Transcripts Ch. 06

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Made me an offer I can't refuse.
11.5k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 03/31/2024
Created 08/20/2023
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It was a warm, breezy summers afternoon as I sat on a park bench and watched the world go by. I would often take a stroll through the park on these lazy days. I had stopped to sit down here to rest for a few minutes, it gave me some tranquility and space to think about life and where it was heading.

The scent of freshly cut green grass, accentuated by last night's rain made the day so perfect. Nearby, was a pair of young mums pushing their small children on the swings. I could hear their gossiping and laughter from where I was on my bench. Apart from the bird's songs from the treetops there was silence. My thoughts turned towards tomorrow's appointment with my therapist, Jenny. I closed my eyes and pictured her in my mind, the way she smiled. I couldn't stop thinking about her and what she had said and done during our sessions.

My peace was interrupted suddenly by the buzzing of my mobile phone vibrating in my trouser pocket. I sat up, took it out, wondering who it might be as I hardly ever received any calls. I glanced at the screen, which displayed Jenny's business number. With a feeling of excitement I touched the screen to answer the call. "Hello," I said, expectantly.

I was shocked to hear a deep baritone voice, A voice I recognised immediately. "Good afternoon Mr Jones, I hope I'm not disturbing you?" Came the unmistakable, accented sound of Jenny's boyfriend's voice, Den. "I wondered if you could spare a moment, I have a question for you?"

My easy, relaxing day had just abruptly ended. I felt a lump in my throat and thought about what he might want. Had he found out about what went on with Jenny, behind the closed door, somehow? She had said about maintaining confidentiality. "Oh hi, no you're not disturbing me. How can I help you?" I replied nervously.

"Well, Jenny and I have been discussing your situation." Den paused for a moment. "About your financial problems and I think that we may have come up with a solution to your predicament."

"Ok, what's that?" I asked, slightly relieved but apprehensive about what his solution might entail. I was glad that he hadn't mentioned anything about my therapy sessions with his girlfriend.

"You're coming in tomorrow afternoon for an appointment with Jenny at four, aren't you? If you were to come in half an hour earlier, we could discuss it together in my office before you have your session with Jenny?"

"Yes that would be fine. So I'll be there tomorrow at three thirty then? I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say." I stood up and was again made aware of the butt plug I had up my arse.

"See you then. Goodbye Mr Jones." Den ended the call. I gazed at the screen for a moment before putting the phone back safely in my pocket. Wondering what exactly he wanted to talk about with me. The breeze had picked up slightly so I decided it was time to go home.

I took the white paved path past the tennis courts to the park's gate and walked across the quiet, traffic free street. In my mind I mulled over what Den had just said to me on the phone. Whenever I had spoken with him before I had always felt uneasy, intimidated by him, afraid of his size and demeanor, he seemed like a man who got exactly what he wanted. I was somewhat anxious about tomorrow's meeting.

I spent that evening preparing for my upcoming appointment. After dinner, I ran a bath, filling it with scented bath salts to help me relax. I stripped off my clothes before carefully removing the butt plug. I hadn't quite grown accustomed yet to the feeling of having it up inside me over the past week, now it felt like my rectum was becoming stretched. I hoped Jenny would be pleased with my efforts.

After a relaxing soak in the bath and washing my hair, I shaved my body completely. I had the urge to masturbate all week long. I thought that if I did then somehow she would find out and would disapprove. It felt like I couldn't hide anything from her, that she could tell if I was being truthful or telling a lie. I remembered feeling the back of Jenny's wooden spoon across the tip of my penis last week, I didn't want that to happen again. So I thought it best to be completely honest with her when she asked me about playing with myself.

When I finished shaving I let the water out and climbed from the bath. Patted myself dry with a soft towel, making certain that there was no stubble, nicks or stray hairs that I might have missed. After using moisturiser I checked my reflection in the mirror. Satisfied, I made sure that the tub was clean, then got myself ready for bed, reinserting the butt plug.

I had a restless night, my apprehensive mind was on my coming meeting with Den. What was his solution to my problems? I also thought about my sessions with Jenny. Last time I had spoken about how Amy had finally become my girlfriend in that hotel room when we had kissed and I had given her a foot massage. Now I would have to talk about what happened next. That would be a more difficult topic to discuss.

