Too Sweet Pt. 04


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"Don't cum until you get permission," I whispered and shifted to ease him into me. Teddy gasped as I worked my way down. God, he filled me up so perfectly. Just big enough to stretch but not so big that I struggled. I moved against him, using him to get myself off as the angle proved handy to stimulate sensitive spots inside. I leaned back a little and grinned at the movement I could see on the smooth expanse of my lower stomach.

"Look, good boy. You're so deep that you can see it moving in me," I giggled. Teddy did as I told him, looking down and whining. It was too much for him. He was struggling to hold back. I preferred to see the joy on his face when he succeeded way more than I liked the idea of punishing him, so I reached down between us and played with myself, feeling around where he was stretching me and pressing hard circles over my clit to catch up.

Teddy looked absolutely gone. I leaned in to kiss him and push myself hard. I could feel the tension growing in me, gathering as electric tingles in my limbs running deep down into my guts. I chased that feeling, grinding on Teddy and trying to stifle some of my moans out of respect for my neighbors.

"Cum for me, good boy," I groaned against his ear. "I want to feel you fill me up. Please, querido. I need you to cum deep inside me."

Teddy never lasted when I talked like that. I clamped a hand over his mouth when he forgot where we were and watched his eyes roll back. His twitching sent me over. I could see the effect my inner muscles spasming on him had when his eyes widened and the sounds I was trying to smother deepened to a growl.

I held him close as we both panted, coming down from the height I threw us over. Teddy groaned when I eased off of him. I started to untie his hands first and carefully checked the color of his fingers for any hint that I had actually hurt him. Teddy giggled at my ministrations and tried to catch me to pull me close.

"Shh, let me get these ropes off you," I said and gently pushed his hands off.

"No, later," he mumbled drowsily. "Hold me, diosa. Hold me while I'm still floaty."

I left the harness in place after reassuring myself that it wasn't too tight or hurting him. I curled my knees under me and moved Teddy to put his head in my lap. He closed his eyes and sighed happily as I gently played with his hair.

"My good boy, huh?" I asked him. Teddy didn't open his eyes, but he smirked.

"Didn't you know? All yours. All the time," he murmured. "Forever."

"All the time? Even when I'm your good girl?" I giggled.

"Especially then," Teddy mumbled. "Cada vez es un milagro de mi diosa. Una oportunidad para demostrar mi devoción. Hago todo lo posible para demostrar que lo merezco."

"¿Milagro significa 'miracle'?" I asked. Teddy nodded. "You think too much of me, cutie."

"Let me be a zealot. It makes me happy," Teddy giggled and pressed his face to my stomach. I smiled and stroked his back until he rolled over with a groan to look up at me. "How much shibari do you know?"

"Um, like a medium amount, I guess. I haven't ever tied anyone as big as you before, so there's a bit of a learning curve there," I told him. I was admiring the way his broad chest looked with my ropes making beautiful lines around him. "Actually, you're the first man who ever let me do it."

"Hm, because I'm a very good boy," Teddy said and grinned. He sat up at my urging.

"What did you think? You like the ropes? Are you my new rope bunny?" I asked him and started to loosen the harness.

"I loved that. You can tie me up any time," he purred, leaning in to speak softly against the side of my head as I reached around him to release the last knots. I ran my fingers over the skin the ropes had covered, checking that I didn't bruise or rub any burns on him. Teddy caught my hands and brought my fingers to his lips for a light, feathery kiss. "I'm fine. That didn't hurt at all. You're really good at this."

"You looked so good," I giggled. "Maybe, when we have our own place, I can install some anchors. You're too big to just tie to my flimsy headboard."

"Ooh, I like that idea," Teddy grinned and caught me, pulling me into his arms now that he was back from subspace. "We have another showing tomorrow. I feel good about this one."


And it should have been that easy, right? I did it. I survived all the bad relationships and the pain of youth, I ground myself to pulp in penitence for my sins, and I made it out the other side to find a bright angel with a goofy grin.

It's never that easy. I knew it wouldn't be.

It wasn't just Ethan finding me. It was Ethan following me home one icy night to just smirk at me from across the street as I fled inside. It was Ethan sitting outside on the bench the next morning when I left before dawn to trek to Steamed.

"Hey, baby," he purred at me.

"Not your baby, Ethan. Leave me alone," I snapped, trying to sound brave even though I knew I sounded terrified. I kept walking, head down and practically jogging.

"I found your boy," he went on like I hadn't spoken. "Works at Navent, right? Shitty old 90s Honda bike?"

I stopped and turned to face him. That mean voice in my head was screaming for blood. Who was this asshole to threaten my man?

"Leave Teddy alone," I growled. "He has nothing to do with this."

"He's fucking my girl," Ethan snorted derisively. "Tell me, baby, can he fuck you like I do?"

"I'm not your girl," I said warily.

"You are," he said and rolled his eyes. "You're on another spiral right now, but you'll figure it out eventually. I know you're crazy, baby. I understand."

