Travelling to My Home

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Home is where the heart is.
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My saddlebags clinked in the night as I walked my horse by its reins. I silently cursed myself for trying to travel to the next village before night; I had sorely missed my goal and now wandered along a pitch black road with only a very tired horse for company. He snorted and paused, instinctually I loosened my sword and stood still, listening. There was not even the rustling of leaves or the slightest sound except for the breathing of my horse. I strained my eyes to see into the darkness around me. I heard it for just a moment, if I didn't I'd be a head shorter. I ducked and felt my helmet press against my cheek as it attempted to rip a chunk of flesh out of my head. They were fast, but their claws couldn't pierce steel.

I brought my elbow up and hit my attacker right under its chin, I felt its jaw fold and the sickening crunch as its bone shattered; I heard the clatter as a few of its teeth fell to the stone road. With almost contempt, I drew and swept my falchion in a broad stroke, cleaving it in two at the waist. With a scream it fell back and for the first time, I got a look at my new friends. They were emaciated and pale, their skin is pale in the moonlight and is stretched across their features. Their lips were pulled back and exposed their brown teeth, clenched together in a violent grimace. The clothes they wore were little more than rags and were lined with so many patches they looked like quilts. Their eyes were like black lakes and lacked sclera; I saw my reflection in them. Long fingers extended from their hands, too long and too sharp to be natural. They showed no regard for their thrashing companion whom I had just bisected. We stared at one another, gauging each other, each one determining who was predator and who was prey. Their fallen companion eventually stopped moving and just made a faint gurgling noise before quieting altogether.

They launched themselves at me with wild abandon and a feral glint in their eyes. I caught the first with my shoulder plate and brought the weighted pommel into the other's face and was rewarded with a wet impact. They're both still active and it was no longer content to gnaw on my shoulder plate, so it raked its claws across my face. The armor caught most of it, but I felt a few nails gouge my skin and the blinding pain that accompanied any deep wound. It's too close to swing my blade, so I just dropped my sword, grabbed the creature by the neck and used the weight of my body to fall forward. It was angry, it was hungry, but my blood was a distraction. Its mouth gaped open to catch the blood dribbling from my face. I brought my mailed fist down into its face until it's nothing but red pulp. I'm tired and could barely think straight, which was very unfortunate because the third was now stumbling towards me with a look of rage and its sharp claws flexing, it gave me both and I found myself on my back trying to fend it off. I heard a shriek and it was yanked off me, I heard the familiar rattling of cups, coins and other expensive baubles as my horse had sunk its teeth into the back of its neck. I struggled to my feet and heard the shriek again, this time in pain. I saw it had torn the face of my horse; unfortunately it was not wearing a helmet and it shook its head, spattering blood across the cobblestone road. My horse retreated, leaving me once again along with the creature. The distraction was just enough for me to get to my feet, but it didn't care that it lost the advantage. It blindly rushed at me again. I raised my arm and allowed it to latch onto my forearm, I brought the dagger I've drawn from my belt in a clean sweep up and penetrated the bottom of the jaw; the blade exploded out the top of its head and in its gaping mouth I could see the steel blade. I wiggled it around just to be sure. It's a spiteful thing and its corpse dragged me to the ground when it fell backward. We landed with a thud and the wind was knocked right out of me.

I laid there and soaked the cobblestones in my blood. Glancing down at myself I saw that my clothes were a deep red and ruefully thought to myself perhaps I had overestimated how much my armor would protect me. I closed my eyes, the night swallowed me and I fell into the void of exhaustion and blood loss.

A cloud, I mused to myself, that's what I'm lying on. Cracking open my eyes, I saw a wood roof above me. I tried to move but my limbs felt like they're weighed down by an anvil. I coughed once and once more slipped into oblivion. My memory turned hazy and I didn't know how often I awakened before passing out. Sometimes there's broth and someone feeding it to me, but I'm so tired and soon enough I'm out. Once a river, time is now an ocean and I floated on its waves, unaware of the number of days and nights.

