Totally Unacceptable Behavior


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The party had broken up and everyone had gone home or wherever they went after one of these parties except for Sammi and I. I was looking over to see what was going on over at the pool,and I saw Sammi and Dell had gotten in the pool. Her back was against the side of the pool and his arm was across her chest. It looked like he was holding her there but she seemed to be enjoying it. Thinking back now on what Janie had said about my good sex at home, was it because she was having sex with my good friend Dell? Was he keeping her warmed up for me while I was gone? What was she really trying to tell me? It might be a good time to gather up my wife and go home and have a talk about whats been going on, or is about to go on.

I walked over to the pool, "I think it's time we went home Sammi. Its been a long day"

"Oh come on Barry stick around. It's early yet. Have a couple of drinks and relax." Dell told me.

"I know Dell but I've been gone almost all week. I'd like a chance to see my wife alone. She's spent more time with you this weekend than she has with me."

"Oh come on please baby, can't we stay awhile longer?"

"We've been here almost all day Sammi, I think it's time to go. I'd like time to unwind and spend some time with you."

Janie came up behind me saying, "Come on Barry, let those two swim awhile longer. We'll go in the house and I'll fix you a drink. I'm sure we can find something to do in there."

"I need my wife to go home with me and we'll find something to do there. Thanks anyway."

"Please Barry can I just stay awhile longer? You know how I love to swim on these warm nights."

"We have a pool at home Sammi or did you forget? Or maybe it's because you're in this one more than you are in ours. It just seems a little funny you two have been in the pool for an hour and I haven't seen either of you swimming. All I've seen is the two of you standing toe to toe talking. So lets just go Sammi."

"I want to stay awhile Barry. If you want to go, go. I'll be home in a little while. I just don't see why you don't have another drink and relax until I'm ready to go."

"Come on Barry," Janie said. "I'll fix us both a drink. What do you say? Let your wife enjoy herself a little."

"Janie. It's how she wants to enjoy herself that's starting to bother me. I don't like the way Dell has his hands all over her. That's not swimming. They've had all day to swim but neither seemed interested until now. They spent most of the day in the pool or playing grab ass and who the hell knows what else. Now, I'm ready to go home. So Sammi, lets go before this gets out of hand."

"I'm going to stay and swim awhile longer. We'll talk when I get home, It's not what your thinking at all, Barry.

"Oh, and just what is it that I'm thinking Sammi?" Am I thinking you and Dell haven't been playing touchy, feely all day? That it was something I was imagining or that at least half of the other guests used one of the beds to relieve there passion for one another? The way it was explained to me was it makes a marriage stronger. Well Sammi, it will break this one if I find out for sure you have crossed that line.

I turned and left Sammi there. As I was walking home alone I started thinking about what I had told her before we ever got married and she had agreed to it. But now things were starting to look a little bit different. But if she thinks I have changed in my way of thinking she is dead wrong.

I hoped she would change her mind and would catch up to me before I got home, but it didn't happen. She had chosen to stay and maybe do something she shouldn't with Dell before coming home. If she didn't, you can damn well bet they were thinking about it.

It was eleven o clock when I got home. I sat drinking a beer while I waited for Sammi. I waited until eleven thirty, before I went in and packed a light bag with the clothes I would need for change in the morning. Then I got in my car and drove down to the Best Western and got a room.

Maybe finding me gone will be enough of a wake up call for her to realize I meant what I said before it was too late. If it wasn't already too late. I lay there thinking if I find out she has cheated on me it's over. It was almost 1:30 AM when my cell rang. I looked at it and turned it off. It was Sammi calling. I was way too pissed off now to try to talk to her at this time of the morning. What the hell had she been doing over at Dell and Janie's until One thirty in the morning. Two and a half hours after I had gotten home. Sure as hell not swimming all that time. Her damn skin would look like a prune being in the water that long.

This was starting to turn ugly real fast. She gets to the party, strips off her robe and goes and spends most of the day with Dell and not her husband that had just gotten home after being gone all week. Then she spends all night in the pool talking with my good friend Dell who is very feely with her. When I want to leave she refuses, saying she wants to stay and swim. And what's this shit with Janie all of a sudden coming on to me and making it plain as hell that all I have to do is go into the house and her pussy is mine for the taking.

