Tower Resort Pt. 01

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A very special holiday resort.
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It was a warm day in the resort, a light breeze just taking the stifling heat of the day away from your skin.

The resort is a private members club and is for adults only, our rules class adults as over 18, this saves encountering any legal or moral problems, well almost, most people who come to stay with us are adult couples but occasionally, some do bring their over 18 teenagers with them and there is a couple of family chalets that cater for this if needed. We have rules that no drugs are allowed on the property and anything that happens between consenting adults must be legal (ish).

We have small chalet type apartments that lookout directly on to the fully private beach, with beautiful fine white sand on a small beach, it is about 100 m long with a small island with decking on about 30 -- 40m out to sea, the island is shaded from view and has a few loungers on but is limited to about 6 or 8 people by its size, it has a small plunge pool, and drinks are taken out each morning and kept in a cooler and you just help yourself.

The resort itself during the day is "au natural" not clothing optional, so no clothes are allowed, except for the staff, but in the evening the main buildings become clothed in the bars and restaurants while the beach and island stay as "au natural".

Being a private members resort everyone who comes are fully aware of the rules and there is never any problem with people "misunderstanding" the etiquette.

Anyway, lazing on the beach is wonderful, very quiet music playing in the background and a flag system that when you need a drink put raise your flag and hey presto one of the waiters will bring you a drink, with some of the very pretty girls who bring the drinks it's not all that raises sometimes and they know this and tease to make it happen, when no one is looking that is.

Jenny, my partner and I own the resort, we bought it around ten years ago when we had a substantial windfall and developed it to where it is today. We are usually fully booked and have a waiting list of "members".

It's not cheap and we do not advertise the resort, word of mouth is our only advertising as we respect the privacy of those who choose to come and stay with us, that is part of the appeal of the resort.

Even though we own it we have a team of "management" that look after that side of the resort leaving us time to enjoy the "perks" and talking of perks two very nice perks just walked along the beach.

Leanne and her daughter Mia have been visiting for some time now. Leanne's husband left her a few years back and she took him for a good divorce settlement and now she spends at least 1 week per month here, this visit she is here for 2 weeks.

Leanne asked if we were going over to the island Jenny said she had other plans but told me to go across and chill for a bit, it would have been rude to refuse.

We run a small shuttle boat for getting over so no one has to swim, we all three landed on the island dock and watched the launch head back to the mainland we then headed to the pool we were the only ones there at his time and the breeze was kept of the island by the trees so it was absolutely steaming there and I quickly jumped in the pool to cool off and Mia joined me and Leanne started to sort out some drinks for us.

Mia came and sat on the pool bench in the water next to me and placed her hand on my thigh you can imagine what effect this had, and she slowly took hold of my growing cock, slowly teasing it to its full size. Her naked boob pressed sexily against my shoulder.

Leanne came over and brought the drinks and joined us I the pool the other side of me, the adage of like mother like daughter was never so true both have amazing bodies Leanne's is slightly fuller than her daughters, but both are incredibly erotic just to look at them.

The cold bottle of beer did not last long in this heat you either drink it quick or drink warm beer.

Leanne did exactly what her daughter did and took hold of my cock, I now had two sexy women massaging me together sharing their duties one playing with my cock and one with my smooth shaved balls and sometimes swapping over, sometimes sharing the cock.

I let them carry on for a while eventually I volunteered to go get another beer leaving the two women sat next to each other talking in the pool, when I came back, I sat on the side of the pool between them, and their eyes and body language told me exactly what they were going to do next and who was I to stop them.

Mia took a large mouthful of her beer then slowly eased my cock head into her mouth, allowing me to feel the cold fizz of the beer around my cock, swilling the beer around with her tongue before making it fizz more, then swallowing down the beer then swallowing down my cock until her tongue poked out and licked around my balls.

That, if you have never had it done, is such an incredible feeling and such an erotic sight as she looked up with those lovely big deep dark brown eyes. Mia has the advantage of being part Japanese which is what made those eyes so deep and sensual.