With a deep pain in my skull, I woke up. It was morning and I was bundled in a bed. I sat up and my head began to swim, but I steadied myself so I could remain up. A fit of coughing came over me and I doubled over clutching at the burning pain in my chest. Almost in a panic, I lifted the covers and checked my parts, I'm still all there and with that I smiled in relief. I heard the creak of a door, looked up and saw the door had been opened ajar, a small figure stood at the door. It was a little girl, probably no more than 5, she had wild brown hair, a little button nose and big brown eyes. She wore a little gray dress and a child-sized apron. When she realized that I was looking at her, she flashed me a big smile and scampered off shouting something. The door closed behind her, but it opened soon after and a short woman with the same wild brown hair and big doe eyes entered. She had high cheekbones and looked like an older version of the small girl that had so excitedly run off. Like the little girl, she wore a dark gray dress and light gray apron. I blinked at her like an idiot and said, "Hello, I'm Henri." At least that was what I tried to say, instead a rasp came from my mouth and I realized that my tongue felt like clay.

"Hush, sir", she said in a calming tone, she helped me against the top of the small bed so I could lean against the wall. She felt nice, firm, but warm. She quickly brought me a cup and I greedily drank the water. Her hands pressed my head down firmly, but gently and with my chin pointed down I realized that I could swallow with little difficulty. I almost tried to speak again, but she silenced me quickly by placing a finger against my lips and then refilled the cup. She's patient and I drank more cups of water.

"You've been asleep for almost a week, I wasn't sure you'd make it", she said into the silence. "I found you when I was walking home and your horse carried you back to my home."

I just nodded.

She continues, "I'm Erika and that little one is my daughter, Dana," she motioned her head to the other side and I realize that the little girl is now on my left side, opposite her mother and staring at me intently. She smiled again. "Hi, I'm Dana," she chirped in a little voice.

"Hi, I'm Henri," I managed to rasp. I didn't fall into a fit of coughing, so that's a good sign. She continued to beam at me, happy with the attention from someone new I suppose. I glanced guiltily at Erika after realizing that I had addressed her daughter before her, but I just found her with a bemused expression and a raised eyebrow.

"Well Henri," she says pointedly, "I'll get you some dinner," she walked away with a smile on her lips though.

"I'll give him more water!" Dana squeaked and grabbed the cup out of my head and walked to the pitcher her mother was using. She poured me cups of water and held them up to me with both her hands like an offering. After I was done she dashed back to the pitcher and repeated her little routine. This continued until her mother returned with a bowl of stew. It smelled like heaven and looked a hundred times better than the hard tack I'd been eating on the road. It had beef, big chunks of potatoes, carrots and I smelled the aroma of garlic and onions.. With new found strength, I picked up the offered spoon and ate it. It was the best meal I'd ever had and with each bite I found a bit more strength to carry the spoon; all the while little Dana practically bounced on her heels with a cup of water in her hands.

I emptied my bowl of stew and as soon as the last scoop was gone Dana scurried over and collected the bowl. She replaced it with the cup and then ran off with the bowl in hand

"Sleep off the meal, I'll wake you in the morning and we can see how well you can walk", she helped me down onto my back and under the covers. I once again marveled at the warmth and softness of her hands. With her bent over, I got a view of her cleavage that I wouldn't be forgetting; I stirred and realized that without a doubt I'm still intact. Once again, I sank into bed and felt nothing but exhaustion. I closed my eyes and for the first time in a long time, I fell into a peaceful rest.

The morning wasn't quite as peaceful as I soon learned. I became distinctly aware of being watched and I opened my eyes; I found Dana leaning on the left side of the bed with her eyes almost to mine.

"Hi!" she said, with excitement that only children can muster. Dana wore a perpetual bright smile. "Are you awake? Mama says I shouldn't talk to you unless you're awake."

"I'm awake," I mumbled with a sleepy smile. She danced away to the small table and brought back a cup of water, which I gratefully drank. I noticed how clean it tastes, clean, pure. Not the water I was used to, old and stale in a waterskin. "Where's your mother?" I asked.

"She's also getting up!" the cherub replied.

"And your father?" I didn't realize that I held my breath for a bit.

She cocked her head, "Mama says I don't have a papa, it's just me and Mama" she looked a bit saddened by the self-realization; she frowned, scrunching up her little features and gave me a little pout.

I quickly changed the topic to something more cheerful, "Well Ms. Dana, think you can help me walk?"

