Tow Truck Driver Cucks Husband

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Tow truck driver gives Erin far more than a tow.
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This is a fictional story with a theme of cuckoldry. If this isn't your cup of tea, please hit the back button and move on. If this is your cup of tea, we hope you enjoy and give us a fair rating.

My wife Erin wanted to go on a hike in the woods to go foraging for mushrooms one afternoon earlier this fall. As it happened, the weather was beautiful on the day we both had time to go, so we agreed to leave shortly. I grabbed a backpack, snacks and water while Erin changed clothing.

When Erin came out of our room, ready to go, I was sure she had something else in mind for our excursion. My jaw dropped. I honestly didn't know that she even owned a skirt that short. Standing across the room, I was certain that I could see her panties. The skirt was dark green and tight, and she wore a tight, white tank top along with it which perfectly accentuated her C-cups. Her beautiful red mane flowed down her back, and her green eyes had a mischievous sparkle to them. With her pale, freckled skin, she looked stunning. I wanted to cancel the hike and have sex with her right then and there.

I raised an eyebrow upon seeing how my naughty wife was dressed. She caught my look, paused and gave me a little spin to show off, then asked, "You like?"

I nodded, at a rare loss for words. The view from the back was at least as good as the front. The tight skirt also did an amazing job of hugging her perky butt, and made her legs look impossibly long. Erin went to the front door and put on a pair of runners, and we headed out, my cock already stirring in my pants. I was certain that during our foraging hike, we'd be taking a break for far more exciting activities and I was looking forward to it!

We jumped into the truck and headed out. We drove quite a way, and were eventually off pavement and quite a way onto a gravel road. Suddenly, the truck started to sputter and lose power before dying completely. I'm pretty good with vehicles and was able to finally diagnose the issue as being the fuel pump, not something I could fix at the side of the road unfortunately. We had no cell service this far out of town either. So much for a fun afternoon!

We decided that the best course of action would be for Erin to stay with the truck and for me to hike out to find cell service, so I grabbed a water bottle and started hiking. I finally got a cell signal and called for a tow, being told it would be 1 hour and 45 minutes. This day just kept getting worse. I hiked back to the truck. By the time I got back, we still had another hour before the tow was due. Erin was out of the truck, foraging in the woods nearby, making the best of the time while we waited. I sat on the tailgate of the truck, feeling bummed that things had taken such a turn for the worse.

I looked over at Erin. She was standing in a beautiful clearing about 50 yards from the truck, staring in my direction. The sun was shining on her. She looked stunning. Even from this distance, I could clearly see the sparkle in her eyes and the glow on her cheeks. She winked at me, then turned her back to me, bending at the waist to pick a flower. At some point in my absence, she'd removed her panties! I could see her blushing pussy. It was obvious to me that she wanted to have some fun. "Well, you coming to give me some attention while we wait?" she called out.

"Sorry. I'd love to hun" I replied, "but I'm not really in the mood anymore." I knew that I should just take advantage of the situation and of her mood, but I was just feeling far too foul to change my mood.

"Really?" she replied in a sad tone. "You really can't help me?" she asked over her shoulder, her lip pouting. She turned to face me, lifting her tank top as she did, revealing that she'd also removed her bra in my absence. Her perky pale breasts were on display, her nipples hard, pointing at me.

I was an idiot. It was obvious that while I had been away, she'd decided to seduce me upon my return, removing her panties and bra in hopes of us having fun when I got back. Unfortunately, I dug my heels in, still having too hard a time changing my mood. "Sorry baby, I'm just not in the mood."

Erin quickly pulled her top back down and straightened her skirt, her pouty look now changing to a glare. I knew I had screwed up, but I was having too hard a time snapping out of my fowl mood. I searched for words, then heard a truck coming up the road. Erin was walking back to our truck, obviously upset with me as the big flat deck tow truck rounded the corner. She stood to the side of the road, her arms crossed as I talked to the driver, Bill, while he hooked the truck up for the long haul back to our home.

Bill was a big guy. He had a shaved head, goat-tee and stood about 6'3". I figured he was at the upper end of his 50's, a little overweight but not overly and his big shoulders offset his small belly quite well. His hands were huge and dirty, he was an obvious working man. He made some small talk, but his eyes kept diverting in Erin's direction, which was of no surprise. Erin stood to the side of the truck, her arms crossed, which emphasized her breasts, her face showing her obvious displeasure for me.

