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Two straight guys trapped in the snow do what they must.
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Benji and Gio had been best friends since middle school.

They were 21 now. Old friends who had gone to the same college and eventually, in their third year, ended up as roommates.

They had also made the same terrible decision regarding their winter break travel plans.

A bunch of their friends had snagged a snow cabin up in Park City, and so they decided to eschew the icy road conditions and attempt to get Gio's older Jeep through some gnarly back road conditions to make it through the snow and somehow get safely to their AirBnB.

"I'm gonna get so fucked up tonight, man. I think Lacey is gonna be there." Benji said hopefully, referencing a sexpot they'd been close with in school.

"Same. It'll be amazing to see the old gang. Some of the girls have fucking blossomed. Lacey is a perfect example." Gio held up his knuckles which Benji knocked.

Unfortunately for them, when the weather guy said two feet overnight, he had actually meant four.

This was a record snowstorm, and their horrific T-Mobile service flickered like a candle as their Waze app attempted to navigate them down the right backroads.

"Fuck dude, these roads are starting to get slippery," Gio complained, as he peered out at the wipers struggling to keep up with the onslaught of snow flurries continiung to fall. Their phones were plugged in and the defroster was on blast, but it was barely helping their vision, as the road grew all the more dark.

They had turned down a very dark road as their navigator attempted to redirect them around a huge accident on the interstate.

"Yeah man...just take it slow, no hard breaking," Benji assured him. They both wanted to come off as sounding relaxed, even though they both were inwardly nervous about the worsening conditions.

This was not a well-traveled or plowed road. And as the houses became fewer and the snow became heavier the risk grew.

Their quarter tank of gas should've been plenty, but they were twenty miles away still and their cell service was like a stoic, mormon town—zero bars.

Then things went from bad to worse. On a series of steep hills, the weathered SUV began to fishtail.

As they headed down a hill with a curve up ahead, the brakes locked up.

"Fuck." Gio muttered, releasing the brakes. But the car was sliding down the slick, snow covered hill now.

"Fuck dude, brace yourself." Benji warned.

The car coasted right off the edge of the road and rumbled down a small fifty foot hill, coming to a stop when the front end smashed into a giant tree and began to sputter.

They were lucky not to be injured, though Gio's hand felt sore.

They were also somewhat lucky none of the windows had broken. It was 15 degrees outside and their car wasn't turning over.

"You okay man?" Benji checked in.

"That was fucking scary, but yeah I'm okay. The car is fucked." He tried it again to no avail.

"Any reception on your phone?" Gio asked the next important question as they tried to remain calm.

They both checked.

"Zilch. Zero. Nada." Came Benji's tittering levity.

The car was still warm from the heater they'd previously been blasting right before the accident, but it was amazing how quickly the cold began to creep in to the old SUV.

"So what do we do? Do we walk?" Benji wondered aloud.

Gio turned to look out the back of the car. The place the car had stopped was mostly flat but the hill they'd careened down was dark and rocky and covered in snow. There was barely any moonlight due to the all the thick forest of trees they were surrounded by. Climbing the hill would be a bitch to attempt.

"I don't know man, whatya think? That's quite a climb in the dark," Gio responded. they both peered out at the tiny glimmer of light back up the hillside they'd driven down. The thick shadows of trees and bushes and falling snow closed in all around them.

"What do the books say to do? Stay put right? Stay warm, don't freak out, use what you have," Benji got out of his seatbelt, which he was thankful he'd been wearing, as neither of the airbags had managed to go off even though they'd rammed the tree pretty firmly. He climbed into the backseat and began to look over the supplies they had with them.

"Well we've each got our sleeping bag, a couple of blankets, and whatever clothing we brought," he said.

"Yeah...too bad we don't have any snow gear on us," they had planned to go snowboarding but were going to be renting all of their gear from the local shop for this trip. Which meant their clothing was basically sweats, jeans, sweatshirts, and jackets.

"Well...we could put a bunch of clothing on, and grab all of our stuff, and basically just try to stay warm throughout the night, and then in the morning when we can see better we can try to climb up that hill and find some cell service." Gio reasoned, as he climbed into the backseat with his friend.

They both grabbed as much as they could, working fast and trying to stay as calm as possible.

