Transformations: Latigo Key Ch. 02


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"Are you okay, Willy?" She asked.

"Yeah... yeah, I'm sorry... just..." He laughed. "My mind's wandering."

She came the rest of the way downstairs and looked up at him. "I thought we would start out with you writing a short paper on plate tectonics. I have the encyclopedias laid out for you in the dining room."

He nodded and smiled down at her. God, she wants to touch me... am I reading her mind?


Across the Way from the Larsen House

"Si, mas... mas...," Consuela Mendez moaned through her teeth as her boss, Emmet Simms, pounded her stretched asshole with his nine inch cock.

They had started having an affair six months ago. Emmet had just bent her over his desk at his office in town and used her like a whore from the first day.

She was already having regular sex with seven other men on Latigo Key - four of them also married.

Emmet was number eight.

He asked her how many other men she was fucking each time he took her.

She was always honest, and he seemed to get off on what a slut she was.

Now they were doing it in his office at the mansion and Consuela knew Emmet's wife, Roslyn, was somewhere nearby.

She could walk in at any time and that tripped Consuela's trigger. She screamed out with her orgasm, her panties stuffed in her mouth to keep her quiet.

"Cumming? With my... dick in your... ass? Not even touching your... whore pussy? Fucking slut," Emmet growled and punished her asshole even harder.

She thought about Roslyn walking in on them, thought about Roslyn joining them - Consuela had discovered a taste for pussy about three months ago when one of her other men took her to a Miami swingers club.

Roslyn Simms was a bitch, but Consuela imagined her pussy tasted like candy.

Consuela moaned as Emmet jerked his dick out of her ass, leaving her gaping.

He spun her around, pulled the panties out of her mouth, and pushed his cock into her mouth.

Consuela giggled and sucked, letting him push into her throat.

"Fuck yeah, taste your own ass, bitch!" Emmet hissed.

Then his cum was shooting down her throat and she swallowed ever drop, savoring the taste of the jizz as he pulled his dick out till just the head rested on her tongue.

She wrapped both hands around his shaft and pumped, draining his balls.

Emmet laughed. "Nastiest accountant I ever hired."

Consuela leaned back and tongued his piss slit as he pulled his cock from her mouth. "You liked that?"

He caressed her hand. "So beautiful and nasty as a two dollar whore. You're a great slut, Consuela."

She moaned. "Thank you."

He pulled up his pants and zipped them. "Going to give you a nice, fat raise, Consuela. As a matter of fact?" He opened his desk drawer and took out a stack of bills. "Why don't I just give this to you now? It's customary to pay a whore, isn't it?"

She smiled and licked her lips. Then she reached out and took the cash. "I'll be your prostitute if that's what you like."

"Oh, I like. Now, get out."

Consuela laughed. "See you tomorrow?"

Emmet leaned against his desk. "Absolutely."

She opened the office door.

Roslyn Simms was standing on the other side. She glared at Consuela. "You're fired, Consuela. This is the last fucking time you make a fool out of me in my own goddamned house, Emmet."

Consuela stammered. "Roslyn, I... I'm sorry..."

And Emmet Simms simply laughed at them both.


It was hard enough for Willy to concentrate around Jenny Larsen, but believing he might be reading her mind made it impossible.

And, if this wasn't just some testosterone induced dream? Jenny Larsen was having a hard time concentrating as well.

She sat in the corner of the dining room on a comfortable chair reading a book while he made the motions of perusing the World Book Encyclopedia.

She glanced up, not at his face.

She was staring lower.

Then she blushed and turned back to her book.

Willy looked down.

She had been looking at his cutoffs.

He yawned, stretched. Then he pushed his chair back a bit and parted his legs.

Her hands were trembling. Heart rate climbing, face flushing... he felt like he could literally smell her desire.

This excited him and scared him a little as well - what was happening to him? Suddenly he felt like he had some sort of 'woman-seeking-radar'. Not that he needed it.

Up until a year ago, Willy had been a nine times a day masturbator. He wasn't sure if that was normal or not. A half naked lingerie model in a magazine or catalog was all it took, and Willy was jerking away.

He once rubbed a blister on his dick from masturbating.

Then, last year, he no longer needed fantasy. First there had been the experimentation with Diana before she left for college.

Then, whenever he was alone with any of the women on the island, sometimes something would happen.

They'd give him a knowing look and suddenly he was getting a blowjob.

