Tracking Evil, a Podcast Pt. 03


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"Mmmh-hmm, this is some good fucking pussy." Andre declared, his hips bucking slightly as his cock tunnelled away, delving further within her. He hadn't the girth of his Uncle Randall but it still gave Erica the pleasure of feeling her pussy stretch to make sufficient room for it to progress deeper.

"Uh-huh, yes, uh, yes, fuck it, fuck my pussy." Erica moaned as he did just that, the small movements of his hips increasing in range and speed.

"That's right, you had Uncle Randall in this white pussy, gonna show you what the new generation brings to the table. You gonna freak on this black cock girl, freak like a white slut should."

Erica was pinned to the bed as he began slamming into her, his powerful black cock pinning her lower body, his powerful arm trapping her upper body. Andre had complete control over her, proving it as he pinched at a nipple, tweaking it painfully, enjoying how her tits wobbled as he fucked her. He had complete control and Erica found herself relishing that fact. Her need to be the 'leader' of whatever social gathering she'd been in, coercing and cajoling friends into following her plans, her ideas had been there for as long as she could remember, from kindergarten to college. She'd preferred to chase her own stories, run her own career. Yet, her escapades over these last weeks, her sexual escapades, were contrary to all that. She'd found herself in situations where the man was taking charge and goddammit, she was loving it!

"Uh, uh, uh, fuck me, uh, uh, fuck me hard, uh, uh, yes, uh, uh, fuck me, fuck me, I'm a slut, uh, uh, uh, fuck me." she chanted, giving herself over entirely to the moment.

Andre slid his hand around her neck, fingers squeezing slightly. This wasn't a chokehold designed to hurt, there was an eroticism about it, another physical manifestation of him taking control. He squeezed a fraction harder as he spoke.

"Call that shit out girl, let Randall know his little Peach is all ready to get plucked. You on your way to graduating, gonna get a Diploma in freakin' from the Black Cock College. A Degree in being owned by the black cock. Gonna earn a PhD in getting bred by black, fuck yeah, taking it bare in that slut white pussy."

Erica came as his dirty talk washed through her. She ached to trash her body in response but he had her locked down. The inability to move gave a new dimension to the orgasm and she mewled in ecstasy.

"Shit, oh shit, uh-huh, uh, uh, uh, urrgh!" Erica gabbled, then, louder, "Fuck your slut, fuck your slut, fuck me with your big black cock, oh fuck, oh fuck, fucking fuck me!" She wailed as Andre fucked her harder and deeper than ever.

Andre released her arms and throat, Erica humped against him, chasing a second orgasm, catching it thirty seconds later, a piercing scream of pleasure setting the coonhound baying outside the house.

Andre tilted her head so that she saw Randall standing in the doorway, watching her shudder and come beneath his nephew.

"You 'bout done?" Randall dropped a hand to scratch at his crotch, his long cock twitching in anticipation.

"Few minutes yet, I'll let you know. She's a freak for the cock make no mistake."

Randall nodded in agreement, "Like I always say..."

"Bitch is literally loving eleven inches!" the two men said in unison.

Randall stepped outside, leaving Andre to his work.

He rolled Erica to her side, facing away from the bedroom door, sliding in behind her, spooning her. One arm curled beneath her neck, elbow bending so that her throat nestled in the crook of his arm. His other arm helped raise her leg up, Erica's own hands finding and then guiding his cock back inside of her. He ground against her firm ass, up and down, a twist, up and down, a diagonal thrust...

It was slow and sensual but Erica still felt him retain control, he set the pace. He held her tight against his body. As he neared his own climax, he dropped her leg, wrapping an arm around her waist instead. For a full minute Andre held Erica pressed into firm contact with himself, holding her still as he bludgeoned away at her. For that minute he fucked her purely for his own pleasure and release but it brought on a final release for her as well. They orgasmed together, in unplanned synchronicity, his cock sunk to the hilt as it pulsed against the walls of her pussy filling her again with his black sperm.

That was just the beginning of what was to be a long, long night. A lot of things blurred for Erica. Entire spans of time lost to her memory as she existed in that moment alone, her mind too occupied with pleasure to focus on retaining details.

Some things, innocuous, were clear to her mind. The image of her pale feet, soles pointing to the ceiling, Andre clasping her ankles as he drove forward into her body, the naked lightbulb behind his head, conjuring a halo around his dark head. The memory of squatting over a toilet, a wad of paper in her hand as she cleaned away the sperm leaking from her vagina. The sensation of Randall's tongue on her body, spiralling across her ass cheeks, pushing against the puckered entrance to her butt as he pulled the cheeks wider apart.

Two incidents were ingrained in her, recollections so clear that she could call them to mind instantly.

The first occurred after midnight, as much as she could track time.

Randall and she had left the bedroom, the how and why of it she couldn't remember. They were outside on the porch, Erica gripping the railing as Randall fucked her from behind as they stood upright. The cool night North Carolina air raised goosebumps across her naked flesh, a mild breeze stirring the sweat damped strands of hair that had drifted across her face. His hands lay between the small of her back and where her ass cheeks gently rose in a curve. Erica was tired but the novelty of sex outdoors and his cock probing deeply within her began to reinvigorate her.

