To Love the Professor Ch. 06


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"My mother's socialite groupies, just ignore them," he said. My eyes focus on the menu in front of me but I was now wondering if his mother would be joining the ladies.

"Do you see what you are going to eat?" he asked me. The waiter approached us waiting for our orders.

"The frittatas, with a glass of orange juice," I stated. "I'll have my usual," Sebastian stated to the waiter. The waiter dismissed himself from our table.

"The usual?" I asked him.

"Belgium waffles with bacon hidden in the middle, topped with syrup," he said.

"No eggs?" I asked.

"Not a big fan of eggs, not big on the texture," he said. "Is there anything you don't like?"

"I'm allergic to cherries, not a big fan of fish, love anything with olives," I said. "Do you have any allergies?" I asked him.

"No real allergies, unless you count commitment," he chuckles. "You're so cheesy," I teased him.

"Speaking of cheese, I love anything with cheese and pretty much anything sweet," he smirked. My mind drifted back to his comment about my lips, claiming they were the sweetest thing he had ever tasted. My thoughts were interrupted when I watch Sebastian stand up. There stood a well dress women in a pale pink suite that reminded me of the women from the Stepford Wives film. Her hair reminded me of an old Betty doll and not a single strand of her dark raven hair was out of place. He smile was flawless as she smiled even wider as she approached. She was also wearing a distinct collection of white pearl which were gracing her neck. She was one of the women that occupied the table near the bay window. According to Sebastian she was one his mother social groupies.

"Sebastian dear, how have you been?" she inquired as she air kissed him on both cheeks.

"I am fine Mrs. Guthrie, just enjoying a lovely breakfast with my girlfriend." He said as he smirked down at me.

"Please, make the introduction dear boy," she stared down at me. Should I stand to greet her or do I remain seated? Judging by her intimidating glances I guess I was supposed to stand. I stood up, noticing for the first time how tall the woman was and the cleanliness of her makeup.

"Mrs. Guthrie this Emma Carrington, Emma this is Mrs. Guthrie, she is a dear friend of my mothers," he stated. Mrs. Guthrie gently raised her hand out to shake my hand. I attempted to follow her example and gently shook her hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you Emma," she smiled cheerfully. "Likewise," I replied. I knew at that moment I shouldn't have been to informal with her as I watched a frown settled more on her face. She then shook my hand before letting go. Judging by her quick glance she gave me from head to toe, it seems she didn't approve. Sebastian sat down and I quickly followed example.

"Well I will tell your mother that I have seen you and your interesting girlfriend," she stated before gracefully leaving. "Interesting" what the hell did that mean? Also why did I have a bad feeling about her telling his mother about me? I glanced over at the table of women and they were all in an intense conversation. There was no doubt in my mind that the conversation involved myself.

Sebastian and I sat down just as the waiter began to bring out our dishes. I glanced over at Sebastian dish and it was remarkable. It was two large waffled with syrup, whip cream and a red cherry gracing the top of the dish. Sebastian then took his spoon and scooped up the cherry before placing it on the side.

"You're not going to eat the cherry?" I asked. "No, because I plan on kissing you in a few minutes," he smirked. I couldn't help but smile as I ate my frittatas and sipped my orange juice.

After finishing breakfast, he and I departed the restaurant together. I glanced near the bay windows and notice the ladies had vanished. More than likely they were on their way to report back to their leader.

Sebastian drove me over to the west end of library. He then proceeded to get out of the car and open my door, earning him more brownie points. He then leaned down and gave me a quick passionate kiss on the lips before he parted from me. I headed into the library and knew I had no time to waste. I went directly to class were Carmen was already sitting at her desk having a bite of muffin. The professor walked in just as I was taking my seat.

"Cutting it close aren't we," Carmen teased. "Tell that man of yours that he should at least allow you to get to class on time." I chuckled at her comment.

"I'll let him know." The professor quickly did attendance and then followed up with another documentary on religious and social structures of society. I felt completely emerged in the beautiful architecture of the building being featured in the documentary. I was a complete sucker for early 14th century churches. I was so into the film that I barely heard my phone vibrate. I quickly glanced at it and saw it was a text message from Sebastian.

Upon looking at the text message it read, "Unexpected meeting this afternoon, can't meet for lunch". I responded with an "Okay" followed by "I miss you". I didn't expect him to reply but he did text back, "Miss you". I smiled at his reply, at least I am not the only one that feels the same.

My eyes quickly focused back on the documentary as I saw another angelic church come on the screen. After the completion of the documentary, the professor issued a Q&A on the chapter reading for classwork. It took the entire class period to finish up the fifty question.

Upon class dismissal Carmen approached me. "So was that Mason texting you?" she asked.