Or, Mrs. Collins at the IGA? He delivered fish early one morning, she called him back to the office to pay him, and... boom... she was naked, and he was thrusting away into her on her desk.

Funny thing was? Afterwards, she acted like nothing happened.

Willy thought it was probably because she was married.

He mentioned it to his Dad one evening in the backyard. Wink had nodded, took a sip of his beer. "Willy," he said. "You're a nice looking young man. Things like this are gonna happen. You enjoy it but you be courteous and discreet, understand?"

So, Willy had just gone with the flow.

Sometimes, though? Willy had a hard time remembering what happened after an encounter himself.

He also seemed incapable of talking during those times as well.

Willy often saw a women on the island smiling at him and, for the life of him, he couldn't remember if he had made love to them or not.

Jenny was barely even looking at her book any more. She looked dazed, almost asleep.

That was the look most women had before they began taking off their clothes for him. The only difference? Willy felt fully awake and not mute like he usually was.

Her full lips were parted slightly.

To hell with this, Willy thought. He pushed his chair back from the table.

Jenny blinked and then smiled. "Finished with your paper?"

Willy shook his head. "No, Missus Larsen. I don't think my head is in it. Sorry..."

She shrugged and smiled. "It's okay. You've been working really hard the last few months."

"Are you lonely, Missus Larsen?"

She looked into his eyes for a moment. "What? Willy, that's not a question you should ask me..."

"Missus Larsen, I've known you almost my entire life. I don't think asking you if you're lonely is out of line," he smiled. Resistance. The part of her brain governing morality was fighting hard against his powers...

He winced. His powers? Where had that thought come from?

"I'm... fine, Willy. I get lonely sometime but... hey, I have you, right?"

Still trying to make this innocent. It wasn't innocent at all. Willy was beginning to feel like some kind of predator circling his prey.

He shook the thought away.

He wasn't getting ready to prey on Jenny Larsen.

But, somehow, he knew he was going to make love to her.

"How long do you have me? A few more months?"


"I love you. I've been in love with you for a very long time." he smiled. "And, now I've terrified you because you think you did something wrong. You haven't."

She opened her mouth to say something.

"And, now you're going to say I'm young and have a crush, but this isn't a crush. I know the difference."

"Willy, you're nineteen. I thought you and Diana were..."

"Lovers? Yes. For a while. I do love her..."

"There! You see?"

Willy smiled and shook his head. "She loves me as well but... she's gay, Missus Larsen." He shrugged. "Well, on the gay side of bisexual I suppose if that's a thing. Either way? I'm not her soulmate."

"Oh... Oh, Willy, I'm sorry."

Willy laughed. "For what? It's not your fault. And it doesn't have anything to do with you and me."

"Willy, I'm almost twice your age."

Willy shook his head. "I really don't care."

"I do!" Jenny said. "What would your parents think?"

"Again, I don't care."

"Willy, you think things at nineteen... things aren't clear at that age."

"I'm thinking very clearly, Jenny."

"Missus Larsen, Willy."

"Jenny, Jenny." Willy sat back in the dining room chair and folded his arms across his chest. "And, um, my eyes are up here."

Jenny gasped. "What?!"

"We'll get to my lower body later. Right now, I need you focused on my face."

"I... wasn't..."

He looked amused. "You haven't stopped since I came in the front door. I think it's time for honesty, Jenny."

She took a deep breath. "I think you need to leave. I... won't tell your parents about this. We'll just chalk it up to hormones..."

"One: I'm over the age of eighteen and, therefore, my parents' opinion of my love life means nothing to me." He stood up. "And, two: when you were my age, a man might not take the hint when you tried to throw him out of your house. But here in 1989? I'm a gentleman. I'm not going to press the point or try to intimidate you by refusing to leave. So, if you tell me to leave? I will. Make absolutely sure it's what you really want before you ask me to leave."

Come on, Willy thought. Free yourself, Jenny.

"We'll... talk tomorrow. You need to go home."

Willy smiled gently and nodded. "If that's what you want." He turned and walked toward the foyer.

You can't mourn forever, Willy thought. Take a chance, Jenny.

He almost reached the footer when she whispered, "Stay."

He turned slowly and smiled.

She was trembling, staring at the floor. "How are you doing this?" She whispered.

Willy walked up to her and brushed her dark hair away from her eyes. "Would you believe me if I told you I don't know? I feel like I'm inside your head."