She began pushing back against him, timing her rearward lunges to meet the oncoming thrust of his hips. Randall exulted in her response, his own ardour rising to a new height as this lovely young white girl actively sought his hard cock. He reached up, taking two handfuls of her hair in his hands. The makeshift pigtails were more like the reins on a mare save that when he hauled on them, he was encouraging Erica to move faster rather than to stop.

"Oh shit, oh it feels so good, filling me up so much!" Erica gasped out.

"Yeah, you love having that little pussy stretched?" Randall hissed the words as he pounded into her even harder for emphasis.

"I do, I do." came the whimpering response.

Randall spanked her right cheek, hard. The sound of a calloused black palm connecting viciously with soft white flesh cracked out into the quiet night like the sharp rapport of a gunshot. Tears welled suddenly in her eyes from the pain but her pussy spasmed in response to Randall's dominance, the confusion of emotions not lost on Erica.

"White fuck toy." he growled, a second, less painful slap following his words.

"Yes, yes." she moaned, responding to avoid a third slap. "Good little fuck toy, good little slut."

He pulled her hard by the hair, tearing away her grip on the railings so that she stood up, back against his chest. He released a handful of her locks, his arm curling beneath her armpit, hand grasping at her throat, hips unrelenting in their motion.

"Say it loud, fucking scream it out. Gonna cum in that pussy again, nut into your womb bitch."

Erica threw back her face to the night sky, another pitched whine escaping her lips.

"Cum in me, uhhhhhh, yes, yes, fucking cum in pleeeeease!" she screamed out loud, heedless of her voice carrying through the still night air. If the neighbours could hear, she didn't care. The only living creature other than Randall to respond was his hound, a barrage of low woofing sounds echoing from where he lay tied up on the far side of the house.

Randall's response was as instinctual as his pet's. He clutched her close, grunting in pure pleasure as he emptied his seed inside her for the third time that night.

The second incident happened a few hours later.

They were back in the bedroom. Randall lay on the mattress, hands clasped behind his head, looking for all the world like the cat who ate the cream.

Erica straddled him, riding his cock slowly. She was exhausted. The two men had spent the entire evening and night passing her back and forth between them with only the briefest of breaks between each session. She had sucked and fucked till the muscles in her jaw and pussy ached and throbbed with fatigue. In turn she had been kissed, licked, eaten and fucked by each man. Tongues, fingers and hard black cocks enticing orgasm after orgasm from her slender frame.

She slumped down, lying against him, her hips making slight quivering motions as she reached her limit.

"You done yet?" It was Andre speaking. Erica hadn't the energy to turn to look at him or to respond. It wasn't her he was talking to though.

"Nearly there, think she's wiped out though. Bitch is literally loving eleven inches but I think she's done for the night." Randall answered. The vibration of his voice carried through to Erica as she lay atop him. She gave a low mumble of agreement however.

"Bullshit. I got one left in me." Andre said. Erica felt the bed sag as he climbed up. She lay there unmoving, she expected him to lift her head at any moment, to place his cock into her mouth once more.

Erica glimpsed the movement of Randall's hands coming down, moving past her head. A second later she felt them grip onto her ass cheeks, pulling on them. No doubt to encourage her to move once more but she was utterly spent.

Instead, she felt a third hand on her. Andre's hand pressing in the small of her back. Then she felt a pressure against her ass. Firm, unrelenting and pushing inwards. 'A finger' she thought, she hoped.

It wasn't. Erica felt a splatter of liquid on the skin of her buttocks, then another. Andre was spitting into the crack of her ass, A finger, she was sure this time, rubbed against her skin as it drew the saliva down, concentrating it in one spot. The pressure began again, Erica knew it wasn't a finger trying to lodge itself inside her.

"Not...uh...not my ass." she managed to protest.

The pressure didn't ease, it increased instead. She made a low groaning sound as his head worked inside.

"That's right Peach, not your ass. It's mine now!" Andre said. She could hear the tightness in his voice as he strained to enter her, to overcome the resistance her body was putting up.

"Wait, please wait. I can suck you off instead."

"Nah, started, gonna finish." came his implacable response.

Randall held her ass cheeks apart, his cock and grip keeping her pelvis tight and low against him. He remained still, giving his nephew all the aid, he could. Andre's invasion into her anus continued at a slow methodical pace. For all his words, his tone, he was considerate of the pain and discomfort it was potentially causing her. It seemed to take forever but Erica was eventually penetrated by two black cocks at once. A good eight inches of Randall's black cock filled her pussy, maybe half that length of Andre's cock was stuck inside her ass.

Erica was huffing and puffing like she was giving birth as Andre ceased moving, becoming as still as his uncle beneath her.

"Know what I'm gonna do now?" Andre's voice cut through her heavy breathing.

"Uh...uh, fuck, fuck my, ugh, ass." she answered.

"If you insist." he chuckled and began to move inside her.