Bill turned to face Erin, "Are you both riding with me?"

I was about to answer, when Erin quickly replied, "Absolutely!" She moved to the passenger side of Bill's truck, as did I as he climbed into the cab from his side. I noticed that the cab of the truck only had the 1 side door, but when I opened it and stepped up, I saw that it also had a full bench seat in the back which could be accessed by climbing between the front seats. I paused slightly to ponder whether I should get in the back, concerned that Erin's clothing might be a bit too revealing to climb between the seats, but Erin took my pause as an indication that she should go first and she quickly climbed into the truck past me.

I looked past Erin to Bill as Erin climbed in. He stared at her chest, her perky nipples stretching the fabric of her shirt. Once she was all the way up, his eyes quickly moved to her legs and I guessed by the widening of his eyes, followed by the grin, that he'd seen more than I had hoped. I followed my wife into the truck, sitting in the front across from Bill. I glanced back to see Erin sitting in the middle of the big rear bench seat, buckling her seatbelt.

"Where to?" Bill asked.

I gave Bill our address.

"That's a long trip. Guess we get time to get acquainted." Bill smiled, then reached up and adjusted his mirror so that he could see Erin. I was slightly put off that he felt it okay to look at her, but he obviously didn't care. Bill released the brake on the truck with a loud hiss, then started to drive. "So, what happened to the truck?"

I replied, telling him what I suspected the cause to be.

"So, what were you two doing all the way out there, especially with the way you're dressed?" Bill asked, looking at Erin in the mirror.

I started to reply, but Erin cut me off, "We were going to go for a hike, and do some foraging, and have some fun. Mister grumpy decided that we weren't doing any of that once the truck broke down."

"That's a shame!" Bill's big voice echoed in the cab of the truck. "Seems to me that even if you didn't hike or forage, there was a chance to still have some fun." He winked at Erin in the mirror, then adjusted it slightly downward. I had suddenly become invisible to both of them.

"That's what I thought too," Erin replied, "and I tried, but he wasn't interested."

"What?" Bill asked incredulously, his eyebrows raised, "I wouldn't have let a truck breaking down get in the way of having fun with a woman as hot as you are." He smiled at Erin, now turning his head and looking over his shoulder at her. I turned my head just in time to see him look her up and down as though to make his point.

I felt insulted. "Listen Bill, I think you're a bit out of line here. That's my wife you're talking to and checking out."

"Do you?" He replied. "And what if I am?"

I was at a loss for words. My truck needed to be towed, he had possession of it. Erin wasn't appearing to be upset by his behavior, in fact she was playing into it, I assumed to make me jealous or to get back at me for not having fun with her when she wanted. I sure didn't want Bill to drop my truck at the side of the road and leave us stranded, nor did I want to get into a fight with him. I felt deflated, realizing that I had no real recourse. I finally sighed, feeling cornered and defeated.

"That's what I thought" he replied, a triumphant grin crossing his face. He adjusted his mirror again, making sure he could see Erin the way he wanted before ignoring me completely and talking to Erin. "So, I didn't catch your name little lady. Mine's Bill."

Erin answered playfully, "I know. I'm Erin."

"Well Erin, do you mind me flirting with you and checking you out? The way you're dressed, I kinda assumed you wouldn't mind." Bill had somehow turned me into a nobody. I was merely a spectator to their flirting.

"Not at all Bill," Erin replied, "In fact, it turns me on to be checked out, especially after he turned me down."

"Oh yeah?" Even Bill seemed a bit surprised by Erin's forwardness to his advances. "A real man wouldn't have turned you down!" He paused before continuing even more boldly, "So how turned on are you?"

Now I was getting upset. Bill was way out of line, and Erin was encouraging his behaviour. I understood being upset with me, and wanting to make me jealous, but this was too much.

There was a pause as Erin seemed to contemplate her reply. Bill was staring at his mirror more than the road. I was looking forward, trying to watch Bill in my peripheral while ensuring that we weren't driving off the road. I saw Bill's mouth gape open and his eyebrows raise again as he stared at the mirror. I turned my head to see what he was reacting to.