"No, no, I'm not crazy. I'm not on a spiral. I'm not coming back. Fuck off, leave me alone, and leave Teddy alone," I argued. Shut up, don't argue. He'll win if you argue. I dialed my phone and held it to my ear.

"You calling the cops?" he scoffed. I ignored him.

"¡Buenas días!" Teddy greeted me brightly. "You're calling early."

"Are you at work yet?" I asked him. I tried to sound neutral, but I knew I was failing.

"No, do you need me?" he asked. "I'll head to your apartment?"

"Please. Ethan is here," I whispered.

"I'm ten minutes away," he answered.

"I'll see you in ten minutes," I whispered and hung up.

"I thought you were the bitch who never needed anyone. You can't even handle a conversation without your boyfriend?" Ethan mocked me. I didn't answer.

It was the longest ten minutes of my life. Ethan tossed barbs at me the whole time, but he stayed put. I heard Teddy's bike echoing in the empty streets like the cavalry coming to back me up and grinned. Teddy parked at the curb and hopped off his bike. He flipped up the visor on his helmet and offered me mine.

"Vamanos, diosa. Te llevaré al trabajo," he said, eyeing up Ethan as he stepped in between us.

Ethan listened to Teddy speak Spanish, called him a slur, and rolled his eyes. I was in front of Teddy and swinging for Ethan before I really decided to be. Teddy had me around the waist, keeping me from closing that distance.

"He can't hurt me, Kit. Come on," Teddy said soothingly.

"I can definitely hurt you, faggot," Ethan scoffed. "You're just too afraid to fight me."

Teddy firmly put me behind himself and turned on Ethan.

"You really think so?" Teddy was laughing in a way I had never heard from him before. It echoed sharply around the street. "I have half a foot and at least fifty pounds on you."

"You have no idea who I am," Ethan growled. "There's a reason that whore is afraid of me."

I didn't really expect that Teddy would throw the first punch. I definitely didn't expect that one punch to knock Ethan on his ass. Ethan had his hands clamped on his face, trying to stop the blood from his nose with Teddy standing over him.

"Don't come back here," Teddy snarled. "Don't try to contact her. Don't go to the coffee shop. I'm not the only one willing to throw punches for her. You're not getting her back."

"I'm going to the cops!" Ethan whined. "You broke my nose!"

"Fucking do it. Won't be my first battery charge," Teddy scoffed. "I have all your messages and all the call records. There are a dozen witnesses from the coffee shop who saw you corner her there. You're standing outside her apartment at five in the fucking morning. I'm not the bad guy here. Fuck off."

Teddy put me on the back of his bike and popped my helmet on my head. We were at Steamed before I really realized Teddy had started the bike. Ben looked up when I opened the door, ready to be irritated that I was late, but he swallowed whatever he was going to say when Teddy followed me inside and sank into one of the booths.

"Woah, everything ok?" Ben asked. I went to rush through my opening duties while he sat at the table with Teddy.

"Ethan showed up at her place this morning," Teddy said flatly.

"Oh, oh shit," Ben gasped and looked back at me. "Kit, are you ok? Sit down!"

"I'm fine. Teddy broke his nose," I answered and started grinding beans to make all of us some coffee. I focused on the routine and let that soothe the itchy feeling in my skin. I dressed up Teddy's mocha with a heart-shaped dusting of cocoa with the new little stencils I had insisted that Ben had to stock for me. Ben and I both got quad shot Americanos for both speed and concentration of caffeine reasons.

Ben and Teddy were talking quietly when I brought them each a drink and scooted next to Teddy. He sighed, put an arm around me, and picked up the paper cup I set in front of him. A little surprised grin lit his eyes when he looked down curiously at the lidless drink.

"Cute," he chuckled. "Gracias, diosa."

"Why can you fight like that?" I asked him quietly. Teddy winced and shook his head.

"Because he's been protecting me and Ira since we were kids," Ben answered for him. "And then he got outed when he was still a jock in highschool and had to protect himself, too."

"Ben, she doesn't need to hear that," Teddy sighed. "He tells those stories like I was a hero. It wasn't like that."

Teddy obviously didn't want to talk about that, so I let it go. I examined his bruised knuckles and went to get him some ice. I didn't have a cloth to put it in, so I hopefully packed it into a paper cup. He chuckled and pressed it to his hand when I gave it to him..

"I need to get to work," he said regretfully. "Are you two ok here?"

"I can't imagine Ethan's going to come here with his broken nose," I told him.

"We're fine," Ben reassured him. "Go on. Rush is about to hit."


In a weird way, Ethan stalking me back to my home and showing up at daybreak had really, really backfired on him. Something about seeing my own personal monster knocked on his ass with one punch from the sweet himbo who let me tie him up and boss him around really deflated Ethan in my mind.

Maybe he wasn't invincible.

