and, just like before, he accosted me as I stood in front of the sink. "Can we...can't we talk," I whispered as his lips dominated mine.

"Later," he groaned as he removed my clothes. With persuasion we went from the counter and somehow we ended up on the marble floor of the kitchen. "Emma!" he moaned. He was begging me and pleading with me to answer his lust. My eyes, my body and I believe my very soul was mated to him, and when I looked in his eyes I felt my heart melt to oblivion. I wondered if he felt some inclination similar to what I was feeling towards him.

In my heart I wanted to believe that he and I were having more than just sex, yet there was a reoccurring thought and belief that I was just a warm body that occupies his bed and is currently occupying the floor of his kitchen. Sebastian picked me up and carried me back into the bedroom.

Another thing I noticed is that he always takes the lead and orders me about like a drill sergeant. "Roll this way! No that way! Stay still!" Sometimes he even orders me when to climax and, like the fool I am, I do it. I am thinking that our relationship status is nonexistent and instead I feel like a concubine.

In an attempt to gain some dominance or equality of the relationship, I manage to get him on his back. He was a bit startled by that move as he watched me come up to straddle him. I then began riding him, taking it slow but then a sense of urgency took over and I began riding him as though I was riding one my prize winning mares.

He seemed to be enjoying it as his hands gripped my hips, encouraging me to take my pleasure from him.

"That's it baby...take me hard," he cried out as I rode him. I began to pick up speed and he was thrusting up as I came down. "Ride me baby!" he screamed as we moved up and down together. I could tell he was close as was I, but I truly wanted to make him cum first because he always makes me go first. When I clenched on him tightly, he groaned and I then felt him thrust harder inside of me.

This time, I exclaimed "That's it baby!" and, like a man possessed, he climaxed hard and I quickly followed close behind. I collapsed on top of his chest huffing just as loud as him and trying to catch my breath. I slowly sat up, only for him to grasp the back of my neck and pull me down into a mouthwatering kiss.

"Um," I moaned as his lips and tongue tried to possess me.

"I think this is my new favorite position," he chuckled.

"Oh really," I said as I sat up looked down at him.

"Watching you take your pleasure, while riding me like a horse was indeed a turn on," he said.

"I did imagine that I was riding one of my prize winning stallions," I giggled.

"So you do own a horse. I thought so," he teased.

"Yes, I used to compete when I was younger," I said. "Although riding a horse never made me feel this good," I teased as I ground against him and moaned. I giggled and then climbed off of him and slightly winced as I felt the soreness between my thighs and lower regions. Horse riding never made me feel this sore either, unless I took a really bad fall.

As he and I lay in bed, it was the perfect opportunity to enquire information from him but I ended up drifting off to sleep. We rested for nearly thirty minutes and then I felt him gently stroking my back and waking from my small cat nap.

"Time to go back to civilization, my little bed nymph," he whispered against my ear. I sighed and pulled away from his arms. I headed straight for the shower and he quickly followed close behind. His hand lathered my body with soap and he took the time to massage and wash my body. I moaned and relaxed against him as he caressed me. I winced again as he washed and massaged my lower region. Sebastian then moved me up the large shower head to rinse my body.

"Your finish," he whispered into my ear and making me tremble.

"What about you?" I asked as I turned around to face him. I saw he was hard again which was indeed shocking.

"If you don't leave the shower, I will have you pinned against the wall again fucking you into oblivion and forgetting that you are sore," he said. Hearing him speak that way was a turn on but I was not crazy. He was right, I was very sore and I ached between my thighs. I felt guilty looking at his painful blue balls and decided the only solution would be to pleasure him with my mouth.

My hands went up and began to caress his body but he tried to pull away. "Emma, what are you doing?" he demanded.

"Taking care of you," I whispered against his lips before I kissed him hard. I then grabbed his body wash and poured out a large glob and began to soap up his entire body. He moved his hard staff against my stomach, demanding for someone or something to ease it. My hands slowly crept down and grasped his aching member and I began to clean it while simultaneously massaging it. I kissed along his chest and at the base of his neck.