If I were to take her up on her offer and fuck my good friend Dell's wife then I would suppose Dell would then be fucking my wife outside by the pool. Well, fuck them both if that's what they think. I always trusted Dell around Sammi. I thought we were pretty good friends. It sure didn't look much like we were good friends today. Although, I hadn't actually seen him touching or doing anything other than a pat on the ass which I'm sure if I let him know I don't like men touching my wife like that he wouldn't do it again. Or at least I don't think he would continue patting her on the ass if I asked. I had no real proof that anything was going on. I had presumed what was going on. Maybe I was just paranoid thinking everyone at the party was having sex whenever I couldn't see them.

Seeing what I had seen today, coupled along with what Janie had said about my marriage and that Sammi was sure our marriage was strong enough to survive. It left only me to be convinced to try it. I had to at least believe it was being planned. My way of thinking about marriage just might be the only thing stopping it from happening if it hadn't happened already. If I were to agree to go along with it I'm quite sure Dell would be fucking Sammi. After what I had seen at the party, hell, maybe he already is. Right now, lying here in this motel room I'm not sure about anything, but I aim to find out. Even if I have to hire a detective and bring him to the parties as a consulting friend of mine. It was around 2pm the next day before I answered my cell. It was Sammi.

"Barry where the hell are you? Why weren't you home when I got here?"

"Well Sammi, it just seemed to me that you were a lot more interested in being with Dell than you were with me. You'd spent all day and half the night with him and god only knows what you were doing. When I told you I was ready to go home to be alone together you refused to go. You wanted to spend even more time with him. So I figured, what the hell. You didn't care to be with me at the party or go home with me I thought well, if she wants to talk to my good friend, Dell, so bad she can stay and talk or swim with him and I'll go look for someone to talk to someone who just might like being with me just to talk. So, I packed a bag and left."

I threw that in about meeting another woman to scare her.

"God Damn it Barry I'm not being with Dell. All we were doing was talking and you better not have been with anyone last night. Because, if I find out you were, well, you know the rules."

"Yes, I do know the rules Sammi and I sure as hell hope you remember them as well. I've only done what you said you did. We talked and that's all. I wasn't being with anyone. What's bothering me is what the hell did you two have to talk about until 1:30 in the morning after talking all day. Do you see what I'm seeing Sammi? The two of you spent all that time together leaving me by myself after being gone for over a week. And you still wanted to be with him more than me. Damn it Sammi, I get lonesome too, and you sure don't seem to miss me nearly as much as I miss you."

"Barry, you bastard, is there a woman with you now?"

"I said all we did was talk, and no I didn't bring anyone back to my room. I find it real hard to believe that you were swimming for three fucking hours though or is that what Dell and you call it now?"

"Barry can you come home now? We need to talk before this gets any farther out of control."

"I'll be there later. I have some things to do before I come home. We'll talk when I get there."

I got home around 4pm that afternoon after letting her think about it most of the day. I'd turned off my cell after talking with her that morning. I didn't want her to think all she had to do was call and I would coming running back home. We sat down and talked it out. We talked about a lot of different things that I felt were going on in our lives.

I made it real plain that if she no longer wanted to be married to me, all she had to do was just say so. It would cause a lot less hurt and anger than if I find out she was cheating on me. She swore she hadn't cheated on me ever and didn't even want to think about a divorce. She loved me and only me.

I told her I thought we should pull out of the neighborhood parties for awhile, as I had the feeling they had or were turning into swinging parties. Sammi swore there was no such things going on that she knew of.

I told her about Janie offering me her pussy in her own bed. That all I had to do was leave you and Dell alone to do whatever it was the two of you wanted to do. I watched her closely as I told her how Janie had tried seducing me two different times at the party. I thought it funny she didn't act surprised at all, that Janie had said her pussy was for the asking.

