Torgan Wine Ch. 57


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As she finished and began to wonder what she should do, a knock came at the door. Commander Valothe stood on the other side with a stern frown. "You have been summoned by the Daga."

"I will come at once. Allow me to wake my cousin and let him know."

Oberath gave her a dirty look as she gently shook him awake, "I've been summoned by the Daga. Please look after my father for me and let him know where I am when he wakes?"

He grumbled an unintelligible answer and rolled over, but when she straightened her father's eyes were open.

"Go, my little love. Don't keep a Daga waiting."

Yes, father." Isonei smiled ruefully and gave him a kiss on the head before hurrying out.

Soldiers escorted her up through the city on foot and she tried to keep up with their brisk pace. She was winded and felt like she needed to wash again by the time they were met by the carriage. Gratefully, she climbed inside, surprised to see Daga Lothlaerith sitting and looking sour.

"Is something wrong?"

"There are Torgans at my gate pleading to know if you're safe. They made it clear they have no intention of demanding your return, but they claim they need to speak with you. Your Daga has given his permission provided we are all present and they return to you the things that were left in Torga."

"That seems almost generous of him." Isonei tilted her head slightly and Lothlaerith's sour expression softened slightly.

"I have my own provisions. They are not to touch you, or you them. They will be unarmed, and my men will have their weapons drawn to address any slights immediately." He gathered his hair and pulled it back in the almost nervous gesture she remembered from the first time she'd had dinner with him. "Hesh-Caeridith warned that some of the Torgans think you would be better killed than returned. I will not allow them to try to break your spirit or to harm you."

"I understand. I will not argue your provisions and I will abide by them, Daga Lothlaerith."

"Because you wish to spare my feelings?" The Daga looked at her with a glint in his eye she couldn't place.

"Because I should have listened better the last time I visited, and I have no desire to argue with a Daga."

He inclined his head. "I expected you to still be bathing, I was coming to meet you."

"I washed but didn't soak."

"You will not bathe in Oyeth Lothlaeri?" His face hardened again.

"That isn't..." Isonei sighed and rubbed her temples. "I wanted to get back to my father. It wasn't a slight. The attendant at the bath was kind enough to lend me a dress and some underthings because I'd forgotten to bring mine with me. He also braided my hair well enough for me to get back to the inn."

Softly he murmured, "I should have stayed. I regretted releasing you the moment I did it and I can't ask again."

"It made my heart ache, and I don't know if it was the right choice, but the next time I'm in your city, you'll know it's because I choose to be and not because I'm forced to keep my word." She tried to offer him a smile, "And I'll know you're certain it's me you want to have offered. Certainty is something I lack at the moment and I need to know others have it."

He smiled bitterly, "I'm certain I made the wrong choice when I released you. I'm certain I want you."

"Perhaps you'll stay certain."

There was a long silence and then the carriage came to a stop. "It seemed like a much longer carriage ride the last time..." Isonei looked at him curiously.

"We are at the gate, not my house, and you had come surprisingly far up the paths."

"Your soldiers walk very briskly. The only stairs I've ever gone up so quickly are the ones we have at home in Ara." She wrinkled her nose. "I may consider washing again after this is done. Father always told us not to run on the stairs or we would smell."

Lothlaerith's smile became more genuine, "My bath is open to you. If you wished to bathe several times a day that would not change."

"Thank you, Daga Lothlaerith."

The carriage door was opened and he climbed out, turning to assist her. In front of her was a large grey tent butting up against the stone of the massive wall and what looked like a steel latticework gate.

"They will remain on the other side of the drop gate. My men have already brought your things." He seemed to notice that she held tightly to his hand and looked at her with a curious frown. "Isonei?"

"Now that I'm here at your gate part of me is suddenly afraid of who might be on the other side."

"Prince Draeseth wouldn't dare to show his face, little blossom, nor would the Torgan priests. You will be safe."

Nodding, she kept hold of his hand, letting him lead her inside the tent. Daga Liadith was waiting, as were Hesh-Caeridith and Onsh-Velarith and several well-armed soldiers, some with crossbows at their sides.

Daga Lothlaerith took her to her Daga before he made a gesture toward the canvas wall of the tent. It was pulled back to show the lowered drop gate and the three Torgans on the other side, Burgath, Taugh, and Krouth. Some of her nervousness eased and they looked relieved as well.

