Transformations: Latigo Key Ch. 02


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Balenger shrugged. "No idea. Seems like a good idea, though."

Then Balenger leaned over and whispered something in Deborah's ear.

Cathy frowned.

Deborah's smile vanished. "Yes, of course."

"Enjoy your evening," Balenger said as he walked away toward the restrooms.

"What was that about?" Cathy asked Deborah.

"Oh... he got some test results back. Wants me to come in tomorrow," she stood up. "Rum and Coke went right through me. Back in a minute."

She walked toward the restrooms.

"Is it just me or is she acting a little strange?" Margaret asked.

"Come on, don't be a busy body," Wink said with a nudge.

"No, Margaret's right. Deborah had an appointment with Balenger today. I think it has her upset."

Consuela turned and looked toward the restrooms. "She's not sick, is she?"

"No," Cathy said. "She's fine." She stood up. "But I am going to go check on her."

"Come on, Consuela," Margaret said as she started to stand.

"No, just... let me," Cathy said. "She confided in me earlier."

Margaret nodded. "Understood. Guess I'll just have to sit here with my old man and drink."

"Poor thing," Wink laughed.

Cathy made her way through the restaurant toward the restrooms.

The ladies room was at the end of a long hallway that led past the double doors to the kitchen. She could hear pots and pans clattering and the hiss of hot water being used to wash dishes in the sinks.

She opened the door to the restroom. "Deborah? You okay?"

The restroom was empty.

Cathy frowned.

She took a step back into the hallway.

Cathy paused by the big double doors to the kitchen.

"Compliant, as you can see," she heard Balenger's voice say.

"With the device turned on, yes," a woman said.

"At its lowest setting. It's practically a placebo at this setting. She's very close to the merge," Balenger said.

Cathy eased the door open a crack.

It took a moment for her to fully process what she was seeing.

In the middle of the gray tiled kitchen, Balenger was standing with his pants around his ankles.

Deborah was naked on her knees in front of him, her head bobbing back and forth on his pale cock.

Cathy gasped and blinked.

Deborah's throat was bulging with the man's girth.

Balenger was huge, the biggest cock she had ever seen.

And, somehow, Deborah was swallowing him all the way to the balls.

All the while, she was rubbing her naked pussy.

The word 'Whore' was tattooed just above her swollen clit.

Cathy nearly screamed when the door was yanked open from inside the kitchen and a strong hand dragged her through.

She landed on her knees in front of a pair of long legs in heels.

Cathy looked up to see Miss Hecate staring down at her from behind her dark sunglasses.

The woman held out her hand. "I don't think we've been introduced. My name is Mother Superior Hecate."

Cathy stared at the woman's long, manicured red nails.

Then she turned and looked over her shoulder at Deborah who was still sucking Balenger's cock.

"What the fuck is happening?" Cathy asked.

"It's completely natural," Balenger said as he stroked Deborah's blonde hair. "I assure you. Deborah is fulfilling her life's function. She's a living sex doll."

Cathy stood up slowly.

For the first time, she fully saw the room.

The kitchen staff were going about their jobs, seemingly oblivious to the sex show in the middle of the room.

Emmet Simms was leaning against the back wall, his long cock out as he masturbated.

Roslyn was sitting on a stainless steel prep table looking catatonic.

And, Constance Balenger was taking off her cocktail dress. Wires ran along her body, connected to her nipples and running between her legs.

"Poor Cathy," Balenger said. "This must be so confusing."

Cathy looked toward the double doors.

The tall bald man who had come in with Hecate was staring at her, expressionless. It had been he who had dragged her through the door.

Hecate spoke and Cathy spun around to face her.

"She's exquisite. Oh, Baal, up close you can see the cheekbones, the flawless skin... the eyes. How much of this is a product of her transformation?" Hecate asked.

Baal? Who was Baal?

Balenger pushed Deborah away and she giggled. "Masturbate, whore," Balenger said.

Deborah lay her face on the floor and raised her hips high in the air. She plunged four fingers of one hand into her hairless pussy and, with the other hand behind her back, penetrated her anus with three fingers. "Like this, Baal?"

"I'll bet you can't fist your own pussy," Balenger / Baal said.

"You'll lose that bet," Deborah giggled.

She eased her thumb into her pussy alongside the four fingers.

Then she pushed.

Cathy grimaced. "Oh, Deborah, don't!"