"So tell me the truth Sammi, are you Dell and Janie a threesome when I'm gone?"

"Oh my god NO Barry, is that what you think is going on? If it is, we'll stop going to the parties. I had no idea you were thinking anything like that. I thought you were on a little jealousy trip seeing me talking to Dell. Honey, I can't help how guys look at me, I can't just say you're not allowed to look at me or talk to me or my husband will think were fucking. But, if what you have just told me is true about the things you think might be going on, then you're right. It is time we stopped going over there. We'll stay away, at least for awhile. Okay?"

We both agreed that it would be best if we stopped going to the parties; at least for awhile. That night we had the wildest sex we'd had in quite some time. The next morning I awoke with her fingers tickling my back all over. God it felt so good. I could have laid there forever. But I knew what she wanted and I obliged her for the next forty five minutes.

Life went on pretty much like it had been before the block parties. Except, I had gone and seen a lawyer. I had him draw up divorce papers just in case I would ever need them in a hurry. I told him to not file them until he heard from me and I hoped he never would. He said they would be ready and waiting if I ever needed them. When I did, just call him and tell him what I wanted him to do.

I payed him out of an account I had that I called my mad-money account. I had put money it in from every job I had worked on just in case I ever ran across something I just had to have and couldn't live without. After that I went back to Mississippi for another three weeks. We finished the job ahead of schedule, even after the week delay, and that meant a nice bonus for the company and me at the end of the year.

I came back home to a very loving Sammi. I swear she was trying to kill me off. This lasted for a couple of weeks then she asked if we could attend the block party at Janie and Dells place that coming Saturday evening. I didn't really want to start going to the parties again but also knew we would eventually so I gave in saying it might be fun to go since it had been awhile. I hoped things had changed and maybe cooled off a little.

Sammi was all excited about getting to go again to see some of her friends. The only thing I said was I would like to have my wife by my side rather than seeing her at someone else's side all day. I noticed she flushed but held back her anger at me.

The day of the party she donned a new swim thing, you couldn't call it a swim suit or swim wear as it was too small. I was informed it was a swim thong and said,

"Damn Sammi, you're not really going to wear that damn thing to the party are you? Why can't you just wear that here at our pool and wear one of the others you have. You look gorgeous in any of them. That damn thing barely covers your pussy and your ass not at all. And the only part of your breasts it covers are your nipples which grow huge in the water."

"Damn it Barry, if you don't want to go to the party, why don't you just say so instead of making snide remarks. Do you want to go or not?"

"Okay my dear, we'll go, but I'll bet your the least dressed woman there."

I couldn't believe my wife was going in that thing.

She slipped on a short terry cloth robe and we walked to Dell and Janie's place. There were quite a few people there when we arrived and as we were about to split up to say hello to friends, I told her not to forget who or where her husband was. She tried not to shoot me a look of anger but it didn't quite work. I knew I'd pissed her off.

I went over and mixed myself a drink and started wandering around visiting the other people that I knew. So far, Janie and Dell had not come near me, but Sammi hadn't come back to be near me either.

After awhile I looked around but couldn't seem to see her anywhere There were quite a few people at the party, so I could be missing seeing her I thought. Or maybe she might have forgotten her husband again or what he had told her just before leaving home not more than an hour or so ago.

I was standing at the bar mixing my third Jack and coke when a couple of guys, whom I didn't know, came up to the bar for drinks. As they stood mixing there drinks I heard them talking in low voices, but I could still make out what was being said. Not knowing who I was they hadn't payed any attention to me standing at the bar.

I heard the older looking one saying, "Damn, I can't wait until tonight. I hope it goes like it has on all the other nights. I see Sammi is here again and damn, that's some fine pussy, even after its been used a time or two. Its too bad Dell has to get it first every time."

The taller, younger one said, "I'd sure love to get that before old Dell does one of these times, but your right, that's good pussy no matter when you get it. I wish my wife had a pussy that good. Hell, I'd quit coming to these damn parties, but lately it's the only stray pussy I get anymore. And it's all so easy to get, hell they practically force it on you."

Laughing, they took there drinks and moved away from the bar.