They each put on a pair of pajama pants under their jeans, and an extra pair of socks to boot. And then their heavier jackets and gloves and scarves and beanies finished off the task.

They put the backseat into a flattened position which created a central squate of space for them to roll out their sleeping bags to face each other. Then they wrapped the two blankets that were in the car around their border, basically facing each other. Gio had also set up his emergency camping lantern, which his parents had thankfully forced him to carry in the back of his car ever since high school. This gave them enough light to see each other and see a little out of the windows as well.

"Fuck man...this is the dumbest thing that has ever happened to us," Benji said with a half-hearted grin. They were trying to maintain some sense of levity.

"Yeah...if we make it through this we should probably buy a lotto ticket or something," Gio encouraged him.

"I'm gonna fuck Lacey's asshole like a prize breeding stallion," Benji joked regrettingly.

"I'm gonna eat an entire box of Toasters Strudel," Gio joked in contrast.

They busted up laughing. The warmth on the car was fading fast and they could see their breath when they joked now. They were in good spirits but getting colder.

Even with the sleeping bags and layers, there was a definite prickle creeping up their spines.

"Wait...I've got an idea," Gio said. He reached back to his duffel bag and then quickly came back into the shelter of their warmth. He was holding a handle of Jameson they'd packed for the cabin.

"Should we drink a little...that would probably warm us up, right?" He held the bottle up for Benji to decide.

"Fuck. Yes." He grabbed it dramatically and unscrewed the cap and took a big swig, even as his teeth began to chatter. It was a long, painful gulp.

"Wow. That's impressive," Gio laughed, as he took the bottle back when he was finally done. Benji burped.

"Fuckkkk," he groaned.

"Pretty sure that was like two shots," Gio was impressed. He took his own, long swig to match his friend's.

They traded the bottle back and forth until they'd both done probably five shots.

They were very quickly drunk.

"Dude...I'm stillll fucking cold," Benji whined, as then car temperature continued to lower.

"I know man...but like...the booze has strangely numbed me," Gio said, slurring his words a little.

"That's not the booze you're just dying," Benji joked a little darkly. Guys were such assholes. The laughed anyway.

"Oh fuck!'s been real, man!" And Gio punched his best friend in the shoulder. Wow, he really had been working out over that summer, he thought.

"No but're right. It's as cold as the lukewarm jizz that I splooged on your mom's ass before we left. This isn't gonna work for the whole night," Benji razzed Gio, while still discussing the problem at hand. Gio cracked up but could also see his breath as he did so. It was only 10:00 PM and they were going to need to figure something else out and fast. Time was ticking and more snow was falling. Soon the car itself would be covered in a thick layer of white stuff.

They also realized this meant they would need to figure out a way to keep the snow from covering them too much, lest they run out of oxygen, though that seemed like a stretch somehow. The alcohol made reasoning a little shaky.

"We also have to keep a space clear so we don't get too heavily snowed in...ya know? Cuz the doors won't open if it gets much higher," Gio added.

"Well...what if we use the moonroof and just clear that?" Benji thought. They looked up between them at the smaller moon roof the car had. It had a function where it could be opened without power thankfully, and Gio decided to bite the bullet and pop it open quick.

He cleared the six inches that had formed since they'd first crashed and made sure the square of space was empty, in case they should need to open it for air or escape routes later on. Then he was quickly back down in the car and the window was closed.

"Ohhhh fuckkkk dudeeee that's sooo cold," he complained. The snow had soaked through his cotton gloves and when he took them off, his very red hands came into view.

"Damnit gotta let me warm you up," Benji said. Gio sat down and he grabbed his friends hands and stuffed them into his much warmer shirt, pressing them against his skin.

Gio immediately groaned a little from having the warm flesh touch his frigid fingers.

"'s so cold in this car," he said, laying his head on Benji's shoulders as they held each other in a friendly hug, wrapping themselves as tightly as they could.

"I know...I don't know what we should do," Benji bemoaned back.

"I can't believe I'm going to say this but, I think I know what you're supposed to do in a situation like this," he leaned back from his friend's shoulder, but kept his hands in his shirt where Benji was massaging them through his clothes to bring back warmth.

"What's that?"