Mia continued to slowly release me from her mouth only to slowly engulf me back down again, whoever taught her this talent deserves a medal.

I had to stop her from this remarkable act before I gave her something to wash the beer down but this time it would have been warm and salty not cold and sweet.

Mia sat back and smiled, the sort of smile that says I know I'm good at that and took another gulp from the bottle of now warming beer.

The beers of the day were beginning to percolate their way through my water works and I began to feel the need to make room for some more beer, reluctantly I said I had to go but pointed out at that moment in time with a hard on it would take some doing Leanne offered to help me and we walked round behind the screened of urinals that gave privacy to people when they needed to go, there was a rule that it was only pee that was let go on the island more than that and you had to get the shuttle to the mainland. My hard on had subsided a little enough to allow me to pee, Leanne stood behind me snuggling her boobs into my back and reached round and held my cock as I started to let the stream flow, she played her fingers around the head in the flow until I had finished and by now I was hard again she shook the last drops off me then turned round and sat down on the ladies for her turn to go, I felt it only fair to return the favour and slid my had down between her legs onto her wonderfully smooth pussy as she started to let her stream flow, I rubbed the liquid over her pussy as she quietly moaned and deep French kissed me until she also had finished. We stood up kissed some more then washed our hands and other wet bits in the sink before joining Mia back in the pool.

Mia had replenished our beer bottles and was now sitting dangling her feet over the edge of the pool, her legs slightly apart she kicked her feet making small splashes in the warm blue water, I moved up between her legs and placing a hand on each tanned knee and gently opened her legs allowing the most gorgeous view of her pussy as her pink labia opened up and exposed a very moist pink pussy topped by a small clit ring, I leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her pussy which made her let out a quiet moan, I probed gently with my tongue sliding lightly up and down her pussy and feeling her juices begin to flow I can tell you she tasted amazing, I just had to keep gently licking from top to bottom lingering on her love button at the top.

Mia's moaning began to grow more intense the more I continued to gently lick her now soaking smooth pussy.

After a few more minutes of this delightful task Mia shuddered, threw her head back and let go with the biggest stream of female cum I have ever had the pleasure to experience.

She leaned up on her elbows breathing deeply with her chest red from the intensity of the orgasm. You could tell from her half-closed eyes that Mia was thoroughly spent.

That was the end of our fun for today on the island, I left the two of them there and summoned the boat to take me back across to the main resort, even though we had managers in they still had to report to me daily on how things were doing.

The staff we used were all hand-picked and were trusted staff we had not had to employ any new staff for several years, we believed in paying a decent salary and the staff had perks such as free holidays if they wanted to stay in the resort during which time they could relax and shall we say act as the guests did, we did not allow them to become familiar with the guests while they were at work for obvious reasons, but on their leave they were guests.

We were as the modern term goes a nondiscriminatory employer and employed all sorts of races, sizes and sexes so to speak.

Jenny and I decided to laze around at our own private bungalow after I had met the managers, it's always warm and our bungalow is so private and we have our own beach that due to the way the rocks and cliffs are around it is virtually impossible to see and even harder to get around to so it pretty much 99.9% private, which of course means that we do not need to bother with clothing surprise surprise.

Jenny laid out on her lounger a few feet away from the water's edge her oiled up body glistening in the afternoon sun, I was snorkelling in the shallows checking out the coral and the state of the fish, our corals around here have inherited the huge

Lionfish problem that most of the Caribbean has unfortunately after some numpty released a few specimens and now our natural fish stocks are being decimated by them as they eat just about anything, our dive school have our full permission to hunt them while out diving and they can either take them home or they can hand them in to the kitchens the Lionfish is very edible just like Jenny. I surfaced a few feet from where she was laying and just laid floating in the water feasting my eyes on her smooth pussy that was spread semi open as one leg hung over the side of the lounger. I had this nice thought that she was having a very sexy dream as it looked to be very wet and moist from where I was laying. I quietly threw my mask and snorkel onto the sand a few feet away and slowly inched towards the lounger trying not to awaken her from her dreams, I cautiously reached out my hand and gently ran a finger down the moist slit, it opened slowly to show the succulently moist hole of her pussy, my finger end danced over the entrance before slowly and carefully entering her.