I stood there in a state of shock,unable to comprehend fully what I had just overheard from two strangers. Both had talked about fucking my wife and how good she was. Even after my friend Dell had gotten her first.

Had what I overheard been the truth, or just two guy's wishing they could fuck my wife. Or had they actually been bragging to each other about it. Both of them were letting the other know that he'd had what they had referred to as, her fine pussy. I suddenly started feeling light headed, and quickly found a chair and sat down. I had thought something had been going on at the BBQs for some time now, but had no idea it had gotten to the point that I had just heard those two guy's talking about.

As I sat there thinking about what I had just heard my shock started to turn to anger. Anger that I hadn't felt in years. Not since walking into my dorm room and finding my roommate fucking my steady girl friend. I left after beating him almost to death. He finally came out of a week long coma, and said he had no idea who had done this to him or why.

Since that time I have learned to control my anger up until now. I sat there feeling the rage and the hurt building inside me. The same rage and hurt I'd felt that day in the dorm. I knew I had better get out of there before I lost control and hurt or maimed someone real bad. Something I could very easily do and go to prison for a long time.

I started to get up when one of the guests that I had met only once at the last party we had attended came and sat down on a chair next to mine.

He held out his hand saying, "Barry isn't it? John here. We met awhile back at one of the parties. Good to see you again."

"Oh yeah, good to see you again, John." not knowing what else to say.

He said, "Barry, can I get you another drink? I was on my way to get one when I saw you, and thought I would stop and say hello."

I said, "No thanks John. I'm not feeling well. I'm going to go home in a few minutes, when I feel I can make it."

"Damn Barry, that's too bad. You'll be missing out on all the nightly activities. That's when the real party starts."

I looked at him, wanting to smack his ass off his chair. I said, "Oh, what happens then? I've been gone on business a couple of weeks, so haven't been able to keep up with whats been going on in the old neighborhood."

"Oh hell Barry, you have to be here to believe it. Are you married Barry?"

"Oh, no. I'm very recently divorced."

"Oh, sorry to hear that."

"I'm not ,I'm already starting to get used to it. How about you John, you married?"

"Oh yeah, that's her over by the pool. The one in the black bikini."

Looking over by the pool I saw the woman John said was his wife. She didn't look too bad from where I was sitting and wondered if he shared her at these parties.

"Nice Looking woman you got there John. Do both of you join in on the night activities?"

"Hell yes, Barry. She loves it as much as I do. After we leave here after a night of fun we go home and really get kinky, if you know what I mean."

"Yeah, I think I know exactly what you mean John. Tell me, have you ever gotten lucky with that Janie or her friend, Sammi, is it? I've heard there as good as pussy gets."

"I'll be honest with you Barry, I haven't been lucky enough to fuck that Sammi, but I did fuck Janie at the last party. The only reason I didn't fuck Sammi was the line was so long and I couldn't wait any longer."

As John sat telling me his story he had no clue that he was sitting only inches from the beating of his fucking life. I sat listening to him tell me that if I wanted the next best pussy here at the party tonight, he would introduce me to his wife because he had plans to wait in Sammi's line even if it took all night.

I said, "If I wasn't about half sick, I'd take you up on your offer John. She's a nice looking lady and sexy as hell. I'm sure she enjoys having a good time. If I were you, I'd take her home before the party starts tonight and I'd have fun with her all night."

"I used to do that Barry, but after we stayed for the late night activities a couple of times, our sex life at home has been really great. Did you and your ex-wife ever get into sharing?"

"Well John, let me put it this way; I found out she had been doing quite a bit of sharing with other guys, but somehow forgot to let me in on what was going on so that I could maybe get in on sharing some hot pussy too."

"Hey Barry! see that little sweetie talking to Dell?"

Looking around I saw Sammi over on the far side of the pool talking to Dell.

"Yeah, I see her. Who is that?"

That's Sammi, the woman I was telling you about. Now tell me, would you like to fuck that or not? God, she's hot and damn if she isn't damn near naked again. Fuck, I wish my old lady dressed like that."