"We need to use each other's body heat. Even you pushing my cold hands against your chest was like, much warmer than my clothes. Is that a fucking weird idea? I don't mean to be weird." He was clearly looking at this logically. Benji could see that.

"Yeah...I think that actually sounds smart. we just strip down to our boxers then?" He decided after a moment.

"Yeah, and quickly...because It's gonna be cold as fuck when we open these blankets up," they quickly got to work taking their jackets, shirts, pants, and socks off. All they were wearing were their tight pairs of black and grey boxer briefs.

They climbed into the sleeping bags and drew down the zippers so that it created a cocoon of space, then they pulled both blankets over the top, followed by their jackets.

"Come here...fucking hold onto me," Gio told him, as their teeth clattered inside their mouths.

"Holy shit that sucked, I'm so cold now," Benji protested, as their naked limbs and chests and arms intertwined.

They were laying side-by-side and spooning the way two lovers might if they were making out, but they were literally just trying to get at each other's warmth.

Pulled together like they were, it naturally smashed their soft dicks against each other, and they both couldn't help but notice the sensation, even in the cold.

Their foreheads were touching as they each used their hands and arms to rub down each other's bodies.

"If we keep rubbing each other I think the physical exercise might actually help," Benji reasoned.

"Yeah...I's smart if we keep moving," Gio said. He pulled his body closely to Benji's, grinding against his longtime friend. In any other situation, it would've seemed sexual.

But that's the thing about cocks. Cocks are simpleminded.

They both noticed a stirring in their underwear as they rubbed each other.

"I'm feeling at least a little warmer," Gio gulped, strangely nervous. He wasn't sure if this was fear of the cold, or something else.

"Yeah...but I need more skin...can we take our boxers off?" Benji asked, still thinking more body heat would be better. "We're straight dudes and we're best friends. Whatever, man."

"Yeah, fuck it." They both reached down and took their boxers off and were immediately hugging each other tightly.

Only now their half-hard cocks were touching too. It was strangely inevitable.

Gio gasped a little as Benji's big cock slid against his own, as they rubbed their hands over each other's bodies.

Benji's hands were clawing at Gio's lower back, and then rubbing down his love handle and ass cheek.

They were breathing shallow breaths into each other's mouths, only inches away.

The frottage they didn't realize was happening had started to make them both hard.

They both had their eyes closed.

Their breathing would stop occasionally, or catch in their throat.

Then Benji noticed the first time that Gio's mouth squeaked a little.

Neither of them wanted to be the first to admit what was going on.

But Gio squeaked. A tiny little moan.

And when he did that, Benji readjusted them so their boners could press upward together, and then brought their two cocks close and began to barely move against him.

"Mmmm..." Gio moaned.

"Hmmm..." Benji moaned.

They kept their eyes closed. This was something secret. Something they could pretend wasn't happening.

Then their hands were rubbing down each other's chests. Then their noses were touching.

Benji couldn't wait anymore. He reached down and grabbed hold of Gio's cock in his hand. Gio copied the move and held his friend's dick.

"We need to stay physical for body heat, right?" Benji asked himi, finally opening his eyes to look at his friend.

"Right, we do," Gio said.

"We could...I know this gonna sound ridiculous...but we could make out, right? That's a lot of exercise."

"Yeah, that makes sense, fuck it, let's do it."

And they kissed hard, without needing any more subtlety. Their lips were sloppy and needy. They were nervous and excited and horny.

They jacked each other's cocks and moaned into each other's mouth's and ground their bodies together as they worked themselves into a horny frenzy of boyish lust.

They grabbed at each other's muscles and sucked on each other's tongues and both of them dove into their first taste of another man with unabashed wonder.

They were drunk. That certainly helped. And their bodies were loopy from the cold. They were delirious. But mostly...they were horny as fuck now. The Irish whiskey and the North American red blooded male were mixing into a boilermaker of first time gay exploration. This was an unlikely scenario they allowed to slowly unfold.

They began to jack each other off harder as they moaned and kissed, both showing off the moves they'd perfected after years with their own dicks. It was amazing how a man knew how to jack off another man. It was sexy as fuck.