When I eventually woke late in the morning, I found that my shorts were damp and sticky with precum. This had been the usual situation recently when I woke up. I had wet dreams and a morning erection, possibly this was due to not wanking myself off for a couple of weeks. I had felt this years before when I was in a chastity cage. I got out of bed and wiped my wet, and now flaccid penis with a tissue. Put on my dressing gown and went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee and buttered a couple of slices of toast. I then washed, brushed my teeth, preparing myself to face the outside world.

I dressed, chose a pair of tight pair of white, silky panties from my bedside cabinet. I had grown accustomed to wearing female underwear now. Pulling them up my smooth legs and over my shaven genitals, making sure that my penis was tucked away between my legs so that I presented a less noticeable bulge. I then put on a plain black t-shirt and lose fitting cargo trousers before pulling on my trainers.

It was another warm, sunny day when I arrived at the old Victorian building. Upon entering I saw that Janet was behind the reception desk as usual. She glanced up through her glasses and smiled as I approached, "Good afternoon Mr Jones, how have you been?" She asked.

"I'm fine," I replied, "I'm here to see Den first before my appointment with Jenny at four o'clock." Still feeling nervous about meeting him.

"Oh ok, I'll just give him a quick call and see if he is available." She picked up the phone from the desk, paused for a moment before she spoke. "Hello Den, I have Tony Jones in reception." Janet smiled at me again while she waited for a reply. "Yes ok, that's fine, I'll send him up at once." She put the phone back down. "Den said to go up, his office is on the second floor. Just go through the door, up the stairs. You can't miss his office."

I nodded as Janet gave me directions, felt my heart beat increase with nervous anxiety. "Thank you, I'll see you in a while," I said as Janet pointed to the dark wooden door to the left of the reception desk. She then gave me a tight lipped, apologetic smile.

Through the door, I paused before closing it behind me. Ahead was a corridor with an ornate staircase at the far end. I mounted the stairs, gripping the bannister tightly. At the top of two flights of stairs were doors leading to a large open plan office space that seemed to take up the entire top floor.

A young black woman sat behind the only occupied desk at the far side of the carpeted office. The only sound was the soft clicking of fingertips on a keypad. She looked up from her computer screen with a questioning smile. There was something familiar about her features, She was very attractive, perhaps in her mid twenties and had her hair in braids. "Hi, can I help you?" She turned and glanced around to the door to behind her. "You must be Tony, Mr. Ampofo is expecting you," She said, "Just go through." Her hand with pink painted fingernails outstretched towards the door.

I hesitated momentarily before saying "Thank you." She smiled sweetly up at me before resuming her work. I stepped towards the door, knocked and waited, I heard the familiar booming voice saying enter, before I turned the door handle.

Den sat, reclining in a high backed leather office chair behind a large desk. "Hi Tony, come in, close the door behind you and take a seat." He said, in his heavy accent as he sat forward, placing a big hand flat down on the desk top with an audible slap. "How's you doing?"

I looked around Den's office interior as I stood in the doorframe before taking the chair opposite his and sat down. His office was sparsely furnished, several photographs hung from the plain, white walls showing images of holidays in the sun. One was of a beach scene, Den and Jenny cuddling with palm trees in the background. Another was of Den looking younger in a boxing ring, flexing muscles with his gloves raised. The large desk also had framed pictures that faced away from me.

There was a trophy cabinet by the open window which displayed silver and gold awards, medals for boxing and mixed martial arts. I thought that he might be a heavyweight champion or a black belt fighter. I had a lump in my throat and swallowed before I answered. "I've been fine, what can I do for you?" I asked, timidly. My voice sounded dry and croaky.

Den's dark eyes narrowed as he studied me, looking me up and down, sizing me up. "You're not working right now, aren't you? He said in his deep rumbling voice. "You're struggling with money and you have difficulty trying to make ends meet?"

I nodded, agreeing with him. "That's right I'm not working at the moment, I've been signed off work for a while now," I answered, sitting upright and puffing out my chest, trying to make myself bigger.

"He smiled reminding me of a wolf once again. "Ok, I have a proposition for you." Den leaned over the desk towards me.

