Trapped in Amber

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Older man meets a young woman on a stormy night.
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The highway seemed to stretch forever into the dark of this rainy night. I wrestled my motor home around countless curves, up and over seeming endless hills. I should have stopped for the night at the KOA in the last big town. But I thought at the time that it was too early to stop for the night. I didn't realize at the time how the weather would turn so nasty so quickly.

The windshield wipers kept a steady rhythm in the night, fighting valiantly to keep the torrential rain from blinding me to the hazards of the road ahead. I squinted into the gloom and I decided to drop my speed another five miles per hour, this would reduce my forward momentum to forty-five mph but it would probably keep me on the road and pointed in the right direction.

The headlights of a small car loomed up behind me. I could tell that the driver of the vehicle was in a hurry not only by the rapidity of the cars approach, but by the way it weaved in and out behind me, searching the road ahead for an opportunity to pass.

The driver flashed the lights of his vehicle several times, I guess expecting me to pull over and let him or her by. In normal circumstances I probably would have pulled aside and let the smaller vehicle whiz on by, but these were not normal times.

I could barely make out the road ahead of me, and there was no way that I could see the shoulder of the road. I wasn't about to pull off the road and end up on my top in the ditch or worse. So, I kept my speed steady and did my best to take my old house on wheels down the road.

The driver of the little car seemed to settle in behind me and I completely forgot about him until the extended blaring of a horn roused me from my reverie. I looked into the mirror just in time to see the frantic flashing of headlights as the diminutive car streaked by me.

As the car drew abreast of my window I saw that it was a GM Geo or a Suzuki something or other. I couldn't make out the driver through the rain but I was sure that I saw him or her waving a single finger in my direction and I was pretty sure that he wasn't telling me that he thought that I was number one in his book.

"Well fuck you too." I said under my breath as I watched the Geo fishtail on the wet pavement ahead of me. Quickly the red taillights of the vehicle moved away from me and disappeared into the gloom of the late night downpour.

I forgot about the miniature SUV and returned my attention to the road and my desire to keep my very unruly home on the highway. My concentration continued fixed completely on the task at hand, driving my oversized mount down the tunnel of light that my headlights drilled through the almost impenetrable downpour.

I drove on for what seemed like hours but was probably more like twenty or thirty minutes. My entire being was focused on the road directly in front of me. The occasional gust of wind coupled with the river of water left on the highway by the torrential rain caused my vehicle to occasionally swing from one lane to the other and it was only my white knuckled concentration that kept us upright.

So intense was my concentration that I almost missed seeing a small figure emerging from the dark of the shoulder and wave its arms frantically. Startled, I almost lost control of the vehicle as I attempted to miss making contact with the deranged figure dancing madly at the roadways edge.

Muttering an epithet under my breath I cautiously applied the brakes and brought the motor home to a stop in what I considered to be a reasonable length. I put it in reverse and began to slowly back up until I was once again abreast of the now very wet figure in the rain.

I put on the emergency flashers, set the brake, and rose from my seat to open the door. The almost solid torrent of rain was like a waterfall in my face as I looked out the door and into the drenched face of a small girl.

"My car ran off the road." She yelled through the torrent. "I had a blowout I think, and it just ran off the road." She continued breathlessly. "Can you pull me out? I have to get home." She went on frantically.

"Get in here and out of the rain." I yelled into the torrent. "Come on. I'm getting as wet as you are standing here in the door." I continued. I motioned at her to come inside and said again, "Come on inside before you drown."

She stared at me impatiently for another minute before she muttered, "Well ok, for a minute." She stepped through the door and climbed the steps into the warmth of the motor home. As she stepped past me she said, "I need to get home tonight."

I hit the switch to the interior lights before turning to her and saying, "Well, we'll see what we can do, but first we need to get you out of that damn rain and warmed up. I turned to the control panel and turned the heater up to its maximum setting. Then I reached into the overhead bin to get a blanket.

I tossed it to her and said, "Here, wrap this around your self and sit down for a while. We're going to sit here for a while and see if this damn rain lets up."