The sensation as Andre fucked her ass was intense. The first dozen or so strokes were all him, she just lay there taking it. Then Randall began. He flexed his ass, his cock moving inside her stretched pussy slightly in response. A score of thrusts into her ass, as many smaller ones in counterpoint in and out of her pussy. And Erica came. She came from having her ass fucked. She came from having her pussy filled at the same time. She came hard.

Erica hadn't the energy to move even though her instincts were to respond. She was the filling of an Oreo cookie, soft and white, sandwiched between these two hard black surfaces. So, she lay there, gasping and climaxing, wincing occasionally as Andre pushed too far too fast in his enthusiasm.

Randall came first, his seed filling her pussy for the final time that night. Even after his cock finally ceased twitching, his load delivered, he remained inside her. His cock softened slightly but it still filled her. Andre kept at her, his pace increasing as her sphincter acclimated to his cock. He didn't go much deeper than four or five inches but that was more than enough.

When he did cum, he pulled out, his thick ejaculation seeping from the head of his cock, pumping out between the cheeks of her ass, a fresh oozing deposit leaking out with each pulse.

Episode 4: '...then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.'

The sun was breaking over the horizon as Erica gingerly climbed into the passenger seat of Andre's car. She was bone tired but as much as she just wanted to curl into a ball and sleep, she wanted to wait until she was back in her own hotel room. She feared Randall would wake her for another bout of fucking if she stayed at his place. She feared she'd welcome it.

Erica clutched her phone to her chest as they drove slowly back to town. She hit play on the recording she'd made of Randall's story, Andre listened in interested as his uncle's voice recounted his tale.

'Kristine was on all fours; I was behind her and she was wailing like a cat on fire. We were both getting close I recall. Anyway, I'm yelling my head off now as well, then the door bursts open.'

Even in her bleary sleep deprived state, Erica twigged to something. She paused, moving back a few seconds.

'Anyway, I'm yelling my head off now as well...'

She paused the recoding again. Andre was glancing over at her, a quizzical expression on his good-looking face.

"Your uncle, you as well. You repeated a phrase a lot last night, bitch loving...something." Erica said to Andre. He looked faintly embarrassed when she mentioned it.

"Yeah, um, look no offence meant. Just a bit of harmless dirty talk, you know, just setting the mood is all." he answered.

"It's fine." she said, not caring about the label implied in the phrase, "That's not the first time he's said that?"

"No, he is always spouting that. Calls it his catchphrase. This important?"

"I don't know." she admitted, "Maybe. I'm too tired to think straight. Thanks anyway, for the lift and... last night."

He pulled up outside the hotel.

"Peach... Erica, it was a hundred percent my pleasure."

Erica let herself out, giving him an absent-minded wave farewell as she stumbled into the hotel. She headed straight for her room. The bed called out to her with the intensity of a Siren's song but she resisted it. Instead, she grabbed a piece of hotel stationary from the small desk in the room and began writing feverishly.

'Bitch is literally loving eleven inches'

She looked at the words on the page, her eyes losing focus as she stared unmoving at the scrawl.

'Bitch Is Literally Loving Eleven Inches' she wrote, capitalising each word. Then immediately beneath it she began writing again.

'Bitch Is Literally Loving 11 Inches'

Then again;

'B I L L 11 I'

"Jesus" she breathed out softly, "That's it. That's the message."

Arlene answered on the third ring.

She patiently listened as Erica meandered through the story. A lot of what she said didn't make much sense. Her tongue was tripping over words with exhaustion and she was trying to gloss over her antics with Randall and Andre but some details needed to be given to explain how she'd cracked the code. Finally, she finished and waited for Arlene to respond.

"Any chance it's Randall behind this?" The question made sense and had been Erica's initial thought.

"No. No way. He's got issues, no doubt, but I don't see him having a hate on for interracial couples, just doesn't fit."

"Then that leaves us with one suspect" Arlene said, silently agreeing with Erica's conclusion, "has to be somebody who had some contact with Randall, enough to hear his 'catchphrase' and to have a twisted reason to hurt and kill others."

"Gerry Butterman" the two women said in unison.

"So, what now?" Erica's question was the only one that mattered but for the moment neither she or Arlene had an answer.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

So glad yoy are ok! Can't wait for the next part!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Glad you're better - and looking forward to the next chapter!

FirsttimewritingFirsttimewritingabout 2 years agoAuthor

Sorry about the delay between updates. Have been quite ill the last few weeks and am only recovering now.

The next part is written and I am just waiting for the editing to be completed. So hopefully will post it soon.

ThrillherbrysonThrillherbrysonabout 2 years ago
Highly Anticipated

Where have you been? When is the next chapter?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Very hot story with a great plot. Hope it continues

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Can't wait for the next part!

Thumper311Thumper311about 2 years ago

Seriously, I agree with a previous comment, the username doesn't match the quality of your writing skills. Hope this story has a few more chapters coming, I keep looking forward to the next one.

JonConningtonJonConningtonabout 2 years ago

Incredible story so far! What if the killer captures her? So many possibilities! Keep up the great work!

AguniAguniabout 2 years ago

So now we have a name. Where could this Gerry Butterman be? And what if he's been watching her this entire time? o_O

Great work on this chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

One of the best author of this site. Congratulations.

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