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He rested me gently on the bed, and in between kissing, touching, and keeping me on the boil, my clothes were removed, and along with them, most of his were too!

I lay in the centre of the bed; he stood up at the side and let me view him. He was magnificent, I had never seen a more manly man, his body was taut, tight, and muscular.

All he still had on was a sort of calfskin mini dress that was split at the sides, which I suppose served as his underwear. But it was beautiful. And I could see the huge bulge under it.

I held out my arms to him, he obliged and climbed into them, the closeness of his hot swarthy light brown skin seemed to melt mine.

There was no foreplay here, he pulled at the sides of his calfskin dress, and he was naked! He raised himself over me. I willingly parted and lifted my legs, crossing them over his back was easy for me; my legs are long and strong. His rock hard bulbous cock drove right into me. I clamped myself to him, as he drove the wind out of my body; such was the power of that first thrust!

He hammered at me, and I hammered myself back at him. I was trying to give as good as I got, but I was at a bit of a disadvantage because he was on top of me.

Never the less, I was in a state of total submission, I wanted this. Mark is a good lover, no doubt about that, but Running Bear was by far the better of the two. I hated to admit it, but it was no contest.

Because of the way he was making love to me, and the way I was trying to fuck him back. My orgasm, when it hit me nearly killed me. I just wasn't ready for such an atomic explosion that ripped me apart.

I vaguely remember wrapping myself to him, my nails were talons gripping his back, I tore at him as he finished me off. My legs were iron bars forged about him; my teeth were fastened to his neck.

I felt my pussy spurt my cum out. I had never done that. My body shot it out of me; my pussy had turned into a pump!

Then Running Bear tightened his grip on me, I was being crushed, beautifully, wonderfully crushed. I couldn't breathe; he came with a shout and a thunderous lunge into me that seemed to split me in two.

His cum was hot, thick and burning, it flooded me totally; I swear I felt my stomach bulge.

We both just stopped in our tracks, he fell on me. I never moved, what had just happened was something I never knew existed. I hadn't known making love could be so solid, so hard, and even violent.

He raised his head and kissed me; we had just made fabulous love, and then shared our first real kiss. That's the wrong way round I thought, and then I laughed.

He looked me quizzically, smiled, and then he laughed too.

"Mrs Lu, that was good, no, it was better than good, it was fantastic, you are fantastic squaw White Dove, my White Dove."

He rolled to my side, his magnificent prick plopped out.

He held me in his arms, and then pulled the covers up and over us. We were cocooned now. I wrapped my arms around him, my head against his powerful red Indian chest. His body was so tight, yet soft and gentle, what a lover I thought.

I know I shouldn't have felt this way, but I wanted more of this, my husband wasn't here, he was in hospital. But Running Bear was here though. I briefly thought of these events. I had just married 5 days ago, and here I was in bed with another man, and willingly so, I wanted nothing more than this right now!

I slid my hand down and grasped his flaccid cock. He mewled to me as he felt my fingers encircle it; he clasped a nipple, my turn to mewl to him.

I was recovering from the thrashing my body had just undergone, and I felt him regaining his self being.

I quickly climbed over him, Mark wasn't very keen if I did this with him, his ego was too evident, he didn't really like me exerting control. So I wasn't used to it. I kneeled each side of Running Bear. I put my hands on his chest, leaned forward and kissed him as passionately as I could.

He let me take charge, it was a feeling I liked, and being in control of a man was a terrific feeling.

I sat up, reached behind me, and began playing with his big wiry hairy cock, and balls.

Whilst I did this, he grabbed my nipples and twisted them; it resulted in a battle of wills. I won it! But I'm sure he let me do that. I'm positive he could tell I had a need to be in control at this moment. He went with the flow.

And for that I loved him, I loved him in a way I had never loved Mark. I did love Mark, but this was a different sort of love. Running Bear obviously never had any hang ups about a woman having her way with her man.

I don't know why, but I asked him how old was he?

"I am 28," he said.

"Ooooh," I laughed, "I've got me an old man!" I said it in an American accent.