Suddenly gio was feeling riskier than he had ever felt. He pulled his mouth off of his longtime best friend and kissed down his neck and chest and body, licking his nipples and buting his abs. He reversed his body's direction in the sleeping bags so they were opposite now, and Benji worked to keep the blankets sealed.

When Gio got down to Benji's cock he grasped the shaft in his hand and wrapped his lips around his head, as h began sucking on his first cock ever. Benji moaned in surprise.

Benji bent similarly forward to grab and engulf his friend's hard dick, and they pulled each other into a sideways sixty-nine, sucking and slurping for the first time.

They moaned for each other. They gripped each other's asses and played with their balls and assholes. They sucked good. They sucked with nervous boisterousness.

Benji slipped a finger down to toy with Gio's hole, making Gio moan around the cock he was slurping. The movement of heads bobbing and bodies snaking together made for a great combo of workout and heat. They weren't as cold as they'd been. It was definitely helping. And they were both benefiting from some amazing oral sex. Both boys justified this in their heads now. This was necessary emergency kink. This was sex with a purpose.

Benji's seven inches and Gio's six inches made for dedicating sucking work, and the two boys, who were thankfully in very good shape, sucked like their life depended on it. Which it kind of did an abstract kind of way.

They're bodies had gone from cold to hot as they gobbled each other's cocks and both challenged each other to suck harder.

"Fuck, this is amazing," Gio moaned as Benji came up off his cock and climbed over the top of Gio.

"I'm gonna eat your ass, spread your legs," Benji had a new presence to him. He was horny and wanted more.

Gio gulped and did as he was told. Benji slid down and spread Gio's round ass and clamped his lips to his tight ring as Gio's legs spread at his friend's control.

"Mmmm, Benji..." he moaned, as his best friend's tongue flicked past his sensitive hole, sending different kinds of shivers all over his body.

The car had steamed up a little, as the invisible battle between cold and heat played on.

They kept the blankets locked around them and used their drunken horniness to spur them further down the kink track.

Benji tonguefucked his best friend's ass. He was getting horny to fuck.

He wondered if Gio would stop him.

He slid up Gio's body now, grinding against him. Gio's legs were still spread, ass still open.

Benji spit all over his hand and rubbed it over his cock. Gio was nervous and horny and his own cock was throbbing against the thermal sleeping bag lining.

Benji layed down on Gio and began to grind against him

Gio was excited and his head was spinning. He could feel Benji's cock pushing against his ass. He could feel the way Benji was slowly pushing himself forward, more and more.

Closer and closer.

Gio felt Benji's hands pulling his ass apart again.

Spreading him wider.

And then he audibly moaned when Benji's cock began to push his very virgin opening apart. His ass slowly caved in.

Even with all that saliva, it took a while to allow it.

Gio gritted his teeth and pushed his face into the backseat and sleeping bags. They were both very sweaty now.

And then their was a firm pop.

Benji's helmet finally forced Gio's sphincter to give way, and his shaft was immediately grabbed by his tight anal walls.

"GuhhhhhUuunnnnnnBennnjjjiii! OWwwww! S-slowwww!" He begged him. He couldn't believe how this had escalated.

"Sex would lead to a lot of body heat," a distant, submissive voice in his head said to him.

Benji didn't move. But he did allow the weight of his body to firmly lean into Gio.

The gravity and sweat and spit allowed the solid bar of his cock to gradually push further inside his friend's warm tushy.

Benji entered his friend like he entered his first, high school girlfriend.

All he wanted to do was fuck, but he knew he had to be slow.

"I'm gonna fuck you slowly, tell me if you need me to slow down," he was so matter of fact the way he told Gio what was happening. "I think if we have sex we can stay really warm tonight."

Gio was grappling with what he had said. He was going to be fucke...

"UNNGGG FUGGGG!" His own moan interrupted his wild thoughts, as his best friend's penis slowly worked its girth into the deflowered tightness of his twitching ass.

Gio breathed in and out deeply, trying to keep from wincing from the rolling waves of pain, deep in his bowels. It was like taking a bigger dump than he'd ever taken.

Only it was going in reverse. Being fucked was like...

"Ooooohhh eeeeeesh, ugh, fuckkkk," Gio moaned, as Benji rubbed his crotch against him, massaging his back and ass with his strong hands.