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"No it was only a tiny pain that went right away. I am crying because you are so wonderful and I love you so much."

I held her for a while then she got up and went to my bathroom and came back with a damp washcloth and a towel. She washed me and cleaned my penis. Then she kissed him.

She smiled at me, "I love him, I have to take care of him so he is always ready to go. Would you like something to eat? I have to take care of my man so he is ready too."

"That would be very nice, suddenly I am hungry."

"Me too. What would you like, I think we have frozen Lasagna and a small Eggplant Parmesan."

"Sounds great Lover. I want to talk to you while dinner is cooking. You better put a robe or something on. I can't think when those gorgeous tities are jiggling around all the time. I really love them."

"Me too! You were right about how they make me feel. I still look in the mirror and can't believe it is me." I went in the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Even I thought I looked like death warmed over. Bloodshot eyes with dark bags under them. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I slipped on a old pair of house shorts and walked to the kitchen the microwave was humming and two fresh glasses of lemonade were on the table.

I heard her clicking down the hall. She walked in wearing nothing but an apron and high heeled sandals. Delicious. Yummy. Delectable. I felt my penis come to life. She walked to me and bent over and kissed my lips. "I love you Dearest! Oh! My, what is that down there?"

"Baby, if you walk around like that you can count on me having a hard on."

"Really? This will be my favorite outfit then."

"Do you always wear heels now?"

"I love them and I never wore them before. I am trying to be more confident in them. I am trying to develop what Jason calls the 'heel first slut strut'."

"I think you have it going pretty good right now." She looked at me with love in her eyes and smiled. "Just for you, my love. Only for you."

The microwave went ding! Susie got two plates from the cupboard and then got the food from the oven. We were both ravenous and finished quickly.

"Apple pie with chocolate ice-cream on top?"

"You bet Dear."

"I love that!"


"When you call me Dear or Sweetheart, or Baby Girl. When you say it with love in your voice it makes me tingle down to my toes."

I felt tears in my eyes and had to get a piece of paper towel to wipe my eyes. I just grinned at her. She kissed me again and went to the big freezer for our desert. Our first desert I should say because I had another sweet in mind I would eat later.

After the dishes were in the dishwasher I picked her up and carried her to our bed. I had to tell her to stop kissing me until we got to the bed because I couldn't see where I was going. We did make it OK and I dumped her on the bed. She squealed as I grabbed her feet and slipped off her shoes. I kissed and licked both feet kissed my way up her legs switching from one to the other often, and spreading her legs as I worked my way towards her sweet pussy. I loved the soft satiny feel of the smooth skin of her inner thigh. I pushed up and covered her whole little pussy with my mouth and just tried to slurp it all in my mouth. I worked my mouth open as far as could and slurped on her again, she must have liked it because she pulled my head hard against her.

Then she said, "Please come up and let me taste your sweet lips. I don't know what you do to me down there but it sure feels good, but is not fair I get all the sweet loving. Teach me how to please you too." She pushed me on my back and moved down to kiss my cock and examine it carefully. She looked up at me and smiled. "This is the first one I have ever been able to play with all I wanted. I love to touch it. And kiss it. I know you want me to take it in my mouth and suck on it. Where does it feel the best? Mmmmm. I love the way you taste and smell. It is so damned sexy. I just love to rub him all over my face. What a lovely thing he is. May I feel your balls? I know they are very tender. Can I suck gently on them too? Oh! Your ball sack is shrinking up. Look at that! Does your cock feel good when I stroke my hands over it? Get it slippery with my mouth! Oh! That's fun for me too! I love doing that. I like the way he feels when he is all slippery in my hands and mouth. You like it when I rub my tongue over and around the head of it don't you Darling. You are going to cum! Let me get my lips around it first. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Wow! I didn't think my mouth would hold it all so I just swallowed it down. It tastes good. I want some more. Did I please you a little?"

"No!" I saw her head droop. "Not a little, dear Baby Girl, a whole lot. I loved every second of it. There is nothing you do to me I don't love. Your touch and your kisses tingle through my whole body. No one has ever effected me like this before. Let me kiss those lovely nipples and then I'll finish what I started right after dinner."

"Jimmy, Sweetheart, I would just love to cuddle with you and be able to touch and snuggle to you all night long. I am tired and sleepy."

"I'm sorry Dear, I just love touching and making love to you I can't get enough. I am exhausted too! I got up and checked the doors and turned out all the lights. I held my Baby Girl in my arms all night long. It was the best night's sleep I had in months.