"Hah!" He roared, "I'll show you an old man."

And with that I was under him again, and the thunderous fucking I received that day was the hardest I had ever experienced. He fucked me with such abandon, ferocity, and power. I thought I was going to literally be fucked to death!

I had cum several times before he powered into me in one final violent crushing thrust, that ended with me being filled with his cum. I wasn't on the pill, so if Mark hadn't got me before he went into hospital. Running Bear certainly would do!

We made love again that day, but later, we were so fucked out, we both needed the rest, but what fun we had, it was sublime loving at its best. He had to leave because he had things to attend to, but not before he kissed me into breathlessness.

And I also told him to bring his lasso tomorrow.

"Why?" He asked.

"So I can capture you Running Bear, I'm having you tomorrow, no question about it, okay?"

"White Dove, you are my squaw I will do as you ask."

I spent the evening alone on the veranda, this was truly god's earth, never had I seen such nights. I had 3 large glasses of wine, but had also rung the hospital. Mark was feeling better, although he was still strapped up. He asked me if I was lonely without him, I had to admit I was. But no where near as lonely as I should have been. Running Bear was seeing to that.

I told Mark I would see him tomorrow morning. I went to bed. I was so done in, I was totally exhausted, but I had the satisfaction that, if I felt this way, then Running Bear would be too, hopefully!

I woke in the early hours of the morning; someone was in bed with me. Running Bear! He was tweaking my nipples, and his cock was lodged into the crack of my arse, what a sensation that was!

The heat from his body was so relaxing, and so reassuring. I felt so comforted.

"Don't move Lu," he said. "Just let me make you feel contented."

And he did. I unknowingly drifted back off to sleep. It was 9:20 when I awakened. Running Bear was gone.

As I emerged from the shower, Running Bear appeared with the usual heap of breakfast. I was famished and made a real mess of what he had brought me.

Then we went to the hospital. Stopping along the way, to play and fiddle with each other, kissing and all the rest of it.

Mark was in good spirits, but concerned about ruining our honeymoon. When the time came for me to leave, he asked to see Running Bear, this I wasn't happy with. Suddenly, what had happened presented itself to me, I was being totally unfaithful to my new husband. Here he was in hospital, and his bride was being consummately fucked by another man. Guilt drove through me for the first time.

I said, "He's outside Mark?"

"Please Lu, go and get him okay?"

I hesitated, but had to go, I didn't have an excuse.

Running Bear reassured me nothing would be revealed. I was definitely happy to hear him say it.

In the room, Mark said to him. "Running Bear, please take care of Lu for me, I want her to have the best you can give her."

"This accident has really has put the block on it, so take real good care of her, will you do that please?"

He looked at me, and gave me a knowing smile, and said. "Of course I will, she will get everything she needs, and more, you can take my word for it Mr Mark."

"By the time you get out of here, she will be a much changed woman Mr Mark, I promise." He told him, but looking at me. Only we two knew what he was talking about.

Mark thanked him and we left. In the car, I admonished him for his subtle insinuations. But he just laughed them off.

On the way back, I got my first wonderful fuck of the day, it was so erotic, I came all over his upholstery, why? Because he had had me, over the back seat of his car He pulled over and off the road into the bushes.

As we were driving back, I pulled my coat over my head, and got down in his lap. I had his cock in there all the rest of the way back, fabulous!

He dropped me at my door, and told me he would be across later. I told him not to forget his lasso with a laugh.

He looked at me, smiled, and left saying he was bringing two of them.

I wondered why, but never thought any more of it.

The fax beeped and a message dropped out of it.

"Have you ever been burgled?" R.B.

It was Running Bear.

I wrote a reply. "No why?"

Another one came. "You will be this afternoon!"

"Will I now?" I wrote. "I will have to gat my shotgun out."

"You won't need that Lu, just the baby oil!"

Baby oil? What was he talking about?

Then it dawned on me! He was talking about anal sex!

"You are not doing that!" I replied huffily.

"Yes I am, so be ready, my squaw will obey her warrior."

