Tory Cory 01


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"There, now, my phase two talk is for you to please talk to your nerd friend, Kenny for me. I'm running out of ways to politely turn down his requests for dates. Anyways, you seem to have someone waiting on you with a tray of Ale, Tory Cory, so, go get spanked!"

"Oh, alright, Peacock Penny, wait, what?"

"Bank, see to the delivery the Ale to those women in the village brothel tent and make bank, Tory Cory!"

Well, it was making bank with how many $20's had been stuffed into my hoodie pockets all night to keep things hush and to be on the look out.

[Trays of Ale are not easy to carry over grassy fairgrounds]

"I'm only walking one extra step away from you, Lenny because of the splashing, so?"

"Oh, and I don't blame you, um, Tory Cory. This isn't as easy as I thought it might be, so."

"Well, I saw twice at the gas station while you were filling up your motorcycle, but I don't think you saw me because of the row of fuel pumps and we were in opposite aisle's both times, so?"

"Oh, I mean, I would have noticed you, I mean, the fuel pumps are hard to see around since they are so large, you know, like Mrs. Bentley's chest! It's hard to see around them, so."


"Well, I tried to clear my throat the second time, but only ended swallowing my chewing gum, so, hey, are those two live horses over there in the Village Stables then, Lenny?"

[Points towards the medieval horse stables area]

"They are and we can stop by on the way back to the Ye Ole Ale tent to look at them after we drop off this tray of Ale, so?"

[Tory Cory gets tongue tied and stupid]

"I take up a little much space on the couch cushion, Lenny!"

"Ahh, good to know, I guess, but that's a subjective statement, right out of the blue and random, but okay. Oh, so, if it's my turn, um, my bike isn't a huge hog, but it's still a chopper and the price was right, so?"

"Oh, I mean, I didn't even notice that part, Lenny. Does it still ride two people?"

[The tray of Ale is totally jiggling and splashing]

"I mean, yep, but it's a tight fit. So, is this the..."

[Lifts brothel tent flap to allow entry]

"Holy bouncing boobs! In leather costumes! I mean, tee he, Ale anyone?"

Hah! Talk about fresh meat! I mean, Lenny for the married women! Which was fine. Especially since each woman seemed to have four hands! And maybe five hands since they managed to handle a glass of Ale too!

"Come on, stud, Jeannie Jo will be wondering where you are and where her chain belt is, so."

"Oh, grump, ooh, yep, it's time to go then, so, um, well..."

[Drags Mr. Wide Eyes out of the costume changing and adjustment tent]

"Don't look directly into the camera!"

[Snap, snap]

"And if it's my turn again, Tory Cory, what was that then, hmm?"

"Oh, it's just a photo for the Middleton Midsummer, Medieval, After Dark Festival's website on Chang that Mrs. Bentley insists on. Or it's a perfect photo for me to make a meme out of out, so, shall we stop by the horse stables then? But only for a minute! Those animals are three times my size!"

Or maybe five minutes to let Mr. Eyes on the Prize chill out for a few minutes to get over what his eyes had just saw!

"Lenny, are we going to talk about how I'm the same gender as you under all this? This is my first time hiding behind the fence of a medieval village horse stables and I'm not sure what happens next, so?"

[Mwah, ummah, smack, oomph]

"Oh, so, well then, Lenny, is that how you're going to talk with me then, hmm?"

[Mwah, ummah, smack, oomph, smooch, smack, tease]


[Mwah, ummah, smack, oomph, smooch, smack, oomph, mwah]

"Hey! You two are giving my ponies ideas, so break it up before I end up with an entirely different kind of medieval stables show! Oh, well then, well, this is awkward, so."

[Neigh, neigh, aha, aha, aha, neigh, neigh]

"And not only is this awkward, well, hello there, cousin Lenny! Intro please."

"Oh, tee he, um, cousin Lynn, um, this is my friend, Tory Cory and we were just looking at the horses since they are the only real livestock here at the Midsummer, Medieval, After Dark Festival and um..."

"Oh please, cousin! Also, hi, I know about you from Peacock Penny, who is going to wrap you around enough of her fingers to match the number of color streaks in her hair, which is none of my business since she wants to trick you in phases tonight, so, um, there a few perfectly placed bales of hay in the back of the Sables, so?"

Well, who says that out loud, hmm? Also, what does that even mean? I mean about Peacock Penny tricking me phases! I'm not so inexperienced that I don't understand the mechanics of, well, blow job positions, I guess. I mean, it's a thread board on Chang!

"OMG, I'm looking the other way! Go already!"

[Neigh, neigh, aha, aha, aha, neigh, neigh]

Well, I've considered things that go along with dating, but I never thought about a date in the back of a medieval horse stables, but what guys want has been going on since way before the times even made it to medieval point and Lynn did point to the rear of the stable with her eyes closed, so.

"Fine, Lenny, I don't know what to do! I mean, I understand the concept and all, but that's as far as it goes, so."