I awoke in the morning and found her snuggled up to my back, I was very happy. After breakfast we talked for hours. She asked if I would take her back to the coast to look for her step father. I told her that I would. I was so in love with her I would have taken her to the moon if she had asked. We fixed a lunch and I told her we had two places to stop before we went to the coast. She was surprised when I stopped at the courthouse and we got our wedding licenses. She just grinned all the way to our next stop. It was a jewelry store. The owner was an old buddy. He couldn't believe this child agreed to marry me. I couldn't either.

She wouldn't let me spend what I wanted for a ring. She picked a moderately priced ring set. I slipped the engagement ring on her finger before we left the store. She stopped me just outside the store and kissed me. She was crying. She looked at me, "I love you Jimmy, God how I love you." She admired the ring on her finger all the way to the coast. She directed me to her old home. The shop was closed and boarded up. She said, "I think I know where he will be." She directed me to a Bar about a mile away. She said, "Pull over here and park. She jumped out and walked to a guy sitting in the shade of a dumpster. She stood and looked at him. I got out and stood behind her with my hand on her shoulder. She looked back at me and smiled. "Dad, It's me Susie. Wake up."

He slowly looked up at her. He looked for a long time.

"You aren't Susie."

"Yes I am. How are you doing. I just want you to see me now. Look at me. This is the man I am going to marry. I am beautiful and very happy now in spite of what you did to me.

She looked at me, "Give him three dollars for something to eat. If you give him more he will buy booze or beer. Goodbye, Dad. I hope you are happy."

"Jees! Susie, I could sell you for a grand or better the way you look now."

"Take a good look. I will not look for you again. You have what you deserve. Let's go Jim." I opened the door for her and we drove off. I looked over and she was crying. I stopped and turned around. I parked and entered the dinner across the street. I talked to the owner. He knew Susie's dad. He wanted to know if the girl he saw was Susie. I said that it was. He said, "Holy Shit, she is beautiful." I gave him a check for two hundred and fifty dollars to feed Susie's dad for a month. No booze just food. I told him to call me when the money ran out, and gave him my number. We drove to Jason's house and Savanna greeted Susie like a long lost friend, They hugged and kissed each other. Savanna kissed me too! She grinned at me, "Please take Jason fishing again real soon. It is the only thing that really relaxes him."

I smiled. "Only if you and Susie will go with us."

Both girls clapped their hands and said that was the best idea they had ever heard. I told her Susie and I were engaged and Susie showed Savanna her ring. She insisted we get married at her house She told Susie to name the day, but to give her a weeks notice.

We were married two weeks later. It was a small ceremony, perhaps fifty people there. We went on a months honeymoon. We really bonded while we were away. Neither of us could stand for the other to be out of their sight for more than a few seconds. We told each other everything. If one of us itched the other scratched it.

She finally told me about how her step-father had started abusing her shortly after her mother died. He told her it was her duty to satisfy him sexually. He would only use her rectum. He told her no one was to touch her vagina because some men would pay big money to fuck a virgin. This lasted for years. She had hated herself because she had come to enjoy his screwing her ass. I told her that she had no control over the situation and was not at fault. I told her I would never hurt her that way. She smiled at me and said she would love any way I wanted to make love to her. She said she knew I would never hurt her.

We did everything, went fishing, sometimes we just went cruising and sightseeing. I took her places I had been before, I had to remember she had never been anywhere. I got her a digital camera and she became very proficient with it. Her pictures were excellent. She had lot's of memory cards and waited until we got home to print them out on our computer. She also put them on CDs.

Then one day after we were home and all settled in, she came to me and said, "Honey, I want you to know my period is way late."

I looked into those beautiful eyes, "Got your fingers crossed?"

"Yes, I sure do."

"Which way?"

"You know I want your baby."

"I'll run down to Wal-Mart and get an IPT."

"What is that?"

"An Instant Pregnancy Test."

The IPT showed she was pregnant. I called Jason and got him to recommend an OB/GYN guy. I called and got a appointment. Susie liked the woman doctor he sent us to. She confirmed that Susie was indeed pregnant. The doctor, at Susie's insistence let me stay in the room during her pelvic exam. She said she had nothing to hide from me and wanted me to know everything. I think she was a little frightened because she had never even been near someone who was pregnant. The Doctor enrolled us in birthing and child care classes. She advised us not to go out and buy cribs and stuff. But to finish the classes first.

We went home and just sat and cuddled for hours watching TV and grinning at each other. She would look up at me and ask questions I couldn't answer, like, when would she start lactating, How long before she started showing. I told her to just wait, I had an idea.

I called Savanna and asked her if she had any friends who were pregnant and further along than Susie. She said she did and would see if the girl would go along with my plan. She would call me back.