"Yeah," I lied so easily. I felt guilty but I knew it wasn't the right time for Sebastian and me to disclose our relationship to friends or family. "He was telling me he was busy for lunch, so if you need a lunch date I am free," I smiled at Carmen.

"Sure, why not." She then grabbed my arm and we went to Tez for a light lunch. Jessica was off doing task according to the assistant restaurant manager. We called to invite Rose but of course she was busy at the hospital and usually she and her husband ate together.

"So Brandon's been dropping hints about marriage." Excitement was laced in her voice as she looked at me.

"Really?" I asked.

" first I would shut him down when it came to any idea involving marriage but lately..." she was lost in thought.

"I think it is wonderful," I said.

"Wonderful...did you just say wonderful?" she asked me. "Why do you seem so surprise?" I asked.

"The old you use to have a phobias of the idea of marriage, sometimes referring to marriage as "a sexiest method for a male to imprison the female sex". What has changed?" she asked. I chuckled at that statement knowing completely well that was indeed the person I use to be yet now...

"I don't know...I feel happier," I answered truthfully.

"Remind me to give Mason a big thank you when I see him," Carmen laughed. I nearly went frozen at the mentioning of Mason, I knew I had to get this mess cleared up, plus I needed to talk to Mason.

After lunch Carmen and I headed to our next classes. I was determine to speak to Mason about us. I arrived at class early hoping to catch him as he enter. However, he had yet to arrive to class. It was now nearly 2 minutes till the bell rung and he had yet to arrive. I then saw him rushing in at last minutes. I thought he was going to sit next to me but he gave me a glare. He then headed to the back of the classroom, away from me.

What the hell is going on? Is he upset with me, did I say something wrong. I then looked back and he was looking straight at the board instead of at me.

Class had been a blur as I thought about Mason and his cold shoulder greeting. I barely even remember the PowerPoint slide on Fitzgerald. When class let out, I quickly approached him before he left. "Can we talk?" I asked him.

"Sure," he said with hesitation. He and I headed to a corner in the hall.

"Did...I do something wrong?" I asked him.

"I saw you this morning...with him," he said.

"Him...what do you mean him?" I asked him.

"Don't play dumb...I saw you outside of the library," he said. I felt my face fall to the floor. I hardly remember seeing anyone but Sebastian. The west side of the library parking lot in generally isolated. "Why didn't you tell me you were seeing someone...Professor Blaire in particular?" he asked me.

"I'm sorry...I was going to tell you today that Sebastian and I are dating. We just became official." A rush of words flew out of my mouth as I just stood there. "When you asked me out, he and I weren't really I said yes but...things are different now and I am sorry," I pleaded to him. I could feel unwelcome tears prickling my eyes. Mason's no longer appeared angry as he looked me but remorseful.

"Emma...shh!" he whispered as he tried to stop me from crying. He pulled me into his arms and just hugged me. "Don't...worry about it," he said.

"How can I not...I hurt you," I muttered.

"Emma, you didn't hurt me...I am a little disappointed but not hurt," he answered.

"I know we can't be together or anything but can we still be friends or study buddies?" I asked him. He still did not respond to my request.

"I know it is a lot to ask of you."

"Okay...we can still be friends and judging by our future assignment, I might need a study buddy," he chuckled.

"Are we still on for Saturday?" I asked him.

"Of course, I don't see why not, plus I really want to see that new horror film, The Darkest Hour." He and I pulled apart and he smiled down at me.

"So we are okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he said to me. "Really?" I asked him.

"If I said no, can I get a kiss?" he teased. "You cheeky brat," I giggled.

"So I've got to get to work. Walk me out," he said. I gather my belongings he and I headed out of the building. I was still apologizing to him even though he said he was fine. However, I could not help but feeling like crap for disappointing Mason.

"Emma...don't worry about it. You are not the first girl who has turned me down. I would be lying if I said that I was not a little disappointed. I mean I really liked you but I am willing to settle," Mason stated. He was still trying to make me feel alright but ultimately I felt like a major asshole. He then kissed my cheek and told me he would see me later.

After gather my thoughts I then headed to my next class. I was anxious to see Sebastian since I had not seen him all afternoon.

Upon arrival I first noticed that Sebastian was still not present within the classroom. I sat down at my usual desk in the front row. He was nowhere in sight as I glance around the classroom. I was tempted to text him however as I sat down at my desk, Sebastian rushed into the classroom. He turned and glanced at me for second before looking at the entire class. Upon reaching his desk he pulled out his attendance folder and did rollcall. After the completion of roll call, he quickly followed it up with a 45 minute film and worksheet.

Within less than two minutes into the film my phone vibrated. I quickly peeked down and saw it was from Sebastian.