Burgath spoke first, "I am grateful to see you alive, Isonei. Are you well?"

"I'm grateful to be alive, and I am." She stayed next to her Daga. "I heard about your father and about Kresh. How are you and your brothers? Are the girls alright?"

"We are as well as can be expected. Ror and Kas are grieving but my mother is looking after them and Rogath is a doting father." He smiled faintly, "Master Krouth delivered the letter you wrote to my father before you expected him to. He took that letter with him to see Kresh and told her that after you were reclaimed he was going to have Rogath marry you. Torga would have a Queen of beauty and graciousness and not a spiteful Phaethian harridan. That was why she murdered him. Not only was she not going to be Queen, her position was going to be given to you."

Wincing, Isonei moved a little closer to her Daga, "And now I feel guilty that the letter was angrily polite and not truly gracious."

"You assume my father didn't know the difference." Burgath's smile widened, "I think he was more impressed that you could be so gracious and so subtly spiteful at once than he was at anything else you did. He would have soured again if you'd refused to marry Rogath."

"I would have refused, but I don't think I would have lived long enough to do so if I hadn't been saved from Kamrus Olauth. He had no intention of trying to reclaim me."

"No." Burgath's face grew grim and he looked very much like Draeseth for a moment before he spoke again, "After Taugh returned, we sent men to look for the Kamrus. He had sent the carriage ahead on a different road and, when he was brought back to Nemauros, he told Kamrus Gillaugrim that he had given orders for it to be burned without being opened on its arrival.

"Draeseth beat him to death in the middle of the Temple and shouted down Kamrus Gillaugrim. He said he should have entrusted you to the Dagas instead of allowing you to be put in the custody of the priests of Ganas. My pious brother is no longer welcome in the Temple, and the priest at his Keep in the Kroscur was recalled."

Isonei took a deep breath and nodded, "If there's any way at all to redeem himself, he'll find it. Please try to keep him from doing anything foolish while he looks for it?"

Burgath laughed mirthlessly and nodded, "I will. He was so pleased to hear you were alive he almost prayed. He sent all of your things with Master Krouth when I said this was being arranged."

Looking to Krouth, Isonei inclined her head, "Lislora is looking after him?"

"She is, Lady Isonei. He has been clinging to her like a lost child between bouts of fury and grief. Knowing you are well and returned to your" he paused slightly, "Daga, as you had wished to be, will ease his suffering."

"Good, it's eased mine." She leaned against Daga Liadith as he put his arm around her waist. "How is my Hodrim?"

"I do not think the child has stopped praying since word came of your expected fate. Should I take him a message?"

"Tell him his Alma loves him and I hope that someday he may visit me. I will not return to Torga."

"Kamrus Rimathe would hesitate to send the boy alone." Krouth looked at her speculatively and she could see he was inquiring if the Kamrus was also invited.

"If Daga Lothlaerith is willing to allow him through his gate, Kamrus Rimathe would be welcomed into my home in Ara as well. He was very kind and I trust him with my Hodrim. I wouldn't extend the invitation to just any priest of Ganas. I've seen that some are good, kind men, but some are cruel. I'm afraid of them now, Krouth."

Krouth bowed deeply, "I understand, Lady Isonei."

"Is this Kamrus Rimathe the one who tried to pull you from us?" Daga Liadith gave her a stern look.

"No, my Daga, it was his brother, Halloc Aurim. Kamrus Rimathe is more patient and less stern."

"I will discuss it with Daga Lothlaerith. I know how much you care for the boy. It may be permissible to allow them to pass through."

"Thank you, my Daga."

Burgath took a step toward the drop gate and the Lerians raised their weapons. The Torgan Prince stepped back again slowly. "Forgive me, I meant no harm."

"Prince Burgath tried to protect me and keep me safe, even from Draeseth when he lost his temper in the presence of others. If he did not violate your provisions, Daga Lothlaerith, please..."

"He may not approach but my men will lower their weapons." Daga Lothlaerith inclined his head coolly.

"Thank you, Isonei." Burgath gave her a grateful nod. "I do have a purpose other than making certain you are well, though that was of great concern. I need to speak to the Dagas of the coming war with Phaethia. In order to protect ourselves, we need allies."