She called back and gave me a number. I sat and held my wife and told her my plan. Savanna's friend was about five years older than Susie and had a two year old boy and was about six months pregnant. She had agreed to take Susie under her wing and let her come to her house and learn what she could. If they liked each other Susie could follow along right up to the birth and after so she would know what to expect.

Susie was excited and called her right away. They talked for about an hour. The girl, Jane Busher, lived only a half mile away. Susie said she was going to go over and meet her.

She dressed and left in her Jeep. I was lost without her. I guessed I would get used to it. I knew this was the best way and had known it would be this way when I set it up. After about two hours she called and said Jane was real sweet. She said she would be home about five.

Susie spent several hours every other day with Jane She loved Jane's little boy, Tommy. She couldn't wait to have a baby of her own. Like prospective fathers through the ages I had ambivalent feelings about the baby. On one hand I knew Susie would no longer be exclusively mine, on the other hand I knew I would love my child. By the time Susie's belly was showing a very slight swelling Jane was ready to deliver. Jane had invited Susie to be in the delivery room with her. Jane's Doctor said it would be alright. Susie got the call Jane was headed for the hospital at four o'clock one morning. We rushed to the Hospital and once again I sat in the waiting room. I was far and away the oldest guy there. Then lo and behold a guy who looked older than I walked in. He sat beside me and asked if I were an expectant father. I said not quite yet, I had about five months to go. He said this was his first child, he and his wife were only married a few months. He was terrified. He had just found out his wife had been told it would be dangerous for her to have a baby. She was younger than Susie. He told me she was diagnosed with a condition that made it dangerous when she was six months pregnant. She absolutely refused an abortion.

I talked to him and told him I would have been going crazy in his position. After about two hours a doctor came in and walked up to him with a smile. "Every thing is fine, momma and son are both in great shape, you will be able to see them soon." He collapsed in his chair and wept. I patted his shoulder. Susie came in and smiled at me. She hugged and kissed me. "It's over, she had another boy." She was very happy and I talked to her on the way home. She had loved watching the birth. She laughed about how sick Tom Senior had gotten during the birth. It hadn't bothered her at all. She was actually looking forward to having her baby. She and Jane had talked and joked through the whole thing. She said she wanted to get to bed early because she was going to sit with little Tommy while Tom Senior went to get Jane and their baby. I asked if she wanted me to go with her. She said she would be all right. We were up about six the next morning. She kissed me goodbye and took off in her Jeep. I had told her to take my truck but she didn't. After a couple hours I decided to go and meet her at Jane and Tom's house and see the baby and take her shopping for a new car. The Jeep would not be usable with a baby.

I knocked on the door and Tom senior opened it, he shook my hand and asked me in. I asked if Susie was there as he took me to his bed room to see the new baby and Jane. I guess the baby was cute, I tried to act as if I thought it was. I asked about Susie again. Jane said that Susie and Tom's brother Sam had gone to the IHOP for breakfast. He looked at his watch and said "They are usually back by now. They should be here any minute."

I said I had things to do. And I left and drove past the IHOP, They were just coming out and I almost ran over them I was so shocked. He was a very handsome young man. They were holding hands. I just drove off. I went home and sat in my chair and stared at the wall. I heard her come in. She came in the room and said "I need to talk to you, Jim."

"I don't think this is a good time. I am not ready to talk right now."

"Jim. I have never lied to you and I never will, I know what you think, you are wrong. I love only you. Please let me tell you about Sam. He is my friend. That is all. I don't love him. I don't want him. You are my man, now and forever. Sam has a big problem and he says I am the only person he knows who can help him."

I had watched her eyes and knew in my heart she meant every word she said. I patted my lap and said, "Sit down and give me a kiss, then tell me all about it." She gave me a long sweet loving kiss. "Sam wants to have the same operation I had. He wants to be a woman. He can't tell Tom. Tom hates homosexuals and cross dressers. He asks me all sorts of question about how the implants feel to me. If I still have full feelings and all that sort of stuff."

"The two of you made a very cute couple holding hands and all. Do you expect me to really believe that story?" She looked at me for a long time.

"Yes, I do."

I saw the tears starting to build in her eyes. I said, "I believe every word you said. I just do not necessarily believe him."


"Do Jane or Tom know anything about Mike's sexual quirks?"

"I don't think so."

"Does he live there?"

"Not all the time, he has an apartment somewhere I think."

"Have you ever seen him in drag, in woman's clothes?"


"Does he talk about wearing women's clothes?, Shoes?"


"That doesn't fit the way trannies think or act. They are obsessed with female underwear and clothes. I don't think he wants to play Girl-Girl with you. He wants to play Guy-Girl with you."