I looked into her disapproving eyes and I thought that I saw anger flash. "I don't know about you but I don't want to drown out there like some turkey in a rain storm. If it doesn't let up in a few minutes I'll go down and see what can be done."

This seemed to mollify her and she wrapped the blanket tightly around herself and plopped theatrically onto the couch. I went to the stove and turned on a burner. I filled the coffee pot from a carafe that was filled with the remains of this afternoon's coffee and set the coffee to heating. I then walked to the closet and pulled out my rain gear and rubber boots.

"So you had a blowout, huh?" I inquired.

"Yeah. I think so." She replied sullenly.

"Where did the car end up?" I continued conversationally.

"Off the road, duh." She replied caustically.

"I figured that," I continued. "What I need to know is how far off the road it is and which side is up." I looked into her eyes and chuckled before concluding, "I know you're upset, but you don't need to snap at me sweetie."

I turned away from her and shut off the burner under the coffee. I opened the cupboard, pulled out two cups and began to fill them with steaming hot Joe. "You take anything in your java?" I asked over my shoulder.

"No, black will be fine." I heard her reply. "Unless you have some Baileys up there." She added hopefully.

"Just so happens I do." I responded and I reached for the bottle of Irish cream that I kept on the top shelf. "My name is Joe. What's yours?" I inquired as I poured a large portion of the cream colored liqueur into each cup and stirred it with a spoon.

"My what?" she asked obtusely.

"Your name sweetie." I repeated.

"My name is Amber, and don't call me sweetie." She retorted angrily.

"Hell, I call all little girls sweetie. That's the nice thing about being an old fart. I get to call all pretty little ladies sweetie, or honey, or darling." I chuckled as I turned around with the steaming drinks in my hands.

"I'm not a little girl." She stated peevishly. "I'm twenty four with a son that's over a year old." She continued informatively. "That's the reason I need to get home tonight. He's staying with a baby sitter and I can't afford to pay her any more than I need too. If you know what I mean."

I extended the steaming cup of reinforced coffee to Amber. She eagerly extended both hands and leaned forward to grasp the steaming mug. The blanket that had been tightly wrapped around her fell away and slid to the couch. In the instant it took for her to grasp the cup and pull it to her, my eyes took in her body.

She was a waif of a girl. Short, probably not over five feet tall, thin, with rather well developed breasts for her height. She was wearing a t-shirt and shorts, both of which were soaked and clung enticingly to her petite frame.

I couldn't tell if she was wearing a bra or not. If she was it was one of those sports bras because it did little to cover up the lines of her breasts or the fact that the cold rain had caused her nipples to become very erect and stand out like lonely sentinels atop the mounds of her breasts. She gazed into her cup and took a long sip of her beverage as I continued my survey.

Her hair was bedraggled and wet, it seemed to have small branches and clumps of grass mixed in with it so I figured she fell more than once getting back to the road. The hair color was probably a light brown when it was clean and dry, but right now it was a messy, musky, brownish mess.

As I gazed at her she looked up from her drink and looked into my eyes. She had the large brown eyes found in so many of the popular prints of the nineties. She looked so young and small that I wondered if I had done the right and legal thing by giving her that drink.

"Do you always stare at your guests?" She asked in a quiet voice.

"No, but then I haven't had many guests that looked like underage drowned mice lately." I replied. "How old are you really? You look way too young to be any where near twenty four to me." I stated flatly.

"Why thanks, I think." She replied, "I feel so old sometimes it is nice to hear that I look young. You want to see some ID?" She responded and reached for her pocket book. "Oops, I must have left it in the car. I guess you're going to have to take my word." She flashed me a small but radiant smile.

She lifted her cup to her lips and took a mighty swig before asking, "And how old are you, honey?" Then she giggled lightly and took another healthy draw from her cup.

Amused I replied, "I'm just an old fart, probably old enough to be your father, maybe your grandpa." I raised my cup to my lips and took a grateful drink from the creamy elixir.

Without looking up from her drink she inquired, "Well how old is that grandpa?"