I sat and mulled over his words. He won't be able to do it anyway; he's too big for there I thought.

But somehow, I found myself locating it?

"Make sure you have my lassoes?" I wrote back.

"I have them; I'll see you in one hour Lu?"

I destroyed all the messages, for safety reasons?

I was all showered and dressed for my warrior to arrive; I was on the veranda, looking as sexy as I could. My hair looked great, my make up perfect, I looked better than good, and knew he would want me as soon as he laid eyes on me.

I wasn't wrong either.

He came to the cabin on his horse at speed, skidded to a halt, dove off it, tied it to the rail, hopped over it, and I was inside in seconds.

He threw a rope over the wooden beam above us, then another one. I looked on and wondered what he was up to? And before I knew it, each hand was tied to a rope, and I was stood helpless, more or less. My arms were high above me.

Then the flimsy things I was wearing were gone.

I was more or less hanging from the rafters. Although my feet were easily, flat on the floor. I wasn't too uncomfortable; but I was more than a little concerned, and scared about this turn of events.

I was completely naked and helpless before him. He stood before me just looking me up and down. Then he reached out and searingly twisted my nipples. I let out a loud yelp. "Running Bear, what are you doing? You are scaring me," I bleated.

"Don't worry White Dove, you are learning to obey your warrior, you are safe, have no fear?"

That made me happy. Not!

"Running Bear, what are you doing, let me go now, please?" It was a beg I heard, not a demand.

"White Dove, have no fear, you are to enter my world, be thankful."

With that he started on me, my nipples came under attack from his fingers, then his mouth. As his lips, tongue and teeth seared my super hard nips. His fingers found and killed any resistance, by nipping my protruding clit.

Then something I had never had, he bit my under arms, he licked them and kissed them, both in turn. This made me squirm and wriggle like I have never squirmed and wriggled. I came, right there, right then!

My knees gave way, but my tied arms kept me upright. I struggled back to my feet; his onslaught on my pussy, nipples, and under arms was driving me nuts!

Then my neck got it, my lips, and my face. I was being taken to a place no one had ever told me about. How does he know these things I thought briefly?

I managed to look at him through glazed eyes, he was naked now, how had he done that? He had been fully dressed?

I bent my head just as his hand cupped my arse. Then he was in me, his beautiful big prick was all the way in and he was banging me as I stood hopelessly in front of him.

I managed to wrap a leg around him to ensure my own grip, while he fucked the living daylights out of me.

He was perfectly aligned with me and my body, his 6ft 5" and my 5ft 11" I felt myself being lifted off my feet slightly with every thrust he made.

Both sets of fingers were clamped tightly on my nipples; he was using them to hold me in position. Then my arse was clamped tightly in his hands.

I came all over him, I cried with the tension of it. If utopia existed, it was here, it was in me, on me and around me!

I hadn't even thought of Mark, all I could think of was this God made Red Indian in front of me, taking me, using me, making me his. It was unassailable, he was unassailable.

He suddenly pulled out of me, leaving me silently begging for him to use and fuck me again, this 5 day bride had been broken in like a pony off the prairie!

He went round and to behind me, I tried to follow him, but he disappeared. I felt his fingers stroking my arse. Oh God, he was driving me insane with love and lust for him, I just wanted him to do whatever he wanted. I didn't care, I wanted what he wanted, But I didn't even know what that was, not yet anyway!

My rump went cold, wow; I thought blearily, what's that?

It was the baby oil, he was rubbing it into my cheeks, between them, and then a thick finger went right up and into my bum hole.

"No Running Bear, please no?"

"Yes White Dove, its time to make you my squaw, you will always remember this day, the day that you received Running Bear into your heart, I am branding you with my body Lu, today, you will become White Dove. My squaw, you will belong to my tribe." He whispered in my ear from behind.

Then that first touch of his prick as he pushed it at me. I could only move so far forward away from him. And then my feet couldn't travel any further.

I tried to push him away using my foot behind me. He just caught my ankle in his hand. I was now stood on one foot!