"Should I make you cum?" I asked as I began to stroke him harder.

"Yes!" he growled.

"Where do you want to put it?" I whispered against his collar bone.

"Inside," he whimpered.

"Inside" I asked him.

"Yes!" he growled again.

"But you can't...I am too mouth?" I asked.

"Oh yes, baby!" he cried out as I squeezed the tip of his cock.

"What do I do once it is in my mouth?" I played dumb.

"Suck...lick...taste!" he cried out. "Baby please...please Emma!" he begged.

"Okay...since you said please," I teased him. I slowly lowered down to the floor, gliding my tongue from his belly button to his member. I loved that I could truly dominate him. He was like a whimpering puppy as he begged for me to give him release.

"Please," he whispered as I hovered near his member. I finally gave him what he desired and placed my mouth on the head of him and tasted his essence. He groaned as I moved him further into my mouth. I made love to his staff with my mouth and tongue, giving him what he needed from me. I began to move harder and deeper and I felt him thrusting. It wasn't long before he took over and began to literally "fuck" my mouth.

"That's it baby...let me take that sweet mouth!" He growled as he moved faster and before long he climaxed. I sucked and licked and finally he went limp inside my mouth. He slowly fell out of mouth and then pulled me up off my knees and brought his mouth to mine. He began kissing me with an urgency as he held me close to his body.

"That was amazing," he gasped as he pulled away from my lips. "I could spend forever like this," he said as he kissed me. His words went straight to my heart and made me tremble with pleasure. However, I could just be reading too much into his comment. I pulled away from him and climbed out of the shower.

"Where you going?" he said as he was close on my heels.

"Just to get ready...I've got to pick up my car and get to class," I said.

"Oh right...let me hurry up and get ready," he said as he dressed. I felt a mild ache and it had nothing to do with my body but everything to do with my heart.

Upon arriving at my apartment building, I was about to get out of the car but he pulled me back and kissed me. I returned his kiss loving the combination of his smooth lips and tongue gliding against mine.

"We should do this again," he said as he stroked my face. As much as I enjoyed the afternoon I shared with him...the convenience he had with me made me feel easy. I wanted the chase...I wanted him to want me...more than just me...but want to be with me. I didn't just want to be a convenient lay for him.

"This afternoon was great, but I do have homework and other things I have to do," I stated.

" about tonight?" he asked.

"We'll see Professor Blaire," I answered and played hard to get. He smiled and kissed me once more.

"See you in class. Ms. Carrington," he smirked. I got out of the car and headed into the front doors of my building. I turned and saw him still waiting there in his Range Rover as I waited for the elevator.

I rode the elevator up to my floor and got off, and then quickly unlocked my door and went inside. I saw the mail laying on the floor from the mail slot. It was another People magazine and a post card from my cousin Nicholas and his wife Samantha. I missed them both and I looked forward to summer when I would be going to Africa to visit them and help with their work.

I placed the post card on the fridge and then gathered my books for class. I got into my car and drove back to the university. Instead of classical music, I played "Young and Beautiful" by Lana Del Rey until I pulled into the student parking lot and spotted Sebastian SUV in the staff parking lot.

I quickly headed to Griffith Hall and went inside where I saw Mason had beat me into class. "Hello my fair damsel," he greeted me.

"Damsel?" I enquired. I sat in the seat next to him and stacked my books and writing utensil neatly on the desk.

"I was referring to the day I rescued you in the hallway." I chuckled at his statement.

"Well thank you, great knight," I replied. "I would have been lost without your noble deed," I answered.

"A noble deed requires a reward, possibly a kiss," he winked.

"Sorry dear knight, we maidens only kiss frogs." Before further banter, the professor entered and began taking roll. The professor then quickly went over the reading which I neglected to do last night, but luckily I knew enough about Walt Whitman to answer her surprise questions. After a round of questions followed by a quick compare and contrast essay on two pieces of Whitman's work class was dismissed.

I was gathering my stuff when I heard Mason clear his throat. "Take care, my lady," he stated as he placed a gentle kiss against my hand before retreating from the classroom. I left the classroom chuckling as I thought about Mason, and I then headed to the cafeteria to get a soda before heading to my next class.