"Silly, Cum Slut Cathy... I've had bigger fists in my cunt than mine. Don't you remember?" Deborah said with a wink as her pussy swallowed her small fist.

"Cum Slut Cathy?" It sounded somehow familiar.

She felt a hand on her shoulder.

And, Cathy reacted.

She spun on her heel, blocked Hecate's slim hand with her forearm, knocked it away.

Then she followed through with a twisting punch to Hecate's jaw that knocked the woman on her ass.

The sunglasses flew away into the corner.

She felt something cold and metal against the back of her head.

"Breathe. Just breathe and I'll blow your head off, slut," the bald man said.

A gun. He had a gun.

Cathy reacted again.

She rolled her head to the left and reached up and over her shoulder with her right hand. She grabbed the gun, yanked, and she bent forward at the waist in one fluid movement.

The man tumbled over her shoulder and onto the floor, losing the gun in the process.

Cathy still held it by the barrel, and she flung it across the room into a sink full of dishes and soap suds.

Laughter filled the room.

Cathy stared at Hecate who was rubbing her jaw and laughing.

"God. No one has knocked me down in years. The last man who did it was one of Castro's special forces soldiers. I castrated him before I gutted his carcass and hung him by his ankles in the jungle." She stood up and smiled.

Black eyes. The woman had solid black eyes.

Cathy took a step back. "What... the fuck are you?!"

Hecate laughed harder. "Well, I thought I was the most dangerous creature on this island. It appears I was mistaken. Outstanding, Baal. Simply outstanding."

"Deborah, get up," Cathy said. "We're leaving. Jesus, stop doing that!"

Deborah was still fisting herself and she appeared to be working her way up to doing the same to her anus.

Hecate kicked the bald man who was moaning on the hard tile floor. "Get up. You were worse than useless. You actually put the gun barrel against her head? Amateur mistake. You underestimated her."

The bald man struggled to roll over and then got clumsily to his feet. He glared at Cathy.

"Deborah! Get up! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Cathy was trying to decide between yanking Deborah to her feet or simply running out into the restaurant and screaming for help.

"Pain," Hecate said.

Cathy dropped to her knees. White hot pain burned through her insides.

Hecate stood over her. She tilted Cathy's face up. "Make no mistake: you are powerful. You will be even more powerful once I'm done with you, Cathy Greene. However, I own you. I can kill you with a single word. You will obey me and... learn to love the things I do to you."

How could the woman do this? All she said was 'pain' and Cathy felt like she was going to die. "S... Stop... please! I can't... oh, God... stop!"

"No. Live in the pain. Let it strengthen you. Remember this pain, Cathy. I can make it a hundred times worse if I want. I can make you beg for death."

"P... Please... No more!"

Hecate turned away.

The pain vanished and Cathy crumpled to the floor.

"Tell me, Baal," Hecate said. "How long do you think it will be before this one's personalities merge without the knitter?"

Baal nodded. "She is exceptionally strong as well as intelligent."

"Knitter it is then," Hecate said.

Cathy tried to stand.

Hecate's high heel show came down on her neck and pushed her back to the floor. "No. Stay there, Cathy Greene. I want you there. I won't break your spirit - that would be a crime. But you will learn to obey me. Stay down like a good girl."

Cathy considered grabbing the woman's ankle and twisting, sending Hecate to the floor herself.

But one word from Hecate and the pain would return.

She stayed down.

"Would you like to meet Cum Slut Cathy?" Balenger asked.

Hecate laughed. "Please, I'm breathless with anticipation."

"I'll just increase the volume."

Cathy heard a low hum. Then everything went black.


Cum Slut Cathy stretched on the floor like a cat and rolled onto her back. "Hello," she said as she smiled up at Hecate.

"Cum Slut Cathy?"

Cathy nodded. "You're a Mother Superior, aren't you?"


"Would you like to... fuck, Mother Superior?" Cathy asked with a smile. "I've never fucked a nun before."

Hecate bit her lower lip. "It's... too much, Baal. She doesn't have the same fire as Cathy Greene..."

Cathy burst into laughter. "You think Cathy Greene wouldn't fuck you? She got wet when she first saw you. I just say the shit Cathy can't say. Everything I do is what Cathy Greene would do if not for that sad little morality of hers." She stood up. "The sweet fucking truth, Mother Superior Hecate? I AM Cathy Greene. I'm the dirty fucking slut she would love to be... she's just a little country and I'm a little rock and roll, to quote those Mormon freaks."