Dana giggled, forgetting the unpleasant thought, "No! I'm too little," with her grin I realized that some of her teeth were coming in; she looked adorable. "I'll get Mama" and with that she ran off, before shooting another smile over her shoulder. Soon enough, she came back with Erika's hand held tightly in hers, "He's awake now Mama so I can talk to him, that's what you said, remember?"

She smiled down at her daughter, "Thank you little miss, I remembered. Are you ready, sir?" she asked me, the smile still lingered sweetly on her face.

I returned it, "Just Henri, please. And yes." Dana actually clasped our hands together, one at a time. Erika looked at her again with a humoring smile that it seemed only parents could give. She actually looked a little pink when our eyes met.

She was much stronger than her petite frame would have led me to believe, when I rose to my feet she gripped me with an intensity that surprised me. I leaned on her and together we shuffled out of the small room I had been sleeping in. When we exited, I found myself in a small living room with three other doors. On one wall, there was a fireplace with a big black cauldron over it and I once again smelled the beef stew. There was a small table and only two chairs. She walked me over and I collapsed into the chair, she steadied me so I didn't end up on the floor.

Dana appeared from nowhere and placed the cup of water in front of me and gave me another one of her sunny smiles. "Water?" she said brightly.

I smiled down at the little one, "Yes, please Ms. Dana."

She grinned back, pleased with herself for helping.

Erika came back with two bowls and three spoons. Dana hopped into her lap and we all ate.

We spoke a bit, I learned she had been living here since Dana was born. I politely didn't ask about the father or how she got here. Dana ate happily away with a big grin on her face and when she caught me staring she gave me a big grin. Her mother admonished her for making faces with food in her mouth but I couldn't help but smile at how cute Dana looked. Afterwards, she helped me outside where I found a garden surrounding the hut. Erika would tend to the cultivation, watering, planting and picking as necessary, while Dana and I sat on a log. She kicked her little legs and waved at her mom. When it was midday Erika helped me indoors and we had some fresh fruit.

I learned that my horse survived, there was a little barn, more akin to a shed that he was stabled in. My saddlebags were in the corner and undisturbed. I gently touched the bags and felt a familiar clink to them as the expensive objects inside were jostled a bit by my touch.

When it started to grow dark, Erika sent Dana to the house and took me to a little stream that ran behind the house. It was narrow, but deep enough that if I stood it came to my chest and to Erika's chin. I tried not to blush as she helped me to my smallclothes and then walked me into the stream. I held onto a nearby rock, while she scrubbed my back, though she avoided the more private parts of the human body. She didn't comment on my scars or burns as she bathed my body and I bit my tongue to prevent myself from blurting something stupid; when I woke up, I wasn't stinking, I told myself. I also didn't wake up with bloody clothes so she undressed me. We tried to avoid each other's eyes during this rather intimate process, but a few times I caught her soapy hands lingering on my shoulders or arms and when I met her eyes she turned a little pink. After my bath, she dried me and I dressed as fast as I could without falling on my face. Then she walked me back to the hut and we had dinner. We chatted for a while, then she took Dana to her own small room, helped me to mine and then returned to her own. We grew a bit more comfortable with each other and our talks became long enough that Dana would fall asleep in Erika's arms.

We repeated this daily routine for another week until I could finally make it to the table myself (but Dana always woke me up). I learned that the village was a few hours walk from here. I shared a bit about myself, my experience in the last campaign, my discharge from compelled service and my journey back home to Reichstan. Erika straightened a bit when she heard that I was a knight, but Dana was all wide eyes and questions. Asking me about riding, the armor I wore and if I slew any dragons; I laughed at that and shook my head, "Sorry Dana, no dragonslaying from me."

After another week I could bend over and I helped with the gardening. I guess I was an inspiration because when I was no longer sitting on the log then Dana would accompany me and soon enough she was my little helper : From waking me up in the morning to carrying a little basket her mother had made her so she could carry the produce I picked. Grinning all the while she always had a skip in her step. I even caught Erika smiling at us from across the garden.

A month after Erika took me in and I was almost up to my full strength. My left arm was still killing me though. I could barely lift to the height of my shoulder, whenever I tried to tightly grip an object it felt like my entire arm was going to fall off, so for the moment I was a one and a half armed man.