His arm went around my waist, and held me in place, then a push, he was in the right area, I could feel it. Then he seemed to sense the head of his wondrous prick was finding the correct angle. A shove, a squeal from me, and he was on his way in. My foot left the floor.

My body was hanging on his prick, and my own weight forced me down on to it.

"Running Bear, please, its hurting me so much, please don't," I wailed.

But my pleas fell on deaf ears, I knew they would, he continued to push. He let go of my ankle, me feet were on the floor, then off it.

His hands were on my hips now, as I rocked back and forth on him. This most powerful of men, was using me as a make weight, back and forth I went, feet down, feet off the floor.

A hand found my clit, then a nipple, and then the other one, my lust was quickly overtaking the pain. I wanted to submit to him, I had to submit to him. My head was low, I was growling, mewling, moaning, and trembling in arousal.

He suddenly nipped my clit between his nails; I exploded in a monumental orgasm. If I hadn't been tied to the rafters I would have collapsed in a heap. Running Bear was grunting too, he was going to cum. He was ramming his thick prick up and down, I was a flag in a strong wind.

He came with a final mighty thrust, and shot a load of cum up into my bowels, what a sensation that was, to feel my arse filling as from a tap.

My nipples received more mauling, I came again. I was utterly spent, and I think Running Bear was too. The next thing I knew I was laid on the bed in his arms.

I looked at him, to see him just gazing at me. The look was so intense my heart jumped.

We spent what was left of the afternoon lazing in bed, kissing, loving, finding al those nooks and crannies to feel, and finger, it was a real fun afternoon. In the evening he took me for a long walk away from the ranch, where more loving ensued

He found a narrow smooth flat rock, about 18" wide and 6 or 7ft long, inclined at about 45 degrees. After much arousing of each other, he laid flat on his back on it, and told me to mount him. I got over him, he pointed that fabulous weapon at my pussy, and I dropped myself onto it. I rode him like the stallion he was. I adjusted myself, my feet purchased a grip, got hold of his powerful shoulders, and I rode him right into the sunset.

My juices were all over him, his spunk had been driven up into my pussy time after time, or it felt like it.

My body was bruised and marked, branded he told me, I had bites all over me.

When we got back, we showered, and went to bed, we were well worn out, but I awoke on my own. It was 11:00am, as I struggled out of bed mid morning, my rear end was in agony, but I knew that if he wanted that again, he would have it, I would give it.

He came in with the proverbial huge breakfast.

I gobbled it down, along with his prick, I was becoming insatiable, I took all he could give me. Then we went to the hospital, Mark was improving all the time, but I found myself hoping he wouldn't be released too soon!

This isn't right I told myself, I was a new bride, and was making love now with another man, more often than my new husband had had me. But it's what I was thinking; I just wanted to be with Running Bear.

When we returned, we went out on the horses, I wanted to talk (as well as make love) I asked him what he thought of me, how I fitted in with him, how did he see me? Would he miss me when I left? Would he be hurt when I was gone? Did he love me? Was he in love with me?

He answered all my questions in such a way; it put me on the spot, when it was I who was hoping to put him on it.

He thought I was the most wonderful soft woman, he had ever met, but he hadn't met many.

He loved my ways, my demeanour. I was beautiful in and out. He would miss me with all his heart. He was dreading me going. His hurt would be insurmountable. Do I love you? Yes I do, he said. And yes he was in love with me. But because I had just married there would never be a future for us, would there?

And if I ever told anyone what he had just told me, I would be put to the knife, he was a full blooded Red Indian, and his position would be questioned by his peers and his elders. Shame would be heaped on him for allowing these feelings to surface.

Stunned? You don't know the half of it. I felt the same as him, but what could I do? I couldn't refuse to go home.

We stayed as a man and wife would stay together, we shared everything. We made constant love, on the prairie, every where and every place we could find. We even did it up a tree one day!

I got to tie him up, what a day I had, I took everything I could get out, I emptied him completely. But I paid the price; he murdered me in revenge, what a wonderful night that was.