I was caught off guard, intrigued at what he had said and sat upright, straightening my back in the chair. "What would your proposition be?" I asked.

"I need someone to clean for me, keep this place tidy. I recently had to sack my cleaning staff. So I thought of you. Seeing how you aren't working right now. Jenny informed me that you actually enjoy doing housework."

I was taken aback for a moment and let out half a laugh. "I'm sorry? I asked. "What I meant was that I do my housework because it helps pass the time. I didn't say anything about enjoying doing it." I was slightly amused, thinking that maybe I had told Jenny that I enjoyed housework and cleaning. I knew I was a little OCD about cleanliness and keeping my place tidy.

"Well, I'm offering you an evening cleaning job here. Jenny and I will waiver any fees that you owe for your consultations. It will only take you about an hour of your time. Weekdays," Den said seriously, losing his smile.

"Thanks, but I'm an electrical engineer by trade, I'm not a cleaner. If you want any maintenance jobs doing, like fixing the air conditioning or even changing lightbulbs I'll be happy to offer my services, free of charge of course."

"I've already got a sparky on call for that kind of thing. I need a cleaner right now, you know, with a mop and bucket, a feather duster and vacuum. I'll not charge you for anymore appointments if you keep my buildings tidy." Den stood and strode towards the cabinet by the window, leaned against it with his muscular arms folded. He was wearing a tight white shirt that showed off his biceps, dark grey trousers with a bulge in his groin that didn't leave much to the imagination. I thought that he definitely dressed to the left.

He looked down at me with an annoyed expression. "You said buildings?" I mumbled quietly.

"Just here and the place next door, that's all. I don't mean any of my other business premises," He said. "It's a photographic studio, next door and there is a flat above where Jenny's sister Linda, my assistant stays. You met her just now, out there in the front office."

"Only an hour in the evening? I won't have to worry about making payments for my therapy?" I asked thoughtfully, feeling the pressure he was putting me under. I looking away from him for a moment and considered my options.

"Yeah in lieu of any further payments. It's only for about an hour, out of your evening. Maybe a little longer, depends on how quickly you get it done. I want it done properly of course. So what do you say?"

"Well ok then. It's not quite what I'm used to doing for work, but I'll do it for you," I said and nodded my head in agreement.

"Great, good to have you on board Tony." He came over to me and offered his hand. I stood up and accepted his handshake, sealing the deal. He squeezed my hand in a vice like grip, his handshake was vigorous, making me wince. He let go and I felt that my shoulder would dislocate if he hadn't stopped. "When you finish later with Jenny, wait for Linda. She will show you what needs to be done and where everything is kept."

"You want me to start later today?" I asked, flexing my aching hand, trying not to rub my shoulder.

"No time like the present. Yes you can start later after your session. Now you can go back down and wait for Jenny in reception." Den ushered me to the door and opened it, smiling. "See you in awhile," He said, giving me another one of his wolf like smiles.

I nodded, not sure what to say, went back out into the office as Den closed the door behind me. I looked at Linda, Jenny's younger sister who was talking on the phone and laughing excitedly. I caught a few words, she called the person on the other end of the line 'darling' and said that she was looking forward to seeing them later. Without a word, just a brief nod, which she ignored, I walked past her desk and made my way downstairs.

Janet was behind the desk as I came through the door. "How did you get on with Den?" She asked with a concerned look on her face. "Would you like a drink while you wait for your appointment?" She added.

I was thinking about having a coffee but I really didn't want to put her out "No thank you, I'm fine. I have just been offered a cleaning job here."

"Oh I see. I knew that he was looking to hire someone. Would you care to take a seat? Are you going to take up the offer?" Janet asked.

"I sat myself down in one of the wooden chairs, before I replied "Yes I accepted the job offer, although I didn't expect that kind of thing today. He sort of insisted."

"Well, you should have had time to think it through first before you accepted. Den can be a hard taskmaster sometimes, difficult to get along with," Janet said in a hushed tone. "Just a word of caution."

"Oh i see. Yes he does seem a bit forward and I don't think that I would want to get on the wrong side of him, but I haven't much choice right now," I said, looking down the corridor in the direction of the consultation room.