[Horse tail whip, neigh, aha, aha, aha, neigh, horse tail whip]

Well, whoever said that guys never want to chip in was wrong! As long as fully chipping in is the same as whipping it out and leaning back on the perfectly placed bales of stackable hay and smirking! And as long as chipping in is the same as directing my head movements with his two hands! His two hands that were coated with spilled Ale! But my hoodie hood protected my hair from that, so.

"Tory Cory, I don't mind that you fondle me and look at me, but I'm not pushing your head down for you to get a closer look!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Lenny, it's just it's the first "other" one that I have personal experience with and tee he, it looks like a Billy club!"

[Whack, whack, whack]

"Ouch, ouch, ouch! Tory Cory!"

Well, it looked like a big ole night stick and it was nighttime, so. And we were on bales of hay, so don't get excited! He was exaggerating a bit. Right?

But there it was and there we were and his hands took even more control, so, that was that. After I picked off the small pieces of hay straw that stuck to from when I whacked him off the hard way.

"Ahh, so, ahh, so, Tory Cory, ahh, ooh, so, Tory Cory, ahh, well, are we going for a bike ride someday then, hmm? Also, ahh."

"(Gulp) ewe. Also, OMG, look at my fancy leggings! My knees have straw pieces stuck in them, Lenny!"

"LOL, which is why I'm able to say "ahh" so much, Tory Cory!"

[Pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick]

And after picking out the little pieces of straw from my leggings, well huh, the world didn't end and the Midsummer, Medieval, After Dark Festival was still in full swing! And so were those damn happy pony's tails!

[Horse tail whip, neigh, good job, bitch boy, neigh, horse tail whip]

And maybe I'll grow my hair so that I can wear a ponytail before the summer is over. After I finish up with my one night only part time job, that is.


"Hey! I need my Bar Back, back here!"


"Neigh, on our way, neigh!"


"So many questions!"

And with no answers coming from the horse's mouth! But Lenny and I had a nice and sincere walk back to the Ye Ole Ale tent.

"Lenny, tell me true, are you going to ignore me now that you got that from me or at least wait until after the Bronze Age Festival in two weeks, hmm? And it's the Bronze Age, After, After Dark since the bronze breast plates would heat up too much in any sunlight, so."

"Nah, Tory Cory, you're my side hustle now. And we can go for a bike ride or two in between, so?"

"Oh, and tell me true, again, Lenny, are you associated with the biker guys that put Peacock Penny's roomie, sissy Mickie, on a heavy dose of red pills and drove away with him, never to return, hmm? And your answer will help me phase ten of her discussions tonight, so?"

Hah! No answer! The truth has been told! Which means I think I'll need to ignore him in the future, maybe. Or ask him again later.

"It's okay, Jeannie Jo, I watched Nadine fit a few women with waist chain belts, so hold still."

[Slip around, clink, clank, fasten with hook in the middle]

"Hmph! That was a pretty low chain belt hooking, Tory Cory! But Lenny seems happy and he hasn't been happy since I made him erect the Ye Ole Ale tent yesterday all by himself. Also, his erection issue has seemed to have gone away, so, good job, bitch boy. Also, also, I think, ahem, I think you've hooked my chain belt enough already!"

"Opps, tee he, well, oops, Jeanie Jo."

"Well, your touch is gentle, Tory Cory, but I'm still slammed here sloshing this nasty Ale all around, so go get spanked and let me earn my paper!"

"Wait, what, Jeanne Jo?"

"Bank, Tory Cory, go make your bank for supporting Nadine! And send Hank the Handyman over here. Mrs. Bentley slandered up to my bar and exhaled and her falling boobs cracked my bar top counter!"



"Bat signal text, Mrs. Bentley is exhaling!"


"Oh boy, on my way! Watch for tidal waves in the moat!"


Which left me in charge of the costume changing and adjustment / brothel tent! But I had to make it past the Livestock Corral first.

"Well, missy, you should at least give me a little credit since I take my men as men in their business suits just after work, so, banging you sideways would be like I'm butt banging a woman again, so, let's take everything into consideration, Tory Cory!"

"First of all, Mr. Perkins, that's gross and second of all, I'm the same Cory who used to play baseball with your son, Michael, so?"

"And what's your point then, hmm?"

"Oh, well, those two statements were supposed to scare you off then, Mr. Perkins, so, well, um, well, um, Mr. Benson, are you going to help me out here or what, hmm?"

"How? I take my men as blue collared working men in their work jeans! Also, I'm no fashion guru, but those are some mighty fine and tight jean shorts you're wearing tonight, so?"

"Well, I'm moving on! I've had my sex for the night and the Midsummer, Medieval, After Dark Festival has rules about having sex only once! Unless you're a lonely and bored housewife and you know the password to the costume changing and adjustment / brothel tent, so?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, rule maker! The rule may say sex only once, but it's once in each direction! Also, is that where my wife has been all night?"

"Oh, Betty Benson will forever be known as Bunny Benson for many a Midsummer, Medieval, After Dark Festival's to come, Mr. Benson!"

Oh, I moved on! Right past the Blacksmiths Hut, again.