"And you expect to find them here after you stole the daughter of Liadith?" Her Daga pulled her a little tighter to him.

"I expect nothing. I hope. If Torga falls, the Phaethians will be able to attack Leria again. We would give you whatever assurances or-"

"To accept assurances we would have to trust you, we are not willing to do so. But we understand the threat a Torgan loss would pose and the daughter of Liadith has already expressed a desire to have your people supported in this war."

The Torgan Prince put his hand over his heart as he looked at Isonei, "She is a remarkable woman and her kindness and forgiving nature will be spoken of for generations in my family, if not all of Torga. May I have my brother, King Rogath, send a negotiator?"

Lothlaerith gave a subtle nod and Liadith answered, "You may. He may consider sending you to negotiate on his behalf, if only because Lady Isonei speaks so highly of you."

"I will suggest it, Daga Liadith. You have my thanks, and my apology. I should have tried harder to stop my brother from stealing Lady Isonei. She is far better than he deserved."

"Why did you refrain?" Daga Liadith asked icily. "Even Gildith thought better of you."

"I did not argue as much as I should have," he offered Isonei a rueful smile, "because I knew Torga would be richer for having her. Poets have begun lamenting the loss of the Silver Jewel of Ara and Kamrus Gillaugrim has commissioned a painting of her, kneeling on the scaffold and begging for justice, for the Temple. Though, I expect he will feature prominently in it as well."

"I wouldn't have succeeded in getting justice without him. He should be remembered for that." She saw the smile that crossed Krouth's face before he schooled it.

"Someone must answer for the theft of the daughter of Liadith. Even after all that has happened, she would protest if I demanded Prince Draeseth be brought to hang on Lothlaerith's Gate, it must still be atoned for."

"I will take that message to King Rogath as well, Daga Liadith." Burgath bowed. "Lady Isonei, could I impose on you-"

"You would impose on her after she has already spoken on your behalf?" Onsh-Velarith stepped forward toward the drop gate.

"-to have your brother Yornaith collect some messages for King Tamnaeuth from King Rogath? I would not ask if it were not urgent."

"I understand. I'll let him know they're waiting and that they're urgent."

"If you should change your mind about returning to Torga, Rogath could do far worse." Burgath gave her a sly smile. "And I enjoyed having you as a sister."

"You remind me of Ialath, but I have no intention of returning to Torga, not even to be a Queen. I'll ask King Tamnaeuth to send something for the girls to lift their spirits when I return to Ara. I may not be Aunt Isonei any longer, but I do still adore them."

"You will always be Aunt Isonei. They were trying to press Uncle Adareth into entertaining them but he lacks your engrossing stories. The Torgan tales he knows are boring, he was told."

Isonei couldn't help but smile, and Burgath returned it when she suggested, "Find a jester to entertain them, jesters know the best stories."

"I will see what I can find." Burgath's warm smile faded as he glanced at the Dagas. "Thank you for allowing me to speak with the daughter of Liadith. Knowing she is well, lifts a weight from me."

"Daga Lothlaerith will be told to expect you at his gate again soon." Daga Liadith inclined his head and guided Isonei out.

Climbing back into Lothlaerith's carriage with the two Dagas she waited for them to speak.

"You seemed comfortable with them." Lothlaerith eyed her dubiously.

"Like my brother Ialath, Burgath is ambitious and you should be wary of his intentions, but he's a good man at heart. Of the people who might have been on the other side of your gate, Burgath and Krouth are two who did their best to look after me."

"That buys them some small amount of goodwill." Daga Liadith took her hand and squeezed it. "But wasn't Krouth a poisoner?"

"He obeyed Draeseth and put something in my drink to make me sleep, but he gave his word he wouldn't do it again. Unlike Draeseth, Krouth proved himself to be trustworthy."

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nthusiasticnthusiasticabout 5 years ago
The People are So Real

I sympathized with Isonei's confusion when Draeseth could be so sweet after being so cruel. I've known people like that, too, but I never realized before that they could be doing it purposefully just to mess with my mind. Too often characters in a story are merely one dimensional, all good or all bad; not in this story, however, they exhibit their own flaws just as the rest of us do.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

I have read this story from start to now and have cried and been so angry that i had to stop for a day. This is the most captivating story on this site!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

so into this story

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