I chuckled as I responded, "Fifty five in a couple of days. Old enough to know better and young enough to not give a damn." We both chuckled at that and then lapsed into silence as we sipped our drinks and listened to the hammering of the torrent on the roof of the motor home.

I finished my beverage and turned to make myself another, but decidedly weaker drink. I took a sip of my new drink, walked over and sat in the drivers' seat. Engaging the transmission I gingerly moved the vehicle as far off the road as safely possible before resetting the brake and settling back in the captains chair to stare out the windshield into the raging torrent of the midsummer storm.

"You mind if I have another drink?" Amber inquired from behind me.

"No, go ahead." I replied. "You know where it is. Fix yourself as many as you want." I continued.

I looked up at the rearview mirror as she rose from the couch and took the step over to the stove. As I watched, she poured herself a half a full cup of Baileys before topping it all off with a dollop of hot coffee. She raised the cup to her lips and drained a large portion of her drink before taking the bottle and topping her cup off once more.

"Why don't you just drink it straight from the bottle?" I asked with a laugh.

She lowered her chin and responded embarrassedly, "Sorry, it just tastes so good and it's been such a long day."

"Hey kid, I was just kidding. Drink as much as you want. There's more where that came from." I replied lightly.

I took another sip from my drink and returned my attention to the rain and the dark outside the front window. I heard the clink of a bottle against the porcelain of the cup and then the sounds of springs compressing as Amber sat down on the couch again.

We sat in silence for ten, maybe fifteen minutes. The hush was broken only by the sound of the rain drumming on the tin roof of the motor home and the steady drone of the idling engine. Finally I said, "It doesn't look like it's going to let up anytime soon so I guess I'd better go on down and check out your rig."

I got up and retrieved my rain gear, then put on the rubber boots. I picked up a sweater from the couch, pulled it on, put on a baseball cap, slipped into my slicker, and grabbed my flashlight. Before I stepped out the door, I flipped on the working lights on the right side of the vehicle.

I had mounted the lights on the motor home just after I bought it. I had placed three spotlights on each side of the vehicle and one in the rear. They made it a lot easier when you had to level the house on a dark night in an unimproved campsite. Though the lights were marginally adjustable, right now they pointed pretty much straight out, but that was enough to illuminate Ambers' car in the muck and rain.

Her car sat fifteen to twenty yards off the road and was canted oddly to one side. It didn't look promising but I would check it out anyway. I zipped up my raincoat, pulled the hood up over my head, and reached for the door handle. "You stay here and dry off while I go to check things out." I said as I turned the handle. There was a response from Amber but it was muted by the sound of the downpour as I pushed open the door.

The working lights illuminated the area straight out from the vehicle quite well, but they left the area next to the motor home in deep shadow. I moved gingerly down the wet steps, turned my flashlight on and almost stepped out into thin air.

It was luck alone that at the last second, just before I stepped off of the last step, I shined my light down at where the road should have been. As I gazed into the gloom of the muddy slope beneath me I realized that I had parked much closer to the edge than I thought and there was a virtual drop off of around a dozen feet just below the bottom step. I turned around, grabbed the handle on the side of the vehicle, and slowly lowered my feet to the oozing mud of the precipitous slope.

My booted feet slowly slid down the incline as I lowered myself down with my right hand. The light in my left hand illuminated the slope and I used it to pick out the stubble of brush that I could probably use as hand holds to lower myself down the steep slope.

Once I released my grip from the handle, it was pretty much a slow slip and slide down the hill. I would grasp one little bush and slowly slide down the slope as far as my arm would reach, then I would release that bush or branch and slide quickly down the incline to my next handhold.

It wasn't really all that challenging, and when I was younger it would have been fun. I probably would have simply sat on my ass and slid the short distance to the bottom, but I was much older, wiser, and brittler now so I took the slow route.

I was almost to the bottom when through the pounding of the rain on my hood I faintly heard the door to the motor home open. That sound was quickly followed by the short squeak of "Oh damn!" The thump of a body hitting mud, the sound of 'Ugh.' as the breath was forced from the falling body, and then the splashes of a body sliding rapidly down a rain soaked and muddy incline.