"This is wrong. It's all wrong."

He kissed her lips gently, tilting her face up as he did.

"It isn't. Trust me. It isn't wrong."

"I'm supposed to be the adult..."

"I'm an adult too, you know?" He kissed her lips gently and drew her against him.

"Barely," she whispered.

He put his hands on her waist and lifted her onto the dining room table.

He began lifting her t-shirt.

"No. No, stop."

He leaned over and kissed her neck.

She moaned as he kissed his way up to her ear.

"You know? Sooner or later? I'm going to actually stop when you tell me to stop."

She laughed and then clapped her hand over her mouth.

"That's better," Willy whispered as he raised her t-shirt. "Just curious - why are you wearing perfume?"

"God, you're a rogue, Willy Wanker."

He laughed. "I'm a rogue with good taste, Jenny Larsen." He pulled off her t-shirt exposing the white lace bra. He stepped back and admired her. "Expecting company?"

She launched herself off the table and clung to his neck. "How did I miss the fact you're such an...?"


She kissed him this time, her small tongue plunging into his mouth.

Jenny squealed as he spun her around in his grasp and carried her toward the steps to the second floor. "Put me down!"

"There you go, giving me orders again. I graduated, remember?"

"Where are we going?!"

"Bedroom. I'm making love to you in a bed."

"Oh, so now you're giving me orders?"

He hoisted her over his shoulder and spanked her blue jeans clad behind. "In a few minutes, you're going to want to do anything I say."

She laughed. "I think I might already be there."


Dr. Balenger watched on the surveillance monitor from his office as Willy carried Jenny Larsen up the stairs.

He pushed a button on the console and monitor image changed to Jenny Larsen's bedroom.

Willy laid her gently on the bed and lay down beside her, pulling her against him as they kissed.

The phone beside the console buzzed and Balenger picked it up. "Yes, Constance?"

"Emmet Simms is here. He's insisting on coming in..."

"Goddamn it, get the fuck out of my way," Emmet Simms said from some distance away.

Then he cried out in pain.

Balenger rolled his eyes. "Bring him in."

The office door opened and Emmet Simms staggered in.

Constance had his left arm bent behind him nearly to the breaking point - quite a sight when Emmet was nearly a foot taller than Constance and a hundred pounds heavier.

"Goddamn it, she's breaking my arm!"

Balenger leaned back in his chair. "Constance is a masochist, but she does enjoy inflicting pain at times... I suppose that makes her a switch."

Constance smiled, her dead shark eyes turning up at the corners. "Can I hurt him, doctor? I so want to hurt him."

Doctor Balenger smiled. "I keep trying to explain things to you, Emmet. You are still mostly human. You are nothing but a plaything to the fully transformed."

Balenger leaned his head to the side. "Constance could quite easily twist your arm off at the shoulder and violate you with it."

"Baal! Please!"

Balenger glared. "Don't call me by that name, Emmet. Someone might hear. If that happens? I will become cross... and I'm not a 'switch', Emmet. I absolutely love being sadistic."

Constance licked her lips. "Yes, he does. Oh, the things he does to me, Emmet."

"Please!" Emmet cried.

"Let the human go, Constance."

She released him. "Yes, doctor."

Emmet collapsed to the floor cradling his arm.

Balenger looked down at him. "Now, Emmet, what may I help you with?"

"It's... Roslyn. She... you said you were going to make her into a swinger."

"Emmet, I've already improved her body and increased her libido. What else do you require?"

"She's still a fucking jealous bitch. She caught me with Consuela and now she wants to leave me."

"Mental conditioning takes time, Emmet. As I've explained to you..."

Emmet stood up from the floor. "You think those rubber nuns are going to buy your excuses when they get here tonight?"

Balenger glared at him. "They know about our successes and our... challenges. You needn't concern yourself with Church matters, Mr. Simms."

"Concern myself? My father gave this island to you people. There was an agreement. Immortality being chief among them... well, he's dead now. No immortality for him. At least I thought I was going to get a compliant whore for a wife and instead I have a bitch."

"Yes, but not a frigid bitch. She's a work in progress. When the harvest begins, many things will be sorted out."

"Yeah, well from what I've seen? Without your fancy static machines, all you have to show for these years of work is a lot of improved bodies, some improved libidos, and one world class whore in Consuela."