Then Mark was discharged, 2 days later we were on our way home. He was hospitalized again for tests etc. He was allowed home a few days later. We started to get on with our lives. But I was unhappy, I loved Running Bear. I couldn't deny it.

So 2 weeks later, unknown to all, I packed my bags, and returned to the states. Running Bear was shocked to the core when he saw me walking towards him. I was petrified that he might have changed his mind about me.

I soon found out he hadn't by the fucking I received that night.

I am now known to all as White Dove, squaw of Running Bear.

I am now a full Indian, and live like one, when we go away, we use a Tepee, I get the wood, fetch the water, cook, everything for my man. My life is full to the brim.

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servant111servant111about 2 years ago

Rather disgusting bit of filth. It is rare to see an author who so fecklessly shits on ever facet of even the most basic tenants of common decency.

1 star and star need to wash my brain after this fess pit of a story.

nixroxnixroxalmost 3 years ago

1 star - cheating slut deserved more revenge

26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

Whore is running bare with Running Bear is pretty much the story here.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Mark gets his revenge

Mark turns up and shoots the bastards cock off then blows his head off in front of her. That's the proper finish

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Fantasy **

This sounds like a steamy 'bodice ripper' written by someone who has never seen an Indian.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

It's hard to put into words how incredibly ignorant, stupid and downright less-than-mediocre this "writer" is. Wow, beyond words.

mark73107mark73107over 6 years ago

You must really love whores, that all you seem to like in these stories!

Loving wives my ass. Their either raped or just whores!i

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Red Indian?

That's pretty insulting.

But beside that ol' RB just lost his job. Letting two clients get injured under his supervision AND fucking a married customer, honeymoon or not.

No job and the poverty level for Native Americans is abysmal. She'll get tired of teepee life pdq. Poor bride's father. Lucky Mark.

I did laugh about the whole Running Bear - White Dove thing. I kept thinking about the Steve Martin movie "A Simple Twist of Fate" based on "Silas Marner" where he acts out the song for his adoptive daughter.

tazz317tazz317almost 7 years ago

are like weekends in the country\, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
I think your tepee

is empty.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Just another heartless selfish CUNT!

At least Mark escaped this evil CUNT. Horrible story.

DWornockDWornockover 8 years ago
1 star.

I stopped reading when anal sex was mentioned. What a turn off? Until then it was 5 stars or even better.

blackswordblackswordover 9 years ago

Wait until the first winter and she will regret her old life because the cold, not everyone is made for a life in the nature. And if her parent didn't like her first husband, they will hate her new lover, because you can be sure they will research her.

Concritic123Concritic123over 9 years ago
Mark dodged a bullet there....

When she ran off, he got everything in the divorce. Slam dunk. She obviously never loved him. And after a couple of years of living in a tent like a homeless person, the shine will have worn off her Indian warrior prince.

tazz317tazz317almost 12 years ago

except for the ending and the flood that was all QW, TK U MLJ LV NV

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 12 years ago
Lucky Mark

He was hurt on his honeymoon. Soon he found out that his loving bride was nothing more than a slut skank whore twat. She had to show him up at the wedding by wearing heels and a high hairdo then fucked the help, and that's what running bear asshole was, the help. Then two weeks after they were home she left him for the help. White dove my ass. Call her skank slut and piss on her. Yeah Mark was lucky. Hopefully after all the fucking on the honeymoon, because Mark was there first, she has his baby.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
White Dove....Bullshit.

More like Nasty Whore. Who the hell does that on their honeymoon? Only a nasty whore.

gyjunkiegyjunkiealmost 12 years ago
White Dove?

I agree, the name is wrong, it should be Putrid Skank.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Whte dove more like filthy whore

Lucky Mark didn't waste any time on the slag and could get an annulment, it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't visit the cunts in a year or so and "congratulate" them with a shotgun.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Better sooner than later

Well at least Mark and his family didn't have to pay for the wedding. And if she was so easily swayed, better now than later when more time would be invested.

Still, I enjoyed the story. Would have been better if her seduction was built up instead of giving in on the first attempt.

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