Jenny let out a quiet moan as my finger sank as deep as it could go, I left it there for a moment or two before slowly withdrawing it almost out then slowly easing it back in each time just as slow as the first. The moisture that began to leak from her pussy confirmed that Jenny was indeed enjoying the slow deliberate attack of my finger on her now soaking and dripping pussy.

Jenny had a reputation as a squirter and boy when in the mood could she squirt. Many times, the house maids have had to mop the floor when she has soaked everywhere, but then they are used to it now and paid well enough not to complain and enjoy their fringe benefits.

Jenny's pussy began to visibly dribble as my finger end continued its gentle erotic assault on her beautifully shaved pussy. The slow trickle of pussy juice ran down and over her beautifully smooth anus. I could not resist leaning forward and gently lapping the juice, I lapped gently up and down slowly pressing my tongue into her now dripping pussy. Jenny came on the spot showering my face in her gush, I just kept lapping what else is a gent supposed to do.

She opened her eyes to see me now stood in front of her, fully aroused and pre cum dripping from the end of my hard cock. Gently she sat up and deliberately and slowly lapped the precum as it formed a string dangling downwards towards the white sand. Jenny then eased her mouth down onto my cock taking as much of it in as she could without gagging. There is no doubt that she is not as accomplished at cock sucking as young Mia is, and could not take my full length but after a couple of minutes of her delicious onslaught, I could feel the inevitable start to happen and my cum rise from my smooth balls and in a few moments time would pulse onto her waiting tongue, she never spills a drop every time she does this. As her mouth continued to milk my cock dry her eyes opened looking straight into my eyes and that did it shot pulse after pulse of hot cum which was swallowed eagerly by Jenny with a smile growing on her face until I had no more to give.

Jenny continued to worship my cock until all my cum had long since been drained and I had started to go soft, she let me slide out of her mouth and still looking at me said, how about a cold drink now, we fell about laughing in the sand.

Saturday night is dark party night, now you may think that dark party night is something sinister and evil. Far from it, it is one of the resorts most popular events of the weekly calendar and is usually attended by most of the clients who are staying.

It allows people to explore their well-hidden sexual desires that ordinarily may not have the ability to surface, read on and I think you will soon understand how this night goes.

I will recount this from the perspective of myself and two or three people who attended last week and have since recounted their experiences to me over a few drinks.

Let's start with the room, the residents lounge is a quiet room with no bar inside, it has like some other rooms on the resort, a matting floor on top of sand we find this easiest for cleaning up.

The windows have blinds in front of them all controlled by motors and a remote control. Low music is played during the party as you can imagine not much dancing takes place.

The lighting is subdued and when the party starts is turned off completely making the room totally dark, the way to the toilets is lit by a runway of dim LED lights as is the exit door. The idea of the dark party is that no light gets into the room during a party even if someone enters the room or goes to the facilities, because of it being pitch dark, drinks glasses or anything breakable are not allowed in the room during the party, damned health and safety strikes again.

Any way not even health and safety can spoil this party when it starts, and it usually starts around 10pm so that people can have had enough to drink before they enter the room, on a side note drunkenness is not tolerated on the resort, you can get merry as it were but not all out plastered, we have standards, and we expect people to adhere to them in public at least what they do in their own rooms is their business.