Upon arrival, I saw Sebastian was currently up front at his desk talking with a female student from his previous class. I saw his eyes peek up at me as I sat in the front row. Other students quickly paraded into the classroom and he quickly wrapped his conversation up with the student.

Looking at him made me recount the events from this afternoon. His eyes locked on me for another moment and it sent pleasurable chills throughout my body. I let my eyes drift closed as I thought about us in the shower, on the floor and in his bed. My thoughts were quickly interrupted by a figure, which was Sebastian, standing in front of me. He pretended as though he was handing me a paper and discussing it with me.

"Will I see you tonight?" Sebastian whispered quickly.

"We'll see, Professor Blaire," I teased.

"I'll take that as a yes," he responded as he leaned down closer, and then he gave me a smirk before returning to the front of the class. When class began, Sebastian discussed the chapter reviews, and after going through Chapters 3 & 4 we then had a short pop quiz. Thanks to the review, I had no issue with answering a majority of the questions. When everyone had completed the pop quiz, class was dismissed.

I packed my bag and hung back waiting for the class to empty. "Professor Blaire can you explain this question?" I asked him as the students were leaving. He instructed me to come to his desk and, when the classroom was empty, I made my way up to the front were he sat on the edge of his desk.

"Hey baby," he whispered as he pulled me into his arms. I sighed and rested my body in his secure arms. I was just asking for it as I looked up at him and he kissed me hard. I moaned and encircle my arms around him.

"Shall we go home?" he asked. He used the words "we" and "home" and it sent a wonderful feeling to my heart. I just nodded my head unable to speak or utter a word.

He gather his belongings and I grabbed my bag. He escorted me out of the classroom and then to my car before he walked over to his in the employee parking. I started my car and trailed Sebastian back to the apartment and then I followed him straight up to the garage, bypassing the valet. When we were both parked we I headed down the elevator and into his penthouse.

"You hungry?" he asked as we were entering the door. "Sure," I said. He flipped on the lights and sat his brief case and jacket on the counter. I removed my jacket and placed it on the back of the dining room chair.

"Pizza?" he inquired.

"That is fine," I answered. He picked up the phone and began to dial Papa Pizza, which is one of my favorite pizza places. Then I was a little surprised when I heard him order my favorite type of pizza. I was now wondering if I had mentioned my love for anything with olives, mushrooms and sausages.

I headed over to the TV and I was in time to watch Jeopardy as I sat down on the couch. Within a few minutes he was sitting beside me handing me a glass of red wine. I took a sip and moaned because it was delicious.

It was nice that Sebastian wasn't attempting to jump my body and make love to me. Somehow we got on the topic of favorite TV shows and found that we had a few in common. In addition to watching Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune, we found that we both loved Patterson books and shared a love for the Pelican Brief.

"I love the book but I also like the movie," I said to him.

"I like the book better because things are always better written than acted," he said as he smiled.

"I will agree but I am a big Julia Roberts fan. I am a sucker for Pretty Women," I said. We began to alternate from movies to books. He told me about his love for reading old comics and I told him I also enjoy reading a good romance.

"How can I forget? It was where we first met. You were stuck in a corner reading another one of those boring feminist books," he said.

"Oh you can't complain. There are not many men who can recite Austin off the top of their heads," I said. "Admit it, you like Austin," I stated.

"Never," he chuckled. As a result, I began to tickle him into submission and before long he pulled me into his lap and held me hostage in his arms.

"Admit it," I said.

"Kiss me first," he demanded before his lips latched onto mine. I moaned and he chuckled as his mouth teased my bottom lips.

"What so funny?" I asked him in a complete daze.

"I was thinking that these lips have to be the sweetest things I have ever tasted," he whispered. I couldn't help but smile and feel that warm feeling creeping into my stomach. I knew what it was...I was developing serious feelings for him. I could fall in love with him but I also knew the probable outcome; however, I am in too deep and I just can't walk away.