"Excuse yourself to go to the bathroom" his text read. I quickly text my replied with a simple "What?"

"Bathroom now Miss Carrington" his text read. I sighed before raising my hand and Sebastian quickly called upon me.

"Do you have a question about the video Miss Carrington?" he enquired.

"No Professor Blaire, I need to use the restroom," I muttered.

"Of course, go right ahead," he smirked. I then proceeded to stand up and headed out of the classroom. I began walking down the hallway when I felt someone come from behind me and grip my hand. I quickly turned around and saw Sebastian standing in front of me. He practically pulled me into a corner around the bend in the hallway.

"What are doing? Are you..." I was mid-sentence when his lips settled on mine. I moaned against his lips as he deepened the kiss. "What if someone could have seen us?" I whispered as I pulled away. Before I could complain again he towed me behind him to the opposite end of the building. We stepped through a dark hallway that had several door. Sebastian held me close as we entered in through one of the doors.

"This is my own personal office here on campus." Then he proceeded to turn on the lights. It was a compact office space that had a desk, a few file cabinets, and two chairs. On the walls were his degrees incased in large metal frames. He also had a couple of black and white still life photos. They were magnificent and very similar to the ones that were currently gracing the walls within his home.

"Who's the photographer?" I asked as I felt him come from behind me and encircle me within his arms.

"Myself, this set was from when I was 18. I took them with my brother when we went backpacking in South America," he said.

"There beautiful," I said. I turned around and faced a blushing Sebastian.

"Thank you," he replied. He then leaned down and kissed me hard on the lips. I could see us getting carried away as he began to back me up to the edge of his desk. I quickly pulled away because I knew where this was going. "We can't my dear professor. You have a class to teach and I have a subject to learn."

"How easy it is to forget," he smirked. "Back to class Miss Carrington." I left out of his office, after taking one more glance at him before he gave me his signature smirk. "You tempting devil," I muttered. I was out of his office and headed back to the classroom. Upon arrival within the room, a majority of the students had drifted off to sleep. I quickly took a seat and attempted to complete as much of the worksheet as I could. Sebastian returned to the classroom just as the video was finishing up. He then proceed to collect the worksheets of the students that were done and then dismissed the class.

I stayed behind like usual, pretending to complete the last few question of the assignment. When everyone had vacated the classroom I approached his desk.

"So where were we?" he growled as he yanked me to him. My arms instantly wrapped tightly around his neck as he leaned down and kissed me. "Shall we go?" he asked me. I nodded my head in agreement before he and I left out of the classroom together.

Upon arriving at the front door to his penthouse, he told me to close my eyes. "What is going on?" I asked him. Instead of answering he led me into his home and my eyes remained close.

"Okay, now open your eyes," he said. I opened my eyes and to say I was surprised was an understatement. The room was lit in candlelight, there was soft music playing. Then in his dining area was a dinner for two, with dyed lavender roses which were a favorite of mine. "What do you think?" he asked me.

"I didn't think you could do romance," I teased him.

"Of course I can, when it is for the right person. Also, having plenty assistance from Google doesn't hurt either." My heart racing at such a sweet gesture by him. "Do you like it?" he asked. He led me over to the table and pulled my seat out for me.

"Like...I love it all, it's like a dream. This is like my ideal dream for a date," I said as I looked around the table. Sebastian then quickly sat down across from me. He and I began to dine on a favorite dish of mine which was Chicken Marsala. He and I finished dinner and then Sebastian pulled me up into his arms and played my favorite song on the CD player. I was truly a sucker for Lana Del Rey.

"How did you know...I swear it is like you are reading my mind," I said to him as I leaned in closer.

"More like your Facebook profile," he chuckled.

"That makes sense now, I was beginning to think you might be psychic," I teased him.

"You're not upset about it?" he asked me.

"Why would I be? I think it is sweet and romantic that you did this to impress me," I whispered against his chest. "Thank you for being so great today and being so honest this morning," I said as I looked up at him.

"Well if we are still being honest, I would honestly like to move this into the bedroom. Bastian is also anxious to celebrate," he teased.

"You pervert," I giggled.

"Yes...but I am your pervert, who promises to always satisfy you," he said. Before I could get another word out he leaned down kissed my lips. He then picked me up and carried me back into the bedroom where he indeed satisfied me.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Love love love it

Please please PLEASEE updated soon. Can't wait for ch.07

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Love me some Sebastian!

Currently sitting in class and imagining dirty little things to do to my gym teacher. If only he was as hot as Sebastian, but he is close ;-), LOL! My friends introduce me to your story and I luv it. Can't wait to read more.

Luv you lots!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I like it, I hope you continue.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I can't wait to see what happens next. Please update soon

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Very nice waiting for more

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