Jenny and I made our way to the lounge about ten minutes before it was due to start, we do not always attend but most weeks we do, the staff had already dropped the blinds and started the music, checked the door it was unlocked and we gave it 30 seconds and entered the dimly lit changing room locking the outside door behind us, this is to allow total anonymity to people joining the party. It is part of the intrigue of the party that once inside no one knows who else is in the room.... when we had undressed Jenny and we placed our clothes in our assigned locker and put on the glow bands on our wrists and then quickly unlocked the outside door before moving through double layered curtains in the main lounge and now complete darkness. The glow bands on the wrist are to allow you to find other people but they do not give you enough light to see who they are, we can't have people bumping into each other in the darkness and talking was not permitted. It's quite a sensation and takes a few minutes to get used to when you cannot see anything at all, the only things visible were the tiny dim LED lights for the toilet and exit. Jenny held my hand for a couple of minutes until we came upon other people in the room then she let go and so the fun began.

I felt a gentle female hand reach out and touch my rear softly stroking it as you can imagine I was already hard and when the hand moved round past my waist and grasped my cock, well it felt pretty good just slowly stroking backwards and forwards until it was replaced by a warm set of lips. My cock was engulfed by this unknow mouth taking me instantly to the back of their mouth and beyond it felt incredible not even a gag or cough just straight down and into their throat, I will return to a similar incident later. The mouth slid energetically up and down my cock until I had to stop whoever was doing it or they would have been treated to a mouthful of hot salty cum, and this early in the evening was just way too early to be unloading my first load. I pulled them up and kissed whoever it was slowly laying them down on the ground, I reached and stroked a very nicely shaped and sized boob as I laid them down on the soft floor. One more long lingering kiss and I ease then round so as her pussy was over my face it was now my turn to give an oral master class, I licked up and down but teased for some time around the edges of her pussy lips before moving in for the kill, plunging my tongue as far as I could into this deliciously wet pussy, her juices were thick and very sweet. I felt a foot touch the top of my head, someone else had discovered where we were by our faint lights, they knelt and eased their cock past me and into her pussy so no I had no choice but to lick from her engorged clit up along the pussy and along the bottom of this unknown guy's cock. He was like me fully shaved down there not a hair in site, I passed the comment to myself that if I knew who he was I'd ask him how he got his cock and balls so smooth.

It is part of the ethos of these parties that providing you are ok with it anything goes, ordinarily in normal public life I would neither look at or interact in any way with a guy, but we all understand that using the cover of dark ness you can explore more than you would normally allow yourself.

The current fun carried on for a few mins until I got brave and cupped the guys balls easing his cock out this unknown pussy and into my mouth, he pushed it in and out a few times before groaning and starting to cum so I held his cock against her pussy as he finished shooting, I thought I had better not push him back in as the next guy might not like eating cum from a pussy at least she could wipe it up.

He stood up and the mystery lady moved away leaving me to regain my footing and give myself time to recover. As you get older, we all find out it's not a 10-minute recovery time any more like the heady days of our youth.

I continued to listen and enjoy the sounds of sex as the evening went on the sounds built up the occasional moaning, grunting and well just erotic noises. We will return to these types of evenings in a later chapter when I have spoken to a few who admit to being there...

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AnonymousAnonymous16 days ago

I know that my writing is bad but you just surpassed me and I actually thought that no one could ever do that.

cageysea9725cageysea972517 days ago

Ugh. Constant run-sentences room what would have otherwise been a moronic telling of a boring narrative.

Unless your goal was to waste your time, and that of anyone unlucky enough to try to read this, you failed epically.

However much you think you know English, cut that in half and that's probably how much you actually know on your best day when you have somebody with you to give you tons of help with it

Learn English before you submit again.

JZStallionJZStallion17 days ago

Content was decent. Punctuation needs improvement. A lot of run-on sentences made it difficult to follow at times. I suggest you find a good editor to proofread your stories going forward.

AnonymousAnonymous17 days ago

The male character in this story didn't fuck the woman he encountered, so what did he need to recover from? Attention to detail goes a long way in making or breaking a story.

Musicalcat2019Musicalcat201917 days ago

Enjoyed it, different but it didn't get my cock hard, sadly. Needs more unexpected sexm for me.

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