Erin was still sitting in the middle of the big seat, now pinching her nipples through her shirt, performing for Bill. I was pretty surprised that my wife would go so far with a stranger, especially while basically ignoring my presence. Erin glanced in my direction briefly, then turned back to stare at Bill in his mirror. She slowly slid one hand up to her shoulder, then slid the strap of her shirt off, then did the same with the other side. She glanced at me again, as though wondering if I was going to stop her. I wanted to, but felt helpless. Erin took my lack of a reaction as either permission, or weakness, and continued. She grabbed the front of her shirt and slid it down slowly, revealing her areolas, then both nipples before she returned to pinching and twisting them for his viewing pleasure.

Bill's eyes never left his mirror for more than a second to ensure he was still on the road. I had to put a stop to this! "Bill, you're going to get us all killed!" Bill nodded absently. I saw him look forward, still glancing at his mirror but slightly less now. He drove a few miles down the road, before turning on his signal. I looked forward, trying to figure out where we were going. We weren't anywhere near our home yet, still well out in the countryside. All I saw ahead was a wide shoulder, and sure enough, that's where Bill steered the truck before engaging the brake and shutting off the big engine.

"There, now we won't get into an accident. Sorry Erin, but I just can't keep my eyes off your beautiful tits." Bill was completely dismissing my existence. "Better that I stop the truck so that I can stop staring in the mirror and start watching you directly." He turned in his seat, swinging his legs to the center between the front seats.

Erin didn't flinch, still pulling and twisting her nipples, her head tilted back. Erin leaned back in her seat, sliding down slightly and stretching her legs forward against Bill's. He dropped his right hand onto Erin's shin. Erin looked at down Bill's hand, then smiled before closing her eyes and leaning her head back again. Bill's hand started to rub Erin's shin before slowly sliding up to her knee. Erin's only reaction was to moan quietly, almost silently. Bill moved his hand just above Erin's knee and started to massage her thigh. Her pale skin looked almost white against his dark, dirty hand, and her thigh looked tiny with his big hand wrapped around it. The two of them sat there like that, Erin pulling and twisting while Bill watched her and kneaded her thigh.

I watched, dumbfounded. How had we gone from a happy couple who were going into the woods to have fun, to me being a submissive spectator while this big stranger touched my wife? I knew Erin would climax soon and this would be over. At least this wouldn't go further, I assured myself.

No sooner had I finished that thought before I saw Bill pull Erin's thigh to the side. For a split second, she resisted, keeping both legs together, before slowly letting Bill pull them apart. Even from where I was sitting, I could clearly see Erin's crimson pussy lips, shining with her juices. Bill leaned forward and lowered his head slightly to get a better view. "Damn, that's a pretty pussy Erin" Bill commented. His hand moved up slightly to mid thigh and Erin moaned again before spreading her legs wider without Bill's help. "Wow."

Bill took Erin's movement as permission to go further. He turned completely to the side, now almost facing her, switching his right hand for his left as he slid it the rest of the way up her leg. When his big fingers found my wife's pussy, she moaned loudly, her mouth gaping open and her chest starting to heave rapidly as her breathing increased. Bill started to move his fingers along Erin's slit, up and down, parting her lips. She now opened her eyes, looking down at Bill's hand and smiling. She reached down and grabbed the sides of her shirt before lifting it off completely. She then lifted her bum and hiked her skirt up around her waist. She was now completely unimpeded to Bill's advances. I was in shock.

"Why don't you move over a bit and make some room for Bill there little lady?" Bill asked. Erin immediately slid over on the seat so that she was behind me. Bill didn't hesitate at all, awkwardly climbing into the back next to her. I was surprised by just how much room there was in the back of the big truck. There was easily a foot and a half head clearance above Bill's head when he sat down next to Erin. He wrapped his big arm around Erin's shoulders while his left hand went back to her pussy. "You like having a real man give you the attention you need?" I was being belittled. I knew that he had definitely now crossed a line that Erin wouldn't be okay with.

Erin replied breathlessly, "Yes. Yes I do." I was shocked. What was happening?!?! Her lust was blinding her senses.

Bill brought his hand to his mouth, first smelling his fingers, then licking them. "Damn, you smell and taste delicious." He put his hand back between her legs. I saw Erin spread her legs wide, then watched as Bill's big index finger moved up and down, parting her lips again, before sliding into her. Erin groaned even louder. Bill brought his mouth to Erin's to kiss her and Erin immediately reciprocated a deep passionate kiss, their tongues circling as she moaned into his mouth.