[Clank, anvil pound, clink, anvil pound, clank, anvil pound, clank]

"Ahem! Andrew, I'm not saying that I've a great night so far and I'm not bragging or anything, but I have had two prospects turn their backs on me and fall for Hattie's sorceress charms, I've had two phased talks with Peacock Penny, I had two ponies whip me gently with their soft tails, I've had two people tell me to go get spanked, I've taken two medieval ball & chain nuts and I only had to gulp twice because I had no choice and that's how deep my medieval mate went on me at the end, I've had two old fags try to get me to dress up like two female office workers, I snuck in two sips of nasty Ale, so I'm a bit buzzed, I saw your mom's bare boobs two times in Village Brothel Tent, which are so very nice times two, I've hooked two chain belts on two hotties with a hooked finger each time, I had two guys in the Ye Ole Ale tent tell me that I'm plump in the back as much as perfect and even though I've lost track of what all those two's adds up to, well, it's a lot and more than ten and I've had a pretty good night and your dick will be two shades of green within two days and not from how Hattie's Cerulean blue amulet stone is cheap costume jewelry!"

[Clank, anvil pound, clink, anvil pound, clank, anvil pound, clank]

"(I'm already developing a weird color.)"

"Excuse me, there, Mr. Andrew, what was that, hmm?"

[Clank, anvil pound, clink, anvil pound, clank, anvil pound, clank]

"(Mumble, grumble, grump.)"

"It was nice not doing anything with you, Andrew and by the way, I was going to suggest that we do it two times, once Wyoming style and once Anime Wyoming style, so, go ahead, lay your knuckleheaded head down on your Blacksmith anvil and go squish!"

[Grumble, squish]

Well, people tell cross dressers to harm themselves all the time, so.

"Tory Cory, how much longer do you have work at this tent? The evening is getting late and time is running short for my other sixteen phases of talk with you, so? Also, is that Andrew's mom? Holy I hope I stand up like that when I'm forty!"

"Peacock Penny, I already know about phase 3, 4 and 5 talks, so."

"Well, I'm not sure I believe that since I only talked and worked with Sally, James, Kitty, Nancy, Ruth, Benny, my mom, your mom, a random mom at the grocery store and Darla, all in secret, to develop the whole story, so?"

"Well, I mean, sissy Mickie went with the biker gang under his own free will and for his addiction to red pills and now there are people knocking on your shared house's door demanding the mortgage and you're freaking out on where you can stay for three weeks until you and Cockatoo Connie can find an apartment, so you want to stay in my second floor area since I don't use it and so you have your own private bathroom and then since you have a decent lifestyle going, then there's no point in you paying anything for just three weeks and you have three large trucks lined up for a Sunday morning move in date, which is tomorrow, which is why you need to have 21 phases of talk with me tonight and as a bonus for you, you lined up Jimmy J to help out just to get Suzie all in a tizzy and as a bonus for me, you lined up J. Junior and his smaller truck for your smaller stuff for me because he's had a thing for me since I was barely wearing only undies and then there is how hypnotic your colorful hair can be, so there's no point in me even trying to resist and even though you'll technically never make me a morning coffee personally, the machine will be locked and loaded and ready to hit brew, which brings us around to how three weeks will be more like three years and since you have such a great image built up for yourself, we will have our backyard hamburger grilling days and you will have your river boat days and you want a lock on the second floor door for your added privacy, but it has to be a cheap lock in case of a fire or other emergency and Ming Lin can install that and you want to park on the left side of the garage because you're a lefty and your mom found out that the hardware store on the Strip has blank house keys with a rainbow coloring, which is close to a peacock, so that's what you want for your house key and then your mom and my mom had lunch together and they decided that you would probably be good for me and you want a dual window fan for the west window so you and Cockatoo Connie can smoke your weed cigarettes on Thursday nights and then for some reason, you want a 20X telescope for the east window and you don't want anyone to know how well you speak Voltron, but you do want people to know how well you can operate a bobcat tractor and you had better talk me up good and not just in phases, for the Bronze Age Festival in two weeks because this is actually a dream job and I never saw a bronze breast plate bustier or bronze hard pasties and I'm pretty sure that you will stand tall, straight and proud for years to come better than any of the more mature women in the costume changing tent that we both saw tonight and Jeannie Jo just texted me and said that some guy named Jason, who your mom does not approve of, just entered the Ye Ole Ale tent with a few of his buds and this might be a good time for you to fan out your tail feathers and bat your multi-colored eye lashes and suddenly appear with an Ale in your hand, but instead of nasty Ale, Jeannie Jo has a cooler of cold beers under her bar! Whew."

"Well, nobody likes a smarty pants, Tory Cory!"

[Text, tap, tap, tap, text]

"And who are you texting then, Peacock Penny, hmm?"

"Duh, J. Junior! I didn't know about that! Now, go scold Max for having a green dick in two days since that knucklehead fell under Hattie's charms!"

Well, word gets around, so. And Max already sped off to the clinic, so.

End Tory Cory 01

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Truly, profoundly awful.

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