Instinctively I dropped the flashlight and reached out blindly into the dark to grab Amber as she whizzed by. She came down the slope on her back with feet up like a runner stealing second. One of her feet caught my left knee and knocked it out from under me.

I fell almost on top of her with my left arm still out stretched and my right hand still grasping a small bush. I a grabbed whatever I could reach as she continued by me and used that to stop her slide.

When she finally stopped I heard a low voice say in my ear, "Thanks."

I turned my head toward her and felt her warm breath on my face. We were so close that I could almost have kissed her. The wet smell of her hair filled my nostrils, the mint smell of her breath brought back thoughts of other nights and other women. I shook my head to remove the cobwebs of remembrance and simply said, "Sure."

We lay there for but a split second before she said, "I really appreciate your rescuing me, but I think that you can let go of my tit now."

For some reason I squeezed with my left hand and sure enough I felt the firm resilient flesh of a woman's breast against my hand. I left my hand there for a few more seconds, savoring the experience, before gingerly releasing it and moving my hand up to her shoulder.

My hand moved to her shoulder and then up her arm as gravity did its work and she was lowered to the bottom of the slope. She sat there for a moment and I continued my slip and slide to the bottom.

Once on level ground I retrieved my flashlight and turned toward Amber. I stuck out my hand toward her motionless form. She took it and I pulled her to her feet. Her hand was like ice and I could hear her teeth chattering even through the sounds of the driving rain. I put my arm gently around her and felt the coldness of her body.

Sticking the flashlight under my arm I unzipped my raincoat, opened it up and pulled Amber inside. She felt so very small against me, almost child like. I could feel her diminutive body shake against me and the sound of her chattering teeth was very much audible inside the coat. I closed the coat as tightly as I could to retain the warmth, but she still shivered and quaked against me.

Amber ran her arms around me, and placed her cheek against my chest. "Yyyyyou're ssssso wwwarm." She chattered.

"And you're so cold and wet." I responded. "I thought that I told you to stay put and get warm." I reproached her softly.

"Yeah you did, but it's my car and I need to help." She murmured.

"Ok, you're here so lets see what we have here." I replied.

Shuffling toward the Geo with Amber glued tightly to me was an interesting proposition. Despite my best efforts the feel of her firm body rubbing against me began to bring my long dormant penis to life.

By the time we reached her car I was in a state of full erection, my dick straining against the constraints of my clothing. She must have felt it rubbing against her belly, but she made no move to pull away from me. I guess, maybe, she was just too cold and too far out of it to notice.

I slipped first one arm and then the other from the raincoat and as quickly as I could I stepped out of it and wrapped it tightly around Amber. The rain cascaded down on me, pouring over the brim of my cap and quickly soaking my wool sweater.

The chill of the pouring mountain rain almost took my breath away; I shivered lightly as I shone my flashlight around Amber's car. I had been mostly covered by the slicker, and until just now had been immune to the full effect of the cold deluge. I now realized why Amber had been so very cold.

Amber stood stock still with the rain pouring off the raincoat. She was so much smaller than me that she was almost hidden under the mass of my raincoat. I leaned over and looked under the hood. Her eyes were almost closed and her mouth was open in a continual chatter of teeth.

I said loudly enough to be heard over the storm, "Why don't you check inside and get the stuff you need. I'll check out your car, but I don't see any way that I can pull you out." She didn't respond so I continued, "I'll check out the car anyway. We can drive my motor home to the next town and see if we can find a truck stop with a wrecker service that'll come out on a Sunday night."

Amber still didn't respond so I took her by the shoulder and gently urged her toward the car. She reached out and opened the door. Then she plopped down heavily in the drivers seat and sat there motionless while I walked around the car inspecting the vehicle for damage.

Amber head been correct, the right front tire had blown and was completely shredded. Other than that I couldn't see any major damage to the car. But it was high centered on what I thought was a dirt berm and it wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. As I looked it over carefully I soon realized that it would probably take a fairly large tow truck to get this little car out of this hole.