I kissed him hard, hoping he would feel some inkling of what I felt. He scooped me up and was about to take me into the bedroom but then we heard a knock on the door.

"Sebastian...door," I moaned as he kissed my neck. He sat me on my feet and went to the door to get the pizza. My stomach growled as the smell of Papa's Pizza hit my nostrils. He sat it in the living room and I grabbed plates from the cabinet.

We sat down and each took a slice of pizza. My tasted buds screamed in pleasure as we ate pizza and I was practically making a similar sound like when he was licking my lips.

"You like?" he asked me.

"Pizza is definitely the way to my heart," I giggled.

"I would have thought you preferred fine dining," he said as he smiled at me.

"Well I can also be tempted by Tez's Chicken Alfredo and Pacho's Fajitas," I said as I listed two of my favorite restaurants. "I also will melt for a Caramel Mocha latte," I said.

"Sounds like you're a food connoisseur," he said.

"Well I dine out a lot because I am usually meeting friends or family, so we try new places. When I went overseas with my father, we dined at a different place every night," I said.

"Sounds amazing, especially traveling everywhere," he said.

"It does sound great but most of the time I was left to fend for myself. Sometimes my cousin would come with me but he is married now, so I am left to explore these amazing places alone," I said.

"What was your favorite country or place you visited?" he asked me.

"Well it is between Morocco, Dubai, and India," I said.

"I've never been to Morocco or Dubai but I have been to India. I was in my second year at college and I was able to persuade my parents, mainly my father, to allow me to go to India," he said.

"I can understand completely. Even now, when I want to go to a foreign country he gives me the third degree, regarding the safety and security," I said.

"My father's demands have nothing to do with safety, more like control, because he want us, meaning my brother and me, to be his carbon copies. Any type of detour from the plan is a big faux pas," he said.

"Is that why you went into law?" I asked.

"Yes...but I also wanted to help people," he chuckled but I saw a forlorn look in his eyes. I understand being controlled by a parent and think it is probably the norm for any parent to want their child to achieve greatness. My father was also determined to have me follow in my mother footstep by going into law, although when I was younger I envisioned myself as a modern architect scaling and building superior structures. However, I wanted to make my father happy as well as honor my mother by achieving some of her dreams. "So enough about that, tell me about your trip to some of these places?" he asked me.

"It is a busy city and extremely hot. My father had spent nearly two year over there building the Pica Towers," I said.

"Wow... I've seen them, but I had no idea he built those," he replied.

"Yes, it is one my father's favorite designs, and it is a favorite of mine as well," I said as I smiled at him.

"Your father is remarkable but not as brilliant as you are," he said as he pulled me back into his arms.

"You think so?" I asked as he caressed my cheek.

"Of course. You're brilliant, beautiful, smart, and very sexy," he said. His firm lips kissed along my neck.

"Kiss me," I demanded and he kissed my lips. He picked me up and we finally made it back to the bedroom where he lay me down in bed. I reached for him but he pulled away.

"I was going to asked you if you wanted dessert but you are more than enough," he said as he began to undress me. He didn't allow me to lift a finger as he undressed the both of us. I reached again but he growled and nipped my ear before he kissed me. That night I allowed him to take total control and I truly couldn't complain.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I love it! Great story, please add the next chapter soon, can't wait to see how it continues! :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Please post next chapter soon

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Please add another chapter soon!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I really like this story and each chapter and look foward to reading hopefully many more chapters.

Although it seems like it should be listed in the erotic coupling catergory instead of romance due to ratio of sex vs romance. Unless I missed it they haven't even agreed to being exclusive yet and we are five chapters in. Agreed they seem to be moving in that direction, but Emma still has a date with her classmate Saturday..

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Love this chapter!

It's not just sex. It is the beginning of a sexual relationship quickly turning into something more emotional...a.k.a. the communication and the interaction between the two main characters. Also the story is in Emma point of view not the male character. Although I wouldn't mind knowing what Professor Blaire is thinking. Keep writing PJ, I cant wait to see next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I want to know more than sex between them . What is male character thinking and she has to ask him about there relationship

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