She looked at me wide eyed. "Really."

"Yep, there was a case in the papers about a year ago, some guy used the same line and ended up raping two women. I don't recall if they caught him."

"I won't go anywhere with him anymore. Did you see the baby, isn't it the cutest thing you ever saw. So tiny, such tiny little fingers. Oh! Jimmy, I can't wait to have your baby."

"No Dear, our baby. I have something to discuss with you. I know you love your Jeep. But I don't want you driving it anymore. I want to go shopping for a new car for us. You have to have a rear seat to have a baby seat. Jeeps wont work."

"I know, Sweetie, I do love the Jeep, can we keep it too?"

"Oh! I wasn't going to get rid of it. It's yours. The truck is mine, the car will be ours, OK."

"SUV, van, or car?"

"Car I think."

"Foreign or domestic?"

"Up to you kid."

"How much?"

"Under fifty thou."

"I like a Lincoln Towncar in that bracket."

"Me too!"


"White, cooler here in Florida, looks classy too."

"I agree, see Dear we don't have to go shopping, we just need to buy one."

"I have one more thing my sweet baby girl. I don't want you to be alone with Sam anymore, please humor me on this, I love you and you are way too precious for me take any chances."

"Not a problem."

She was till in my lap and I ran my hand up under her little blouse and found she had on a front closure Bra. I popped it open and caressed her breasts. She pressed her lips to mine and her tongue slipped in to play with my tongue. She sucked my lower lip into her mouth. She loved to do that because she knew it excited me. She pulled back, "Take me to bed. I need you. I want you inside me."

Those were words I loved to hear. It was a delightful afternoon.

Now, four months later, I sit beside Susie's bed in the hospital looking down at my daughter in my arms. I am in awe of the miracle of new life and of the beautiful girl who transformed me.

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Schwanze1Schwanze1almost 6 years ago

FastNed is right. Can't throw that in there and not deal with it.

This story wasn't a complete bomb like the other two I read so far.

DrSemblanceDrSemblancealmost 8 years ago

There you go Greyeagle.

This is a nice story that while of course is a fantasy, still has a touch of realism and has no "WTF is he talking about" moments like twin eagle.

I guess, I too wonder about that infamous "I have a date, don't wait up" crap. But, I guess you needed an excuse for him to go away and them realize how much they missed and needed each other.

Well done. Just about to read part 2

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 10 years ago
Good story

Well ended -

She was naive at best - foolish at worst but so innocent she was a perfect victim.

He was the knight and they rode off together - nice -

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Great - Now waiting for next one

Now that I have read it, all I will do is keep looking for the next part. Thanks for a great story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Jason or Jonas???

Good story line, but I kept getting confused. The doctor kept changing from Jonas to Jason. Which is it?

ddpmanddpmanabout 18 years ago
Dance Floor?

I certainly enjoyed this tale, so far. I am puzzled where did Susie learn to dance? She was a prisoner for years, yet she pulls Jim on to the dance floor. Someone else questioned where did the date come from on the night her bandages came off. Petty stuff. I thought you did a fine developemnt job on Jim's insecurities

FastNedFastNedover 18 years ago
Character disconsonance

Out of character for her to suddenly have a date and "don't wait up for me" the night she comes back from plastic surgery. Did she pull this date out of a hat or what?

txrosenaynaytxrosenaynayover 18 years ago
loved it

wonderful warm loving story with heart and soul...*sigh* just aren't many men like that in this world anymore are there?...Thank you once again for sharing your stories with us,your fans...and letting us read you. Keep em coming and we'll keep question though...did you have all these written before and just finally submitted them or are you really pumping them out like a printing press? respectfully your fan in Texas naynay

tinman69stinman69sover 18 years ago
Fantastic story!!!

Greywolf, this is the first story of yours that I have read, but I promise it won't be the last one!! This was an incredible story of love. The sex was just icing! The love story was everything a guy could imagine!! Thanks for sharing that !!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
A little more sugary then just being sweet

But being a Horny 'ol Sailor and an all around dirty old man I loved it. Thank You. Ronnie W.

Nightowl22Nightowl22over 18 years ago
Of Course!

If I could find a younger woman with all the qualities and knowledge Suzie has, I would be in love, too.

The girl is fantastic.

Very good story. No real problem anywhere; not even Sam.

loveolddickloveolddickover 18 years ago
Very Interesting

You seem to have a formula of this kind of stories. You love the fantasy of rescuing young girls, turning them into new women, then falling love with them. You must be a fan of " My Fair Lady". Then what will you do to deal with the hell of lust belongs to a girl like me?

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