Janet had a serious look on her face. "Just be careful with him, sweetie," She whispered. She put her hand to the side of her mouth and spoke quietly. "I think he's a bit homophobic, he doesn't like gay men."

I was shocked by what she had just said. Janet must of thought I was a homosexual. I had not considered that she viewed me that way before. Perhaps she knew about my sexual history. Maybe Jenny had let something slip? "I'll be careful then, thanks for the warning."

At that moment the consultation room door opened, Jenny Appiah appeared, wearing a white dress today, along with the blond woman, I had seen in the reception last week. Jenny reached the desk first, smiled and nodded a hello as she walked past me with the tall, slim young woman following behind. "Janet, could you book Cynthia an appointment for next Wednesday afternoon at four please." Jenny said, leaning on the desk. Cynthia turned and acknowledged me with a grin. I smiled back, before shying away from her piercing blue eyes.

Cynthia was wearing a lose blue top, tight, black leggings and heels. She stood head and shoulders above Jenny, as they spoke quietly together. their voices were inaudible from where I was sitting. Jenny took the woman's hand, both seemed to be amused over something. Laughing, they said their goodbyes.

When Cynthia had departed, Jenny turned to me and said, still smiling. "Hi Tony, could you wait for me in my office please? I have a couple of things I need to sort out first."

"Hello, yes of course. How have you been?" I asked. My heart was pounding faster as I took in every detail of her features. She wore her black and red streaked hair up ìn a bun this time, showing off her slender neck, around which she wore her Africa pendant. Hooped earrings jangled at the side of her cherubic, round face. Her almond shaped eyes and ruby red lips smiled.

"I'm ok, talk to you in a moment. Go and make yourself comfortable," She said, dismissing me with a wave of her hand, turning towards Janet satbbehind the reception desk. I couldn't take my eyes off of her shapely bottom in her short, white dress.

I rose up, full of anticipation and made my way swiftly down the corridor and though the open door. Pushing it to, behind me and sat down in one of the comfy tan leather armchairs. I glanced up at the clock on the wall, I was a little early by five minutes. I leaned back, making myself at home surrounded by the plush upholstery.

I looked around the room noting that there wasn't any changes this time. The curtains behind me were drawn all the way, consealing the examination couch. The wooden chair stood by the window, that gave a view of the garden through the open vertical blinds. The book shelf was at the opposite side of the room, I thought that I might get up and go and browse through the books, just then Jenny entered the room.

Jenny was carrying a shopping bag as well as her handbag and file tucked under her arm. She closed the door behind her with her heel and gave me a broad, gorgeous smile. "How have you been doing this week then Tony?" She asked, placed the bags beside the armchair and the file open on the coffee table between us, before sitting down and making herself comfortable.

"I've been ok, doing pretty well this week," I said, pausing for a moment as Jenny crossed her beautiful dark skinned legs opposite me. She was wearing a short, white summer dress that buttoned up the front today. "It's been the usual quiet time for me, I stayed home doing housework mostly. How was your week?"

Jenny smiled at me, possibly she had noticed that I was staring at her legs. "Ok, that's good. I've been busy with work, it's been nonstop. The weekend was so much better. Den has a new toy. He bought himself a new sports car. So we spent all Saturday charging around the countryside with the top down," She laughed. "Can't beat the feeling of driving along on a sunny day with the wind blowing through my hair."

I felt jealous of Den for having this beautiful looking woman sitting next to him in his brand new sports car. "What car does he drive?" I asked, out of interest.

"Den just got himself a Jaguar F type I think. I'm not that up on cars myself but it's fast and flashy," She said, giving me another broad smile. "He usually drives around in a BMW, that's his day to day car. So how did you get on with the butt plug? I hope you've been wearing it?"

I had a vision of them driving along country lanes. Then her sudden change of subject caught me off guard. I thought about what she had said for a moment, before I answered. "Yes I've been wearing it, since last week," I stammered nervously. "Constantly, it's a bit uncomfortable."

"Very good, you'll get used to it," She said, adjusting the hem of her dress with both her hands. "What about your abstinence from masturbation? Have you been tossing yourself off recently?"

Again her line of questioning made me sit up in shock. "Well no of course I didn't," I said, defensively. "You told me not to do that anymore."