Hecate stared at Cathy.

Cathy put her hands on Hecate's shoulders. "What? Speechless?" Cathy smiled. "She likes tall girls. Shall I tell you about how she imagines eating pussy sometimes when she massages our clit? Would you like to know about how much she loves the scent and taste of her own pussy?"

Hecate swallowed.

Cathy leaned closer. "She has that in common with you, doesn't she?" She breathed deeply through her nose. "Oh, I smell your desire. Not into cock much, are you? We don't judge, Cathy Greene and me. We like pussy and cock but we won't judge you for being pussy only."

"I'm not... pussy only," Hecate whispered.

"Oh, of course not. Bisexuality is the norm in the Church, isn't it. Must keep up appearances. Powerful Mother Superior can kill with a word but... she's still hiding. She just found a better disguise." Cathy put her lips next to Hecate's ear. "I'll make everything okay, Hecate. I'll fix that hole in your heart. You won't have to hide with me." She licked Hecate's ear and then turned away. "But not tonight. Tonight?" She giggled. "I'm having an old friend for dinner."

She shrugged off the red dress and let it fall to the floor revealing red lingerie beneath but no panties.

Deborah began to laugh.

Cathy crouched beside her. "Nasty slut. Don't fist your own pussy."

Deborah pouted. "But it was empty."

"Fisting your pussy is my job," Cathy said. She looked over her shoulder at Hecate and winked.

Cathy took Deborah's wrist and pulled her fist out of her pussy, leaving her gaping. Then she slowly began working her fingers and then her thumb into her best friend.

"Deborah's always been in love with me, haven't you, babe?" Cathy said as she watched Deborah's pussy slowly expand to take her fist.

"Yes... yes... I love you, Cathy. And I love what they did to us!" Deborah began to sob as Cathy leaned down and kissed her.

Cathy's fist disappeared in Deborah's pussy and the woman screamed into Cathy's mouth.

Hecate looked up.

Baal, Constance, and Emmet Simms were all masturbating watching the show.

Power. This was power. Hecate watched them intently.

For the first time, Hecate began to completely understand Morpheus' vision.

These whores, these completely sexually liberated sex toys were what every human being longed to be.

With them, the Church would conquer the world.


Ten minutes later, Cathy and Deborah emerged smiling and laughing from the hallway back into the restaurant dining room.

"Christ, we thought you two fell in," Margaret said.

Cathy laughed. "Just got to talking."

"Listen," Deborah said. "I've been having anxiety. Balenger has been trying to counsel me. Turns out, all I need is my best friend."

Cathy kissed her forehead.

"Hey, everybody at this table is your friend," Wink said. "You just remember that."

"I know, Wink," Deborah said. "I'm glad you said that. I've been having this awful problem with premenstrual cramps..."

"La la la la," Wink said as he put his index fingers in his ears. "No lady problems. I can't cope."

"It's true," Margaret said. "Took me three years to get him to buy my maxi-pads at the IGA."

"Embarrassing!" Wink said. "I'm a guy. I'm not supposed to know about stuff like that. Back me up, Dan."

Dan nodded. "What's a maxi-pad?"

Cathy sat down and punched him in the shoulder. "He buys them for me."

Dan chuckled.

Cathy kissed him.

"You taste good," he said.

"I borrowed some of Deborah's lip gloss." That's what she did. She went back to the restroom, found Deborah crying, talked to her for a few minutes. She asked to try Deborah's lip gloss. They walked back to the table. She could see it plainly in her mind.

That was exactly what happened.

She saw that Miss Hecate smiling at her from behind her sunglasses as she was leaving with the Balengers and Simms.

Cathy smiled back.


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wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionabout 1 year agoAuthor

Chapter 3 will go live tomorrow.

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionabout 1 year agoAuthor

Sorry, had to edit out some violence. All good. Chapter 3 Part 1 In the queue now. It's about 12,000 words. Sorry for the delay.

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionabout 1 year agoAuthor

Nope. Had to make some changes, sorry. Going back in today.

Terra_LupisTerra_Lupisabout 1 year ago

Must be a big chapter because Lit has been taking their time going over it for release.

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionabout 1 year agoAuthor

LOL… I’ll let you know as soon as lit gives me the publish date.

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