He could bleed. He could cry on the sidewalk over his broken nose. He might be able to hurt me, but my sweet Teddy really didn't need to be afraid of him.

Foster and Mike both showed up halfway through rush. To my surprise, they shared the only open table to set up their laptops and get to work.

Ben and I delivered fresh drinks to them once morning rush was over. Mike smiled at Ben, taking the drink he offered with only a friendly word of thanks. He didn't fail to look at me with a smirk after to make sure I saw him being polite.

"Good job," I said and chuckled. Foster eyed Mike suspiciously.

"Since when are you a nice person?" he asked.

"Since tucking my tail and running back here only to find out I actually have to rebuild all my burnt bridges," Mike said dryly. "And Kit won't make my coffee the way I like if I hit on Ben."

Ben snorted in surprise and looked at me incredulously. "You're holding his ristrettos hostage?"

"Absolutely I am," I said and shrugged. "And the cute latte art. He's the one that wanted to be my friend. I'm not exactly easy going."

We chatted for a while. No one brought up why Foster was there instead of Ira. He was really entirely too busy to work in the coffee shop, but he was also the most visually threatening of any of Teddy's friends. If Ethan dared to show up, Foster wouldn't hesitate to turn him away by any means necessary.

"When's the wedding?" Mike asked me. He caught my wrist in his hand, examining my ring closely. I rolled my eyes, took it off, and handed it to him so he could get his fill without grabbing me.

"We need a place to move in together first," I told him. "We actually just put an offer in on a house. Fingers crossed, it's a good one. Still close enough for me to walk to work but big enough that we can have a studio."

Mike squinted at the engraving inside my ring and mouthed the words to himself.

"Jesus, that man loves you," he chuckled and handed the ring back. "Did he pick that out?"

"I think Ben and Ira helped," I said and glanced at Ben to confirm.

"We were backup, but Theodore picked that one. Said something about vines in a painting? I don't know. You know how he is about art," Ben answered.

I giggled. Of course. Teddy chose a ring that looked like a modernized art nouveau piece.

Ben and I got back to work as the lunch and afternoon crowds picked up. Maggie showed up in a lull between customers and leaned on the counter to grin at me.

"Hola, hermana," she said. Her cast had been off for a month or so, and the mischievous light in her eyes was back to full force. She ordered her coffee in Spanish. "Sabes, Ben debería pagarte más por ser bilingüe."

"I heard my name. What are you gossiping about, Mags?" Ben butted in with a smirk.

"I was saying you should pay Kit more. Nowhere else around here has a bilingual barista," she pointed out.

"I'm not really bilingual," I argued. "I'm still learning."

Maggie rolled her eyes, took her drink, and went to annoy Foster.



How does that go? A tragedy ends with a funeral, a comedy ends with a wedding? How does an unlikely meeting between two kind of broken people end?

Maybe with Kit in that white goddess dress, her hair in loose tendrils spilling down her back and her feet in golden sandals on the gleaming wood floor of our new home, smirking at me.

"So, does it live up to your hopes and dreams?" she asked and spun around to show me the dress. Good God, what an understatement.

"How much time do we have before we need to go?" I asked her. There was a husky, gravelly quality in my voice already.

"Like ten minutes. I'm not up for a ten minute quickie," she giggled and stepped forward to press against me. She palmed the growing bulge in my pants with a grin. "Can you keep this down, querido? You worked so hard on this wedding. You're going to ruin all the pictures if you can't."

Kit didn't wait for me to answer. She slipped to her knees and unzipped my pants. I heard her giggle as she freed me from my boxers.

"Five minutes, good boy, because I'll have to fix my makeup after. You better be done in five minutes or you'll be in even worse shape. Do you think you can do it?" she teased me. I just nodded dumbly at the goddess on her knees in front of me.

Kit went fast. Almost too fast. I barely wrapped my head around what was happening before she swallowed me. I felt the vibration of her moans and giggles push me, so I just let go. She squeaked in surprise, but stayed still and let me unload in her mouth. She looked up at me deviously, her mascara and lipstick smudged, and zipped my pants back up.

"My good boy, you did such a good job," she stood up and kissed me before skipping to the bathroom to clean up her face. She was back and looking perfect again before I fully came down.

"Come on, wedding time!" she chirped and took my hand. "Vamanos!"

I caught her around the waist and kissed her deeply. She whimpered a soft, desperate sound into my mouth that sent knots to my stomach. My beautiful Kit.


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AbsolutelyNoOneAbsolutelyNoOneabout 1 month agoAuthor

I had the whole thing finished and submitted it in four parts on one day :) . Literotica puts them in a queue to publish one per day after they are approved.

Thank you so much for the kind words! I think Kit and Teddy's story is finished, but maybe I'll write more for Ben and Ira?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Really good story about two messed up people who are trying to fix one another.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I m so invested in these characters, well done. And amazed if you are writing these chapters in one day, I have to believe you have had this stored up and are posting one per day?

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