Balenger smiled at the monitor. Willy was unbuttoning Jenny's jeans. "Works in progress, Emmet. All works in progress. Now, if Roslyn tries to leave you tonight? Bring her here and I'll use the 'knitter' on her... I'll even let you watch."

"About goddamned time," Emmet said.


Jenny felt like a doll in Willy's arms.

It felt nice.

Lying there on the bed with him for the first time (in two weeks), she was amazed by how practiced he seemed (but then he always was - she had taught him, hadn't she?).

Her head hurt but nothing, absolutely nothing was going to stop her from making love to him. The thoughts flashed through her mind - memories that weren't real, couldn't have been real.

He had pushed her jeans down to her thighs and his big hand was cupping her sex, his thick middle finger rubbing her clit gently (the way she taught him... taught them both, him and Diana, taught them how to make love right here in this bed).

She winced, wanting the fantasies (memories) to go away because all she wanted in the entire world was to enjoy what this beautiful nineteen year old was doing to her body.

"What's wrong?" Willy whispered.

"I don't know. Deja vu? It's like..."

Willy frowned. "Like we've been here before."

She sniffed away a tear. "Like I... like I manipulated you..."

He kissed away her tear. "No. Never. You never did anything like that. You never manipulated us."

Jenny blinked. "Us? Why would you say us?"

It was his turn to look confused. "I... I don't know why I said that... me... you never manipulated me."

"Willy, I'm scared," Jenny whispered in the darkened room.

He pulled her closer. "Don't be."

"It's like I'm remembering things that never could have happened."

He put both hands on her face. "It doesn't matter. None of that matters. It's only us... here... now."

And the anxiety melted away. Just like that. She stopped worrying

She kissed him, moaning into his mouth and squeezing his hand with her thighs.

He pushed two fingers into her wet pussy.

She reached down and pulled up his t-shirt. She laughed as she ran her fingers over his hard muscled torso. "You're beautiful."

He shook his head. "I'm a guy. I'm ugly." He ran his fingers down her ribs to her waist. "Curves. Those are beautiful. Nothing more beautiful."

Always how he was - nothing mattered to him other than the woman... women... in this bed.

Was that Jenny's memory or just her fantasy? She didn't care anymore. Was it just a fantasy that she had first taken Diana on her eighteenth birthday, the sound of buzzing in her ears, and, then, two months later she had taken Willy?Again, the memory / fantasy of buzzing in her ears?

Then how they had played together, the three of them in this very bed for months before Diana had left for Florida State? Memories or fantasies? Jenny no longer cared because now? There was no incessant buzzing.

There was only Willy with the idiotic last name dragging her jeans down to her ankles, yanking them free, and then pulling her panties to the side so he could eat her out.

She laughed and grasped his curly blond hair, pulling him deeper into her pussy.

She came, her juices gushing into Willy's mouth, down his chin.

He slid up her body and kissed her.

She loved the taste of her own pussy, so similar to Diana's sweet juices but somehow different.

She rolled Willy onto his back and straddled him.

She unhooked her bra and threw it away.

He grasped her breasts and kneaded them.

No milk, yet, but soon. She wanted to nurse him so badly...

More fantasy memories? Milk? Why would she lactate? She wasn't pregnant... who got off thinking about nursing a grown man?!

"Stop thinking," Willy groaned. "You're giving me a headache."

She laughed.

He pulled her head down to his chest and put his huge right hand on the small of her back, pressing her against him. "Right here, right now, Jenny. Nothing else matters. You be in the here and now with me," Willy said.

"Yes, sir," Jenny giggled. She trailed her hand down his side and touched his cutoffs.

Willy held her tighter. "Wait... hang on."

She jerked her hand away. "Did you ejaculate? It's okay, Willy, when you're young it just happens. It's nothing to worry about."

He smiled and shook his head. "No, I didn't cum."

"Oh... don't you want me to...?" She glanced down.

"I do, but... we need to talk about it."

"Oh, darling, are you afraid it's too small? Size doesn't matter!" That wasn't it... somehow, she knew that wasn't...

He broke out into laughter. "That's... a total lie. Size definitely matters. Guys with one inch cocks made up that 'Size doesn't matter' thing in my opinion."

"No... it... well, it does matter but if you're small I don't care. I think you're wonderful."

He's hung like a Clydesdale crossed with an elephant.

The thought popped into her head, just another memory/fantasy.