Bill started to move his big finger in and out of Erin slowly. I saw Erin's hips moving in response to him finger fucking my wife. She continued to play with her breasts and nipples while being fingered. Bill bent and brought his mouth down to Erin's left breast. Her head went back further, her left arm wrapping around his head and pulling him to her.

The big beast of a man moved his hand to Erin's hip, lifting and turning her in one quick motion so that she now faced him, sideways on the bench, startling and exciting her as she yelped. He quickly spread both her legs, then lowered his mouth between them while holding them wide. "Oh my God!" Erin cried out as Bill started to devour her juices. His hand slid down between her legs also, and it was soon obvious that his fingers were inside her while he was eating her pussy. I don't think it was more than a minute of Bill licking and fingering Erin before she grabbed the back of his head and started to shake uncontrollably, filling the cab of the truck with the sounds of her pleasure.

When Erin's climax subsided, Bill sat up, a huge grin on his face. He looked at me with that same grin as he wiped his chin of her juice, as though to emphasise that he had just made my wife cum. Erin laid there, her head leaned against the side arm rest, panting, her chest heaving with each rapid breath. Her legs stayed open, inviting.

"My turn", Bill's big voice boomed in the cab as he sat back in his seat. He unfastened his belt, then undid his button and lowered his zipper, then slid his pants and underwear down in one quick motion, assuming that Erin would reciprocate. His cock sprung out from its confines, revealing itself. Erin was still laying back, but had lifted her head to watch Bill's actions. Her eyes grew wide upon seeing his cock. Bill was proportionately large, maybe slightly above proportionately. I would have guessed that he was about 8 or 9 inches long, uncut, and thick as Erin's wrist. I looked from his cock to Erin's face. She was fixated on his cock, grinning as she started to move forward.

"Hey, that's enough!" I finally exclaimed. I wasn't allowing this to go any further. Erin had been pleasured and that should have been enough to bring her back to her senses.

Bill's head snapped in my direction, "You shut up and sit there. Say another word and I'll throw you out of this truck on your head!"

His words were like a massive slap across my face. I sat there, stunned. I knew that Erin would now put an end to this, knowing I disapproved of things going past where they had. I turned to my wife. Erin looked at me, then shrugged her shoulders as she turned back to Bill's cock. "Sorry hun, fair's fair."

Bill grinned like the devil himself, looking at me briefly, "Be a good boy and sit there and shut the fuck up." He now looked at Erin, "This cock ain't gonna suck itself baby." He grabbed the base of the shaft, shaking it back and forth as though to emphasise his words. Erin slid her legs under her as she moved forward, her eyes fixated on his big cock. She reached out and grasped it around the head, sliding his foreskin down to reveal a very large, purple head. A pearly drop of precum oozed from the end. Erin immediately leaned forward, her tongue lapping up the fluid before wrapping her mouth around him eagerly. Her mouth seemed to be opened impossibly wide. I was stunned as I watched her head bobbing up and down. Bill gathered Erin's red mane in his hand, pulling it back so he could watch as she sucked his cock. I, unfortunately, had a perfect view of my wife sucking this man's massive cock.

She bobbed up and down until Bill grabbed her head tightly and started to thrust his hips. At first, he moved slowly and gently, but after a short time, he started to thrust faster and faster, fucking Erin's mouth. Erin kept gagging on him when he'd thrust too hard for her, but he never eased up. After a few minutes, he finally paused, dropping his bum back down, panting. Erin immediately resumed sucking him, her tiny hand stroking his cock in synch with her mouth. That's a technique she uses when she wants me to cum and I knew she was trying to get him to finish for her. Her other hand went to Bill's big balls which were laying on the vinyl seat. She squeezed and fondled his balls with one hand, her other stroking while her cheeks inverted as she sucked him. I was slightly relieved to know that this wouldn't go on much longer. What was I saying? Was I really relieved that my wife was making a man ejaculate in her mouth?

Bill released Erin's hair, letting it fall to the side as she continued sucking him. His hand slid down the back of her slender neck, then down her back slowly until he grabbed one of her ass cheeks, squeezing it, then moving his hand further between her legs. I heard Erin moan with his cock in her mouth as Bill started to finger Erin again. His hand moved a great deal, and Erin's moans grew more frequent. I saw her head moving faster on his cock, desperate and eager to get him off.