"It's not infected, but the muscles attached to the bones have been almost shredded." Erika told me. I'll make something special for it.

I raised an eyebrow, "Knit bone and flesh?" I didn't seem to sound so rude.

She avoided my gaze and hesitated, "I've some experience with potions," was her only cryptic remark. "I need some ingredients from the village, tomorrow morning I'll leave for it at first light and return at noon. After that, you should be in good health." She picked up Dana from her lap and sat her down, then removed the bowls from the table and started washing them. "Dana's a bit too small for travel, so I'll leave her here with you."

"Mama's potion will help you lots, whenever I'm sick she makes me a special drink and then I'm all better." Dana clapped her hands with glee and grinned at me, "We can roast vegetables for lunch so mama will have something to eat when she gets back."

Her enthusiasm was infectious and I found myself grinning at her simple joy of roasting vegetables.

I woke up early to see Erika off, she bent down and hugged Dana who kissed her on the cheek; it was a little awkward at first, but I gave her a hug. To my surprise she wrapped her arms tightly around me. I could feel her breasts pressed against my chest and I could feel myself harden. I wasn't sure if she could feel my girth against her stomach, but she just kissed me on the cheek and whispered, "Take care of Dana, I'll be back and get you fixed right up."

Dana and I pulled weeds and watered any of the thirsty plans we found. I enjoyed the simplicity of it all. When Dana reached down to pick up a fallen apple the sleeve of her dress rode up and on her little forearm I saw a black tattoo, swirling and dancing its way up her limb. Small leaves extended from the swirls and resembled vines. "What's that?" I asked, setting down my own basket and jerking my chin towards the tattoo.

"Huh?" she said, blinking up at me with her big eyes.

I gently picked her up, she giggled and wrapped her little arms around my neck.

"The marking on your arm," I gently pulled back the sleeve of her dress and traced the design with my finger.

"Ohh! That's my daughter marking! Mama said I shouldn't show it to strangers," she peeked up about me with a look of mischief twinkling in her eyes. "But, I think Mama wouldn't mind if I told you since you're a friend. Mama drew the pretty ink on me so I could be like her."

I hesitated, "What's like her?"

"She's really pretty and magical, that's how she grows plants all the time." Dana seemed to lose interest and began picking small berries from her basket and nibbling on them.

"Did your Mama ever tell you what she's called?"

Dana scrunched up her face, something she did when trying to think really hard, "She said she's a woodswitch and I'm gonna be just like her," that seemed to perk her up and she lifted her chin proudly.

I briefly thought of sand dunes burnt to glass, littered with the bones of the Militia Arabicus and entire villages reduced to cinders and ash. It all seemed like a lifetime ago. After staying with Erika and Dana, I no longer had the acrid taste in my mouth, I didn't wake in a cold sweat fighting off specters. I wasn't there anymore, but my hand contributed to some of that. Erika knew who I was, if she didn't hold it against me, I was hardly in a position to judge her for what she could do. I felt a gentle poke against my cheek and glanced down. Dana was staring up at me.

"Sir knight Henri?" she asked with the innocent mixing of words that only children seem to manage.

"Just Henri, to you," I said, smiling, I kissed the top of her head absently which elicited a giggle and an even tighter hug from her; after I carried her and the little basket of food inside I set about roasting the vegetables. I quickly learned that we'd have to pick berries again for the meal, while I was stoking the coals Dana had her own little mission. When I looked back she was scooping berries in her tiny fist and gobbling them down, when she noticed me looking she gave me the sweetest berry-stained smile. I laughed, she was a mischievous one alright.

Erika returned around midday as she said and I caught her with a warm smile when she entered the hut and saw me roasting vegetables with Dana.

"It will be a foul-smelling drink Sir Henri," she said, "so I think perhaps we should have a light dinner so as to not spoil your stomach."

"Just Henri," I reminded her with a smile, she smiled back. It took her an hour to prepare the mixture. It was green and it did indeed smell terrible, like burnt vegetables and mold. If she wanted to kill you, she could have just let you die on the road, I told myself; she saw your armor, your sword and she still took you into her home. I took the potion and soon felt light-headed, she and the little one helped me to bed and when I sank into it, I fell into a dreamless slumber.
